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File: 476 KB, 491x399, fundiebitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2384269 No.2384269 [Reply] [Original]

I give you....the new Wendy Wright.


>> No.2384285
File: 7 KB, 177x250, lolwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is from The Onion or something right

>> No.2384293
File: 11 KB, 216x234, feelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All too real.

>> No.2384304
File: 113 KB, 146x93, kermitflipsout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. What did I just watch.

That's it, we have to kill everyone.

>> No.2384303
File: 33 KB, 647x460, wendywright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendy Wright is on the video too.

>> No.2384311

My favorite line is "Scaring little children to achieve your political ends is reprehensible."

>> No.2384317

Is this a troll?
Too stupid to be true, yet too unfunny to be a joke...

Wendy Wright is MUCH worse though. i not even mad

>> No.2384325
File: 25 KB, 425x500, do-not-want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would release gallons of semen inside of Wendy Wright's womb. As for her...

>> No.2384329


This thread has achieved maximum frog density.

>> No.2384358
File: 151 KB, 359x318, fuckingwendy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost it when she came onscreen.

>> No.2384385
File: 158 KB, 339x320, 545623546758908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure fucking conspiracy...if only the environmentalist movement had 1/10
the influence shes claiming it has...then we'd be gettin shit done

>> No.2384408

this is only acceptable as an approach to improve the quality of the gene pool descending from her

>> No.2384416
File: 185 KB, 638x357, Screen shot 2011-01-20 at 10.17.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Calvin Beisner
>Dr. Calvin
quick research-
>Beisner completed doctoral studies in Scottish history through the University of St Andrews
>Scottish history

prime example of using the word "Doctor" as an appeal to authority/intelligence

>> No.2384422

I lol'd
then I wat'd
then i fap'd
then i raged
not neccesarily in that order

>> No.2384441
File: 214 KB, 301x397, 1285741258328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"and scaring little children to achieve your political ends is reprehensible"
>coming from a christian
>Christianity is made up entirely of threatening kids and adults alike with Hell

>> No.2384450

oh man that picture mad my day

>> No.2384452

This isn't the christian attitude, it's just those fucking idiots.
only if some christians started attacking those "christians" calling them fucking insane and preaching the real word by helping keep the world a good place, then maybe...

>> No.2384462

If you take every time they said environmentalism and replace it with religion it actually makes sense

>> No.2384471


>>This isn't the christian attitude, it's just those fucking idiots.

Well, a slight majority do seem to be what most would call "fundies"; just over half don't accept evolution, and a strong majority of US Christians oppose gay marriage which is why it remains illegal in almost every state.

>> No.2384472
File: 134 KB, 497x375, fap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wendy Wright

Too bad she's so brainwashed...

>> No.2384511
File: 58 KB, 533x401, 1293361190996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"And scaring little children to achieve your political goals is reprehensible."

>> No.2384518


>> No.2384563

38 minutes

>> No.2384591



>> No.2384601

yeah, closest I could come to finding a nutworthy fundie bitch

>> No.2384614

well she's right, I also hate those atheists that 'work againts god', I mean, everybodys beliefs should be respected.

>> No.2384626

I'm actually watching this video.
she gets a load of hatemail

>> No.2384633

she deserves it

>> No.2384641

Well, she has come to the part of backing herself back with the bible as a book of facts.

she was just reasoning and telling "Y U HATIN'" which is okay I guess, and now she's using the bible.

stupid bitch is stupid

>> No.2384692

holy fuck.
"God's opinion is the only one that matters
yeah psycho bitch.
"In the bible, if it was god choice to kill off a group of people, it was right because it was his opinion"

What the hell?

>> No.2384751

Let me be the first to say that I think a lot of the science around current climate change theories is shaky as fuck and that we can't accurately predict a damn thing about the effects nor make a solid claim as to the prime causes.

However, this video is at best made by a bunch of clueless, misinformed idiots, and at worst some of the most vile, hidden-agenda, prey-on-the-stupid propaganda I have ever seen.

The repetition of claims that 'Environmentalism is against Jesus' and 'Environmentalism is anti-christian' is absolute horseshit and is, ironically, nothing more than an attempt to use fear to scare people into action - something they claim is 'reprehensible'.

The notion that environmentalism is a threat to human life is also an equally unforgivable claim to make.

These people should be put on a podium and jeered at for all eternity.

>> No.2384746

What's up with conservatives and this viewpoint that not polluting the world and gaining energy independence is a bad thing?

>> No.2384763

Their pension funds depend on the oil companies, that's what.

>> No.2384772
File: 437 KB, 640x337, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole video is full of shit like that. Look at the guy who came right after him for example.
>"Family Research Council" logo made to look like a typical seal of a US federal department
>Background is extremely similar to that used in the White House press conference room
>Guy is dressed up in a suit with a flag lapel pin
It's obvious they want people viewing this to think that the previous guy is a scientist and this guy is a politician that has something to do with the white house.

>> No.2384793

They're conservatives because they don't like to question their own justifications. If they have to be held accountable to anyone else's standards of ethics, then perhaps God's favor isn't that meaningful.

>> No.2384813

>"In the bible, if it was god choice to kill off a group of people, it was right because it was his opinion"

>What the hell?
She has a point, though. Imagine that you're fucking God. You know exactly how virtuous a person (or group of people) is, consequently you have the actual authority to eradicate them. Humans are plagued with knowledge issues - even if you tell them something true, it can be rather difficult to verify the trueness of that statement. Consequently, the only morally OK option is to tell humans that they aren't allowed to kill each other, then you, yourself, kill bitches who are unredeemable.

>> No.2384841


If you're god could you not find a way to redeem them without killing them? Or maybe just not make them like that in the first place?

>> No.2384867

..and now we're back to the free will argument...

>> No.2384874


Not gonna continue the god vs science argument any further. I desperately want to, but I'll leave /sci/ to it's peaceful ways without my arguments. Take it easy, bro.

>> No.2384886

You people do realise that these people are PAID to be like this?
She is Wendy Wright, because she is always RIGHT. She is paid to be right, no matter what.
And these people speak their ideas in rhetoric, to incite hatred and fear in people. (emotional language and the appeal to people's empathy and emotions with no backing to their statements; classic rhetoric).
People who take this seriously are fucking retarded.

>> No.2384955

