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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2388861 No.2388861 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /sci/ so for the purpose of this thread lets just assume that everyone on here is an atheist, which is pretty much the case.

When did you become an atheist?
What caused you to become one?
What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Any other info you can throw in....

>> No.2388872



>> No.2388885 [DELETED] 


/sci/ - Science & Math

1. All science and math related topics welcome.
2. Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
3. No "religion vs. science" threads.

>> No.2388932

>When did you become an atheist?
When I became old enough to think about that stuff.

>What caused you to become one?
Critical thinking. I was raised so I could believe anything I want. It took me years to realize someone actually believes in God etc.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Never discussed it with my family. I think it's obvious I'm atheist. It's what they expected and they share my views.

Talked about it with close friends. They share my views. No reactions.

>Any other info you can throw in...
It's great living in a country where no one cares what you believe. You can choose not to study religion at school (I studied some weird life science thing in stead).

>> No.2388989

When did you become an atheist?

13 Years old.

What caused you to become one?

Trying to argue in favor of god in a gamefaqs forum, in which I was utterly destroyed, and I knew it.

What were the reactions of your parents/friends?

Father doesn't know (and probably never will, he doesn't live with me). Mother found out when I was fourteen, and pleaded me to give god another chance, as I was baptized and went through 4 years of church school from age 8 to 12 (I missed so much pokemon its not funny...). I didn't give in, and actually shut her up at one point. She backed off. Rest of my family doesn't know, and will never know.

Any other info you can throw in....

Thank god for the internet (lol). Definitely an engine for social reform and dissemination of reason (although the converse is also true). I'm certain more are enlightened than indoctrinated however (especially on video game forums).

>> No.2389001

why the fuck are you replying to this? This shit doesn't belong on /sci/. Take it to >>>/b/

>> No.2389006

reported. saged. flagged for deletion

>> No.2389014

Because this can be seen from a scientific viewpoint. Thus, /sci/

>> No.2389015

>When did you become an atheist?
Born one
>What caused you to become one?
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Theyre athiest because im not American?
>Any other info you can throw in....
Im British, everyone i know is athiest, its the norm. Religious people are considered to be mentally ill, or atleast a bit loopy.

We live in modern times.

>> No.2389029
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>people continually bumping a non-/sci/ence thread


you mad yet? :D
...not even gonna sage...

>> No.2389031

When did you become an atheist?
What caused you to become one?
>Tried to imagine eternal life and teh concept seemed as horrifying as eternal death
What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
>Was in denial for a long time after but stopped going to church because that never made much sense to me anyway
Any other info you can throw in....
>I liek turtles

>> No.2389034

...except taking a 'scientific' approach or viewpoint doesn't automatically make something scientific. This is still a religion thread, and thus it violates the rules.


>> No.2389039
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Tis good to be european isnt it.

>> No.2389049

>When did you become an atheist?
I've always been.

>What caused you to become one?
No childhood indoctrination. Also, religions don't make sense to me.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Most people I know don't care about religion.

>Any other info you can throw in....
Unlike Murricans I don't live in a theocracy.

>> No.2389060



>> No.2389079

>When did you become an atheist?
I guess 17, tho my family was never really religious and we never had anything to do with churches and whatnot.
>What caused you to become one?
Just realized that I am one per definition.
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Well I am not running around with an "I AM ATHEIST" sign so I guess they don't know or maybe they always thought I am one, dunno.

>> No.2389097

English here, and it disappoints me that, in some places, any of those questions are still necessary.

>> No.2389098

>When did you become an atheist?
probably 12, first few times i paid attention to what they were saying in church.
>What caused you to become one?
It seemed like every religious person was either completely fake or insane altogether. There was always the sense that God doesn't have any power, he just gives us some obscure and ill defined "choice." I certainly made wagers with god, but i never felt his presence. Then i took a few science classes and was fascinated and empowered by the beauty and complexity of what we consider reality. Plus i understood that with millions of interpretations of dozens of religions, most likely everyone was full of shit.
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
my friends and i have had discussions about our beliefs but it never influenced our impressions of each other, im a good guy and if im going to hell for not praying every day then fuck it lol. i convinced my dad that religion is shit but he believes in god still, and my mom got kinda mad but idk, she always knew probably.
>Any other info you can throw in....
i really do wish that a god(s) exist, it would simplify things and make the possibilities truly limitless.

