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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2403850 No.2403850 [Reply] [Original]

Athene's Theory of Everything, what do you think?


>> No.2403871
File: 26 KB, 595x194, broscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am committed to watching this because I just realized that physics class is in 4 hours and I have not slept.
I am taking a stimulant now and I hope to god this thread stays alive.

Thanks OP, this looks promising

>> No.2403958


You're very welcome.

I hope it stays alive too, because I didn't understand a lot of this new theory, and I hoped you guys could tell me what you think of it :)

>> No.2404010
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Halfway mark; I have read about and could probably find citations for some of his claims, but the way he is presenting the whole thing is making me think he's about to throw out some wacko ideas.
If it ended right now (21min) I would give it 7/10

>> No.2404041

half way through and this just sounds like a bunch of pseudo-science spirituality type "the secret" law of attraction type bullcrap.

>> No.2404044
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28 minutes lol

>> No.2404045

12 minutes in... pretty interesting nothing that sounds 'out there' to me at this point.

>> No.2404046

Hence why it belongs in /x/.

>> No.2404048

retard. Watch part 2 "The grand scheme of things" and then cry yourself to sleep

>> No.2404051

Also, I've only ever heard of "Theory of Everything" referring to a Unifying Theory of Physics, not psychology..pseudo-biological.. evolution.. crap. this is just crap. crap.

>> No.2404059


Guys, just...

>> No.2404067

31 minutes:
take your pick

>> No.2404068

Well, I'll wait for that, but this is still crap. I looked in the info where all those links are... Athenism? Wtf is this crap? I went to his site, it's bullcrap law of attraction type psycho babble bullcrap. Crap crap.

>> No.2404081
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This is going to be awesome.

>> No.2404099

Haha wtf. Ok, crap guy here. I started into part 2, and I was like, oh ok, this is starting to be alright I guess. He's actually saying real things now. Then, mother fucker pulls out C=hf. C for consiousness. The fuck? He's pulling shit out of nowhere. Shit is so made up. This is crap. C for crap.

>> No.2404108

oh god...is this the same Athene from world of warcraft that kept spamming the forums about how great he was while making unfunny short videos about his own awesomeness and began getting butthurt when people stopped paying attention to him?

Jesus christ man, maximum troll factor achieved.

>> No.2404125

Idk who the fuck this guy is, but this shit is crap. He's literally not saying anything. I like how in the beginning he was like "it may require several views to fully comprehend", implying if you're not understanding it's cuz you need another view through. No sir. I don't understand because you're just putting big words together to sound like you're saying profound things. Crap.

>> No.2404132


Yep it's that Athene. Didn't know about the butthurt behavior tho, could you elaborate ?

>> No.2404147
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>brain material
I got this shit
>quantum mechanics

>> No.2404189

someone greentext summarize this for me

stuck without proper net for a week, need to know this now

>> No.2404192

im not watching this
someone make a tldr summary for me

>> No.2404195
File: 21 KB, 450x338, 1289014847891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta say guys, I watched the whole thing (and I'm a skeptic; I don't believe in UFOs) and Athene's Theory of Everything makes perfect sense. If the time vectors are moving exactly opposite the space vectors so that they cancel each other out in the now, which is the only real time, then mirror neurons must be activating deep spiritual oneness in the Heisenberg uncertainty relations of our consciousness. The obvious implication of this is that death, being a construct of Cnow, is NOT EVEN REAL!!!

Mind blown and bricks shat.

>> No.2404200

At least the epilogue has a good message...

>> No.2404217

This shit blew my mind.

Especially the neuroscience parts.

I understand it, but being able to explain it again is beyond me, especially since quantum mechanics isn't my strong side.

>> No.2404260
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I don't understand it, and I don't even care if it's true. Just the amount of effort put into this by fucking Athene of all people. Reese too.

>> No.2404300

C=hf bitchez

>> No.2404831

He is live!


>> No.2404854

lol what the fuck is he thinking

c= consiousness
nice choice there

>> No.2404877

What is going on?

>> No.2404887

This guy is saying tha time flows backwards. So everytime you take a step forward you are also taking a step backwards in time. But they cancel each other out because they are the same vector. So all you're left with is the information so it makes it seems like time is going the other way.

>> No.2404891

thanks guys glad you liked it i expect ill be up there with einstein when this goes mainstream!

>> No.2404980

Athene's Theory of Everything

ask away /sci/

>> No.2405058

What just happened? Can anyone explain this to me. I'm afraid it went a bit over my head.

>> No.2405070



>> No.2405100


I saw it but can someone explain it for me. It was so advanced.

>> No.2405112

go fuck yourself athane, you're dumber than you think you are

>> No.2405282

ITT people basing scientifically viewpoints on personal emotions.

I watched it. It's good thinking material.

>> No.2405301

I wonder if the magnificent Italian attempt at cold fusion, or this, will be the biggest fail of January 2011.

>> No.2405302
File: 48 KB, 300x300, 1269021440767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched the whole thing
amazing! i didn't understood all the terms used. So i will watch it again some other time. Most of the things are commonly known though.

>> No.2405321


Cold Fusion is real

>> No.2405337


Man so is every retarted thought about how cool it would be if the universe worked just like you thought it might after taking one physics course and being raised in a religion-laden environment.

>> No.2405384
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I feel troll'd
>thought I understood nothing of the quantum mechanics part.
>read all the reply's

>> No.2405491
File: 21 KB, 808x605, asddasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was hoping he would explain it to the common mind such as myself, but nooo he had to go all scientific talky on my ass, i had been looking forward to watching this for months ffuuu

>> No.2405538


>> No.2405577

c=hf trolololol

>> No.2405584

>read all of the reply is

Seriously, why are you all retarded? Did public school teach you that some words are pluralized with an apostrophe?

>> No.2405589
File: 26 KB, 225x240, 1282592287835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started watching at around 22:00
>everything's okay
>suddenly C = h f

>> No.2405594

>someone greentext summarize this for me

>make assumptions with no evidence to back them up
>come up with random, incoherent "findings" that must be true because the assumptions you started with don't contradict them

It's simply a case of him going "LOOK AT ME I'M SMART AREN'T I? PLEASE TELL ME I'M SMART!!"

>> No.2405615
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>public school
>implying public schools are not the best schools

>> No.2405678
File: 63 KB, 300x230, 1293679135455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this guy is a troll. look at his other videos on his channel, there is even one titled "troll or notatroll".

on the other hand he has apparently won $20,000 in online poker using a mathematical approach, and apparently has some world record for levelling up on WoW using some formula

im guessing he's some kind of hybrid troll/genius. not really sure. i'm feeling confused, probably means ive been trolled. yeah its probably a troll.

>> No.2405706

What does /sci/ think about my theory of everything?

<div class="math">C~(consciousness) = {mc^2 \over \sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}}</div>
It's a very complicated theory so I may have to read some Wikipedia articles to you so you can understand it. But it has profound philosophical implications.

>> No.2405713

you sure 'bout that mate? I'm pretty sure C stands for Crap

>> No.2405716 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">E=\gamma mc^2[/spoiler]?


>> No.2405727
File: 5 KB, 126x126, 1295363790541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfag defending public schools detected

>> No.2405728

Well, let me check my calculations...

Okay, it turns out there is both C (sinkers) and anti-C (floaters). This has profound philosophical implications.

>> No.2405733

<span class="math">C=E\gamma[/spoiler]?

Genius! I never knew the units for consciousness were Joules!

>> No.2405736
File: 97 KB, 500x407, 128537525273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol'd

>> No.2405744
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 128954773270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses relativistic mass

>> No.2406063

lrn2 dimensional analysis