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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2410241 No.2410241 [Reply] [Original]

Not much, if any, science here but I want to ask /sci/ so bear with me.

Do you feel superior?

Compared to who? In what ways?

My own blabbing will follow, disregard it if you don't care about some random anon.

>> No.2410250

nope i do not feel superior. i feel normal.

what puzzles me is why most others are such complete morons.

>> No.2410253
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I feel normal but superior compared to you. And to all the others here. But especially to you.
However, we here are not as smart as the wise people from /b/.

>> No.2410256

I feel superior to everyone who doesn't know what a noble gas is, or can at least know that nothing reacts with helium in practical contexts.

Do I say "hurr durr you think helium is flammable lol plebian hueuheuhhe"? No, but I think it.

>> No.2410289

I feel superior to everyone due to the fact that I am not them.

>> No.2410292

I feel disconnected. Not superior or inferior, just... apart.

>> No.2410294

I feel superior to anyone who doesn't know shit about science.

>> No.2410297
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No, not really.

I kind of feel inferior knowing there are so many great people out there.

I know a lot but I still think it's too little.

>> No.2410312

That is actually a pretty good description. I feel disconnected.

I feel normal, and yet most of the time I am completely astounded by how everyday people fail to make even the most basic of connections. How they lack any sense of "quality" and how small their thought-horizons are. It makes me feel apart. But yet I would never ever sacrifice my mind/brain to be like them, to fit in. Does that make me superior... idk.

>> No.2410315

I have inferiorities as well as superiorities, thinking you're superior to someone at something else doesn't necessarily mean you have narcissistic personality disorder. If studying theoretical physics makes me better than 99.99% of the population at theoretical physics then that's just how things are, I'm not pretending this makes me better at changing my motor oil or coding unix than 99.99% of the population.

>> No.2410317

It's pretty easy to feel superior to people on the Internet.
/sci/ is the only exception, I don't know shit about science and come here to learn.

>> No.2410321

I must draw your attention to this:

>> No.2410328


>>2410292 here. That's not what I feel at all, who am I to judge the life choices of other people? And even if I think they're making bad choices (and really, which of us isn't?), what concern is that to me?

>> No.2410333

I feel superior, intelectually speaking, to most people (read: average). That said, I'm inferior, also intelectually speaking, to many other people.
About "rights" or anything like that, I don't feel superior to anybody, not even animals. I'm just a construct of different chemical elements and compounds.

>> No.2410336
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Generally speaking, I see no reason to feel or be superior to anyone. It only causes bias and trouble.

If anything I acknowledge that some people will excel at somethings better than others. In terms of intelligence or scientific awareness, I'll try to be as enlightening as possible without coming off as a know it all douche. I just like giving people a "The more you know" feeling every once in a while.

>> No.2410341
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I have to agree with anon here.
I know nothing about science math or physics, but that's why i am here, hungry for the knowledge and training my mind.
As for feeling superior, rare things happen all the time, so none of us are superior, but secretly we all feel apart and perhaps better than one another. This is perhaps why people, especially on /sci/, defend their opinions mostly in an aggressive way

>> No.2410348

I feel the same way too. I was just referencing that comic because I thought it was relevant.

I mean why care what people think/do/feel beyond what purpose they can serve you.

Everything we do is ultimately selfish.

>> No.2410361

Family. I show less emotion than female family members and keep more to myself. I'm more talented with logic and am more creative. But I'm less social and have a tendency to be pessimistic. When compared to male family members, I see they might be more logical, but I'm able to use my abilities because they don't have any kind of passion for change or success.

Frineds, around the age of 15. I noticed I was superior in many ways, though some of them were better with some things. They had hobbies, they had friends to whom they could tell anything. But I was innovative and wanted big change. I thought those traits will make me achieve something great and eventually bring more happiness.

General public. Absorbed in their own lives, socializing, speaking without a goal or purpose. Like they didn't see there was more to this world than drinking on weekends and gossiping about who did what when. Not only uneducated, but also ill-mannered and lacking in logic, creativity and other skills I hold in great value.

Academics, high school. Noticed I can use my creativeness and good association skills to do well in tests. Others studied for many days, yet I achieved same scores, or even higher, with only memorizing concepts in the evening before the test. I aced my final exams even though I had not studied properly. I think my brain is superior in many ways.

