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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iqcb354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2369246 No.2369246 [Reply] [Original]

If you're technically gifted (top 2%) you must post in this thread and tell us how do you know it.

>> No.2369250

postin' and I know because I'm better than everyone

>> No.2369254

postin' and I know because I'm better than everyone

>> No.2369256

postin' and I know because I'm better than everyone

>> No.2369259

I hope this board will be removed.

>> No.2369273

I took algebra and got an A. Im better than everyone else.

>> No.2369314
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 124464938781[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a 142 on MENSA but quit after a while . Online shit-gag sites rate me at 134, but they often fail to test everything.
So yeah... I am pretty happy...although pissed at everyone else in the world.

>> No.2369315

What? Do you have to actively do anything in mensa?

>> No.2369322 [DELETED] 

There were a bunch of stuck-up assholes with superiority complexes. They pissed me off more than redneck Americans.

>> No.2369325

if you're gifted and you know it clap your hands (clap clap)
if you're gifted and you know it clap your hands (clap clap)...

>> No.2369326

They were a bunch of stuck-up assholes with superiority complexes (for the most part). They pissed me off more than redneck Americans.

>> No.2369329

I've gotten roughly 145-150 on various internet tests. I've never done a proper one though.

>> No.2369336

Yeah. It makes sense if you think about it.

To be in Mensa, you have to both be very good at intelligence tests, and care about being in a club that requires it. What do you get? High-IQ people who are also arrogant fucks who want to join an ego circle-jerk. Other intelligent people have no interest in such a club.

>> No.2369337

>a bunch of stuck-up assholes with superiority complexes
A word to the wise: we all have these moments of superiority, but a true intelligent person can completely hide this from public view and be content within that they are the best

>> No.2369339
File: 48 KB, 350x539, 567567567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have high iq
>waste time on 4chan
yeah sure, also
>implying that iq = happiness

>> No.2369343
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you have to pay.


mfw these exploitable elitist faggots think they are intelligent.

>> No.2369344

anyone else smells samefaggotry?

>> No.2369349

I was young and still studying... I wanted something to just look good on paper. In retrospect, you are correct and I have since stopped giving a fuck. Not everybody needs to have "genius" or "gifted" level IQ's (which most tests are somewhat flawed anyway) to give something to the world. It helps if you want to give something everyone can use/want in the world but not necessarily needed.

>> No.2369357

Yeah, that's a reason I'd overlooked. But where I am now, I think I'd hesitate to put it on a resume.

>> No.2369364

Let us just say I am happy I did not leave it there for long.

>> No.2369366

I must be gifted because I'm in my fourth year in a physics bachelor's in a decent school.

IQ pissing contests are for faggots.

>> No.2369372

Look at my picture holding my old card; I am in fact a homosexual. Which means, for me at least, that your hypothesis is thus far true.

>> No.2369379

critically examine Things and work out what could be wrong with them, when they might be wrong, how they could be better etc

being "smart" = doing this automatically and unconsciously

also, with respect to learning in school/uni i tend to explain everything to myself, and memorise it, using metaphors. you know how kids remember > and < with "the crocodile goes for the bigger piece"? i STILL do that for basically everything and i'm on my way to scoring a 1st in aerospace eng. at a very good university and i give all credit to doing that

>> No.2369408

my math prof told us once that iq tests can make you sick in 2 ways. if youre below average iq youll get depressions and if youre above average iq youll be unhealable arrogant and thats why he doesnt care about his iq.
thank god my mother teached me to be humble

so which one is /sci/?

>> No.2369414

>implying we use the term faggot for homosexuals here

>> No.2369428

All that means is that you're a Tony 'Try-hard'
It doesn't mean you're gifted all it proves is that you sit reading for hours and hours and put in loads of effort.
Millions of people have degrees. Only 1-2% of them are 'gifted'

>> No.2369430


>> No.2369432


>> No.2369442

My IQ is 142 but I have the attention span of a goldfish. That's why I fail at life.

>> No.2369448

Pro-tip your math teacher knows shit about psychology.

>> No.2369456

Pro-tip: OP is a faggot who cares if your IQ is better, in the end penis size is what matters am I right guise??!!

>> No.2369465

Despite what many may believe and ignoring trolls, I've noticed that the average intelligence on some of the more serious boards seems to be substantially higher than that of the general American population.

I know I'll probably get a lot of shit for this, but lurk long enough and hopefully you will notice this trend as well.

>> No.2369470


the first thing that goes through someone's mind when they see they have a high IQ is "cool" and the second thing is "better not act like an arrogant twat over this number since it doesn't really mean that much - and even if it did, arrogance is irritating"

seriously, what you just said is fucking retarded. it implies you haven't thought about it at all, it's like you just parroted an opinion you heard somewhere that sounded cool. it's like you took it from a little list of famous quotes. kill yourself

>> No.2369480

This, except my IQ is 140

>> No.2369481

I have an IQ off the scale (you can only test up to 175 or so and even they are fuzzy), I am also Clinically Depressed. I am not sure which has made life harder.

What really blows my mind is the fact that half the people EVERYWHERE have below average IQ. It is both a trivial conclusion and a profound condemnation of society.

