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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2393271 No.2393271 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Spring Schedule, for fun try to guess others majors.

>> No.2393290

Mine is so easy :/

Data Structures and Algorhithims II, Abstract Algebra, Differential Calc II.

>> No.2393292


To guess, I mean. The classes are hard as fuck.

>> No.2393302

Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, English, Modern Physics

>> No.2393320

Sensation and Perception
Physiological Psychology
Social Psychology
Molecular Genetics

>> No.2393325

I am learning maths that tell computers how to function.

It is what it is.

>> No.2393327

Computability Theory/Recursion Theory
Independent Study course in Computability Theory
Foreign Policy
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Computing (Basic computer class, LOL @ requirements)

>> No.2393336

computer science
computer science

>> No.2393346

Quantum Mechanics
Atomic Physics
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Time
Logic II
Modal Logic
The Frakfurt School

good luck guessing mine

>> No.2393348


>> No.2393353

Fluid Dynamics
Calculus III
Mechanics of Structures II

>> No.2393354

Why are you taking 9 classes?

>> No.2393356

Diff. EQ
Analysis in Real Variables II
Elementary Number Theory
Stat Analysis via Computers
Programming Languages

>> No.2393359

Video Game Design
Human Computer Interaction
4 Hrs. Masters Thesis Research

>> No.2393360

Classical Math major

>> No.2393366

Computer Science

>> No.2393368

Linear Algebra
Nuclei, Molecules and Solids

>> No.2393370

No one has stabbed a guess at mine yet.

>> No.2393376


>> No.2393378


Actually, comp sci and applied math, close.

>> No.2393379

lol how'd you guess

figured I'd take something fun for once

>> No.2393382


I don't know if I believe this.

That's a little much.

>> No.2393383


because I am awesome

>> No.2393386

Aerospace Engineering, so a bit too wide.

>> No.2393388


yeah, it couldn't really have been anymore more obvious.

>> No.2393390

Mine's pretty obvious but this is not a typical semester for me.
Computers & Computational Intractability
Algebra I (I may yet drop this, it's a pain.)

>> No.2393391

>Human Computer Interaction
I know of someone doing this as a CS grad student. Seems pretty neat imo

>> No.2393394

Computer Science
Now guess mine

>> No.2393398

I thought Combinatorics was boring. Algebra was fun though.

>> No.2393416

Math Seminar
Complex Analysis applied to Fluids

>> No.2393419

correct. I'd guess you're in philosophy. I don't think comp sci because then you'd have the java 101 class under your belt well before going into recursion theory.
Also philo is the only thing that weds poly sci, psych, and comp sci in my mind.

the algebra prof is giving us a mini-quiz every day. You just have to regurgitate a theorem with proof, but I hate memorizing things and my set theory is so damn rusty that's what it comes down to.
I understand the course better now that I'm past the set-theory review week.
It's just a lot of work for a stinking required math minor.
Also, we have to demonstrate problems on the board before the class in alphabetical order.
Public speaking? Fuuuuuck thaaaat.

>> No.2393429
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Intro to anthropology
English Composition I
Fundamentals of Speech
Computer Programming I

>> No.2393443

Some kind of engineering?

>> No.2393452

Calc I
Chem I
Political Thought

>> No.2393472


I like how you explained your thought process in determining how you guessed my major. I took java 101 last semester. I am taking psychology for fun, and foreign policy for a general education requirement. I am really a mathematics major with an interest in theoretical computer science. I've taken Set Theory and once you get the hang of it, it isn't so hard. You can read mathematical symbols like reading words out of a book once you get used to it.

Algebra can be a fun class, but it is difficult. How do you like Combinatorics?

>> No.2393475

Convexity = geometry
Math Seminar = geometry
Complex Analysis applied.. = Math applied to Physics

I'm a math major

>> No.2393482

Intro to Theology
Global literature
Calculus II
Moral ethics of Healthcare
Organic chemistry
Intro to clinical pharmacy practice oops that gives it away

>> No.2393495

Calculus II
Chemistry I
Physics II
Computer Techniques for Electronic Design

>> No.2393503
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Quantum Mech 2
Electromagnetic theory
Black holes and time domains
Introduction to elementary and virtual particles
Project of choice.

This'll be a ride.

