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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2380579 No.2380579 [Reply] [Original]

So obviously, the moon landing was faked, I mean, everyone knows this. And I know you're probably saying "hurp murp it wus real u fag", let me just prove to you how that's not true, by way of storytelling and magical belief, rather than hard proof.

First they spend a lot of time training astronauts and building a huge rocket and a spacecraft capable of sustaining the people inside and shit, and they take their sweet-ass time on that project, but they sort of know what they're doing, because they've landed on the moon plenty of times before (OR SO THEY SAY).

In reality, they're setting up... an elaborate film studio! And... and in there some stuff happens. Of course film studios need to employ HUNDREDS of people to work, but they were all shot and killed after the recordings, as well as their families and ANYONE WHO EVER KNEW THEM, and knew those people too by extension, so none of them were ever missed. All these millions of people were buried in a mass grave called... you guessed it, AREA 51!

I won't begin to prove to you how obvious it was that it was staged, because they made countless amateur mistakes that I easily spotted thanks to the internets, when the best Soviet scientists with unlimited budgets did not manage to disprove it over several years. That's how awesome I am, despite being just 12.

>> No.2380584

Oh and by the way, look at the moon next time you see it. You can't see the flag anywhere.

>> No.2380591

"Well what about the rocket, and the dudes inside it?" you ask - of course, they launched the space ship with the rocket and everything and... and when it... got in orbit around Earth... they just used their... steering wheels. That's right. Their steering wheels, to turn around and just orbit around Earth for a while, using their limitless fuel. And they spent like 8 days up there, just kicking about. And during that time they... they disassembled the modules, so only the SO CALLED "MOON LANDING MODULE" would remain, which they... somehow managed to... take apart, I DON'T KNOW OKAY? Leave that to some other dude to figure out. And all that shit they'd brought on, like the fake-flag and the fake-camera that took fake-pictures that they had to fake-leave-behind and replace with fake-moon-dust-and-rocks, they just threw that out the window too. In space, I mean. Just opened a window right?

So anyway, all those modules and booster rockets and such? They used like giant magnets to make sure it landed... you guessed it... in AREA 51, WHERE IT WOULD NOT BE FOUND!!!!11 The team that recovered it were also killed to ensure they didn't tell anyone, and the assassins that killed them were killed too by assassins that killed themselves after talking on the phone with Nixon, who then brainwashed himself.

>> No.2380595

THEN, after they had transmitted all the moon-poo-videos with gay flags blowing in the wind and Armstrong blowing Buzz, and they dropped down in the middle of the ocean, and was quarantined for 3 months for NO REASON CUZ AMERICA IS GAY, then... then uh... then nobody ever asked about it ever again, and the astronauts were killed and replaced by androids, which were also killed and replaced by androids designed to take the place of androids that took the place of humans.

And NASA forgot one little detail, that up until now has remained completely undiscovered - how did the astronauts poop inside the escape pod, without filling it with poop? Hmmm? Answer THAT, fags. It's impossible, I've made calculations that I'm not going to show you, because you wouldn't understand anyway.

>> No.2380605

I would have lol'd, had you tried less.

>> No.2380611

oh well.
If you come up with a conspiracy theory you may as well make it as crazy as possible

>> No.2380616
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>> No.2380621

this doesnt even take recovered reptillian tech into account, fucking tinfoil hatters

>> No.2380622
