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2375982 No.2375982 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best arguments for disproving religion?
I have a deeply christian calculus teacher and want to embarass her as much as possible.

>> No.2375986
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>> No.2375994

>Implying you'll ever win in an argument against a religious person.

I mean, in reality you probably will, but in lala land (their mind) you'll lose.

>> No.2375996
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>> No.2375999
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This, if she's one of those young-earth creationists.

>> No.2376001
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>> No.2376006

Calculus teacher, you say?
If nobody/nothing created God, then God always existed.
If God always existed, that means an infinite amount of time has passed. If there's an infinite amount of time between present and and a point infinitely in the past, that means the present day could have never been reached because it would take an infinity to get here.

>> No.2376007

It's impossible to disprove religion, and even I proved God exists, it's not hard, you just need to separate what's real from what's not. Mass and Space exist as two realms, the 'Physical' and 'Mental', conjoined through the 'Spiritual'. Now for love of God, please stop making these threads, you get nowhere.

>> No.2376008
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>> No.2376011

Tell her to read the Bible.

>> No.2376012


Why do you want to embarass her as much as possible ? You hate her ?

>> No.2376013
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>> No.2376018

I dont hate her, but she's kind of a bitch and someone needs to set her straight.

>> No.2376022

Just tell her "Anything that can be assumed without evidence can be discarded without evidence" not to mention that the existance of God crosses many paths of other scientific theories, which have ammounts of proof, meaning religion has nothing on it's side, its basically alot of weak minded people herping and derping all day. (fine source of corruption too)

>> No.2376023

Show us the evidence then. Fingerprints, maybe?

>> No.2376024
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>> No.2376030
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>> No.2376032
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Motivational/demotivational depending on your point of view

>> No.2376051

Nobody who matters gives a shit. GTFO.

>> No.2376050
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>> No.2376056
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>> No.2376059

doing it wrong.jpeg

>> No.2376062

These people don't actually care for the Religious people, they're not trying to disprove God for the people, they're attempting to disprove it to kill God. If they truly cared about the minds of the Religious, they would tell the truth and prove God scientifically - which they don't. All you need to know is the difference between what is Physical and what is Mental. I'll tell you some factual information: Physics is a hoax, it says that Space (which is non-physical) is Physical, when it's Mental.

Space: 0
Mass: 1

You shouldn't worship your 'self', for you are Mass, that would be queer worship; and you shouldn't worship Space as '1', cause that would be Lie worship. You should interpret space as '0', that way, you're not literally a faggot by the universes rules.

>> No.2376066

Do you really not understand the joke?

He's doing it right, man.

>> No.2376071

butt hurt

>> No.2376075

But it's okay to shove oneist, singularity worshipping education down your Children's throats that explains to them that there is no meaning in life, no reason to live and the only thing that matters is getting money in your pocket. You're a fucking parasitical liar, if you ever came near my kids I would fucking end you. You ignorant, sub-human, fucking faggot.

>> No.2376077

It should be Russians created god. Thats the whole point of that meme

>> No.2376079
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Actually, it's a joke on the fact that humans created god. Picture related.

>> No.2376084

God (those that came before) created Man (Sudden realization of Physical self), Man created God (Sudden realization of Mental self).

>> No.2376085

>Christian is the only person threatening anyone in this thread.

How are those morals working out for you?

>> No.2376087

The joke is that god was created by humans.

>> No.2376088
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Look OP, look at
<-- this picture
this is what happens when you argue with christians
I'm saying this as a person who've had lot of experience with it,
so I eventually just gave up and now I try to avoid having an argument with them at all.
Because it will not be a fair discussion with logical arguments, just a wild shitfest.

>> No.2376089
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Would you happen to be a believer in the time cube?

>> No.2376092

dude im fucking dumb ok lol

>> No.2376099

The Holy Trinity

Since the commencement of the developing universe, two distinct realms of existence have harmoniously entwined with each other, cultivating all that we currently see in today’s universe.

The Mentality Realm: which consists of objects that cannot be seen, touched, felt, heard or smelt physically; commonly referred to as ‘Heaven’ or ‘The Imagination Field’.

The Physicality Realm: consisting of those of which can be seen, touched, felt, heard or smelt – commonly referred to as ‘Earth’ or ‘The Physical Knowledge’.

For both the realms to connect and achieve this working union there must be the third product generally known as ‘Soul’ or ‘The Link’; this allows the two completely opposing realms, which exist as plus and minus ratios on a zero value existence, to attach and form a relationship a lot like Males and Females in the modern human-created society.

>> No.2376102

But wont trying to avoid a confrontation with them just result in giving them a sense of superiority?
That's the worst thing that could happen, having cocky idiots walking around everywhere.

>> No.2376100

In correlation with the external trinity of ‘The Imagination Field’, ‘The Physical Knowledge’ and ‘The Link’ is an internal opposing trinity that exists within each and every living being, although some beings have inferior understanding of the present components.

The Internal Physicality: is known as ‘The Heart’, it’s the source of all physical intent, the cause of all emotions and the drive for blood flow.

The Internal Mentality: is known as ‘The Brain’, the foundation to all of the memory addressing, the allocation of our intention/thought and yes or no decisions.

For both the internal realms to connect, rather alike the external realms, there must be a third product universally known as ‘Spirit’ or ‘The Child Link’; this controls the physical intention flow that transfers between The Heart and The Brain, and detects whether there are errors in either section – if any errors are present then the process will usually cancel or the organism is deceased.

Both of ‘The Link’ and ‘The Child Link’ unite, which allows all internal life-forms to attach with all external life-forms. The Brain through the link between the internal and external mentality, becomes the ‘Mind’ which allows it to conduct its processes. The Heart through the link

>> No.2376108

The important thing is to have other rational people backing you up, so that you're not the only one seeing the holes in their logic.

