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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2388520 No.2388520 [Reply] [Original]

Whats a good way to trick women into liking me?

>> No.2388532

Good hygene, handsome features, money, something you have a passion for, and good social skills.
I've trolled so many females this way that it just comes naturally to me.

>> No.2388530


>> No.2388535

Make them think you have big, rippling muscles, and that you're intelligent, humorous, confident, and not a jerk.

>> No.2388551

by getting a life instead of spending all your time on 4chan.

Also: money, muscles, and more money.

>> No.2388553


>> No.2388558

but im ugly and i have no money im just a college kid

>> No.2388562
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Having a cool personality or something.

Also, read this book:


Shit works for real
Anon seal of approval.

>> No.2388575
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>mfw that pic

>> No.2388576

Show a genuine interest in them without being creepy. That's all there is to it. You're probably physically attractive enough for most girls unless you're completely obese.

Unfortunately, if you're an aspie, you probably have no concept of what's creepy, and you're screwed.

>> No.2388577

Oh, just lower your standards then. There are a lot of women who would love you to death. Stop chasing supermodels.

>> No.2388579

then spend the next five years being friends with people. Don't even try and get a girlfriend. Get a good job, save up a lot of money, and then teach at a university for a while where you'll find lots of beautiful, intelligent, young supple females who will be all over your nerd ass.

this thread needs porn.

>> No.2388580
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Mystery method pretty much is a mathematical formula for getting girls to like you.

shit is so cash. the book is really easy to torrent too.

>> No.2388591

but I look creepy and Im really fat

>> No.2388600

Act like a man.

>> No.2388605
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could I get women if I look like this

>> No.2388613

Women love back massages

>> No.2388630

By being assertive but not a bully.
Women hate bullies, but if you're not assertive, they won't even notice you.

>> No.2388636

>trick women into liking me?

They love when you unexpectedly put your penis into their vagina.

>> No.2388639

First of all, stop being such a whiny faggot. And stop searching for girlfriend. You'll find her when you stop giving a shit about having a girlfriend. However, you have to, as I said before, stop being whiny faggot first.

>> No.2388647

You don't look very intelligent or sensitive. You kind of look like a rapist. Purely on a physical attractiveness level, you're fine. So, you just need to be able to start interaction with women to show that you can understand their thoughts and feelings and care about them and are not a rapist.

>> No.2388653


>> No.2388657
File: 11 KB, 200x307, mystery-method-how-get-beautiful-women-into-bed-chris-odom-hardcover-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I know I sound like an advertisement but seriously,

this book is the greatest thing that ever happened to my love life. It is fucking awesome download this shit.

>> No.2388664

/soc/ is that way --->

>> No.2388669

You mean it actually works?

>> No.2388671

But I want to learn how their minds work and the scientifc ways of getting women.

>> No.2388674


This book tells you how their minds work.


yes it works.

>> No.2388679

Guys, I shit you not...

Mystery method is the best girl guide I have ever read in my life.

>> No.2388682

What I'm saying is that you have a hurdle to get over which is that the first impression you give is that of a big dumb rapist. Once you're actually talking to them and people around them, and countering that first impression, your looks shouldn't be a problem. It doesn't look like you're morbidly obese or anything, and personality and how you make them feel is the key.

I think dressing with some style might help you a lot. Your physical first impression doesn't have to be a negative one. But that costs a little money.

>> No.2388684

pretend you aren't a piece of shit loser

>> No.2388689

bullshit, no matter what you've read, you cant trick everyone.
the best actor in the world wouldnt be able to trick me into bed.

>> No.2388692

Im an awkward guy though.

>> No.2388693

You can't understand women with science. Don't even try.

>> No.2388699


I would tell you to go back to /r9k/ for answers to your misogynist ways, but moot decided to take that down without realizing the outpouring of foreveralone's that would stampede across all other boards.
/soc/ is the best place I can tell you to go.
Get the fuck out of my /sci/.
If you had any sort of scientific inclination, you would realize that there is no real difference between males and females. You're just getting confused because /r9k/ is a bunch of socially awkward retards that always go for the wrong kind of person.
Get out and take your shit to /soc/.

>> No.2388704


He doesn't have to trick everyone. He doesn't have to trick close to everyone. If he talks to 10 women each night, he only has to trick 10% of them.

