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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 500x375, west999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2385228 No.2385228 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /sci/ what happens when you die? No religious wars, please.

>> No.2385232

You stop living.

>> No.2385233

Pallor mortis
Algor mortis
Rigor mortis
Livor mortis

In that order.

>> No.2385235

Remember what it was like before you were born?

It's gonna be exactly like that

>> No.2385236

You go to an afterlife that is a religious war.

>> No.2385238

Also, I'm asking because I have this fear. I think when I die, I'll go into a void. But stuck with my thoughts.

>> No.2385241

>What happens when you die
>No religious wars


>> No.2385246


Its funny, I started thinking about that a few days ago. And my irrational fear is slowly fading.

>> No.2385248
File: 12 KB, 126x149, kimiko15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys.

Except you.

>> No.2385251

is that really bad? i thought that was what heaven was like.

>> No.2385256

I'm very certain that you will soon lose the capability to withhold consciousness, and thus the ability to think, upon death. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
And this is the correct answer.

>> No.2385262


>> No.2385265


>stuck seeing pitch black
>trapped with thoughts

I'm pretty sure this isn't heaven. But then again, what do I know.

>> No.2385267

That's frankly an absurd anticipation. Your senses are part of your mind. If you are thinking, you'll be experiencing your other senses as well. What you'll be sensing if disembodied from the physical world is another matter, but that's basically what happens in dreams. If you are still alive after death, it doesn't seem likely you will be any more in a "void" than you are in your dreams.

>> No.2385281

God eats your soul.

Monotheists call this heaven

>> No.2385283

OP, if you are afraid of dying, go to /lit/ and ask for books and philosophers about it.

I had this fear before, I mean uncontrollable fear, it made me actually vomit and get sick over it and I couldn't do anything. And I didn't get completely over, but I found out an answer on my on ways, without any religious or supernatural shit of course.

I believe that all intelligent people cross this feeling at a particular moment of their lives. And I mean feeling, not thought, because thinking about it is easy, but it gets really hard when you feel that abyss looking at you.

>> No.2385284

Thinking is what I live for. Infinite peace and quite with no hunger or desire allowing me to assemble the data I have collected throughout life... sounds cool to me bro. Stop being so negative.

You are a crazy fuck if you actually believe that is what happens though.

>> No.2385294

I'm pretty excited for the after life being absolutely nothing. When my mindfuck will finally shut the hell up and everything will be gone.

>> No.2385297

Modern valhalla:

Constant adventure, tits and weiners everywhere, and waffles stacked high like the ford building.

Also you get to see all your dead friends/relatives, but you don't usually get to see celebrities since why the fuck would they care about you?

Oh, and you get to fight angels and demons.

>> No.2385307

I'm pretty sure you shit your pants.

>> No.2385313


I'm not sure I can say I'm afraid of death, I just started thinking about this. It was more out of curiosity, than a fear. I started this thread, cause I wanted to know logically what would happen. I'm really afraid of bees.

>> No.2385319


Why would you say this?

>> No.2385321

Your bowels would loose themselves upon death, yes. So it is possible for you to shit your former self.

>> No.2385323
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I like this answer a lot. And I, personally, look forward to have my care-takers clean my irrigated bowels after my passing.

>> No.2385324

You guys are idiots.

I rather suffer ultimate pain for eternity than to not be at all.

If you like void so much, why don't you suicide?
Life lovers: 1
Suicidals: 0

>> No.2385331
File: 73 KB, 530x637, long-bear-tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm really afraid of bees.
What about bears? Are you afraid of bears? You are in big trouble if you are afraid of bears.

>> No.2385337

thanks OP, now I'm having a panic attack about my mortality again.

Gotta take a fucking hour out to reassure myself I'm immortal now.

>> No.2385338

Dude look at the reflection in the wood table below Dexter, so off and exaggerated.

>> No.2385339

Your preference doesn't mean anything in determining reality. Everyone in this thread already knows that there is only one thing that happens when you die... you stop living.

>> No.2385343


I don't think anyone here said they like voids? Also, what's the difference between dying of natural causes and committing suicide. You get the same results? One just works faster.

>> No.2385359


Nah, bears are sweet. I wanted to be a bear when I was younger. Scout eatan, fur havan, hibernatan.

>> No.2385362


You can't even fathom eternity, why would you even use that word.

>> No.2385367

Oh ok.