>> No.2393514


Women's Studies

>> No.2393515


>> No.2393557

Analysis I, Linear Algebra II, Philosophy, Computer Science

>> No.2393564


>> No.2393586

General Physics I
General Chemistry I
General Biology I
Calculus I
French 201

>> No.2393603

Some type of chemistry major, I'm guessing the politics class is a requirement.

>> No.2393648
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What could only be described as easy to work out:
Vector Calculus
Inner Product Spaces
Groups, Rings and Fields
Measure and Probability
Complex Analysis 1
Analysis 2

>> No.2393675

Complexity Theory
Set Theory
Proof Theory
Normal Form Theory

>> No.2393682


Why is everyone here majoring in math? What do you guys plan on doing after you graduate?

>> No.2393685

Mathamatical methods/computational science


Next generation sequencing technology and systems biology

Comparative genomics and phylogenimics

>> No.2393686

They plan on having no job ever.

>> No.2393689

Do you go to UNO?

>> No.2393690

Calc 3
Music Appreciacion
Introduction to Logic

lol gen ed.

>> No.2393692


I liked Music Appreciation. Was pretty cool.

>> No.2393693

>People taking more than 5 classes


>> No.2393702

Organic Chemistry II
Organic Synthesis Lab
Cell & Molecular Biology
Reproductive Biology
Calculus I
Personality Psychology >_<

>> No.2393706

Waves, acoustics and optics
Mathematical methods 2
Thermal Physics
Practical Mathematics 1

>> No.2393709


Uh, how are you only taking Calc I when you're on Orgo II?

>> No.2393714

Chem AP
Calculus BC AP
Stats AP
English AP :(
Economics AP
Physics honors

yea I'm in high school... haters gonna hate

>> No.2393718

Introduction to Health & Fitness
Introduction to Literary Genres
U.S. History from 1885 to Present
College Algebra
Introduction to The Teaching Profession
Asian Religious Thought

Only 2nd semester, most of my stuff is gen ed.

>> No.2393743

where do you go to school? grad student? I like those classes a lot.

I want to go to grad school for math logic. have any recommendations?

>> No.2393755

Spring semester? Nothing.

>> No.2393799

herpderp I'm an idiot and I've fucked around for two years, hence the reason I am taking all generals. Bet you can't guess what I would like to major in, though- due to my (previous?) lack of mathematical skill, it would be very difficult, expensive, and time consuming.

General Chemistry
Written Communication
Intermediate Algebra

>> No.2393818

Bio 1B- molecular and cellular biology
chemistry 1- general chemistry everything from organic to analytical
philosophy 1m- morality and ethical theory.

>> No.2393823

Advanced Eukaryotic Genetics I
Advanced Eukaryotic Genetics II
Genetics Journal Club
Research in Genetics

Bet you can't guess my major

>> No.2393824

get tenured have cosy proffesor position.
go into business for banks make risk assesment, 100k starting.

>implying maths isnt god tier.

>> No.2393828

Organic Chem II
Physics - Thermo, Electricity and Magnetism
Introduction to C++
Music Theory

>> No.2393836

Wait... I think I know this...
Mathematics. Definitely.

>> No.2393844



>> No.2393878

You take golf as a class? What?

>> No.2393881

Calculus 2
Physics part 2(first was newton stuff)
Intro to com sci
Mathematical reasoning and expression for com sci

>> No.2393882

Some colleges have a fitness requirement.. like, one class. That would fulfill it.

>> No.2393883


Probably some sort of one credit class.

>> No.2393898

>Physics 1:Mechanics
>Calc II
>Gen. Chem II
>Soc I
>Engl I

no1 guess my major

>> No.2393902

Physics for Engineers II
Principles of Chemistry II
Nuclear Reactor Theory I

Should be easy to guess

>> No.2393903


Yeah music theory for general ed. Golf for fitness/I have a unit I didn't use.

>> No.2393905

Statistical Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Mass Transfer
History of Engineering

>> No.2393909


Chemical Engineering

>> No.2393910

Wow. Lot of first years here. Either that or taking intro series late

Stable Isotopes
Isotope Tracers
Processes in Oceans

>> No.2393911


Material science??

>> No.2393916
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just Physics 2 and Calculus 1

>> No.2393921

Principals of Finance
Principals of Marketing
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Computer Programming in Assembler Language (fucking bitch of a course using a mandatory shit terrible editor)

>> No.2393922


I transferred into my current university and for some reason they think their physics sequences is more special than anyone else's. Plus I didn't take Chemistry my first two years.



>> No.2393931


nuclear engineering then?

