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2391940 No.2391940 [Reply] [Original]

do humans have rights? should be stop killing them for eating and fun?

>> No.2391943

should we ?

>> No.2391953
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>> No.2391958

Peta faggot detected.

>> No.2391980


should I value a chicken's life more than it's taste?

>> No.2391982

If you can kill and eat it without anyone stopping you go ahead.

>> No.2392014

I think killing for food is justified when is necessary for our sustenance. Given the state of the economy, I'd say it is, at least for those who work in the human breeding farms.

>> No.2392022

se are sentient, so yes.

PETA mad.

>> No.2392024

Go ahead and eat us if you can.

>> No.2392037

If it isn't necessary for our sustenance we should just eat them alive then?

>> No.2392040

Define sentient faggot.
I fucking dare you to define sentient.

>> No.2392045

mmm probably superior extraterrestrial beings have managed the problem of food producing any sort of genetically crafted non sintient mass of meat.
maybe PETA want invest in investigation about these sort of things

>> No.2392058

Wouldn't it be more demanding on your resources to manually grow meat in a lab than to simply grow vegetables?

Actually, never mind. You could probably modify plants to be made partially out of meat.

>> No.2392062

>plants ... made ... of meat.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.2392068


Meat fruit is my favourite fruit.

>> No.2392071

Better yet eat bugs. You could grow fruits and vegetables, put the leftovers into a bug colony of sorts, use the leftovers of that as compost and eat both the bugs you produce and the fruit/veg.

>> No.2392076


Eating them kills them, no? Personally, I feel that starting to eat them while they're still alive is a hassle and always results in a mess. I like my meals a little bit more prepared, but if that's how you like them, have fun.

>> No.2392078

..Meat bugs

>> No.2392079

The idea of eating bugs is considerably more repellent and less awesome than plants made of meat.

I'm not a very squeamish person, but the idea of the texture of eating a bug is gross.

>> No.2392084

The texture? Which bugs are you thinking of there's many types with many different textures.

>> No.2392085


A bug burger would be ok, then? For the record, there's already people working into making meat grow in the lab for cheap.

>> No.2392107

I realize that, but none of the textures seem very appealing. The imago has a crunchy exoskeleton with lots of small protruding parts (legs, antennae) and perhaps a slimy interior. I've been told that biting down on a grub is like "an explosion of pus in your mouth."

I have (knowingly) eaten one insect product: sal de gusano. It's a powdered seasoning, so there's no texture to offend the senses.

>> No.2392124

Yeah I imagine grubs would be pretty gross as well. Crunchy things like fried crickets are good though.

>> No.2392129

Most of the animals that people eat are extremely stupid. Pigs are an exception, and for this reason I don't eat pork.

There's a question of where to draw the line. How aware does an organism have to be before it's wrong to eat it? I guess my answer lies somewhere between the cow and the pig. Other people may differ in where they draw the line, but even vegetarians consume small insects with their produce.

>> No.2392136

>Pigs are an exception, and for this reason I don't eat pork.
But they're so god damn delicious

>> No.2392179

funny thing is there are humanoid groups fighting for human rights. For instance you hear about Zetan abductions all the time, but they're held to treaties and restrictions on the procedures they can do, although they're happy to tear someone apart mercilessly as soon as the cameras go off.

It really is like our PETA - they try, but when you have a fight between responsibility and barbarianism, the barbarians tend to win

>> No.2392197

meat has practically no taste to us. It's only the minerals and spices (plants) we taste.

>> No.2392214


Actually, cows are pretty inquisitive animals. Introduce something new to their enviroment and, instead of avoiding it, they go see what it is.


Dude, not cool. You can't call cephalated bipedals the h-word.

>> No.2392220


You can't taste unami?

>> No.2392245

I do kinda wonder what a humanoid would think if you called him that. I could guess what those lizard guys would do.

Chickens are fun pets, too. My ancestors were farmers, and my aunt couldn't bring herself to kill her chickens sometimes. They'd follow her around and stuff.

I think meat-eating has become a trend because nobody has to do the deed themselves anymore

>> No.2392324
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>> implying humans are sentient

Come on, we all know know they're not. If the hive-overmind tells us we should eat humans, we should. After all, they're not really sentient, not like us insectuloids.

>> No.2392338



>> No.2392386
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First, define rights.

>> No.2392388

My mom, who is a vegetarian, lived on a farm in childhood. Even she says chickens don't have a lot going on. They just peck around and eat anything they find without much discrimination, readily pecking away at poison, garbage, excrement and even scattered chicken parts. They're generally harmless unless laying, then they can be temperamental. They're somewhat skittish when approached, but killing one chicken and plucking it in front the others won't increase their aversion to you. You have to harass them to get them to lay in the hen house, even though laying outside they're eaten by predators at an astounding rate.
Funny, but there are objective milestones and indicators of intelligence. It's not "all relative."

>> No.2392425

umami is glutamic acid/glutamate, which i guess they consider a mineral even though hey most things we taste are organic compounds not necessarily from plants