So, scientific explanation to what happends to you:
- Your body decays
- Your mind ceases to exist because your brain is not working

Note: wven when you pass out or dream your brain is working, that won't happen when you die.

Now you say
>what now?

And we say we don't fucking know because that's how shit is. Before you are born you are nothing and then you came to be. You will go to that stage.

>> No.2385368

I believe you were eleven.

>> No.2385375

Not samefag, but if there's one thing I've learned from watching Tarkovsky films is that while I may not be able to fathom such things as love or eternity without personally experiencing them, but I can still fathom their concepts. So nyeh!

>> No.2385376



>> No.2385383

Well, if there's nothing on the other side, I don't think I'll care considering I'll be dead.

Buuuuuuuuuut, here's hoping for some Valhalla shit.

>> No.2385386


I used to have panic attacks when I was younger. Used to wake up screaming. I got over it.

>> No.2385393

Don't worry, they'll come back to you in your last few minutes.

>> No.2385394

You will be stuck in a cross sectional piece of time of the moment you die. The main thing is to go out as painlessly as possible, for example, if you drown: It will feel like you are drowning for eternity. If you die because your were cut in half by fishing wire around the stomach area, it's going to be a VERY painful eternity.

Good luck everyone.

>> No.2385395

How many of your enemies have you slain?
No beer and wenches for you.

>> No.2385396

>Gotta take a fucking hour out to reassure myself I'm immortal now.

Having an existential crisis, eh? That's kind of funny.

>> No.2385402

I think this the tamest I've seen /sci/ in a while. Kudos.

>> No.2385406



>> No.2385413

Hey now, I beat up the 5th grade bully....When I was in 3rd Grade! I'm so going to Valhalla.

You know what would be a cool, yet weird form of an afterlife? You get there, then you get to reincarnate yourself in any world imaginable, in any form, but when you do, you lose all memory of the afterlife. Then when you die again, you regain it.

>> No.2385420

I know. I'm feeling pretty chill for some reason.

>> No.2385418 [DELETED] 

I know. I feeling pretty chill for some reason.

>> No.2385426

But at that point the "reincarnation" process is moot since "you" may've well been destroyed and another unrelated being created; it would elicit the same effect.

Also, what's your excuse for not praising Odin today?

>> No.2385431

I think that the atheist vs theist debates have become so common place that no one really gives a shit anymore. If only the world reflected this.

>> No.2385433

That's why I want to die peacefully sleeping like my grandfather and not in panic like the people in the bus he was driving.

>> No.2385441

Atheists won.
Christfags are tired and don't even butthurt anymore.

This is the world I want to live in. I love you /sci/

>> No.2385445

sage? sage.

organic matter decomposes. thats it.

>> No.2385446

you get a boner

>> No.2385448

Dude, it's the afterlife. At that point I'd just say "fuck logic".

>> No.2385457

Anyone else love Dester's Laboratory? Ego Trip was my cocaine as a child.

>> No.2385465

DMT gets released from your pituitary gland, causing hallucinations and extending your perception of time to an infinite degree. Hope it's not a bad trip.

>> No.2385470

The day you give up logic is the day you become nothing more than a conglomeration of particles.

On a completely unrelated note, logic and evidence lead to the conclusion that you are nothing more than a conglomeration of particles and that there is no afterlife.

>> No.2385471

Dexter's (?) Lab? I too hold that and many other animated works from that general time period in high regard.

>> No.2385482

You're no fun at all :(

>> No.2385487


>> No.2385492

I loved that kid's voice too. Too bad the animation style changed later along with the voice. I suppose every show has its glory days followed by a decline. Kind of like Spongebob Squarepants, and Seinfeld.

>> No.2385495
File: 9 KB, 125x125, kimiko4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys.

>> No.2385501

As they say, "all good things must [eventually] come to an end," which seems to be applicable to a lot of situations. I'd like to think that it's just me being older and jaded, but the stuff they pump out these days certainly isn't anything like they used to make.

>> No.2385532
File: 146 KB, 217x116, GIF_ScienceDance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are talking about the cartoon industry in general, then you obviously haven't seen Adventure Time. It is one of the best shows I wish I had as a kid. It's the kind of show that kids watch and they know that the references are too mature for them. It's the kind of show that non-kids watch and are entertained by the fact that this non-kid stuff is being shown on a children's show. It's Algebraic!