>> No.2389112

In my country, asking these questions doesn't really make sense.

And I'm happy about it.

>> No.2389134

Not even mad, cause I'm gonna become a janitor and delete the fuck out of these threads

>> No.2389161

if you are accepted.
ther'll be a lot of competition...me for one.

>> No.2389178

>i really do wish that a god(s) exist, it would simplify things

Why on earth would you want to do that? Makes the universe far less interesting, don't you think?

>> No.2389181

>Not even mad, cause I'm gonna become a janitor and delete the fuck out of these threads
>cause I'm gonna become a janitor

>> No.2389186

>When did you become an atheist?
Started at about 11, was pretty much sure at about 13.

>What caused you to become one?
Mostly Discovery Channel and History Channel. Learned about the natural world and how shit works, with no need to mention god in any place whatsoever. At some point I took the stretch and concluded that god was probably in the same category as santa.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Mom entered in denial (still is), dad didn't care since he was agnostic, most of my friends were atheists or simply didn't give a fuck about god, so it went smooth.

>> No.2389202

>When did you become an atheist?
I started to reject religion when I was about 12-13, only convinced myself I am an athiest at 16-17.

>What caused you to become one?
Logic, at first it was just little problems with religion that no one could give me an answer for (if there are there more than one, how do I know mine is correct; inconsistency in the story's...) then I started reading about the history of religion and I finely saw that the only answer is if it is all false.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
haven't told them, but they are non practicing Christians and very scientific so there shouldn't be any problems.

>Any other info you can throw in....
the rest of my family is extremely religious, along with all my friends (except my one cousin, who also knows im an atheist, she is to) so I have to constantly hear all the story's about how they prayed for something and then it happened and so on, I once confronted one of them and said it was just a coincidence and you would swear I shot his mother by the way he reacted.

>> No.2389204

whats funny? you not read the message at the top of the page?
janitor aplications in 2 days, biatches.
get on it.

>> No.2389216


Thats whats funny faggot.
lol you wont get accepted at all.

>> No.2389219

I didn't BECOME an atheist. I always was one. I never accepted religion and when I tried to become buddhist I had to reject that as well because I cannot believe in an afterlife of ANY KIND.

My mom and dad aren't religious so they don't care.

>> No.2389227


>taking a 'scientific' approach or viewpoint doesn't automatically make something scientific


>> No.2389230
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do you know?
the fact is /sci/ WILL have some janitors, its just a question of who.
i have as much a chance as anyone

>> No.2389239

No you have no chance because
>cause I'm gonna become a janitor and delete the fuck out of these threads

Its like you're fucking five or something!

>> No.2389270
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that wasn't me. that was a non.

>> No.2389300

>When did you become an atheist?
I'm not, fuck you

>What caused you to become one?
My dad was one of those athist that constently hurped and durped about all Christians being retards and anyone who didn't believe the things he did was stupid, so yeah, I was born as one.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
None, unlike most people on this thread I knew not to cram it down everyones throughts when I was one, unless it specificly came up I left them alone

>Any other info you can throw in....
When I was about 12 I read the dragons of eden by Carl Sagan, it made me realise that there is bassicly nothing after death and I became a nihllist/true athiest.

When I was 14 I started studying hard sceince and realised that the universe is wonderful, that just because there's nothing after death doesn't mean that life isn't meaningful, and that the universe is a better god than anything humans ever could have created.

I'm now a happy neo-theist, because when you get down to it god and the universe are one and the same.

I'd also like to give some advice to all the athiest in this thread: branch out and decide for yourself what to think, don't let Richard Dawkins write your own bible, and tolarate the beliefs of others, if it wasn't for that crackpot making statments like "the earth is flat" despite all other evidance, then most modern science would have never existed.