>> No.2393938



>> No.2395561


>> No.2395572

Psychology 101
Chemical Literature
Human Physiology Lab
General Chemistry II
Spanish I

>> No.2395581

Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics
Linear Algebra
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry Lab II
Departmental Seminar

>> No.2395596

Damn, son I had like 2 AP courses when I was a senior in high school.

>> No.2395598

Film studies for non majors

Guess, I dare you.

>> No.2395603

Definately a pre-med...possibly biology focus(I know some pre-meds who double major chemistry and biology)?

>> No.2395604

Gee, another physics major?

>> No.2395609

General Physics II
Basic Spanish II
Technical Reports
Calculis III
Electical System Analisys

>> No.2395615

Electrical engineer FtL

>> No.2395618


Biochemistry. :O

>> No.2395619

Actually Double major in EE and Theoretical Physics FTW

>> No.2395621

Calc 1
Gen Chem and Lab

>> No.2395626

dude, medicine IS like applied biochemistry...

>> No.2395633

Wow, you are fucking lazy.

Linear Algebra
Orgo II
Orgo II lab
Modern Physics
Modern Physics lab
Economics 300: Independent study

>> No.2395636

I want to say bioengineering/biomedical engineering or just straight up chemical engineer.

>> No.2395644

Actually, i'm a chemistry major that got bored and took a bunch of physics classes I don't really need.

>> No.2395646

Haha, yeah. I run into so many pre-meds/pre-pharms it's ridiculous. I guess I always will though... I actually want to do neuroscience research.

>> No.2395649

Faith 101
Hope 101
Charity 101

>> No.2395664

Multilinear Algebra
Advanced Calculus
Ring and Field Theory

>> No.2395667


You're majoring in mathematics.

I think this because I also fucked around for two years after high school and plan on majoring in either mathematics or physics. As a result of fucking around I'm supposed to be in intermediate algebra right now. Therefore, you = me.

However, I'm going to CLEP out of college algebra instead of taking intermediate + college algebraa

>> No.2395670

Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry II
Introduction to microprocessor systems

Hint - i'm double majoring.

>> No.2395677
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24 credits master race reporting

>> No.2395678


Chemistry and electrical engineering


>> No.2395691
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Lab analytical/organic

>> No.2395693

How the FUCK do you manage not to go insane? I can barely manage 16 credits of 200 and 300 level coursework in the sciences, and thats in engineering...

>> No.2395695

are those graduate classes or do you like giving pretentious name to you courses?

>> No.2395708

I detect a double major in Comp sci. and finance.

Have fun making shit-tons of money. i'm jelly.

>> No.2395716


>> No.2395717

Illumination Engineering
Electrical Motor Control
Electrical Machinery Laboratory
Signals & Systems
Design of Protection for Electrical Systems

Only got the Capstone project for the other semester and I'm done.

>> No.2395719

Gee, another bio-chem major?

>> No.2395721

Advanced Quantum Physics
Thermodynamics II
Biophysics III
Advanced topics in philosophy
Intro to Women's Studies.

>> No.2395734

i'm guessing physics.

>> No.2395741


Well done, sir.

>> No.2395748
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>Intro to Women's Studies.

>> No.2395750

It should be obvious by taking 24 credits that I'm already slightly insane.

>> No.2395760

the Multi-linear Algebra course is a senior/grad course AND has a pretensions sounding name.
but the Adv.Calc and Ring/Field theory classes are junior level, and are NOT as hard as they sound. For extra points guess what branch of math I am planning to specialize in {Hint: I'll end up working at a McDonald's afterwards}

>> No.2395766

Wrong, it's analytical and organic chemistry, but I just happened to get biochemistry this period

>> No.2395782

Carpet Analysis 2
Tools and Methods
Household Materials 2
Introduction to Plumbing (with Calculus)
Macguyver 101

>> No.2395786

Music 101
Healthful Living

that's it. u mad?

>> No.2395788

Badass major

>> No.2395789

Construction? as much as all the math majors may call you stupid, you'll still make more than them when they graduate.

>> No.2395791

Electrical engineering

Theoretical? Whatever the non-applied one is called. You can always be a math teacher LOL.

>> No.2395794

because its fairly obvious that you're a CS major.

>> No.2395799
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12 credits is full time. Don't be jelly your wasting every bit of free time you might have had with a normal 12-15 credit course load.