>> No.2385549



>> No.2385555

when you die you die

>> No.2385561

I suppose you have a point. I guess my recollection of things such as Adventure Time and Regular Show are blurred out by all the other crap that floods the networks. I guess there are some diamonds in those turds.

>> No.2385575


>> No.2385578
File: 394 KB, 2560x1600, 1269444892590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Christianity or any religion is correct, than you go to Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell based upon how you did on Earth.

If there is no religious truth in the universe and the laws of physics are abided then you will eventually reincarnate. Energy cannot be created or destroyed and given an eternity, the matter and energy that currently makes up your body and conscious will reassemble into another body of some kind with another conscious.

If neither are correct then we honestly do not know but we all will someday considering we all die.

>> No.2385580
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>> No.2385589 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 146x160, kimiko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI consciousness is not a form of energy. The configuration of a bunch of particles has no bearing on the energy of the system besides for potential increased distances between particles providing greater electrical and gravitational potential energies.

I'm in a good mood so I'm not going to assume you are a troll.

>> No.2385600
File: 8 KB, 146x160, kimiko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI consciousness is not a form of energy. The configuration of a bunch of particles has no bearing on the energy of the system besides for increased distances between particles providing greater electrical and gravitational potential energies.

I'm in a good mood so I'm not going to assume you are a troll.

>> No.2385602

Was literally typing this

>> No.2385603
File: 31 KB, 265x350, guy-laughing-at-you-thumb1094641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will eventually reincarnate

>> No.2385608
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Have a Alyx hug.

>> No.2385611

A better way of putting it is that there is a probability (however small) that, eventually, atoms may be arranged in a manner in another point in time much so that "you exist" again.

>> No.2385619 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 264x152, kimiko13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is highly unlikely, but if it occurs it will occur it will do so independent of your initial existence.

>> No.2385624

ITT: waaahh im afraid of death let's imagine some shit that makes us confortable

>> No.2385626
File: 21 KB, 264x152, kimiko13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is highly unlikely, but if it does occurs it will do so independently of your initial existence.

>> No.2385633

Unlike you faggots im not human

Enjoy dieing faggots

>> No.2385639

That's what I was trying to get at.
Well, you're right on the "not human" part; you're a tripfag.

>> No.2385640

That could also be arranged such that I had sex with your mother.

>> No.2385655

4chan becomes cleaner duh

>> No.2385656

I'm pretty sure there's a Heisenberg joke in there somewhere...

>> No.2385661
File: 43 KB, 640x512, ab001bd980b901e0440181f1c32634761226380963_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can chemically create exact (atomic) copies of many objects/structures in a lab/industrial setting.

Does that mean they are the "same" object existing at two places independently?

Are all DVD's of The Dark Knight, the exact same DVD?

>> No.2385662

I don't believe in persistent personal identity. I know that I exist, but there's no compelling evidence for the proposition that I now is the same person as me a few hours ago. I remember being that person, but that just means we share memories. I-now will always be experiencing the same thing.

If this notion is true, the question of what I experience after I die is trivially answered: There is no such experience because it refers to a subject (me after death) who does not exist.

>> No.2385668
File: 2.99 MB, 240x180, shuttle1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death is a necessary part of the continuation of humanity. Individually our lives may be nothing but flashes but together, our lives stretching across time, we burn brighter and longer than any star.

>> No.2385688

Yes, a slightly different "you" exists at everypoint within a certain range of times.

>> No.2385725
File: 74 KB, 500x381, JimProfitObjectivist3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is someone a troll just because they disagree with you? You might be in a good mood, but I'm not. Fucking kill yourself, that's an order.

Consciousness cannot be measured, therefore we can assume it's an energy field that we have not yet fathomed or even bothered to try and fathom the frequincy of. Because if "thoughts" were merely a reaction between matter and biochemistry, we could be making anything think right now. We could create fully sentinent life in a laboratory, and yet we havn't. That means it's not merely the result of clashing compounds. But an independent entity all it's own. That means thoughts exist outside of matter. The brain does not think, the brain RECEIVES thought. Therefore, our thoughts were our own before we even had a brain to develop and share them with. Which is why trees and water does not think. Because the only importance of biology is that there are specifics to allow the thought energy to be receptive. But what pisses me off is you're such a pretencious cunt, that you just assume you're right, and everyone else is either stupid or a troll. Get off your high horse, or I will drag you off.

