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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 300x380, global_warming_by_teabing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2397171 No.2397171 [Reply] [Original]

does global warming exist? i'm confused.

>> No.2397180

it's not real you stupid al gore fanboi

>> No.2397177








>> No.2397184
File: 25 KB, 650x396, 65Myr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do the science and all will become clear as an inch of carbon black on your glasses.

>> No.2397191

is it real or not?

>> No.2397220
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The scientific consensus is that there is man-made global warming. There is no scientific debate about it, man-made global warming is a fact. However, there is still debate on the public level. The general public often refuses to believe facts.



>> No.2397226


>> No.2397234

Because jesus would never let this happen.

>> No.2397239

Why what?

>> No.2397241


>> No.2397245

why won't people believe? srsly off all the boards of anonymous, only /sci/ consistently says global warming exist. it is heavily debated on the interwebz.

>> No.2397246
File: 210 KB, 1197x855, journals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before this shitstorm makes landfall, I'm just going to drop this off

>> No.2397251

>cites wikipedia like it's reliable

>> No.2397254

So is the fact that aliens landed in Roswell, 9/11 was an inside job, and ghosts are real. /sci/ is just filled with less retards than your precious "interwebs."

>> No.2397256

it is actually. articles with lots of traffic a less prone to vandalism. it's quality is even comparable to encyclopedia dramattica.

>> No.2397259

are you serious?

>> No.2397258
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faggot detected

>> No.2397266

Using correct grammar makes a faggot?

>> No.2397282

Jared Taylor?

>> No.2397290
File: 356 KB, 755x626, creationistPosterFull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general public is fucking stupid, thats why. They would rather believe in cheerful bullshit, then the fucking truth. American even more so (I'm american by the way).

Another prime example is evolution. It is fucking fact already. Observed, measureable fact. However, since it goes against some fairtales, made up thousands of years ago, alot of people choose to not believe it. They don't believe in facts! FUCKING FACTS!, just so they can keep believeing their disney bullshit.

There are people who still believe the earth is flat, and people who believe dinosaus never existed!!!

Why do people ignore facts?
Basically, if lies make them happier, people will believe lies.

Not posting anymore of this subject. You have your answer.

pic related (more ignoring facts)


>> No.2397294

what about the arguments against it.

>> No.2397296

Climate change is happening.

The extent to which humans are responsible is unknown.

>> No.2397305

Man, we've got to get it a fuckton hotter if we ever hope to thaw out the antarctic again.

>> No.2397318

There are no scientific arguments against man-made global warming. Nothing published in any scientific journal.

There are fucking hundreds of published scientfic papers that support man-made global warming.

>> No.2397316


SEE: >>2397246

>> No.2397320

Oh goody, the climate troll is back.

>> No.2397326

You are full of shit. You've never read a scientific journal. Go back to /b/.

>> No.2397345


>> No.2397350
File: 245 KB, 600x450, haters-gonna-hate-koopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientific opinion on climate change is given by synthesis reports, scientific bodies of national or international standing, and surveys of opinion among climate scientists. Individual scientists, universities, and laboratories contribute to the overall scientific opinion via their peer reviewed publications, and the areas of collective agreement and relative certainty are summarised in these high level reports and surveys. Self-selected lists of individuals' opinions, such as petitions, are not normally considered to be part of the scientific process.

National and international science academies and scientific societies have assessed the current scientific opinion, in particular on recent global warming. These assessments have largely followed or endorsed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) position of January 2001 which states:

"An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system... There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities."

No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion.


There are a shit-ton of supporting papers in this article. As well as links to the scientifc publications. Check for yourself.

>> No.2397351

No it's not. It's just a conspiracy to control people.
Also, governments are putting aluminum into jetfuel to make chemtrails to reduce global warming.

Makes perfect sense..

