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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2377045 No.2377045 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, it pains me to admit this but as a scientist I cannot turn a blind eye to the truth.

Aether has won.

It's not because /sci/ is so ridiculously easy to troll. It's not because a generalizing idiot can easily bring detailists to rage and tears as he so often does. It's simply because he has become /sci/'s own version of what /sci/ hates the most.

This is 4chan. A trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls all while swimming in a sea of trolls. Yet, whenever someone comes along to troll /sci/ with religion, anti-scientificism and creationism, unless it's a hit-and-run troll, you all race each other to see who can blame aether first. Aether has become to you what demons, goblins and kappas are to other cultures: a universal scapegoat on whom you can blame everything which you're powerless to avoid. Long after aether has gone from this board (maybe he has already), you'll still be blaming the trolls of other idiots on him. He has made a superstitious idiot out of every one of you. You have become what you hate the most.

Aether, if you're still out there and reading this: great fucking job. It took time and dedication, but you've managed to pull the biggest troll in the most-trolled 4chan board after /b/. Just wait and watch: someone might even blame this very post on you as well.

>> No.2377058
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You already know the rules;
1. I never troll.
2. I always tell the truth.

>> No.2377067

Make your time. You are on the way to destruction.

>> No.2377099

Dude it's just sad that the first two replies to this thread are yours.

Since I have your ear, pray tell: why DO you constantly change your namefield?

>> No.2377102

For great justice.

>> No.2377103
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What's this shit?

>> No.2377114

>I never troll

Even if we agreed that rule 2 is true, rule 1 is still false. We both know that the only reason you say everything you say on /sci/ is to piss off the neckbeards.

(okay, maybe not the only reason - benefit of the doubt and all that - but it's one of the biggest reasons for sure)

>> No.2377121

What you say!

>> No.2377127

Fine, I admit that I'm a troll. It just proves how ignorant these "scientists" truly are.

>> No.2377148

I know full well that everything I mention annoys the neckbeards, especially the physicists - however, my intent is simply to teach the truth and try and inject social virus that may, or may not, change the world! Because I don't want kids if they have to grow up in a world where sin just increases every second, and people care about no-one but themselves. It's a world of suffering when you know the truth - and because you don't know it at the moment, doesn't mean you won't in the future. It's increasing, meaning that it's getting worse. One day, the rich people will probably kill off all of the common people, due to 'overpopulation', that's if the world doesn't end first. Do you not see it? Of course you don't. But who cares eh? (I do).

>> No.2377158

Ha ha ha ha...
You are on the way to destruction.

>> No.2377172

Hey I'm not taking sides here. I don't presume to know everything - a fault that you share with the neckbeards, I'm afraid. I'm just pointing out to them that all this rage that happens everytime you post is not only ridiculous, but inconsistent with what standards they claim to live by (something on which I think you'll agree with me).

As for future generations, I'll teach my kids to live by the Golden Rule, and they can make up their own minds about the rest.

>> No.2377175
File: 31 KB, 349x642, trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredible thesis, professor
you don't understand what trolling is: what you see aether doing is in the attatched image. This is not trolling. We have become suspicious of every retard that waddles in here because of the sheer amount of Aether faggotry threads (likelyhood, etc.)

>> No.2377186

So... Aether is to /sci/ what S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was to /k/?

>> No.2377189
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I do know everything, I created everything.

God created Man, Man created God. Let me guess, you're still lost within that little word world where God is a man on a cloud watching everything you do - and that your brain is the source of all impulse OR how space holds physical elements xP

>> No.2377194


Couple of things chaps:

1. Massive, massive samefaggery.
2. Stale copypasta is stale.
3. Half of the troll threads are just aether and his minions trolling each other. Most real science threads just ignore him.
4. The Great Summer 2010 /sci/ CP raid cured this board of all trolling. It was amazing.
5. I will go back to ignoring your starefaces and unsubtlety.

>> No.2377205

Ah, dear sir, a consistent rebuttal. I don't doubt that at least some of you think like this, but if you do you are (in my opinion) wrong. You see, I very much doubt that Aether is the "I was just pretending to be retarded" type. The amount of time he dedicates to posting on /sci/ suggests that he really does take himself seriously (and if he doesn't, well I'm just sorry for him) and that he does, in fact, believe in what he is posting.

The reason why he is a troll, if you accept his honesty as a premise, is the one I have layed out in >>2377114 - that he chooses to say it here of all places because he knows there will be an impact.

>> No.2377232

Dear geofag, I resent you calling my post copypasta (stale even!), or accuse me of being Aether samefagging. In fact, he probably resents that last bit too, since if you heed my words at all his trolls will stop working.

Aether, I don't see why you feel the need to question my spiritual beliefs at all at this point. I was not raised in a monotheistic home or indeed even in a nation with a monotheistic culture. Your Western diatribes about cloudmen or what-have-you speak nothing to me.

>> No.2377240

>1. I never troll.
>2. I always tell the truth.

I have two rules, I post according to these rules and never abuse them. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. The reason I attract so much attention is because they know it's true too. Why do you think that when I come into a Religion thread they immediately delete it or abandon ship?

>> No.2377253


I repeat: Stale copypasta is stale. I saw this shit last week on here.

>> No.2377267

Well, one could argue that they do it because they can't stand you anymore. You'd have to ask each one individually.