>> No.2389319

I also wanted to post that poicture

>> No.2389330

>i have as much a chance as anyone

There are alot more qualified namefags on /sci/

>> No.2389332
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so your a pantheist.

do you believe in god, as in, what god is actually defined as, and not making up your own definition? (the universe)
so STFU, your a fucking atheist, your just a hipster dickwad aswell.

>> No.2389333
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>When did you become an atheist?
Sometime around my the time I entered high school.

>What caused you to become one?
After attending a Catholic school for several years and participating in the services and rituals, I called shenanigans.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
I didn't go around announcing it, though at first when my immediate family found out they assumed I was going through a phase. I didn't really talk about it with my friends since there was no reason to tell them, I wasn't actively religious to begin with.

>Any other info you can throw in...
I'm still an atheist, I've done a lot of research into many of the religions found around the world since the time I decided I didn't believe in gods, I see merits and disadvantages in all of the beliefs. If I had to choose a religion at this very moment, I'd choose Mahayana Buddhism for being, in my eyes, the most flexible of the religions, and since Buddhism in general doesn't follow a god, it doesn't conflict with my view of the world.

>> No.2389343

Parents never indoctrinated me with religions.
Atheist since birth.
Feels good man.

>> No.2389346

i figured. i recognised the quote. :)

how the fuck are any of us more or less qualified than anybody else?
also, scientific ability isnt actually necessary to be a good janitor (not that i am unscientific anyway) , and neither is being likable.

>> No.2389366
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>When did you become an atheist?
born one, never changed
>What caused you to become one?
default position, i'm not going to believe any religion without evidence, none of them have any evidence, so i remain sceptical by default.
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
nearly all of them are atheists as well. we dont often need to talk about it, we just occassionally take the piss out of how fucking stupid religious people are.
>Any other info you can throw in....
erm... i have a pretty good image...

>> No.2389373

No one is more qualified than me. And I'll be deleting these threads, per the rules. That is all.

>> No.2389378
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>> No.2389386


You are incredibly hot. I probably shouldn't have said that though because I worry about your ego becoming too large.

>> No.2389388

qualified how?

>> No.2389391


>> No.2389422

>I can't define god as I see fit

I supose if I changed scientific theorys to match new evedence I would also be a hipster faggot?

You need to stop being so close minded EK, it will only confine you and hold you down.

>> No.2389436

I just found and subscribed to her about a week ago. I've got a major crush on her :3

>> No.2389450



>> No.2389451

also, you are trolling.
not me. stock reaction image.
i'm not closed minded, i just use words properly. if you mean universe, say universe, if you mean god, say god.
if you dont think an intellgent supernatural being exists, and made the universe, then by definition you are an atheist!

>> No.2389499

Laura, otherwise known as FactVsReligion. She doesn't pull any punches, but it's hard to find fair skinned girls with short hair and are at least half-way to intelligence. I'd totally marry her with an estimated chance of divorce in the single digits (but only barely in the single digits, after all we have never met.

>> No.2389504
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OP, I hope your kids become born agains, and torment and pester you for the rest of your miserable life.

Exactly how do Christians go about shoving their religion down your throats? Are they following you to work yelling Bible verses? Are they kidnapping your kids and brainwashing them? Do they control the media, the music, the video game industry?

No. No to all of those. You presume just because people believe in a view strange, impractical, and quite possibly impossible things. That somehow makes them very dangerous. MEANWHILE, if you ask me... Christians are too insane, trapped in their autistic little world of God to care enough about the real problems such as feminism, homosexuality, etc. Which ironically you and the Christian alike are contributing too. Just in different ways. Because you're both sadistic, selfish, morons. God would hate both of you.

>> No.2389527


I believe that all present evidance and logic points to the universe creating itself, that is indeed a godlike acomplishment.

If you look at the periodic table of elemints you will see underlying paterns that are both logical and beautiful, this can be explained in many ways, but to me it seems the feat of an intelegent being.

So maybe I fall into the class of athist, however athesim is extreamly vauge, so I believe that pantheism describes it best.

>> No.2389534

When did you become an atheist?
Around 12 years old

What caused you to become one?
I realized that God & Jesus are bullshit

What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Friends didn't give a fuck/or were already atheists and my parents are atheists.

>> No.2389551


confirmed for troll. 7/10.
i mad, but you may have overdone it. good effort though...