>> No.2397352

Realclimate.org is a propaganda site run by Michael Mann and funded by environmental activists. Try climateaudit.org instead. That's a site featuring objective research that the propagandists have no control over.

>> No.2397354
File: 47 KB, 500x416, 44266966_unsuccessful_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2397363

phew, at least someone is making sense in this thread.

>> No.2397377

They probably refuse to believe it because these groups conducting research are shady as fuck. They accept funding from pretty much anyone and will alter their true results to appease them and their ideologies. The only way we will truly know if man made global warming exists is if a completely independent, non-profit, and closely examined and regulated group conducts research with complete disclosure to the public. This will probably never happen though, unfortunately.

>> No.2397381

uh... except for like every public university on fucking earth does exactly this

>> No.2397390

Yea, I don't know why everyone wants to try and solve Climate Change. What if it's all just a scam and we make the world a better place for nothing?

>> No.2397391

Present-day academia is dominated by liberals.

>> No.2397395

The climate is fucking complicated. It's not possible to separate man-influenced factors from independent factors. We have no means of finding specific causes behind every little fluctuation in the global average surface temperature.

The fascination with this number -- the global average surface temperature -- is full retard. It means nothing. We don't know whether our additions of CO2 to the atmosphere will have any real effect on the climate system, and no one seems to be doing any research to find out. They just seem to want to assume one way or the other, and then do science based on their assumptions. This is because there are billions and billions of dollars of grants that require them to sell the story that there is great danger in order to get the money. The actual research cannot threaten the story about the danger, or it will threaten their grants.

>> No.2397400

Now that's just pretentious of you.

>> No.2397420

>solve Climate Change
Let's solve genetic diversity while we're at it.

>> No.2397424

The fact is it doesn't matter either way, we simply cannot afford to take the risk of doing nothing. If we're wrong, that's it, we're fucked.

>> No.2397425


>> No.2397435

Actually, if CO2 does warm the atmosphere, and we stop producing it, THEN we're fucked by the next ice age. If there's something we can't afford to risk doing, we can't afford to risk stopping warming. If anthropogenic warming is real, it's the salvation of the human race.

>> No.2397442

We can choose to be fucked in a hundred years or to be economically fucked right now.

Guess what they're going to choose...

> Fucking new captcha mother fucking seethrough piece of shit.

>> No.2397441
File: 12 KB, 243x248, 1291173760870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really, fucking interesting that! The most educated people in the world all are in the same fucking camp. They know the most about shit that retarded laymen debate on the internet all day long, yet they pretty much all agree on shit. HHHMMMMM..................


>> No.2397446

wow, that post is so full of ignorant, uninformed bullshit that I really hope it was a trolling attempt

>> No.2397451


Oh shit, a picture! It must be true!

>> No.2397457

Oh shit, any bit of uninformed opinion you've ever posted! It must be true!

works both ways

>> No.2397468
File: 53 KB, 445x496, so-much-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2397469

Yes climate change is real. Global average temperature has been increasing since the 1970's. That is an observable fact. Do you mean to ask if it's caused by CO2 emissions? Well we know from satellite measurements that there's a causal relationship between increased CO2 and radiation balance. In the absence of any other explanation (solar activity doesn't correlate, and cosmic ray theory is essentially dead and buried) I'd say industrial activity makes sense.

>> No.2397481

>They just seem to want to assume one way or the other, and then do science based on their assumptions. This is because there are billions and billions of dollars of grants that require them to sell the story that there is great danger in order to get the money.

No, you obviously have no idea how people go about applying for grants. You don't state your conclusion before conducting research. That's unscientific, they will laugh in your face and emphatically deny you any funding.

>> No.2397486


Add it to your favorites. Give it a read.

Pretty convincing.


>> No.2397578


This thread has actually enlightened me. Being a Journalism student, I've always been able to maintain a level of agnosticism. With arguments like 'the evidence is skewed toward man-made climate change because there's no money in researching natural causes' and 'nobody knows the effects of sea-vapours' and 'climate change may correlate with co2 emissions, but correlation does not equal causation'.

