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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 350x348, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2414480 No.2414480 [Reply] [Original]

Alright Christians, explain this:
If science and nature always abides by all its own laws and rules, why don't Christians abide by every single guideline in the Bible?

Science: 1
Christianity: 0

>> No.2414491

Because humans aren't a very intelligent species (when it comes to their views and beliefs) and are stuck up about the world around them.

>> No.2414504

>Because humans aren't a very intelligent species
I'm fucking tired of this. People make mistakes yes, and you can easily make the claim that as a species we are prone to making lots of mistakes, many of them obvious, but in order to make the claim you made, you would have to have some higher standard to compare us to.
You don't. We are the smartest species we have ever seen.

>> No.2414525

>We are the smartest species we have ever seen.
The fact we still have religion and a pretentious need to divide us from the rest of the animal kingdom contradicts this statement.

>> No.2414540

Yes, those things are stupid.
We don't eat our own shit. Like dogs.
Or our own babies. Like tons of animals.
And find me a scorpion that can, like, divide.

I'm sorry, we kick nature's ass when it comes to intelligence. There's room for improvement, but there's no competition.

>> No.2414552

We still believe in stupid shit and have to rely on iron aged superstition and fairy tales. That's not intelligence at all, nor are there any intellectual excuses for it.

And about the shit eating part: www.scatporntube.com

>> No.2414560

>Because humans aren't a very intelligent species

Which explains why some believe in religion.

>> No.2414570

>We don't eat our own shit
>Or our own babies

>> No.2414576

What's the most intelligent species on this planet?

>> No.2414588

>People make mistakes
we should be smart enough not to make anymore mistakes at this point. that's obviously not the case here now is it?

>> No.2414592

>>Science: 1
>>Christianity: 0

whats the total score so far? inf, inf?

>> No.2414596



>> No.2414597


He didn't say anything about other species, he just said our species as a whole is not very intelligent.

He doesn't mean to compare to others, it was just a statement. The fact that we illogically hang on to superstitions and what is equivalent to make-believe is an indication that we are not an intelligent species.

That is all he was saying.

Regardless that we are the most intelligent species on the planet, we still manage to destroy our environment, destroy each other, and believe in a magical man in the sky who made us all appear for no reason by wizardry, promising us that we will be able to go to a magical place when we die.

>> No.2414605

I'll remember that next time I make a visit to Pacific City to watch the dolphins launch that space-plane.

>> No.2414610

You seem to be confusing technological advancement with social intellect with each other. Social intellect with humans is, well, a mixed bag.

>> No.2414612


>> No.2414613

Dogs don't have any religious beliefs. Does that make them smarter than us because they don't have religion? Your argument is stupid and you're stupid. We are the smartest species that we know.

>> No.2414616

itt niggas aren't differentiating intelligence relative to other species and intelligence in accordance with what's logical and consistent.

>> No.2414623

Christians don't know most of the guidelines in the Bible.

Christians don't agree on what the guidelines intend them to do.

Christians don't agree on which guidelines are binding and which are not.

And humans can only really be compared with other animals. In this case, we are the most intelligent that we know of. So, we are a very intelligent species, by the standards of species in general.

>> No.2414627

If Light is a wave, why can't we surf on it?

Christianity: 1
Science: 0

>> No.2414628

intelligence is relative, so people arguing against comparing ourselves to other animals are retarded.

>> No.2414624

His post was a direct response to the line "We are the smartest species we have ever seen," as evidenced by him quoting it right above his rebuttal. His post says outright that this statement is incorrect. Therefore, he believes that we are not, in fact, the smartest species we have knowledge of.

>> No.2414632


there are plenty of people that eat their own shit ( ever seen 2 girls 1 cup? )

we have canibals, im sure many of them are willing to eat a child if they could get their hands on them, ill take you a ahead on how we treat our young, i dont know of any other species that has adult members fucking under matured members (pedophilia).

yes animals may not be able to divide due only to the fact they may not understand what numbers mean. but im willing to bet good money that less then half of the human population is capable of dividing two numbers. in case you have yet to ask a recent highschool student what their highest level of math is, most of them struggle with adding and subtraction.

yes we humans are the superior species on this planet, we all have traits that absolutely separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom and other life forms on this planet. we are the top of the food chain and NOTHING stands in our way or threatens us. i take it you've also never heard of bacteria or viruses, which seem to be kicking our ass every time we think we have won.
your argument is flawed sir.

>> No.2414633

They'd at least be better than in the intellectual round for lack of superstitious belief, but not so for lack of beliefs in general.

>> No.2414636

Christians, Jesus just fucked with you like a one night stand.

Just one night of glorious salvation, and then a promise that he'd call back.

You are still waiting on that call.

>> No.2414638

because its a particle

>> No.2414643

If evolution was real, then why are there dinosaur bones?

Christians: 1
Science: 0

>> No.2414646

If the earth is only 6000 years old as you claim, why are there dinosaur bones?


>> No.2414649

Dolphins are by far the most intelligent animals on Earth

They swim ridiculously fast and do seemingly coreographed dance like jumps out of the water. Be honest, if you could do all the cool shit they could do, would you ever even think about walking, or would you go out into the ocean and do that all day?

