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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 625 KB, 1024x1336, seamars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2402877 No.2402877 [Reply] [Original]

....and why?

Assume a budget of a trillion dollars for the colony in either location, and the number of colonists that would permit in either case. Current technologies only.

After the initial awe and novelty wore off, which place would you be happier in, for the long term?

>> No.2402886

C) Venus

>> No.2402894

This would actually be a tough call, as either one has pretty much the same problems/risks. If I chose the bottom of the ocean, well there's all that pressure to deal with and god forbid it leaks, we all drown. Mars, well if that leaks we all suffocate. Either scenario, being able to have a steady supply of oxygen is a must.

>> No.2402902
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Well, you're not necessarily on the bottom of the ocean. You can build three dimensionally in the ocean because a structure can hover in place if neutrally buoyant without expending energy to do so. Nothing prevents a sea colony from hovering halfway between the surface and sea floor, like a space station.

Of course you could also just build someplace where the water's 100-300 feet deep and save yourself the design complications.

>> No.2402900

I think a better question is this:

Which would better serve mankind? A colony on Mars wins hands down, with perhaps an experimental underwater colony being a technological stepping stone.

What's up with /sci/'s obsession with underwater colonies any way? There are plenty of places to live on land for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.2402912

D) the asteroid belt

>> No.2402920
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>>What's up with /sci/'s obsession with underwater colonies any way? There are plenty of places to live on land for a fraction of the cost.

Why do some people choose to live in the mountains, or the desert, or on coastal property? There are plenty of places to live that are cheaper and more practical.

So why do they do it?

>>Which would better serve mankind?

Also an interesting question, but not the topic of this thread.

>> No.2402922

I would choose Rapture.

>> No.2402923

Can I live underwater for most of my life, and then have them send me to Mars one way when I'm like 85?

>> No.2402934

A budget of a trillion dollars probably still won't be enough for a Mars base.

Though I'd still live in it. Fuck safety, fuck yea Mars!

>> No.2402937 [DELETED] 
File: 384 KB, 1600x1200, lavatubeinterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind options like sealing a Martian lava tube and seeing it with plants. You could have a scene like this on Mars with a trillion dollars, perhaps several such mini-biospheres depending on how many suitable lava tubes we could locate clustered together.

>> No.2402947
File: 384 KB, 1600x1200, lavatubeinterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind options like sealing a Martian lava tube and seeding it with plants. You could have a scene like this on Mars with a trillion dollars, perhaps several such mini-biospheres depending on how many suitable lava tubes we could locate clustered together.

>> No.2402951
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>> No.2402961
File: 179 KB, 498x512, mars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of Mars' natural beauty, to help you decide.

>> No.2402967

you now have my attention.

How common are lava tubs such as this on mars though?

Is their purpose to provide air for any colonists?
how difficult would it be to airproof lava tubes with little resources availible?

Wouldn't you still need to provide artificial light for the plants?

>> No.2402970
File: 85 KB, 800x600, PIA07997_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget blue sunsets.

>> No.2402974
File: 105 KB, 379x317, capt.3c881ca5671c4e0da1666f9a92a30732.undersea_lab_flan102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for comparison, the sea.

>> No.2402993


>>Is their purpose to provide air for any colonists?

Their purpose is to provide a large volume of pressurized, livable space without having to haul hundreds of launches worth of rigid capsules all the way to Mars.

>>how difficult would it be to airproof lava tubes with little resources availible?

You could bring an adhesive agent with you that could be combined with martian soil to make a concrete for sealing large holes, and which could be aerosolized and sprayed on cracks/pores to seal smaller leaks.

>>Wouldn't you still need to provide artificial light for the plants?

Yes, via full light spectrum grow LEDs, which along with the heaters would be powered by a compact nuclear reactor which would be deposited on the surface by an unmanned lander.

>> No.2402999
File: 78 KB, 580x448, marsburied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit A: Martian colony

>> No.2403012
File: 45 KB, 450x360, marsbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Martian colony

>> No.2403017

The ocean seems like the best bet.

I don't think we know enough about building biodomes to go to make one on mars and even then we have to worry about GRAVITY.

I'd love to just experiment and build a biodome under the sea since I'd have regular light, all the salt water I'd ever need and a source of outside food. Even then, if the shit hit's the fan then what? I can set up a little floating emergancy station above my ocean dome and just glub up there to safety.

I could make like a little baby planet hovering in the ocean; just this cute little dome the size of a small island with a jungle, plot to farm, and somekind of running water system to desalt the water and to provide a fresh running water source through my biodome.