>> No.2388705

You haven't had one of my backrubs them

>> No.2388708

>the best actor in the world wouldnt be able to trick me into bed.
He wouldn't need to trick you

>> No.2388709

I dont hate women. Im not a misogyny.

>> No.2388713

Trust me OP, your appearance has very little to do with your lack of romantic success. I am quite attractive but suck at chasing girls. You just blame your appearance because it's an easy way to explain your failure.

Even though I suck with girls I'll still try to give some advice:
- start by acting purely friendly, treat them as you would a guy, except of course be more courteous, like opening doors, buying them a drink, whatever
- then add some physical touch to get them thinking about romance, like putting your arm around them, hugging them, etc
- then when an opportunity presents itself, go for the kiss
- then get them alone somewhere private, make out, and get laid

Obviously you need to wait some time between steps. The goal is to make them trust you, then make them want you. You make them trust you by being friendly, you make them want you by making physical advances. Bitches love physical advances.

>> No.2388719

It takes practice. Find a female you feel comfortable talking to. Some you'll feel much more comfortable with than others. Just try saying something to various chicks until you find one you aren't too awkward with. Then you can practice talking to her a lot until it comes more and more naturally.

>> No.2388726

A moderately well-trained dolphin could probably trick you into bed.

>> No.2388737

Okay then "player"
I'll pretend I'm a girl
How would you start a conversation?

>> No.2388741



Also, don't listen to >>2388713
Acting too friendly is suspicious. Being all white-knighty and rushing to open doors and classic crap like that is suspicious and creepy.
Unwarranted hugs (hugrape) are very real, and while you may not be able to tell the difference, the girl DEFINITELY FUCKING CAN BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO HUG HER IF YOU'RE JUST FRIENDS AND NOT ROMANTICALLY INCLINED. JESUS CHRIST, PERSONAL SPACE. GOD DAMN.

>then when an opportunity presents itself, go for the kiss

FUCK NO! What is wrong with you people? Don't go for a kiss before you fucking ask her out on a date. This is 1000x worse than hug rape, and you are a bad person and should feel bad.

>then get them alone somewhere private, make out, and get laid

sounds like rape to me.

You have to learn to interpret body language. it's not like women have mysterious body language. Chances are, if you can't pick up on it, then you also must not have many guy friends who aren't ronery like you because you can't read ANYONE'S body language.

>> No.2388749

Why do people think they have to "trick" women into bed? Women are horny too, and there are as many of them as there are of us. The only reason you would have to lie is if you are a total loser, like if you are 25 and still living in your parents basement without a job. Otherwise, be yourself, be manly, be a gentleman, and you should have no problems. If this hasn't worked for you it's not because your technique is wrong it's because you've only tried it on like 3 girls ever.

>> No.2388757

sounds like somebody needs a hug

>> No.2388765


>> No.2388769

>>2388726 dolphin

I don't think a dolphin needs to trick anyone. those are some sexy mammals

>> No.2388770

You're right I'm a loser

>> No.2388773
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>> No.2388775

What's a good way to trick female dolphins into liking me?

>> No.2388785

rub their belly

>> No.2388784

>If you had any sort of scientific inclination, you would realize that there is no real difference between males and females
virgin detected

>> No.2388781


Well, it depends on the place where I meet you.
Describe the situation around us. Are you with any friends, etc.

>> No.2388783

thats implying that all the women he talks to are
a: single
and b: potentially willing to fuck on the first night of meeting him.

...very unlikely.
so you have to multiply the chance of successful trickery, by chances like these which will make them 'immune' anyway.

>> No.2388788

I just threw up a little

>> No.2388790

Stick it in her pooper, they LOVE that.

>> No.2388786

rub her belly

>> No.2388796

Douse yourself in pheromones. It'll be like a magnet for them.

>> No.2388800


The majority of girls I've known like platonic hugs. Hell, a lot of guys, too.

>> No.2388802

1. at a starbucks
2. alone

>> No.2388807

Autistic femanon detected.

>> No.2388808

OK Miss Femanon, then how am I supposed to tell if the girl is romantically inclined? It's not like they tell you or give any indication whatsoever. Like it or not, the way it works is, man makes advance, woman either accepts or rejects it. Women don't make the advance. I'm not totally comfortable with that system either but that's how humans work.