>> No.2385735
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>> No.2385741
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Epic fail is epic fail

>> No.2385742
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>> No.2385778


Human thought is an abstract property just like computation on a microchip. It doesn't need an "energy field," binary logic can just as easily be implemented with switches.

>> No.2385795

Yall are noobs. Good fucking day.

>> No.2385831
File: 142 KB, 432x432, philosoraptor-free-will.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The brain does not think, the brain RECEIVES thought.

No, the brain DOES, in fact, think. It figures things out and as it does, opens doors to new ideas, which we discover within ourselves.
I wouldn't say that our consciousness is just a form of energy or something along those lines, and that our brain is just a place or vessel that harnesses that energy. That rationality is obsurd. Our brains are made of organic matter, and that matter are made of atoms and particles. One could argue that free will doesn't even exist. >see pic
But on the other note, I don't disagree with you about existing again. If matter and energy truly cannot be created or destroyed, and given an eternity ALL possible things will happen, then chances are the atoms and particles that assemble me will one day reasemble, and I'll "live" again. As unlikely as it may be, the laws of physics allow me to exist now, so it's not forbidden to happen. And with forever opportuned, the number of days I'll live will also be eternity. Almost nothing compared to the rest of the universe, but infinite nonetheless.
It feels good to be alive. See you all again in 104.5 trillion trillion trillion years!

>> No.2385864
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 8238939_0293a25f6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If matter/energy can never be created/destroyed, then it already existed forever. If what you just said is real, then you and I already lived forever, with no memory of it at all. My mind is literally blown right now.

>> No.2385885
File: 44 KB, 187x230, kimiko19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Information as it is used in physics doesn't work that way. Memories does not equate to information in the physical conception of the word. Information in this usage simply means the ability to extract knowledge of previous states. For example, of no information survives the contraction period in a cyclic universe then nothing can known about the the past iterations of the universe.

>> No.2387549

All in all, I think this thread went rather well.

>> No.2387636

Everything you have ever thought about, felt any emotion about, had an opinion about, witnessed, experienced, everything that you consider to be reality is in direct dependence upon your brain. When you die the pineal gland in your brain will release excessive amounts of Dimethyltryptamine, the same chemical that causes dreaming. After your death your body will begin the process of decay, if you're like me, you prefer to be buried illegally outside of a coffin so that your matter can reenter the natural cycle, feeding lifeforms which in turn feed other life forms ect ect as the organic matter that makes you has been doing for billions of years. You have existed since the dawn of the universe, the matter you are made of is over 13.5 billion years old. You don't die, you are simply recycled, death is a human construct to describe the entropy of a molecular machine and is not more than an illusion of your subjective, momentary, consciousness. To quote the late Carl Sagan "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." Enjoy your time of sentience, death is nothing to fear.

>> No.2387639
File: 312 KB, 1000x757, THE GAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to the source, if you aren't corrupt.

>> No.2387647


You cease to exist. Period.

>> No.2387650
File: 25 KB, 212x300, laxminarasimha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get reincarnated.
What you are reincarnated as depends on how "good or bad" you were in this life.

>> No.2387658

the exact same thing that happens before you were born

>> No.2387660

My brain ceases to receive the energy it requires to function. The processes in my brain which "generate" my personality, my self-awareness, my thoughts, my memories cease to exist.

I imagine it is like when you fall asleep, just there won't be any dreams, and you won't wake up.

I believe in this sort of reincarnation too
Not trolling.

>> No.2387663

ITT you can easily understand why religions exist.

>> No.2387665



>> No.2387669

Think about it, there is only one possible thing that occurs when you die. This thing, doesn't have to be the concept of '1', it could be the concept of '4', but, no matter what, it's always going to be the same 'thing'. None of us aren't, we all get the same shit.

So. There is only one correct answer.

>> No.2387673


a christian would say that his way is the right way.

closed minded fool.

>> No.2387687

The universe recycles everything.

Why shouldn't an bio-program that a neurological connection create be recycled too?

>> No.2387706
File: 15 KB, 510x287, 15263266_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to worry about this since I won't die. Well, not in the next, say 5 to 10 thousand years.

I just have to figure out how to exploit these fucking idiots crawling on our planet by imitating the business tactics of people like Steve Jobs, Jean-Bernard Lévy or Notch to accumulate enough wealth to be able to afford first anti-aging treatments by the time I hit around 40.