So, I took you up on some of the challenges in this thread. I just spent a solid hour looking up the counter-arguments to my arguments, something I had ashamedly never done before. I was both amazed and humiliated at how dreadfully wrong I had been for staying in the middle all this time. Really, my enlightement began with the wikipedia link. I'm not ashamed to admit that more often than not, I find wikipedia to be reliable. Eventually I moved on to the citations on wikipedia itself.

In my defense: Being that my chosen career requires a humanities degree, I'm only exposed to science out of a personal interest, mostly inspired by Douglas Adams. Hell, I'll just admit it. I'm one of those morons who likes pop-scientists who never said a lot about climate change. Adams, Dawkins, Vonnegut, Asimov. Not that all of them are actually scientists (only two are as far as I know), but, hopefully you know what I mean.

In short, thanks for the exposure. I'll be sure to visit these boards more often.

>> No.2397629

>Global average temperature
Is not currently measurable. You mean global average surface temperature. And its rising trend (not since the 70's, rather in the 80's and 90's) does not constitute "climate change". Climate change is not the same thing as meandering global averages.

>In the absence of any other explanation (solar activity doesn't correlate, and cosmic ray theory is essentially dead and buried) I'd say industrial activity makes sense.
It doesn't make sense at all. We have no explanation that fits with the temperature trends. CO2 increase is nearly linear over the last 100 years. Temperature is flat for 20, then up for 20, then flat for 20, then up for 20.

>> No.2397637

When you first start to dig into climate science, it looks like there's a strong foundation for the claims about current co2 changes impacting climates. When I did my research on the subject, about 3 weeks into it, after I had started working from raw data to try to duplicate various findings, that the basis of those claims started falling apart.

>> No.2397642 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 250x250, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that its bad to reuse plastic watter bottles like the ones pictured, or is that just corporate propaganda?

P.S. Is it true that most water tastes basically the same, but some people pretend that they like one brand over the other for some reason? I have some people that tell me that "Smart water" just tastes miles better and is so much healthier than my peasant Sam's Choice and they say that afterword, they just can't drink normal water.

>> No.2397649

Another propaganda site. You people don't stand a chance unless you work from the raw data itself and form your own conclusions. There's a fuckton of money out there devoted to convincing you to form scientific conclusions without doing the actual science.

>> No.2397660


bottled water is the most wasteful product in existence. I mean think about it, it's practically fucking free out of a tap, paid for with public money. Why manufacture billions of plastic bottles to store water in and sell them at a profit margin of 10,000 percent?

>> No.2397665

Looking at a 100 year span out of hundreds of thousands of years if your first mistake.

Please, try again. Or at least make sure the oil and coal industry knows about your efforts and pays you accordingly.

>> No.2397671

you're right!

don't believe the actual scientists.

do your own "research". thats how all the good stuff in science is figured out.


>> No.2397673
File: 51 KB, 494x426, epicFAIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I did my research on the subject, about 3 weeks into it, after I had started working from raw data to try to duplicate various findings, that the basis of those claims started falling apart.

I guess all those hundreds of thousands of scientist who did the same thing got the wrong answer then? You are the only one who got the right answer? Cause your use of science is so much better then all those Phds?

GTFO troll

>> No.2397677

Global warming is fake

Climate change happens because of the sun (it has a 12 year hi and low cycle)


>> No.2397700

>hundreds of thousands of scientist who did the same thing
There are no hundreds of thousands of scientists who have done the same thing. Most scientists who research the question seriously come to the same conclusion I did. Few scientists seem to look at the question because there's no money in it. If you are threatened by actual science as opposed to arguments from authority, then get the fuck out of /sci/.