>> No.2389558
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Sounds like someone is a Christian.

>> No.2389623

>When did you become an atheist?
I don't think I ever really believed in a god, even though I was raised in a fundamentalist home. If someone asked, I'd say I believed in god, but I think I simply didn't want to admit to myself that I didn't.

>What caused you to become one?
I accepted it after watching thunderf00t's videos. So basically, science.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Mom probably cried about it sometime when I wasn't watching. Rest of my family may have been saddened, haven't really had a real talk about it.
Friends, not so much. The overwhelming majority are atheist here, so there was more of a reaction when I claimed to be a theist.

>> No.2389627

I became one not out of some big revelation but gradually after being a fundie kid. It was more "These other ideas explain the world better than the idea of a personal God" as I went through my adolescence.

This isn't to say I abandoned the most important part of religion, the belief in MORALITY (the inversion of values after Christ!), but that particular portion burnt up after reading Spinoza and Nietzsche.

I've never told anyone explicitly because there was no need to. Only one was my sister who asked me directly.

"Athiesm" has been tarried by the society wide tragedy of two thousand years, the poisoning of the good conscience of humanity by Christian values.

>> No.2389659


The "problems" of homosexuality and feminism, or rather the PITY and CONCERN, is an inheritance of Christianity. One does not need to believe in Christ to have one's conscience be poisoned by the values of Christ!

>> No.2389687

Acctualy I'm writing this on an iPhone, so I can't check the spelling.

I remeber telling you to fix your spelling just a week ago, you grow up fast.

Oh, and nice attempt to dodge my argument.

>> No.2389690
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>> No.2389709


your argument is pathetic and so are you

>implying the universe created itself

>> No.2389727
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Sorry, not Hutch.

>> No.2389765

>When did you become an atheist?
raised in a militantly atheist household

>What caused you to become one?

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
parents liked it, obviously. friends don't care, i think

>Any other info you can throw in...
i don't care about religion. i just don't give a shit what other people believe. i know they're mostly wrong, so why pay attention?

>> No.2389767

One thing Atheists don't mention is that they're economic slaves towards money, and they want us all to actually feel poor when we don't have money, so we strive for it, when we can easily feel rich through knowing the truth about God. They want us to always feel at the bottom of every scale so that the economy grows, and that the famous, rich and fake-knowledgeable people get credit, when it's not deserved, only on terms of the lie that is 'one'.

"Please do NOT shove Religion down my childrens throats, but go ahead and teach them that Money is the only thing that matters, that the only point in life is to work 9-5 like a slave, teach them that there is an invisible time dimension and there is no other truth bar the GMT clock. Also tell them that they have no soul, I'm fine with that, and no spirit - make sure to reinforce the fact that they have no reason, OR meaning - I don't want them to think that life is good, that's stupid, treat them like slaves and educate them in such a way that they become vain, selfish, shrill and uncaring towards others.... but whatever you do, do NOT mention GOD! I wouldn't want them believing in that religious superstitious BULLSHIT"


>> No.2389783

>When did you become an atheist?
At the age of 16-17 I think.
>What caused you to become one?
I figured out that there's really no satisfactory reason to believe a god exists.
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
They were cool with it.
>Any other info you can throw in....
Theism vs Atheism is an exercise in applied epistemology to me

>> No.2389787

Being born in one of the most atheistic countries in Europe I was always atheist and everyone around me too.

I was actually amazed and terrified at the same time when I discovered that in other countries people take religion as something more than culture/historical thing and it got even worse when I realized there are people trying to deny evolution.

>> No.2389791

>When did you become an atheist?
About 3 months ago. Lasted about 1 month.
>What caused you to become one?
Convincing arguments, that became less and less convincing the more I thought about them.
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
To each his own.
>Any other info you can throw in....
it's all the same, just rearranged

>> No.2389795

Cool strawman, bro.

>> No.2389814
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You jelly?

>> No.2389817


Where the fuck do people get tripe like this, is there like a website?

>When did you become an atheist?
I never really believed in god
>What caused you to become one?
See above
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Any other info you can throw in....