>Don't go for a kiss before you fucking ask her out on a date.
I don't, I assure you, I just omitted the date part from my list because it's not as fundamental. My bad. Nor am I suggesting that you go for the kiss minutes after meeting the girl. I'd only do that after establishing the beginnings of a relationship.

>sounds like rape to me.
So there's this guy who's been taking you out on dates, kissing you, etc. You have not rejected him or else things would not be continuing to this point. He invites you over to his place, you accept. One thing leads to another and you start making out, end up getting naked and having sex. Is this rape? It sounds pretty consensual to me.

>> No.2388811


>> No.2388813

i wouldn't consider that a trick. =p

maybe not, i dont know him.

hmm...i twould have to be a fairly sexy dolphin...

>> No.2388816

are you jullian assange?

>> No.2388820

Nah, can't be him. He gets all the bitches.

>> No.2388826

This. You have to learn to read women. Like I said before, it takes practice. It takes practice to feel comfortable interacting with them, and it takes practice to pick up on their signals. It comes more naturally to some than others, but if you don't learn to read their signals, body language, hints (especially hints to back off/leave them alone), you'll get nowhere. The first most important skill is making them feel safe around you. That means that if you start making them feel uncomfortable you need to be able to back off instantly.

>> No.2388834
File: 3 KB, 126x119, za3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, the hell is wrong with you people???

in fact, there are more females than males (52% to 48%) and that means that if every single guy pair bonds, 4% of the world population (a twelth of all females) would be forever-alone.jpg.

you guys have no fucking excuse, you are the limiting resource here.

>> No.2388835

I lol'd

>> No.2388845

If the guys are more in demand, how come the females aren't the ones asking guys out?

>> No.2388847

Dude, just practice dem social skills. If you care enough to be able to get with chicks, then put the effort into it.

>> No.2388851


That is not a safe assumption to make about all girls.
If she doesn't like you, you're going to make her think you're a lonely, desperate creep.
Seriously. Not everyone likes casual hugs.
It's not a good general rule because not all girls like hugs. I was simply pointing out the consequences.

There is no real difference in their brain function or mental capacity or the way you would interact with one gender compared to another. That is all I was saying. What people choose to do is a completely different story, but there is nothing too inherently different in that regard.

Also, this >>2388783

>implying anyone on 4chan isn't a tad autistic

Body language. Like I said earlier. If you can't read body language, then you're going to fail. And some girls will flat out tell you. A lot of shallower women will try to be manipulative or secretive, or 'play hard to get' but are those REALLY the kinds of people you'd want to have a relationship with? And if you're just looking for someone to fuck, go to a bar. There are plenty of women who want no strings attached relationships that can be found drunk as hell at a bar.

>> No.2388857

assuming that women aren't whores out to fuck the first alpha male that comes along and gives her attention.

why do you think men call getting laid "getting lucky"?

because a minority of men are having sex with women. women who are always bitching about falling for the wrong guy. you know, like when you're friendzoned and wondering why she's fucking the asshole?

>> No.2388866


Also, you did not quantify any of those with other elements. You have to keep in mind the level of desperate depravity here, and the fact that you're giving advice to people who are socially retarded and cannot pick up on body language cues that most people can.

>> No.2388879
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Pic is Notch about to get lucky.

>> No.2388878

>wondering why she's fucking the asshole?
Protip: if she wasn't fucking that asshole, she still wouldn't be fucking you.

>> No.2388876

how do I learn body languages then I haven no friends to teach me Im alone

>> No.2388880

in short, tradition. this is just how its always been. theres no real reason for it. and like anon said, we are just as horny as the males.

>> No.2388882


I honestly wish moot could have kept /new/ and /r9k/ up long enough to bulk up enforcement of other boards and keep that shit from flying all over the place.

Maybe you should stop going for those shallow, bitchy women?
>but all women are bitches
No. No they are not. You're just socially retarded and too hung up about it. Changing your attitude might also un-blind you to the variety of women that are in the world.

>> No.2388893


Try interacting with people.

>> No.2388897

>there are more females than males (52% to 48%)
at birth: 1.07 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.07 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1.02 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.79 male(s)/female
total population: 1.01 male(s)/female (2009 est.)