It'd be nice if I could do it up right, imagine the weird ocean, dome sky line?
Really though, I think it'd be a great experiment in making a sustainable biodome and it'd teach us shit about terraforming.

>> No.2403018
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One more.

>> No.2403021
File: 75 KB, 470x300, 5119_city-under-sea-03_04700300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit B: Ocean colony

>> No.2403023
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>> No.2403026
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>> No.2403030
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>>I could make like a little baby planet hovering in the ocean; just this cute little dome the size of a small island with a jungle, plot to farm, and somekind of running water system to desalt the water and to provide a fresh running water source through my biodome.

>> No.2403034
File: 1.15 MB, 1922x1131, DP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose C.

Because it has real potential to become economically viable and infinitely useful in pushing humanity past the solar system.

Once we become a multi system race there is no stopping us.

Race is really too limited of a word I'm really trying to say group of life from earth.

The oceans are not a bad place to put some effort into, we are likely going to have coastal areas flooded due to global warming and we might as well use any available resource.

>> No.2403035

Mars means that your internet will be 8 minutes delayed from the time you click a link till the time you see the page. I'll take the ocean colony since it might not be particularly deep.

>> No.2403055


Like sandys house, only about 120squared kilometers.

>> No.2403065
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The Christians had that idea first, bro. Pic related.

>> No.2403082
File: 160 KB, 1500x991, deepseapod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways, this thread is now for pics and discussion of Mars/Ocean bases. Proceed.

>> No.2403088

Lets make a place the size of a city underwater and drop off some young children in a garden with easy food and such and see how feral they become, if they develop a sociality or religion.

>> No.2403093
File: 42 KB, 529x449, domeET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you not include room for the moon?

>> No.2403094
File: 495 KB, 1280x971, marsdome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shortchanged Mars by showing only crappy pics compared to the seabase ones.

This is more like what my Mars colony would look like.

>> No.2403099

I choose G: the bottom of an ocean in one of mars' vast oceans

>> No.2403100
File: 34 KB, 471x376, moonsurface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, let's have a look at the Lunar landscape. You want to live here?

>> No.2403107
File: 31 KB, 423x329, alienorgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>one of mars' vast oceans

>> No.2403109
File: 32 KB, 500x313, biosphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm more interested in it for the sake of teaching us somthing about terraforming.

If we can just manage to recreate stable, self supporting environments/biomes we'd have the power of the gods.

And then there's this sack of shit.
Pick related.

>dump a bunch of scientists in a biosphere
>no condoms
>entire ecosystem collapses causing massive die off and oxygen depletion
>no condoms

>> No.2403117


>> No.2403120

Fucking yes!

I want to have babies there and form a huge lunar infrastructure to support our reach to the stars.

The moon is full of useful stuff, it is close enough to trade with and has the ability to shoot stuff with a mass driver at very low cost once the infrastructure is in place.

>> No.2403131


I wouldn't mind it if our moon was turned into a space harbor of sorts.

We could use it not so much as a place to live but as a place to build space ships, fuel up, get space munchies, and jump from there to venus or mars.


>> No.2403148
File: 31 KB, 400x300, underseahouse4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's so colorless and bleak. Wouldn't you get depressed after a while? There's not much to do outside after all.

In the sea, you've got colorful reefs, exotic lifeforms to capture and study, dericious sea food, dolphibros to hang out with, sharks to hunt, etc. etc.

Did you know dolphins recreationally gang-beat manatees to death because they look like lumpy retarded dolphins? Only reason. It's probably hilarious to them. I gotta tell you, that sounds like a party.

>> No.2403156

I have prepared my body to join you in this scientific undersea adventure,
Cause mars just lost

>> No.2403160
File: 58 KB, 600x403, dolphinchillind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>dolphibros to hang out with

Fucking sold.

>> No.2403163

After considering proximity to nuclear warheads, natural disasters, climate, sea level, soil fertility and demographic harmony, where is the safest place to live in the world?

I'd think Iceland.

>> No.2403167

The moon and mars for business (refueling station, construction yards, mines, refineries)

The sea for tourism, recreation and homesteading.

I know a lot of people who would take a one way ticket to Mars. But I think once you arrived and realized what you had consigned yourself to, you'd regret it. Besides, none of us will ever have the opportunity to go to Mars. But there will probably be agricultural communities underwater pretty soon.

>> No.2403179
File: 60 KB, 650x450, dvchart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon makes for a real shitty gas station. Simple physics make it so. You cant land on the moon fill up and take off again with much (or any) gain.