Also, the way they eat. Bottlenose dolphins will find a school of fish, herd them together near shore in the Bahamas (the BAHAMAS, people pay thousands to vacation there and dolphins fuckin' go there and eat for free). They then use their tails to push water quickly down onto the sea bed, kicking up sediment until they make a wall of sand and mud around the fish. The fish, being low tier intelligence, think it's just some obstacle and jump over them. The dolphins just open their mouths and catch them while not moving.

They literally flip their tail a little (you know, like they do all day erry day) and then just open their mouths and the fish feed them.

Also sex. Lots of it. All the time.

>> No.2414656


I am willing to grant that dolphins are smarter than people. Even so, people are still VERY INTELLIGENT by the standards of life on earth in general.

>> No.2414661

They're also delicious.

>> No.2414662

I don't think you know what "intelligence" means.

>> No.2414664


Also, male bottlenose dolphins have been known to separate females from the pod, harass them until they are unable to resist, and gang rape them.

Dolphins are rapists.

>> No.2414670

If there is no oxygen in space, then why does the sun burn?

Christians: 1
Science: 0

>> No.2414667

wapanesefag detected

>> No.2414672

see the part about lots of sex

>> No.2414673

Humans may be the most intelligent species on the planet in terms of advancement, but judging by how many corrupt governments we've had over our history, the wars we fought for tiny reasons like love (yes we've started wars out of love before), the superstitions and idiotic beliefs we'd resort to for a sense of comfort, etc. does show how we're not very good at our own intelligence most of the time.

>> No.2414674

Whereas a human can rape a female even when she's resisting.

Humans: 1
Dolphins: fish

>> No.2414676

>Dolphins are rapists.
That's a bad thing why?

>> No.2414684


Humans are able to hack the brains of other humans to make them go against their own best interests, in the interest of the hacker.

This is not an argument against intelligence, it is why we are so smart in the first place.

>> No.2414693

good thing we're hackers on steroids

>> No.2414698

Oh yeah? If humans are so smart, why did my mom decide to have me and not the abortion she was originally planning. Explain me that...

... wait...

>> No.2414696

Actually I'm Australian. You know, a lot of dolphins try to be helpful. If they see you drowning, they'll nudge you to the surface. This provides a perfect opportunity to kill them with a goddamn speargun.

>> No.2414709

>>2414684 here

I guess you could call PUA a kind of brute-force hack on a womans mate seeking systems. While friendzoners are trying to find the back door.

>> No.2414710

Because she found out you were only mildly retarded and decided to take the risk.

>> No.2414711

Dolphins: 0
Crazy Australians with spearguns: 1

>> No.2414716


I had read that they use the same behavior on drowning humans as they do on juvenile dolphins in trouble. They think of us as retarded children.

>> No.2414721

No. It's just instinct to save something drowning. We are both mammals after all.

>> No.2414726 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2414732
File: 74 KB, 502x428, dolphins9891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smart my ass

>> No.2414736


Not incompatible with what I said. We anthropomorphise animals and animal behavior (and even natural phenomenon, but that's another story), so I have no trouble believing that dolphins odontocetise us.

>> No.2414738
File: 29 KB, 303x293, FBI agent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, you'll have to come with me
I'll take that off yer hands

>> No.2414743



>> No.2414744
File: 51 KB, 781x579, chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2414746
File: 40 KB, 400x374, Holohoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart my ass, also.

>> No.2414748 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 1024x768, 1956_khrushchev_secret_speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2414752
File: 59 KB, 484x453, 1260043210069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this was actually a decent discussion just a few minutes ago

>> No.2414754
File: 134 KB, 900x891, trolls....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming bans

>> No.2414755

Dolphins sleep only with one half of their brain at a time. Remember dolphins are conscious breathers. Should they sleep and go unconscious as we do they would simply suffocate or drown. Sleeping dolphins can be seen as resting, floating at the surface, with one eye open. After a time, they will close the one eye and open the other one. They alternate like this throughout their entire nap.

If this is not intelligence, then intelligence sucks.

>> No.2414762 [DELETED] 
File: 562 KB, 2276x1704, guisachev_perestroika_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2414769

C'mon stop it with those pictures you pervert moron....

>> No.2414775

who puts porn in /sci/?
We are men of science.

>> No.2414774

But the fact that they can only breathe while conscious is bad, not good.

>> No.2414779 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, saddam_hussein_execution_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2414786 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 800x641, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2414782



Fucktons of rape, specifically.

>> No.2414787

It's how they evolved. Fuck, some fish and sharks do this too. Intelligence? Maybe, maybe not. It's evolution. Also, some river dolphin sleep for .5 second to 2 seconds a time every minute awake

>> No.2414789

So, we are smarter than dolphins... (?)

>> No.2414793
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>> No.2414801
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>> No.2414810

>implying the sun is on fire
Oh you Christians!

>> No.2414812
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>> No.2414817

OK that's it!! I'm outta here...misbegotten bastard.

>> No.2414820

If I weren't on my phone, you be reported from 7 different proxies, you fucking animal. For those of you who /aren't/ pathetic excuses for human beings, sorry for the sage.

>> No.2414821
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>> No.2414826
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>> No.2414827

How is it that you haven't been arrested by the FBI yet?

Sage for sickening.

>> No.2414831

OP here. I left this thread a while ago and now I come back to CP! I'll do everyone a favor and delete it.

>> No.2414832
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>> No.2414833
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