Here, genders. It felt natural to not draw any attention to my being female. No one here has ever said I was stupid or anything so I remained confident even though females are bashed. After a while I felt superior to other females. I'm not emotional, illogical or whimsical. I don't cheat, date men for their looks or money or sleep around. I'm interested in hard sciences (though decided to study law because I found it clean yet fascinating). Things that males here tend to complain about. I do feel superior.

I'll be deemed stupid and all but that's quite alright.

>> No.2410369

I lik-no 'like' is the wrong word.

You appeal to me.

>> No.2410378

It might be a social taboo to admit superiority. It's not hard for me anyway, because I never calm to be superior as a whole. I am superior in some fields, compared to some people. It's a fact but it doesn't have to hurt anyone. If you're inferior but want to be better, then learn.

>> No.2410387

Women have a tendency to be really, really fucking dumb in my experience. That doesn't mean women are dumb. My mother is an extremely intelligent woman, if a little undereducated for it.

In school, women tend to get by on studying a ton, at least in my experience. I realize my experience isn't valid as a metric to base an entire gender on, but unfortunately it's what I base my perceptions on.

>> No.2410394

Your achievment(s) wil speak volumes.
Now do it them, it...

>> No.2410397


This thread turned better than expected. Thought it might just go down without any interest. Though I was hoping for more narcissistic people.

>> No.2410411

You could say I'm biased but I've noticed the same thing as well. Is that a bad thing though? They say success is mostly a consequence of effort, only a little bit of talent.

>> No.2410416

Well, now tht you were hoping..
I am better than you..I was just attempting to boost
yor lowly inferior female genetics...(babe).
Go forth & conquer..damn it.

>> No.2410424


Just you, it would appear. You sound like a puppet with serious daddy issues.

Keep seeking that ultimate male approval; if you act the way we wish, we might be willing to look past the extra hundred pounds.

>> No.2410423
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To you,
yes I feel very superior.
In general, no.

>> No.2410420

No, it isn't. As long as they have the capability to retain the information. When someone can ace chemistry and not remember a fucking thing a year later, there might be a problem.

>> No.2410421

I dont think woman are intellectually inferior to me.

Just that our culture promotes female roles which do not require critical thinking.

Like this anon >>2410361 I went through high-school with only understanding of concepts. In my final year I did a total of around 10hrs of homeword, yet still managed to score on par with others doing at least 2 hours of homework each night. Strangely the ones who claimed to do the highest amounts of homework, were female.

These high achieving girls, dispite having read and transcribed each text multipul times, and completed every question in them, were unable to match my ability to expand on concepts and make abstract deductions. Again I attribute this to a lack of emphasis on critical thinking and perhaps my own unique intelligence.

>> No.2410445

Even if they are seeking their fathers approval, do you think they are seeking it for her father's sake, or for her own satisfaction.

Living to serve others is a valid way of expressing oneself in my opinion.

>> No.2410461

Good guess. Sometimes I do hope I had a proper father.

I feel a bit sorry for you though. Not all people who go here are over-weight. Probably just you, actually.

>> No.2410486

I feel superior because when I turn on the TV 95% of it is drama and bullshit. People that find other peoples personal problems entertaining are low.

But thats about it. Im not that smug. I like stupid tv too, i just like the comedy kind. I also love documentaries. So long as the documentaries arent about peoples stupid personal lives, with some exceptions of course.

>> No.2410503
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Although I am not doubting your intelligence I must say I see 'feeling superior' as a bad thing. Feeling better than the average human is, the way I see it, a barricade to your promising achievements. By 'feeling superior' you place your self above the general public and will be less able to see your own errors or will ignore advice of others due your own arrogance. This feeling is natural, not superior.

I am not claiming anything, just describing my point of view, please prove me wrong

>> No.2410506

>Do you feel superior?
sometimes yes (a lot of my friends think that i'm intelligent. i've even heard some to say genius but i'm not)
sometimes no (my memory is pretty bad and sometimes this becomes too obvious)

>Compared to who? In what ways?
compared to everything and everyone
people compare thing weather they like it or not

>> No.2410507
File: 408 KB, 1920x1099, backg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do feel superior to many people, intellectually.

The average person is frankly, quite stupid.