>> No.2395808

Political Science

>> No.2395809

How does the educational system work in the States? I'm aware you have elementary from The Simpsons, then gradeschool and highschool. Which more or less equate to primary and secondary education along with 6th form/college over across the pond.

Then you call university college? And these majors, how long does one last? What do you get at the end of it? A degree? Do degrees even exist in the States? Don't you go to university/college with a specific course in mind? Such as pharmacology or history of art and just do that? If so why do I keep hearing about 'physics for idiots' or premeds sucking at maths? What is the point of the major? On the subject of premeds, what the fuck are they and what do they do? They're not medical students, right?

Ugh, I'm confused by this.

>> No.2395812

Physics 1
Calculus 2
Ancient World Literature
Geology 1

>> No.2395819

Durrr Hurrr, i'm a political science major.

>> No.2395824
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Pre meds are people taking the courses to get to med school and are notorious for doing anything possible for that A. They're extremely competitive and have a habit of annoying some of the people who can't compete.

>> No.2395825


I study Infrastructure Engineering at MIT. It's probably not the MIT you know though (Montana Institute of Trade).

>> No.2395831

Yo dawg! I heard you like Turing machines, so we made a Turning machine that decides yo Turing machine! That way when you decide you can't decide and when you can't decide then you can decide!

>> No.2395834


i'm not knocking it man, its definitely more marketable than a liberal arts degree.

I wouldn't really count it as "engineering" since it seems like it doesn't use that advanced of mathematics.

>> No.2395849

Something like this, but I'm sure you can read Wikipedia about it.

Pre-Kindergarten (optional)
Kindergarten (optional AFAIK)

Elementary School - 1st-5th/6th grade
Middle School - 6th-8th grade
Junior High - 7th-8th grade
High School - 9th-12th grade

College - generally after high school, but you can still take classes at any age as long as you meet the educational requirements I suppose
University - same thing as college, except there are more educational programs, sports teams, dorms, and classes
Technical School - like college/university but more focused

Graduate School - after getting a 3-5 year bachelors AFAIK, this is where you get a masters, PhD, MD, JD, and whatever else doctorates there are

>> No.2395854
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I'm kidding. xD

>> No.2395864

General Chem II
General Physics II: Electricity/Heat
Calc III
Psychology of Women TA (lmao)

>> No.2395875


>> No.2395898


Double major in Biochemistry/Cellular & Molecular Biology. ;\

>> No.2395901

Right I see, more or less.

The wiki articles nearly broke me, I'm in no state to be reading them.

You're 18+ though, at the start of college, right?

Something more smaller and local would be a college whereas the ivy leagues would be considered universities? Different names to describe similar thing?

>> No.2395930

>You're 18+ though, at the start of college, right?

Generally that's the case, but there are high school students that take some classes, even the more advanced ones, so long as they meet the requirements of that class and whatever the college requirements for underage students would be.

.Something more smaller and local would be a college whereas the ivy leagues would be considered universities? Different names to describe similar thing?

Colleges generally hand out certificates and 2 year degrees. Some will have 4 year degree programs like nursing, however.

Ivy League schools are indeed universities. The size of a school doesn't mean it's a university or college, but what degrees they offer AFAIK. A university offers 4 year (bachelor degrees).

>> No.2395954

At a quarter school

Romanian 2
O-chem 1
Psychology 101
calc 2

guess my major

>> No.2395958


>> No.2395969


guess my major
not over yet though

>> No.2395972


Might as well be right

Chem major with a double major in some specific field.

>> No.2395977

Spring Schedule?


>> No.2395978
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SOC101 Intro to Sociology
MAT157 Analysis I
MAT247 Algebra II
CSC209 Software Tools and Systems Programming
CSC240 Enriched Introduction to Theory of Computation

>> No.2395985

Hello there U of T student.

>> No.2395988

I'm a math major with an interest in computer science. very close though!

>> No.2395993

ATOC 5060 Atmospheric Dynamics
ATOC 3500 Air Pollution and Chemistry
CVEN 4(something) Senior Design
CVEN 4(something again) Engineering hydrology

>> No.2396005

Introduction to Computational Mathematics
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Polynomials, Rings, and Finite Fields
History of Mathematics

It's pretty easy to figure out my major and minor from this, but you might get them backwards.

>> No.2396018

Civil engineer


>> No.2396026


>might get them backwards.

major: cs
minor: math

>> No.2396033

Calculus II
University Physics
Physics Lab
Chemistry II
Chem Lab
Introduction to Hydrocarbon Resources

Big hint on the last one.