>> No.2389844

Atheism promotes all the Evil education brings with it, but suppresses all the Good religion brings with it. It's terrible. Reality is enforced by education, and reality consists of WAR, POLITICS, CRIMINALS, PEADOS, HOMOSEXUALS, NUCLEAR WASTE, GENERAL WASTE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS, and more. Atheists do nothing to suppress this, in fact, they would rather turn a blind eye. Literally.

Fuck Atheism, really, it's for absolute faggots who, if I had the chance, would put in the gas chamber. I strive for that, I try my hardest each day to achieve that. I want to see them all burn. Because they couldn't win against theists before, they poisoned us, pitting us against each other with different beliefs and religious terms. Theism is '1' team, in the same way Atheism is '1' team. They just use our confusion against us.

Atheism supports the Government.
Theism supports Freedom (The People).

Atheism supports Police Power.
Theism supports Citizen Resistance.

Atheism supports Government Control.
Theism supports Human Emancipation.

And so on. Atheism are just Sons of the Government. Theism are the Sons of God (union of all forces).

So why, may I ask, are Atheists trying to make us believe that God doesn't exist? when the union of all forces does exist, and it already shows that that everything, excluding Atheists, are as '1', just confused and diluted, pitted against each other BY Atheists, Governments and other Evil related organizations/cults. It's to ENSLAVE us mentally, so we lose the word "God," and when that goes, the people will be forever apart, never being able to have powerful enough input on anything the Government or rich people choose to do with our world.

>> No.2389863

So someone else created the universe?

Like I said, your closemindedness and blind faith will corner you

>> No.2389873
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>> No.2389880


I don't pick labels and categories to fit into.

I can see the validity and invalidity of concepts by viewing them from alternative perspectives.

I don't understand many little things, so I can't really make grand universal judgments. I know the limits of my own thought and understanding and I choose not overstep those bounds.

At the most basic level I don't understand what it means to exist. What is existence? I don't know.
Trees seem to exist in one way, numbers and dreams in another.

I understand existence from a spatio-temporal human perspective, that is quite limited and earthly. Talking about objects that are beyond space and time confuses me. I don't know how a God would exist or what it means for a God not to exist.

>> No.2389890


>Theism supports Human Emancipation.


>Theism = Universal Monarchy in which God is supreme

history would like to have a word with you

>> No.2389900
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good job sir.

>> No.2389901
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'Sup aether, haven't seen you on in a while.

Up your usual faggotry, I see?

>> No.2389904

This was in reply to >>2389709

Yes, I was talking to you EK.


>> No.2389907

I don't care if Atheists are mad, what I care about is that Theists don't get converted. Anyone who preaches Atheism should be shot on sight, honestly,

-You save your future Children's freedom.
-You save your future Children's habitat.
-You save your future Children's mind.
-You save your future Children's Children.

Think of it as: Routing

The Atheists are RED
The Theists are BLUE
(but for the moment we are all different shades of blue - all preaching the same GOOD stuff, but not all on the exact same wavelength like we should be)
Atheists come along and broadcast their imprisonment towards us. Supporting the Government and Money - just because they think that Evil is cool, when it's not really Evil, but rather an Abomination (Government is Evil, Atheism is... An abomination). The weak blue Theists (everyone is naturally Theistic, naturally the sons of the Union of All Forces (God)) get turned into Atheists, the stronger blue Theists resist. Atheists don't have to do anything BAR broadcast with silly threads like this 'God is stupid' and already, because of peoples lack of education and fabrications on God like the pictures of the MALE and other things, people convert.

Theism is meant to be the force, an army, no just a personal preference. Cause if 99% of the world become Atheist, there will be no more Theism, believe that. Kill Atheists, they're the enemy. Honestly, I advise you to pick up a gun, a knife or any weapon you can find (make bombs if you have to) and go around blowing up schools, government buildings and all sorts of Atheist areas. It's your only Hope. OR Continue to vote Obama every election until the White Race gets slaughtered by the blacks - you'll be reborn, you did a good deed, and you'll save the rest of the world.