>> No.2397705




>> No.2397724
File: 41 KB, 526x350, haters_RE_Haters_Gonna_Hate-s526x350-62877-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand peer-review

>doesn't understand what consensus means

It is nice that you are trying science, and no offense, but I doubt your research skill are up to par with real scientists. The overwhelming majority of scientist who looked at all the data came to the same conlusion: mad-man global warming is occuring. The facts were so fucking conclusive that most scientific organizations even released press statements on the matter.
There evidence was so conclusive that there wasn't even fucking debate, it was fucking trivial.

I refer you to the wiki artice son, tons of links, tons of sources. Educate yourself >>2397350

>> No.2397728

I'd say in this thread we've got two people that have been brought up denying climate change, say they've looked at the raw data, when they havent looked at all the raw data, just maybe temp not adjusted for solar iradiance and so forth.

20 people who haven't read a scientific journal in their lives and have an excuse. They're twelve.

And then 3 guys who actually read the peer reviewed stuff, and although not climatologists can speak with more authority than any of the others.

>> No.2397738

Academia is about learning, new ideas and new ways of thinking. This is the opposite of conservatism (I don't like change, let's keep things the same).

Academia will always be liberal simply for that reason.

>> No.2397743

If you believe in "global warming" then the ruling families have succeeded in getting your support for a global carbon tax which is what they want to introduce.  The very word "climate change' is a joke, they used to call it "global warming" but they changed it to "climate change" because the earth started cooling, but the climate is ALWAYS changing so the word "climate change" is like saying "time change", IT'S ALWAYS CHANGING! 2012 is the ending of the globalist power of the ruling families.

>> No.2397753

the scientists didn't change it the media did, and the scientists changed the name as well because papers need to use the correct language for what they're talking about, for example a chemist wouldn't call the precipitate, lumpy white gooey stuff in my test tube.

>> No.2397773

why you responding to trolls bro?

>> No.2397798

Seriously, not only is there actual peer-reviewed articles included, but it shows just how shitty the climate deniers arguments are.

add it to your favorites, and peruse through the information. thank me later.


>> No.2397845

Bald-face propaganda. Try this instead
Lots of real science. Minimal bullshit.

>> No.2397862

I am a real scientist. My field of expertise isn't climatology, but there is nothing wrong with the research I did. Every climatologist I've spoken to agrees with me about my assessment of the evidence. A few activists masquerading as real climatologists, like Hansen and Mann have wrested control of some of the journals and they and their cohorts pump their agenda through the IPCC. Please do not confuse that with scientific consensus or the scientific process. If you want to form an informed position on the subject, please research it yourself. Don't eat the shit that they want to feed you at realclimate.org or one of their other sites. Think for yourself and verify. Otherwise you have no business in science.

>> No.2397887

I've read all the significant climate papers. I have all the significant ice core data sets, all the tree ring data sets, and all the direct measure data sets on my hd. I know all the proxy algorithms. I've compiled and run some of the climate models.

However, I haven't been able to find a source of the radiative forcing number attributed to CO2 by the IPCC for all their predictions, which is based in evidence. All the citations for the radiative forcing numbers just lead me in circles. If there's anyone here who knows the research better than me, please point me to the paper or papers that have the original research on this number. I can't find it.

>> No.2397898

LOL Some guy's wordpress blog vs. real website

>> No.2397911


>> No.2397986


How does that work?
You have access to a supercomputer for several weeks to test out your model? Or is it arguing using logic? Would you happen to have a paper or a summery of your discovery?

>> No.2398318

I have no unique discovery, and you don't need a supercomputer to run the models. You can download them to your pc.

>> No.2398384

I've been wondering if man made its real too. I do not come from a ultraconservative background nor am a conspiracy theorist.

>> No.2398439

I guess all of you are much too young to remember the global cooling scare. People predict apocalypse shit all the time, and they are always wrong. No wonder people are doubtful. It's mostly the yougin's that don't remember being lied to about climate change before that believe global warming to be a fact and massive threat to our everyday life.