>> No.2396050

>Philosophy of Time

wtf is this bullshit?

>> No.2396054

Environmental engineering with a minor in atmospheric science

>> No.2396056

Gender Studies
Advanced GLBT Studies
Homosexuality in the 20th century

>> No.2396064
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>> No.2396069


PhD in Paediatric Gynaecology

>> No.2396104

Computer science
(underage B7)

>> No.2396109

Enjoy destroying our environment and getting paid $90,000 a year starting to do it.


>> No.2396119

Physics 1, Calculus 3, Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology, Planetary Geology.

>> No.2396128

engineering of some sort

>> No.2396136

Planetary enginering

>> No.2396139
File: 31 KB, 297x445, Kamina_Yuffie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biochem major, second half of third year

Quantitative Chem
Independent study

Thinking about adding Linear Algebra so I can take 14 credits.

>> No.2396141

dynamical systems
project management
management of technology
engineering process and design (capstone)
history of social documentation (elective)

>> No.2396146

I wish lol.

>> No.2396147

math 140c - real analysis III
math 100c - Abstract algebra III
chem 140c - O-chem III
CSE 11 - Java (gotta take it :( )

I have two minors, guess them ;)

>> No.2396150

Where's your pchem? your biochem?

>> No.2396152
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fucking nostalgia'd

>> No.2396156

Computer engineering and chemistry?? Seems like a strange mix..

>> No.2396158


>> No.2396160

Systems engineering

>> No.2396162

P-chem and biochem will dominate my fourth year.

>> No.2396165

Nope, neither of those fit my description,

>Hint: most people hate the people in one of my minors
>Hint: My major gets me any ___
>Hint: My other minor is filled with asspies

>> No.2396167

Someone stream that shit, I want to watch.

>> No.2396184

ye man, glad to see one u of t student. im only a first year though

>> No.2396185

Nah dude, Computer engineering is getting to the point where everything is produced on a chemical level. How do you think we can get like 500 GB of memory on something the size of a phone?
knowledge of the production of computers now includes chemistry

>> No.2396189

Molecular Bio
Gen Chem
Systems of 2nd order differential equations
and some filler GUR class not sure yet

>> No.2396192

Math major and ?? What's with the ochem?

>> No.2396193

Organic Chemistry 1
Cell Structure and Function
Calculus 1
Latin 2

>> No.2396194

Wait...differential calculus II? What? Do you just mean calc II, so integral calculus? I'm not trying to be a dick by correcting you, I'm just curious to know if this isn't a typo, what is differential calculus II?

>> No.2396197

I'm a Math major who's also doing Pre-med and getting a minor in computer science. Make what you will of that, but so far it's pretty cool.

>> No.2396200

maybe he meant differential geometry?

>> No.2396205

Computer Science
Environmental Science

>> No.2396220

You're probably right. For some reason i read abstract algebra as linear algebra. With this newly found context, you're probably right.

>> No.2396223
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samefag, got a question for anyone who's taken it before: I'm fairly removed from Calc 3 (finished last spring), so what can I expect from linear algebra?

>> No.2396236


Or he could just be retaking Calc2 for a better grade if he needs more hours. Some schools have four levels of Calculus instead of two or three. Just throwing it out there.

The I-don't-know-what-major-I-want-to-settle-on degree.



>> No.2396249
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Financial Models
Calculus II
Commercial Bank Management

>> No.2396250

i'm actually just a bio major with a minor in chem. my academic tract is molecular and cellular bio
from >>2396193

>> No.2396251

Nope I am a biology major with a math focus. >>2396189

>> No.2396267

Modern Physics II
Mathematical Physics
Intro Bio II
Intro Chem I
Public Speaking

>> No.2396275

physics major?

>> No.2396289

>Public Speaking
My only B in college so far FFFUUUUUU

>> No.2396293

Spring? Only two classes and they are both optional.

Intermediate Calculus II
Statistics I (the real statistics, not this gay applied 101 shit)


Linear Algebra II
Statistics II

May as well post the rest of my life for the next couple years...


Differential Equations
Mathematical Economics I
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory II
Advanced Microeconomic Theory (no rush to take it)

>> No.2396296

Physical Methods of Biochemistry
vertebrate neurophysiology
techniques of research

>> No.2396298 [DELETED] 


decided not to post the rest.. More econometrics and advanced macro theory. MOAR econometrics and then advanced econ option courses.