Once I stop aging, I'll be able to benefit from all the wonders of science to come. I actually think my chances of seeing myself in a exoskeleton in 100 to 150 years are pretty realistic. I'll probably be traveling through space in 200 years.

Don't bother replying if you see the error of my ways. I see them myself. But let me dream, forget that the junkfood I eat everyday will probably kill me before I even thought of something to sell to hipsters.

>> No.2387728

Enjoy as the rest of the human race goes through evolution around you.

You'll be what we see as a Neanderthal in "no time".

>> No.2387734
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b...b...but ...

>> No.2387736

Solution: Brain preserved in robot body.

That's my plan anyway. Always room for another implant to boost intelligence.

>> No.2387744

You get reborn. What as I cannot possibly guess.

The way I see it is thus: I am conscious now (or at least I am experiencing the illusion of being conscious). I was born once. I can see no reason why "I" should not again experience the same or similar sensations after my current stream of consciousness dies.

>> No.2387757

How do I get over annihilation anxieties regarding eventually not existing, other than by forcing myself to believe in afterlife? I've had those since preschool although they are becoming less and less frequent.

>> No.2387763
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I'm not really into philosophy, but will your preserved, copied "you" still be in fact you or just a clone? Do you plan on exchanging your brain cells step by step so your conscious you will stay "awake"? I imagine copying myself to be pretty lame. I'll still be stuck in my biological brain while my artificial me, or at least my memories, live on. Maybe some ethical or personal satisfaction, but not benefit for myself.

But how does anything benefit anything, really? Even if we manage to get immortal, I don't think our human mindset would not be able to stand even 1000 years without going insane.

And even if we stay alive for absurdly long times, travel galaxies, discover more and more of the secrets of our universe, we will eventually die as the universe will probably collapse into itself. This gives "nothing really matters" a whole new sense.

>the you that wakes up the next morning isn't in fact you anymore, enjoy your only day alive

>> No.2387765


realize there is no you to be destroyed

read some Zen or advaita vedanta type stuff

>> No.2387766

What if your current stream of consciousness dies every time you fall unconscious, and another stream is started when you regain consciousness again?!?

>> No.2387769
File: 15 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're late to the party bro

>> No.2387770

>the you that wakes up the next morning isn't in fact you anymore, enjoy your only day alive

That should be the basis of a religion in its own right.

>> No.2387772

The same thing that happened for all those years before you were born.

>> No.2387776

You become a legend

>> No.2387779
File: 11 KB, 400x299, chilling-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the you that wakes up the next morning isn't in fact you anymore, enjoy your only day alive

awwwww shit, and I'm out of red bull again and getting sleepy already

I should fap a few times, you know, as long as I'm still alive

>> No.2387781

I see no problem with this.

I'm sure somebody in this thread has brought up time quantisation. In a sense it forces you to consider there is no such thing as one consciousness.

>> No.2387793


Space is forever expanding? How can it collapse within itself?

>> No.2387802

And if this is true, there is no real issue with making a computer program to simulate your brain functions after you die. It will be as much "you" as you yourself would be tomorrow!

Personally, I kinda hope it isn't like that.

>> No.2387806

Who says it will?

>> No.2387807

I hope (and believe) that it is. Why would someone prefer the idea that consciousness is one long stream?

>> No.2387811

I punched a 12 year old's nose(and broke it)...

when I was 7.

Motherfucker tried to steal my ice cream.

I also punched some other people in the face, but they were mostly my age.

Am I fit for Valhalla?

>> No.2387821

Makes shit seem like it doesn't matter. I wouldn't be doing it for "me" anymore, but some guy who has my memories but isn't the same person!

>> No.2387828

That's reasonable, but you're forgetting that by the time you have finished making that consideration you have been a different person an innumerable amount of times.

Personally I feel that it gives me a sense of freedom.

>> No.2387830
File: 1.33 MB, 321x321, Big_Crunch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can it collapse within itself?

Nobody really knows. There are a lot of theories, the "big crunch" is one of them.


>In physical cosmology, the Big Crunch is one possible scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the metric expansion of space eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately ending as a black hole singularity. (A humorous synonym is the "Big Gnab", from reversing the word "bang".)