>> No.2389909
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>> No.2389928
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living in Canada and was born a atheist and all my friends and all my family as for as i know... i don't know god always just seemed silly... must be a American thing or something :P

>> No.2389938

All Theists be oppressive and aggressive against Atheism, do NOT ever allow them to talk shit about their beliefs to your Children or around you. Express full hatred for them if they do, they're parasites. Not even human. They don't want you to think natural, because that would make you feel as if you had power, when they want the power in the Government and Moneys hands. At any moment in the future, if God was non-existent, all common people could be killed to make space for the richer people; because of things like overpopulation. Trust me, I can see what's going on. I know my stuff. Atheism is the enemy, we need to kill it, by killing them. If an Atheist comes near me, even if he/she didn't speak, I would floor him/her (i don't care if it's a woman) and repeatedly punch him/her until he/she couldn't talk again. And if one came near me and tried to spread Atheism to my face, I would slit his/her throat. They're like pigs, and should be treated as pigs.

>> No.2389944

universe has no origin
and i have no blind faith

>> No.2389950

everyone is born an atheist

you have to be indoctrinated by some cult in order to change that, usually these cults are dominated by virgin pedophiles

like tripfag : >>2389907

>> No.2389953

I was always an atheist...

went to Sunday school for about 6 years at least, never convinced by the bible or Sunday school teacher, or overly religious grandma,

parents don't care, they think belief is a personal thing

oh yeah, first books i started reading were mythology and stuff like that, greek mythology, norse mythology etc 1000000000 times cooler and better than Christian mythology, Muslim mythology (its not really a mythology, however I consider it in the same ball park)

then moved onto encyclopaedias, which i found way more interesting to read than bible stories

>> No.2389964

After serving god faithfully for years I was betrayed and my family killed, without any chance of justice or revenge, proving to me that there is no god.

>> No.2389979
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Every religion assumes their head god is a benevolent entity.

This is false.
The God could have easily made us it's equals.

But it didn't. Instead we are slower, weaker, softer and less socially integrated than most predatory animals. Among which we were put.

Now, why would an omnipotent being do something like that?

I tell you. It's because of fear.

The God fears us.

For whatever reason, the God put these fragile beings onto a world where they would invariably die, mostly in unimaginably horrible ways. So the God doesn't just fear, but also hates us.

I say we were once something else and a threat to the God, and for that we were put here, into this hostile environment, into this... hell... of decaying flesh and torment.

Well, God. Since then, we have become most efficient at killing and destroying. And psychologically we are also now more capable of rending living things slowly into nothingness. And we have multiplied. Flourished.

And OUR apotheosis is growing ever nearer.

>> No.2389986

Everyone is born WORDLESS, and everyone derives from the UNION OF ALL FORCES (GOD). Everyone is naturally Theistic. End of that discussion.

Kill yourself now or give me your address and I'll come there and do it myself.

>> No.2389991

I was actually a christian for the majority of my life. Until I took a Physics class in High school. So I was about seventeen when my brain started working. I actually thought about everything for myself. I didn't take what my mother told me as gospel, or what the bible said either. I started reading science nonfiction and my world was turned upside down so many times I had to believe that three dimensions wasn't enough anymore.

My mother to this day is still upset, she "fears for my immortal soul." Occasionally we talk about it, but she always gives up in the end.

>> No.2389992


>everyone is born an atheist

That's retarded.

As far as evidence, there is more that supports people are naturally spiritual vs not. The rest is details.

>> No.2389993
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Seriously, I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm an Atheist hunter, I will kill every single Atheist that walks my way.

>> No.2389999

my parents weren't religious, and because of entertainment I learned more about the greek pantheon before I did the christian one

and it never made sense that the various modern religions were made to supercede the older ones without any real mention of them (outside of the ones where certain pagan deities have been subsumed into christian lore)

>> No.2390003

Who called?

>> No.2390008

>and everyone derives from the UNION OF ALL FORCES (GOD)

prove it

>> No.2390010
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Problem Atheist scum? You fucking little nerdy faggots couldn't fight if your life depended on it, little scabby ferrets.