Once they start saying stuff like "FAITH" or "BUT I CAN FEEL LOVE ETC" then you know they're grasping at straws. Just walk away and write them off entirely, because that's typically how it works with me.

>> No.2376114

My priest wasnt able to answer me this question:
If i was born a muslim, lived all my life following rules of the one God that were bestowed upon me by my teachers, making me really believe that true devotion means sacrificing my life in a terrorist attack and then having me end up killing 100 people. Where would I go after death? To heaven or hell? If i went to hell then it means religion and God arent just as I obviously was made into a monster I was and thsi whole thing possibly not being my fault but people who made me into what i was, or I went to heaven but that's something a christian priest cant and wont say.

>> No.2376115

I even trolled mormon.org with that saying i would convert if they could assure me my parents and grandparents who died not following their faith went to heaven and apparently they couldnt

>> No.2376116
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These were two posts, they were arguments supporting Religion, more specifically Christianity. They automatically void this post: >>2376088

Einstein once said:
"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts,"

Which supports my Christian Science analysis. There was also another quote from Einstein that goes "Imagination is more important than knowledge, Imagination encircles the world." Which supports my current claim that Imagination is equal with knowledge terms of usefulness.

Supporting my claim is an OSI Layer Model that through empirical special relativity shows the link between External and Internal realms from a Human point of view.

>> No.2376122
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I refer you to www.timecube.com. You should feel at home there.

>> No.2376123

Its file name voids your argument.

>> No.2376125
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>> No.2376126

Not necessary to disprove religion

>> No.2376130
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To continue.

An object is anything that may be apprehended intellectually. The reason we can apprehend an object such as 'Justice' or 'Morality' is because of the Mental realm - if the Mental realm didn't exist, we wouldn't be able to comprehend things which aren't there! Because Physical objects are there, they can be comprehended without creating concepts - you can sense (smell, touch, taste, hear and see) Physical objects (mass) without applying concepts to understand them. The true universe is word-less, so the fairest and most credible experiment is wordless. With no words, there are no concepts, just what is Physical and what is Mental.

>> No.2376131


You sound a lot like that guy in Arizona that shot up everyone.

He, like you, was disruptive in class for no apparent reasons.

Perhaps you should be sent for mental evaluations. We ignored the warning signs before, and look what happened.

>> No.2376140

Right Physics is a hoax because it disproves your claims. I bet your a member of the Flat Earth Society and think that all pictures of the earth from space are doctored too, don'tcha?

>> No.2376141

Christian Scientist, you still haven't presented that "proof".

>> No.2376145
File: 96 KB, 500x500, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one truth, through this truth, there is no argument between Atheism and Theism, it automatically gives Theism victory. Meaning that Atheism is nothing but a parasitical social disease hellbent on destroying the truth so that humans and future children will only know the lie, money.

Money makes the world go round.
Money is no real.
Without God, money is omnipotent.
Money tells you that you cannot be rich without it.
Without richness you're poor on every scale.
With God, you're the richest, you're rich on every scale.
Without God, you'll never be free.

>> No.2376152

I'm not disruptive, I work hard, and dont talk out loudly unless asked to answer a question.
But as previously stated: she's a mean bitch, and someone needs to set her straight.
She actually insulted one of my friends once in the middle of class.
As a teacher that is unacceptable, but it's just our word against her's so my friend filed no complaints.

>> No.2376155
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One thing Atheists don't mention is that they're economic slaves towards money, and they want us all to actually feel poor when we don't have money, so we strive for it, when we can easily feel rich through knowing the truth about God. They want us to always feel at the bottom of every scale so that the economy grows, and that the famous, rich and fake-knowledgeable people get credit, when it's not deserved, only on terms of the lie that is 'one'.

>> No.2376159

So you're saying god is real bcuz monies?

>> No.2376164

Don't /thread your own post, you look like a douchebag.

What exactly are earthquake and flooding learning to men ?

>> No.2376165
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God is all the Good in the world, the Imagination, the Beauty and the Architect of all creation. The mentality that crafted the Physicality. The Trinity is of Mental design, crafted in Physical waters.

>> No.2376168

He's a lousy troll, even the trolls in the furry threads on /b/ are worth talking to.

>> No.2376169

I'm a huge faggot please disregard my posts.

>> No.2376170
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>> No.2376172

Ok, now you're not even posting arguments, just random praise

>> No.2376175
File: 54 KB, 500x500, Cube Satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you interpret this cube as having six sides, then you're worshipping complete knowledge without imagination. Think of it as a scale.

Knowledge [10000000000000] Imagination

1 = How balanced your intelligence is.

>> No.2376181
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Knowledge [00000000000001] Imagination

1 = How balanced your intelligence is.

>> No.2376183
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And then you have the final cube.

Knowledge [0000001000000] Imagination

1 = How balanced your intelligence is.

>> No.2376184

Where the fuck do you get this stuff...
And they wanted to legalize LSD. We would all be like him.

>> No.2376187
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>> No.2376188

I would use a variation on the Santa Claus argument;

X does not exist.

>But I saw X do this and that.

Actually, people did that stuff.

>What about this and the other?

That happens by itself in nature.

>Why do people say X exists then?

I can't answer for all of them, but maybe they haven't thought about it enough or in the right way? Maybe they want X to exist so much that they just believe it? Maybe people lied to them about this and that and the other?

>> No.2376190
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Please. Stop. Every thread you're posting in ends up in this way. Nobody's even falling for this. Please.

>> No.2376193


>> No.2376195
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