And let's say that the universe will exist infinitely (which it will not): How long do you plan on staying alive? 5,000 years? 50,000? 50,000,000? Those are relatively low yet crazy numbers for us. I remember the use of a number approaching infinity used by a mathematician (can't remember the name). However, it was an algorithm that was applied to a number 64 times. After the first time it had 7 digits, after the second one 126. What's your ultimate goal when living as long as this? Do you want to become a god?

Speaking of a big crunch, I'm gonna get myself some cheetos.

>> No.2387836

Yeah, if I believed in that sort of thing. Not sure how much evidence exists for either of those two possibilities.

>> No.2387841

It doesn't have to crunch for it to be created anew. Let it entropy itself to death, then all the leftover energy will sooner or later splerg into a new boom

>> No.2387844


I didn't say I wanted to live that long. I believe the universe will end one day, just not it collapsing within itself.

>> No.2387851
File: 8 KB, 261x206, Fuck_yeah_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But a crunch is cooler

>> No.2387861

I don't think you understand entropy.

>> No.2387872

I died once and came back to life.

Nothing happens when you die OP, nothing at all.

All that happens is your body floods with adrenaline/whatever, then you get a super peaceful feeling, like, the most incredibly relaxed peaceful feeling ever, then you feel your body slowly shutting down, and then just nothing, it's like falling a sleep while being extremely high I guess.

I think, I don't know, I've never done drugs.

>> No.2387876

some dude on irc explained it to me once

i don't understand it well enough to explain it to someone

so i guess you're right!

>> No.2387882
File: 17 KB, 605x579, 1269191341092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I died once and came back to life.


>> No.2387883

All this bullshit I see here about going to sleep and waking up as a different person makes abso-fucking-lutely no sense whatsoever. Ever heard the little bit about extraordinary claim, extraordinary proof?
Our brains NEVER cease to function as long as we are alive. Not when we sleep, not when we are knocked out. In a biochemical sense, our consciousness IS continuous.
There is no physical evidence whatsoever of our consciousness being "partitioned" in any way. If you know any, let me know.
And don't give me that shit about "people changing" as proof of there being different minds in the same body. Ever heard of Occam's Razor? You don't talk about green leprechauns fucking rainbows up the ass when good old psychology explains changes in behaviour adequatly.

As to the original question- no fucking idea. I'd LIKE to live forever. What I'd like to see happen has no bearing on what will happen. All the data suggests we die and thats it. Is it sufficient? Fuck no. Do I hope we dont know everything yet? You bet your fucking ass I do.

>> No.2387895

My heart stopped and I was pronounced legally dead for like an hour.

Since I came back I guess I technically didn't DIE, I suppose.

Like what an earlier anon said, I think when you die, what happens depends on what your beliefs are, you'll start to hallucinate and realize that you are dying, at which point you will exaggerate your beliefs, ie a religious person will see a "light" and see a "heaven". The only thing that happened to me is a feeling of extreme peace and then just blackness.

>> No.2387899

You see black when you close your eyes, I assume you'll see white when you die.

>> No.2387934

That's not true.
While peeing, your muscle will relax.
While shitting, you have to use your muscle.
So, instead of shit, you'll pee.

>> No.2388178

People who say there is nothing to fear of death are merely deluding themselves or are the same people who wouldn't mind dying at any moment, since they won't feel anything once they die either way. Life is an experience, and once you die, you'll never be able to experience more of it again. You'll be missing out on billions of possible years worth of things you could have witnessed.

>> No.2388194
File: 16 KB, 466x312, faith..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing after death. That's why I'm so afraid of it.

>> No.2388217

>there is nothing after death
>[citation needed]

>> No.2388247

Are you forveralone.jpg?
Want to piss off the world?

>drink a crap load of water and eat a crap load of food before you die.

>> No.2388258

Well, depends on how you die.

Generally though, your brain stops receiving oxygen and is therefore unable to function. This causes you to lose all perception. Seconds to minutes later (depending on the cell) your cells also experience a lack of oxygen, causing them to experience a breakdown in their jobs, this is known as cell death.

That's the short version.

>> No.2388372
File: 28 KB, 460x276, 1290376534532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a few billion years, all that will be left of the human race will be dust in the wind.

>> No.2388421
File: 327 KB, 461x443, Wind Tunnel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exact same thing that has happened ever day since I've been alive:

My body continues to exchange atoms.

>> No.2389362

This thread is why nobody likes /sci/