>> No.2396311
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Big hugs to you econobros. May our dark arts bring ruin and/or prosperity to nations for centuries to come!

>> No.2396314

Right now

International Economics
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory I
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory II
Intermediate Calculus I
Basic Chinese II

Spring 2011

Intermediate Calculus II
Statistics I (pure stats, not the pussy applied shit)

Summer 2011

Linear Algebra II
Statistics II

Fall 2011

Differential Equations
Mathematical Economics I
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory II
Advanced Microeconomic Theory (no rush to take it)

Questions comments or concerns?

>> No.2396323

I don't know anything about Biology so I'm going to guess it has something to do with animal biology. Like zoology or something. Or maybe forensic anthropology?

>> No.2396327


Sorry econbro I had to delete it and clean it up.

Stole the pic though.

Anyone have the pic of "types of math according to major", where it lists econ as "troll math"?

>> No.2396338

Evolution of the Earth
Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Well Logging

>> No.2396340

Life Drawing II
Compositional Study
Art and Architecture of the Roman Empire
Illustration Calligraphics I
Color Theory

haters gonna hate

>> No.2396364

Finally someone that actually wants to get a decent job with their degree!
Go petroleum geology!

>> No.2396369


good luck guessing :-]

>> No.2396373

Morphological Patterns in Language
Phonetic Analysis
Computer Organization
Data Structures and Analysis
Computational Complexity and Computability

>> No.2396374

Advanced Calculus
Thermal Physics
Principles of Astrophysics
Geology of the moon and solar system

>> No.2396375

Why are you doing summer classes instead of an internship/work experience? That says alot to future employers. Unless you plan on going to grad school soon?


Good luck, bro.

>> No.2396382

Computer Science.

Question is are you a graduate student or a very advanced undergraduate?

>> No.2396387

World Geography
Intro Psychology
World Literature
Calculus and Vectors
Canadian Issues
Humanities 1700-Present
Humanities Thesis Writing

>> No.2396399


Undergrad. CS Linguistics double major.

>> No.2396400

Someone in an actual astrophysics program?

>> No.2396421


I'm in my second year in honours econ. So two years left and i'm using the break to get ahead of the class, even more. I don't have any connections to get into an internship, and I do plan on going to grad school immediately after I get my BA.

Seems just like some more classes, but these 4 math classes will make future courses in econ a looooooooooooot easier. I find the biggest challenge with the honours econ route is that it requires more advanced math skills, but you have to take so many econ courses that you don't have enough room to do the math courses, so my guess is that you're gonna be best off by doing the pure math classes that econ uses during the summer. I mean Int calc 2, Stats 1+2, and LA 2, done early will make everything in the future soooooo much easier, grad school and everything.

I actually think that by taking these courses I should be able to troll the shit out of mathematical economics and econometrics with ease.

>> No.2396428

Beginning algrebra, bio lab, biology, introduction to DC circuits.

I fucked around in highschool and didnt get passed geometry. Senior year i took Orchestra, jazz band, art, and english. If i actually try at math will i get it?

>> No.2396452


Question: Are you planning on pursuing a Phd? I'm also an econ major, but i screwed up and it seems I didn't take enough math. I'm planning on doing a masters program (where they'll teach you what you need to know) as a bridge.

>> No.2396457

freshman here:
how computers work
calc 4
physical mechanics I
intro to quantum mechanics I
physical math

>> No.2396464

don't forget real analysis

>> No.2396468

>I fucked around in highschool and didnt get passed geometry. Senior year i took Orchestra, jazz band, art, and english. If i actually try at math will i get it?

Yeah, I was in a similar position. I started out college in elementary algebra (the second lowest level math class) and I made it, despite it being a rough ride. Math really isn't that difficult, it just takes time like all other things.

>> No.2396488 [DELETED] 


The program I am in is intended to get me into grad school immediately.

Read my other post about why I am taking these courses. It's like 4 above yours.

Yeah, econ degrees don't FORMALLY require a lot of mathematical prerequisites, but oh goodness gracious the math gets intense, quick. It's actually a big troll scheme. By not going out of your way to take higher math courses on your own, expect to be in tears when you take higher level econ courses.

That said, a PhD is kind of a pipe dream: I'll be honest, yeah I would love to get a PhD but that's a long ways away. I hope to get my honours degree, and then get my masters exactly one year after. From there, I will have to see how it goes.