>> No.2388899

>There is no real difference in their brain function or mental capacity or the way you would interact with one gender compared to another.
That's just wrong. There are enormous neurological differences. There are enormous social difference that largely arise from the neurological differences. A guy who has only ever interacted with other guys does not yet have the tools for interacting with girls. THEY DO NOT FUCKING WORK THE SAME WAY.

>> No.2388901
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>> No.2388908

Gangs of male dolphins will often isolate and exhaust female dolphins until they submit to mating with them.

>> No.2388918

lol @ the possibility of resorting to old dying grannies

>> No.2388942


Yes, the corpus callosum of females is slightly larger, on average, than males. Yes, male brains tend to be slightly larger, on average, than female brains. Yes, female brains tend to have more invaginations, on average, than male brains. Yes, there are different balances of hormones to control male and female bodies and regulate the different male and female cycles. But as far as overall, general biologically controlled behavior goes, there is not much difference. Social conditioning and experience is going to play a large part as to how the person acts, because people are not mindless automatons that are complete slaves to their brain chemicals. And these experiences are going to impact what they value in the world and how they see themselves and how they wish others to see them.

That said, human body language is fairly universal. If you can't read female body language, chances are you can't read male body language.

>> No.2388965

how is this topic still open?

>> No.2388967

Is there a book that I can buy or a class that will teach me body language.

>> No.2388964

You just gotta put the effort in to start talking to people, finding people to hang out with. Like people with shared interests. Ideally you could find a group of guys and girls who hangs out that you could start hanging out with. When it comes to girls, pay attention. Think about if what she's saying and doing indicates comfortable/uncomfortable, interested/uninterested. Watch girls when they interact with other guys. If you're out of the equation it should be more obvious. Like if some dork is talking her ear off and she just wants him to leave. Or if she is interested and wants to talk more or hang out with him. What happens at the end of the conversation? That will tell you if you were right or wrong about reading it. Does she take the first opportunity to leave? If she is actually interested, she will do something to further the interaction that she doesn't have to do, like ask follow-up questions, give him her number, whatever. You can pretty much tell what the nature of the interaction is by how it ends.

>> No.2388972

so OLD women only outnumber similar aged men...apart from that, men outnumber women?

>> No.2388973


Because I mad and keep forgetting to change the e-mail field to sage so it will stop bumping the thread.

>> No.2388976

Ignore them

>> No.2388987

The thing is, males don't rely on the subtle signals that women do, especially amongst themselves. For a male who has only interacted with other males, the whole art of picking up signals and hints is likely completely foreign to him.

>> No.2388994

this is the strangest forced meme i've seen.
nobody even notices that this thread is posted every day.

>> No.2388998

>because people are not mindless automatons that are complete slaves to their brain chemicals

Of course not, people *are* their brain chemicals. How can one be a slave to oneself?

Understanding the truth about the mind/brain dichotomy is some kinda zen thing. You are your brain, and yet not a mindless automaton. You have choices but those choices are informed by your experiences and expectations. When a person is depressed, it's never quite clear whether it's because of dark thoughts (I experienced this therefore I feel like shit) or because of a dopamine deficiency, but then - the dark thoughts ARE the dopamine deficiency, and vice-versa, to an extent.

Think of it this way, is a computer program something like printf("Hello world!"); or is it electrical signals traveling through the CPU? No. The electrical signals are the code, and the code is the electrical signals. Much the same with the brain.

>> No.2389005


My genetics professor explained this by saying that males are more susceptible to a number of life-threatening diseases within the first year or so of life. So, more males die off.
Also, it is most beneficial for a species to have an equal sex-ratio, therefore, the loss of these males would make the ratio less than ideal if they were born in a 1:1 ratio. So, it would be beneficial for some mechanism to be present which attempts to preserve this ratio by in some way making slightly more males than females.
This mechanism has been observed in sperm. They have taken sperm samples, centrifuged them, and found that y-chromosome sperm swim to the top of the container faster than the x-chromosome sperm.

>> No.2389008


>she's fucking the asshole

Hey, woah, woah, woah, I don't wanna get fucked in the asshole.

>> No.2389010


My point was
>You have choices but those choices are informed by your experiences and expectations.
So I don't understand what your problem is.