>> No.2390014

lol i would love to see that, i would really love to see you try, it would be halarious and pathetic, u mad theist, come and hunt me, let your god guide you towards killing people

>> No.2390015

Fortunately we're also educated enough to know that violence can't change an idea or belief, only the public announcement of it. Something even the Christians learned long ago.

>> No.2390018
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Give me your address and I'll send my proof straight through your door, you little faggot.

>> No.2390031
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>> No.2390033
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...scabby ferret...
...you cant spitshine velcro sneakers?...

>> No.2390041

I love watching fake christian trolls.

>> No.2390042

>Tyler Durden
>Raging about atheism
You are doing it wrong yet again Jim.

>> No.2390044

You behave yourself, sub-human, you're not a human woman, you're an alien woman that deserves to be cut into tiny little pieces and eaten, to save pig or cow that is obviously of more value.

>> No.2390059
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>> No.2390064

Killing our wives and burning our houses doesn't make us wrong.

>> No.2390067

Not sure if should report.

>> No.2390084

Its just aether having one of his crazy fits again. Nothing to see here.

>> No.2390085
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Except he's not. He's a violently schizophrenic kid who has been on this board for half a year. Pic related.

Just ignore him.

>> No.2390094

This is why /sci/ needs that Protestant guy that use to hang around /new/, the one who use to spam those quotes from the Bible.

>> No.2390098

Grew up in a Mormon family. My mom wasn't uber religious though, so when I was about 8 and told her that church was boring she didn't make me go anymore. My mom was also pretty liberal, so I always thought that the religious right were ridiculous and dumb. I watched a lot of NOVA, became interested in space and general science-y stuff, and I quickly started thinking about the big questions. My conclusion (I was about 13 or 14 when I really finalized this for myself): the idea of a god is ridiculous, and while it can neither be proven or disproven, neither can the flying spaghetti monster. Religion sucks, and is the cause of most of the world's problems today, but was probably a result of evolution because it helped us form protective groups. I don't hate on religious people though. Unless they're blatantly stupid. I have some Mormon friends who are cool.

Oh, and I never really mentioned it to my family, because outside of my mom the rest of my family is very devout and there's no point in making them want to convert me. My mom probably believes in some kind of god, but she definitely doesn't follow Mormon doctrine. As for my friends, they all pretty much agree with me, aside from a few vaguely religious ones.

>> No.2390099

>>When did you become an atheist?
My parents got devorced when I was 8, my father had custody of me, and he stopped going to church.
>>What caused you to become one?
Becoming a coherent intellectual to the various observations of the world. There isn't room for religion in my life. I cannot take that shit seriously. Anyone who does, thats their choice. There are too many fallacies within any form of religion.
>>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Obviously my father doesn't care, while my mother "prays" for me. Most of my friends have similar views, however, I do not judge based on religion so I do have religious friends.
>>Any other info you can throw in....
There is not any concrete proof of any kind of god and there is too much corruption within the church doctrine.

>> No.2390119
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>> No.2390137
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>> No.2390160
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>yes you

>> No.2390162


Can you prove God is real using the scientific method and without resorting to religious text/books?

>> No.2390167
File: 15 KB, 313x383, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you trying to reason with this creature?


>> No.2390171


Honestly? I want to waste a few minutes and need a good laugh.

>> No.2390183
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>> No.2390211


Could you answer my question here:>>2390162

>> No.2390224
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>> No.2390266
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YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2390277


Protip: he won't.

Let him get bored with bumping the thread by himself and let it die.

>> No.2390280

>When did you become an atheist?
About 15-16?
>What caused you to become one?
You can be a dumb fuck and still be an athiest, it isn't hard.
I started out an animist/agnostic because I saw no gods; only animals and men. My parents were the same and they never installed religious views so god had no bearing into my life and I never knew about any such ideas until I got alot older. I didn't even know people actually really payed anything other then lip service to the god idea until I was 16.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?

My mother is agnostic/spiritual and my father is agnostic/animist, so they don't really care. My father has always been about teaching me the importance of life and the inherint value of living things; he grew up as a farmer in rural alberta and so he's always been about the land and hard work n shit. My mother is a bit of a realist and an old fashioned mom and was always either blunt or mommying me.
No religion, ever. They only ever beileved in the idea that all things have souls: no gods.