I'm not taking these courses out of cockiness, i'm taking them out of fear.

>> No.2396494


What is this? Computer engineer?

>> No.2396503



>> No.2396523


I am only a second year right now, but I do plan on getting a masters. From there we will have to see, but that is too far away for me to think about now. However, yeah, my life would be complete if I got a PhD.

It seems like anyone half serious about economics should have all of these math courses. I can see the pain coming for people. If you try to go into an advanced econ course with minimal mathematical prereq's, expect to leave in tears. That's why i'm taking these classes lol. I do not want to leave in tears. And yeah I can see a lot of people are not going to take higher math courses and are going to get absolutely steamrolled come advanced econ.

>> No.2396525

this was one of my old schedules:

real analysis
medicinal chemistry 1
pharmaceuticals 1

>> No.2396529
File: 467 KB, 625x587, Indiana Jones Going For The Treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introduction to Optics and EM
Optics and EM Lab
Linear Algebra I
Vector Calculus

>> No.2396535

Cognitive Psychology
Cerebral Cortex: Systems and Structures (grad class)
Neuroscience Honors Research II: Thesis Writing
Trig-based Physics II

>> No.2396544

How was medical chemistry? I was giving it some consideration.


Neuro...I jelly.

>> No.2396550


Oh yeah hey. I will probably take that in my fourth year, first semester. I've heard it's important, but I don't see a heavy need for it quite quite yet.

Mathematical Economics- Requires LA1 and Calc1 as prereqs. I have seen the midterm, and you need LA2 and intermediate calculus to be successful in it. Nobody wants to have to learn math on the fly. I did that in my pre-econometrics course last semester and it was not fun. Had to learn higher statistics, calculus.... and even higher economic theory to be successful in a class where the prereqs weren't too demanding.

So yeah, the calculus is for, well, everything, the LA2 is for mathematical econ, and the stats is for econometrics. In the long run, they're all for courses above what i'll be taking next year.

But yeah back to real analysis, do you know off by hand any general economic applications it has? Should i maybe consider it before taking differential equations? "Real Analysis" sounds fucking BOSS anyway.

>> No.2396552



Guess again. Engineers at my school don't take Vector Calculus. They just need Multivariable.

>> No.2396561


Thing is, with you're (planned) course load, you probably won't need to do a masters. If you ace your math classes, Phd programs will already see that as a strong enough signal.


article related

>> No.2396564

computation theory
electric and electronic circuits
math 5
numeric methods
physics 2

not sure if translated correctly

>> No.2396568


I'm the econ guy and what I have been calling "intermediate caculus I" consists of infinite series, vector calculus, and multivariable calc. Just how it is at my institution, seems more logical to do it that way imho.

>> No.2396578


At my school it goes:

Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Multivariable Calculus
--- Engineer Line ---
Vector Calculus

>> No.2396600


Yes, yes, it is only a 'plan' right now, i'm not gonna talk like i'm a boss or anything. But it is the best decision, so I think I will go through with it. I do want to challenge myself.

And yeah because I am only in my second year, I have not looked at grad schools yet. the way I kind of see it though is I can get a masters in one year after BA, and won't those master courses be equivalent to a first year PhD program, aka I can get a masters and PhD in the same amount of time it would take me to just get a PhD? Just the way i've seen it. And yes I cannot really speculate about specific decisions until AFTER i've taken all these courses haha. However, right now, the long term goal is to go for a PhD, and I would be extremely humbled if I one day got a job as an instructor/researcher at a university.

>> No.2396602


>> No.2396619


Specifically, at my school, I lied.

Engineers have their own route which goes, calculus specific:
Calc I
Calc II
Calc III etc...

They do infinite (taylor series) in Calc I

Whereas non-engineers like myself go:
Elementary Calc I
Elementary Calc II
Intermediate Calc I
Intermediate Calc II
Analysis I etc....

There is nothing wrong with going this route, you could even argue that after the non-engineerign route, you are at a higher level of calculus than the engineers. You seem to go through calculus slower, but deeper. Even if engineering calculus is harder to keep up with.

>> No.2396629

Atomic Molecular Nuclear Physics (did not make it up)
Thermal Physics
Vector Calculus
Digital Logic
Computer Organization

>> No.2396663 [DELETED] 
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I'm the guy to replied too.

I'm actually a Physics Major, and quite jelly on how detailed they go through math at your school.