It would allow for a good supply for a fuel station at one of the L points or Earth C3. It is full of water (well not full but has sufficient for our needs) and has loads of other useful things like aluminum, titanium and iron. So yes it would be good to mine and construct ship parts to be shot up to LLO for further construction.

There are also asteroids that are full of platinum group metals, it takes along time to go to the asteroid belt to mine them but some have struck the moon and with good mapping you could collect them and shoot them back to earth for direct and early funding.

The dark side if the moon would make for one of the best radio astronomy locations in the solar system because its blocked from all the crap we emit.

>> No.2403199
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>>There are also asteroids that are full of platinum group metals, it takes along time to go to the asteroid belt to mine them but some have struck the moon and with good mapping you could collect them and shoot them back to earth for direct and early funding.

Manganese crusts around undersea volcanoes (aka hydrothermal vents) are rich in precious metals, including platinum.


>> No.2403207


We now need to talk about future jobs and the viability/profitablity of them.

Asteroid/meteor mining, farming underneith the ocean, constructing space craft in space, and any other sort of proffesion or resource we could be manipulating in the future involving space or underneith the ocean.

To me, meteor mining sounds like it'd be a cross between oil drilling and the rodeo.

You'd like, fly your little ship into the asteroid belt and you laso a meteor and proceeds to strip it bare like in a cartoon; just a poof of smoke and we'd leave nothing but an apple core behind.

>> No.2403234
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1295855875637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of dolphin threads on here that treat them like cute, funny creatures.

But they are rapists. Seriously, they regularly try to rape swimmers.



Dolphins are no joke. They are sociopathic rape machines.

>> No.2403245


Isn't every sufficiently intelligent animal?

We do a fair share of raping and killing.

Almost everyone here is a descented of atleast 1 rapist.

I mean yes of course dolphins are no joke; they're animals, they fucking live to fuck and eat and make that clicking noise.

But that doesn't mean we can just demonise them for doing something thats just second nature to all living things.

If a dolphin trys to rape someone introduce him or her to the buisness end of your harpoon gun and then eat him.
If he doesn't and he's being a cool dude; put a saddle on him/her and give it as much fish as it wants.

>> No.2403275


That's gotta be exactly how it works. If not, I don't want to know.

>> No.2403292

Flying to the asteroid belt requires a huge amount of delta v and time. I don't doubt that eventually we will be able to do it but for now it cant be done economically. I believe that the moon can be selectively mined in an economical feasible way. As for ocean mining I'm all for it so long as it doesn't fuck up the environment too much.

>> No.2403362

I will take this.

I just have that faggy obsession with "OMG IT'S A DIFFERENT PLANET". It would be especially cool since then we would have gone interstellar. It would be twice as especially cool because then I could have a space ship.

>> No.2403379

Bottom of the sea. Just don't choose a point that's too deep. Supplies via submarine, air via ventilators that exchange every once in a while, with pipes to the surface. Internet via undersea cable.

Because I want to see life around me.

>> No.2403394
File: 57 KB, 550x500, info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>I just have that faggy obsession with "OMG IT'S A DIFFERENT PLANET".

That does have a wow factor that's hard to compete with, yeah. I just figure after a few years of looking out at dull red desert, you'd begin to regret it.


>>Bottom of the sea. Just don't choose a point that's too deep. Supplies via submarine, air via ventilators that exchange every once in a while, with pipes to the surface. Internet via undersea cable.

This is going to happen in 2015.


Pic related. The project's headed up by a buddy of mine, it's how I got into this stuff.

>> No.2403402
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>> No.2403404
File: 94 KB, 640x360, finnsubmarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's actually going to happen:

>> No.2403413


I kind of beileve we should go big or go home or somthing.

That thing looks awefull cramped.

>> No.2403417
File: 16 KB, 300x297, moon%20surface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a lunatic.

>> No.2403418
File: 50 KB, 720x550, dockingring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>That thing looks awefull cramped.

That's just the community hub. It's designed to be expanded. Pic related, the universal docking ring for subs/extra modules. Pic related.

>> No.2403419
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I came.

And also, I'd choose Mars.
After reading Kim Stanley Robinson's Red/Green/Blue Mars... I fell in fucking love with Nirgal.

>> No.2403423
File: 59 KB, 720x620, challengerstation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the revised design btw. Only the 4 man habitat for the 2012 mission has been built, they are still accumulating sponsor funding and donated steel for the Challenger Station.