As for you being or not a troll, I think your actions fit my own definition of a troll very well, even if they don't fit yours. But what really matters to my point is neither my definition nor yours, but the fact that /sci/ in general considers you a troll, and they have, as it would be, deified you and made you into the idol-troll to whom they attribute every troll in this board.

Just imagine ten years from now, when you've hopefully moved on to greater things, someone will make a post on /sci/ about how science is dogmatic or something and the hordes of neckbeards will scream at the top of their lungs (well, keyboards) AETHER, YOU TROLL!

Sounds superstitious to me, whaddaya think?

>> No.2377285

It's really pathetic to talk to yourself to try to get attention, you know that, right?

>> No.2377283

Well I just typed it out right now and didn't see it last week. I won't assume that I'm the only person here who noticed this ironic detail in /sci/'s collective behavior.

But if it fits into your mechanical view of how 4chan works, you can go on believing that it's copypasta - that doesn't make it one bit less true.

>> No.2377329

You won't trust my educated religious mind, that can teach you a lot of things you don't know, for free, out of my respect for you - but you will trust fully a teacher who educates you for a pay check, with information that I can prove to be almost useless; that fuels hatred, makes people feel lowest of the low, destroys the planet and enslaves you into reality as a pawn that could be killed at any moment. Think how weak you are compared to those richer and more powerful than you; and this is increasing. I have my reasons, I care for my future Children, which gives me intent to change it or die trying. You, on the other hand, are in my way - you don't want to learn the truth, cause you're stuck in the lies. Not supporting God is not supporting us, and not supporting us means you are supporting them. You live in a low security prison - and as said before, it's increasing. My Children or my Children's Children will be in either: High Security Prison, or Polluted Hell-like Wasteland.

Check rule [2].

>> No.2377336

It probably is. By the way, my dear /sci/duck, the fact that you believe me to be Aether samefagging is proof that what I said in OP is correct. And consider this: IT'S STILL PROOF THAT I'M RIGHT EVEN IF I AM AETHER (which I continue to maintain, however, that I am not).

The facts are thus: Aether always namefags, his writing style is completely different from mine and I'm making a huge point of dismissing entirely the mere contemplation of the actual substance of his posts, all the while maintaining that, regardless of their truth status or his belief in them, they're still troll posts. Given all this, you'd still rather believe that I'm Aether samefagging instead of an impartial observer calling them like I see them.

Granted, I could be Aether intentionally creating all these differences in order to make a new persona, but I do believe you're familiar with the concept of Occam's razor?

>> No.2377370

Chillax, dude, I said neither that I don't trust you nor that I trust the establishment. As a matter of fact, even though I do consider myself a man of science (see the very first line in OP) I believe that Western science is at fault for greatly disregarding the subjective nature of consciousness and the wisdom that can be obtained through introspection.

Just for the sake of one little example of what I'm talking about, Western neuroscience is only just discovering things that Eastern mystics had known for five millenia regarding altered states of consciousness and perception as well as several mental disorders and their treatments.

>> No.2377414

I started doing this to prove to my Grandmother that there is life after death, and that God exists. I succeeded. Upon learning that my future Children are endangered, I decided to take an oath and make this my living, problem?

>> No.2377422

Say you're right, OP. What do you propose we do about it?

>> No.2377439
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See pic.

Not at all. I find your interaction with /sci/ very entertaining and even educational at times. Please, do it more.

>> No.2377444

>I'm not taotoulogic, I have reason to suspect that one day, if I get re-educated, they may try to claim that I was her/him all along.

>> No.2377448
File: 495 KB, 884x1000, yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, I'd never steal your thunder. I'm a nice guy, really. You might also notice that I'm not namefagging, so any claim of the sort would be moot anyway. Besides, I DO disagree with you on some points. They're just not relevant to the present topic - maybe some other day.

BTW, nice trips.>>2377444
Please, I'd never steal your thunder. I'm a nice guy, really. You might also notice that I'm not namefagging, so any claim of the sort would be moot anyway. Besides, I DO disagree with you on some points. They're just not relevant to the present topic - maybe some other day.

BTW, nice trips.

>> No.2377457

hurr durr double-paste after spellchecking.

No bump because I'm a gigantic faggot who doesn't know how to computer.

>> No.2377458

>Education = source of all violence
>Religion = source of all peace
Confirmed for troll.

>> No.2377487

Religion isn't the source of all peace, and education isn't the source of all violence. Banks are, and banks control the education and religion. Problem?

>> No.2377492

I buy that OP isn't Aether samefagging. This does not change the fact that Aether is a moron and every single post of his is redneck fundamentalist anti-semitic bullshit.

>> No.2377516
File: 18 KB, 370x300, He_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the vote of confidence. As for the rest of your post, see pic.

>rightness Oplase

>> No.2377552

Aether, I hate you. You preach ignorance, stupidity and gullibility as if they were fucking virtues. Please get attacked by rabid ferrets.

OP, I don't know who you are but I hate you too. Stop feeding the trolls. People like you are the reason I'm gradually replacing this place with /chem/.

>> No.2377565

Just filter the faggots.

>> No.2377794


Does such a thing exist?

>> No.2378163
File: 82 KB, 720x564, hallucenogenic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does on 420chan. And they discuss ACTUAL SCIENCE (and methods for extracting hallucenogenic substances from seeds, etc).