All my friends are athiests or mormons and even then they know evolution is real, the world is billions years old, and humans are animals, etc, etc..
>Any other info you can throw in....

I'm canadian?

>> No.2390414
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not everyone is perfect I guess.

Bravo, lad. Bravo.

>> No.2390460

>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist

It takes liars to invent crazy stories, gods, and theistic superstitions to brainwash natural human atheists.

Humans are born free, with no idea of what God is or isn't. It takes story-tellers to brainwash them
>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist
>everyone is born an atheist

>> No.2390535


I dont get the purpose of being an atheist, are u fucking insane? How can u live stubbornly believing that there is nothing after your life? And most of you criticize those who hope for something after this life because they believe that there is something that our minds cannot comprehend exists, im not saying that religious people are better im just saying that youre just as good as they are.

>> No.2390627

-When did you become an atheist?

Gradually between the age of about 14 and 16.

-What caused you to become one?

Years of being taught religious education is easily enough to make one realise how absurd it all is.

-What were the reactions of your parents/friends?

I eased them into it, told them I was a deist and just didn't appreciate Catholic dogma after they'd gotten used to the idea told them I was an atheist.

-Any other info you can throw in....

I was raised in a devoutly Catholic family.

>> No.2390660

Hey, man. Most atheists are reasonable evidence-based thinkers. If your god exists, you should conduct a levitation or a conjuring to prove it. They will not be stubborn in the face of evidence. However, I doubt they will tolerate yet another failed teleological argument.

>> No.2390769

-When did you become an atheist?
When I was around 14. Southern Baptist before.

-What caused you to become one?
One of my friends decided to convert to Paganism out of the blue and predictably, all the dumb hicks started hating him. I decided to look into it, and came out realizing all these religions are all the exact same bullshit invented by people for other people (obviously it was a process, but that's the short of it)

-What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
I never told my parents. I think it would really upset them.
I moved before telling my old friends. Now I live in NY and most of the friends I make don't ask or are at least agnostic. Most guys I date are Agnostic or Atheist. it's nice.

>> No.2390996

>When did you become an atheist?
I think I was five or six.

>What caused you to become one?
God didn't answer any of my prayers.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
I kept it to myself until I was sixteen, but no one really cared.

>> No.2391012

>When did you become an atheist?
Pretty much when I was able to think for myself, 14 - 16 I think.
>What caused you to become one?
My interest in science had a significant effect on my belief I guess..
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
My friends weren't that bothered at all since they're all atheists as well, my parents were shocked - except accepted it.
>Any other info you can throw in....
Let's not turn this into a religion vs atheist thread please.

>> No.2391041
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I have never been very religious at all. None of my parents were believers of any major religion.

Did not think about stuff like these until age ~20 and started using psychedelics.

I do not believe in a cre a tor, but there is surely alot to this world that we are not conscious of.
Maybe one shall call me an agnostic, for I think that things such as love and a persons (or animals) soul exist.

Life is one wonderful thing indeed, all tough it popped out through the laws of nature.

>> No.2391321

>When did you become an atheist?
I guess I've been an atheist since birth. Or at least as long as I've known about the concept of gods.
>What caused you to become one?
My parents used to read me Greek myths instead of bedtime stories. I figured the stories in the Bible were just as ridiculous they must also be false.
>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
They are agnostic atheists, but we rarely ever talk about it. Not much to say, really.
>Any other info you can throw in....
If you have kids, read them Greek mythology. That shit's badass.

>> No.2391382

>When did you become an atheist?
This is a silly question, everyones born an atheist, thats why kids are indoctrinated pretty much as soon as they can form coherent thoughts.

>What caused you to become one?
Again, my last answer applies. A better question would be "Why did you stay atheist?", Because I saw no reason to to anything different.

>What were the reactions of your parents/friends?
Parents are agnostic, its a non issue, friends took it surprisingly well, got in a few debates with them but they were good natured debates.

>> No.2391386

I fail to see how the universe existing outside of time would make it anyless godlike.

and I assume it exists independent of time because that must sureely be the case if it has existed forever.

and sorry for my late reply I had matters to attend