Math majors and engineer/physics majors take the same math classes, but engineers only need few while the physics majors need more. Actually, EE majors have a vector calculus/complex variables combo class, but they only do quick applications of both subjects.

Pretty damn jelly. So much math I want to learn, but so few only count.

>> No.2396665

Behavioral Neuroscience
Abnormal Psychology
Organic Chemistry
Seminar in Neuroimmunology, Stress, Epigenetics and Behavior

>> No.2396678

Music Theory II
Biology II
Chem II
Intermediate Spanish II
Aural Skills II

>> No.2396688

Elementary Particles II
Computational Physics II
Quantum Field Theory II

>> No.2396689
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Yeah it's all i've ever known lol. Anyways if you're in physics, you do the non-engineering route.

Oh and I did forget to add something major.

There is another route that is opened to engineers and non-engineers.

Everything the same but with honours in front of the name.

Honours Calculus I, etc....'

This the the first page of the first year honours calculus route calculus I textbook. Looks scary. This is day one for these freaks lol.

>> No.2396691

1 hussle
2 stay on my grind 24 7
3 get money
4 blaze a l
5 fuck every bitch

>> No.2396698

General Nutrition

(Working full time at shiity job to make money for fall)
Also, applying for scholarships...

>> No.2396714

Guess my major:

Calculus I-III
Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Non-Euclidean Geometry Seminar
Introduction to Math Logic
Set Theory
Symbolic Logic
Computability Theory
Discrete Math

>> No.2396721
File: 66 KB, 620x400, deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish 401
Physics 111
Biology 400

>> No.2396727

Shit, if I posted my course names I'd narrow myself down to among about 15 people.

The best I can do is AI, algorithms, and compiler optimization. That might not be so personally identifiable.

>> No.2396732

Drug analysis
Biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics
Microbiology II

>> No.2396739

what, are you at digipen or something?

>> No.2396741

actually, let's say machine learning, randomized algorithms, and code optimization

>> No.2396743

machine component design
fluid mechanics
engineering design process
economics of engineering

>> No.2396744


Math or some sort of confused philosophy major?

>> No.2396746

mechanical engineering

>> No.2396761

Why would I be a confused philosophy major?

>> No.2396769

Nah, it's just that none of those courses is much over 20 people if any one is; I'm in all three and you could probably figure out the university by even an abbreviated version of the name and then, well, it speaks for itself.

When a post narrows me down from the almost 2 billion internet users way past the English-speaking ones to 11 people and the exact place I am at some point 4 or 5 days out of the week, that seems like personally identifiable information. I post my hair color and length and I would probably have totally identified myself.

>> No.2396819


>> No.2396820

Imagine a philosophy major taking your courses.

>> No.2396823

You might not have even declared yet.

>> No.2396835

You imagine a philosophy major taking all math courses, or mathematical logic courses?

Mathematical Logic courses I've taken include: Introduction to Math Logic, Symbolic Logic, Set Theory, Computability Theory

The standard math courses include: Calculus I-III, Analysis, Algebra, Linear Algebra, Discrete, Geometry

I am a Math Major, but I suppose some Philosophy students would be interested in the logic side (like I am).

>> No.2396851


Well, I do declare.

>> No.2396860

You are a math major at a community college

>> No.2396878


Why do I have to be at community college dog?

>> No.2396895

Okay math major at a 4 year university

>> No.2396935

Computational Chemistry
Statistical Mechanics
Biochemical Engineering
Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transport

>> No.2397013


aww thanks, but I'm still at a CC, gonna transfer over to 4year though.

>> No.2397480

Partial Differential Equations
Deterministic Operations Research
Quantum Mechanics
Physics of Oscillations and Waves

Seems to be a chem grad student with physics emphasis?

>> No.2399046

good luck

>> No.2399102

Viscous Shear Flows
Aerospace Design Project
Turbomachinery Design
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Space Applications
Industrial Aerodynamics
Flight Testing

>> No.2399131

Structural Anatomy
Molecular Biology
Seminar I
Special Histology
Biomedical Analysis I

Aerodynamical Engineering

>> No.2399148


How can you possibly manage that?

>> No.2399176


Close - Aerospace Engineering grad student


I'm post-grad...we have to cope with a lot of work. A lot.

>> No.2399192

Quantum Theory
Stocastic Processes
Partial Differential Equations
Financial Mathematics
Hamiltonian Dynamics
Computer Algebra

Not hard to guess.