I evaluate intelligence based on an ability to understand, apply and manipulate information - yet the average person feels no need to do any more than memorise. They have no reason to do more than that, not even a social pressure. Thus many people - even those who may have had some potential - are deprived of early critical thinking skills, and only those who are brought up properly or are actually intelligent or lucky enough to have happened upon critical thinking skills become, in my mind, able to be considered equal with myself.

Once somebody has a measure of true ability in understanding, they can expand on this and go on to master any number of concepts.

At this point, any feeling of superiority on my part ends.

>> No.2410515


Likewise, I feel distinctly inferior to those with a greater capacity of understanding than myself.

>> No.2410518

TV. I watch 'episodes' & 'californication'.
Mention to gf..should watch.
She says..she doesn't 'get it'.
I'm sad but feel (slightly) superior.

>> No.2410549

Ok I'm gonna get real for a moment so bear with me.

When you (some people in this thread) say 'better capacity for understanding', 'better critical thinking' ect... What you are really saying is intellectually superior. Smarter, cleverer, quicker and usually wiser.

So yeah I feel superior to people who are less intelligent than me. I can say that with no reservations. Mostly because this is an anonymous website. But also because I think most of the people in this thread wont take it the wrong way.

>> No.2410568

>gonna get real

shit just got real

>> No.2410571

From what i've seen lately, (real world), you probably are. The gen pool is polluted. no going back.

>> No.2410585

Fair enough. Sometimes I think we need a good eugenics program. Probably one that did not involve the 'hitlerific' killing and sterilizing.

>> No.2410600

I don't know if you misunderstood me or if I misunderstood you, but I certainly don't feel superior as a human or as a whole. Just in those fields that I find most important to myself. In fact, I realize that others might be more fun to be with, they gain social contacts and so on. They are also superior to me, in some ways.

If you score higher on a math test than someone else, you are superior in that place. Superiority is measurable in specific areas, but applying it to moral values is of course another thing.

Also, I think I can always learn from those people that are inferior, one way or another.

I can relate.

You feel superior because you watch Californication? Oh wow.

>> No.2410604

californication: a show about 2 retarded 40 year olds who got women lined up for sex
yea it's so real, it's inferior not to understand it

>> No.2410605
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Here we go...

>> No.2410611
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I watch (recently) for relaxation.
If you think about what I said, gf is pathetic..Ofcourse, poss myself also.

>> No.2410613

It's OK to feel intelligently superior due to being smarter/wiser/etc. but thinking you are objectively superior in general just because you are more intelligent is dead wrong. Rating intelligence over other characteristics in life is completely subjective. I'm not saying don't try to be as smart as you can be, but thinking intelligence is the universally most important characteristic is nothing more than your opinion. Thinking there is some objective pedestal that you are now higher on due to being more intelligent is asinine. I'm not trying to mock everyone on this board. I've been going here since its creation. I just know there are a lot of you elitist fucks on here that have nothing else going for you in life so you make up this illusion that science/intelligent is the only way to measure someone's value so that you can sleep better at night. I love science/math/academia but god damn I hate a lot of the scientific community.

>> No.2410618

compared to that depiction of the spacetime continuum, everyone feels superior

>> No.2410637

Ha ha, yes. It holds sentimental value (helped me understand how black holes could create wormholes).

>> No.2410646

Being a skeptic, I feel superior to the irrational masses.

>> No.2410750

Protip: If you're going to claim you're superior online the least you can do is use proper grammar and spelling.

Sure, you're superior than someone, or even many people out there. But what achievement is that? If you break it down, it's all relative. The person you think you're superior to, that person most definitely thinks they're superior to someone else, and no doubt someone out there will think they're superior to you. Sometimes superiority can be misguided since people can be quick to pass judgment based on asinine criteria. You should not really think about it and just focus on improving yourself, feeling superior is quite a useless feeling.

>> No.2410798

I'm guessing this is meant for me? Yeah, sorry. English isn't my native language. Plus I hat to cut out a lot so I could fit things into one post.

I quite agree. I'm not superior to everyone. And perhaps that feeling doesn't give me any advantage anyway.

>> No.2410831


It wasn't directly aimed towards you, but generally the anonymous posts I read in this thread.

>> No.2410834

So much moral nihilism in this thread. I fucking love it!