>> No.2369487
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damn you mad, your iq must be low

>> No.2369515


laissez-faire websites like imageboards, certain forums etc tend to have people from either end of the bell curve, although the more popular boards of 4chan are just random people and have been for years

>> No.2369529


wow you faggot idiot you didnt even comprehend what i fucking said. all i did was contradict his retarded opinion on "what people think when they see their IQ test score". you might think its big and clever to troll - but im perfectly fucking happy sitting here typing angry posts at everyone

>> No.2369579

and still you bother answering trolls. you must be pretty happy and balanced in life.

>> No.2369593 [DELETED] 


>half the people EVERYWHERE have below average IQ

That's how averages work. If the majority of people were above average then it wouldn't be the average any more.

>> No.2369605

IQ only demonstrates how well you are able to take IQ tests, which in of itself only demonstrates your ability to recognize patterns. IQ in no way denotes intelligence, ability to succeed or happiness.

Unrelated: I'd be surprised if Einstein had ever even taken an IQ test. That number of 160 was probably just an "estimation" meaning a completely made up number based on his accomplishments.

>> No.2369633
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My IQ is 121. I ain't mad. I just stupid. I get to benefit from higher quality people.

>> No.2369639

I'm above average I guess.

I suck at maths and physics, but I do have a very broad view of the world and understand things way quicker than everybody I know.

>> No.2369676

IQ says nothing about how likely a person is to succeed or contribute to society. It can't even be used to show how well an individual can advance science. There are too many people that are brilliant but lazy, there are too many people who work hard and have 'average' intelligence.

IQ is nothing more than mental masturbation. It's completely worthless and only fools give it meaning.

>> No.2369750

I haven't tested mine in years, but last one I did gave me a result above 140, however I don't really consider myself smart - using the right thought strategies/metgids when thinking and understanding abstract concepts within other concepts is what I think leads to my intelligence. Besides that, I'm pretty slow with actual raw calculations and just use computers for that, however that's fine as the brain is better used for abstract thought then raw calculation.

>> No.2369817

136 bitches

Tested when I was 8. Also I was told iq is like the top speed of your car, you have to push the pedal to get there.

>> No.2369845

how can i test my own IQ
i doubt online sites for IQ will give me the right answer

>> No.2369885

IQ = 185. Tested in middle school, but who the fuck cares? Standardized testing is bullshit, anyway. I also scored a 28 on the ACT (1998), 1090 on the SAT (1998) and 99 on the ASVAB.


>> No.2369987

Except they are. Very much so.
It is not their lack if intelligent that lures them into Mensa.

To put it simply,
lol u jus' mad cause mensans be stylin' on u

>> No.2370005

Hahaha, I m gifted, we all are here
And I m lazy, we also all are here.

>mfw stupid but courageous fuck get a better job than us :D

>> No.2370016

lol u no smart brah

>> No.2370026
File: 18 KB, 300x290, JimSmoke32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is a shit measurement. It's worse then the body mass index. This is coming from someone who had a 125 IQ rating at six.

>> No.2370049


I really don't feel that intelligent, and my math skills are admittedly pretty low. I did however score in the top 2% for verbal reasoning.

>> No.2370057

IQ tests for children are different. your IQ is probably still about 125 and is as likely to have gone down as up. lol.

>> No.2370065


185 is crazy, is that from an official test you sat in a room with a person there to mark it?

>> No.2370066

Was Einstein actually ever tested?

>> No.2370082

I love how 100 is the standard. Makes almost everyone feel special.

>> No.2370093
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138, took a test in September for ADHD

>> No.2370522

So much mad.

>> No.2370589
File: 48 KB, 1014x367, Mensa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 150

Don't have my card, at Uni at the moment.
Here was the email with my username/pass for the website though, only proof I have...

>> No.2370629


Yes, actual IQ test when tested for ADD. Not ADD, though, just bored with idiot teachers and tired of getting picked on by morons for getting good grades.

>> No.2370639

>have IQ 150
>need to keep email from 2008 to remember Mensa password


>> No.2370650

Nah, he kept it to offer proof that he is a mensa member in order to impress anonymous nerds on the internet who don't even know who he is.
And yes, he obviously knew that he'd need it some time again.

>> No.2370663

Did the one on Illustrated Science, gave me 148.
BTW: Did consider Mensa once, but im better of without them.
Also, I know im smart cause I also know I dont know jack.
If you dont get it you dont belong on /sci/

>> No.2370673

98th percentile on SAT

mensa test

consistently 134-ish on reputable IQ tests


>> No.2370692

>Implying I actually take part in anything MENSA related
>Implying having a high IQ means I'll remember a password I never use
>Implying that even if I know a password I would delete the email becacuse my brain is so perfect and I would never get it wrong

And all this aside
>Implying I delete my emails at all

>> No.2370695

Gifted here. I don't feel especially smart usually, but then I leave the house. I took an IQ test when I was a kid (can't remember which type) and scored a 140. I was retested as an adult and hit exactly 140 again oddly enough.

>> No.2370697

someone post a link to an iq test online
i'm trying to get under 70
i reckon i won't be able to

HAND is to Glove as HEAD is to

* Hair
* Hat
* Potato
* I've eaten the keyboard

"well, they said potato but they managed to answer the question so that shows some iq"

>> No.2370713


Unless the test is specifically geared for a certain range, it won't give you every arbitrary score. If it's meant as a test for "average people", it's not going to give you a tard score. You have to find a tard test.

>> No.2370716

>"well, they said potato but they managed to answer the question so that shows some iq"

...and they're not scored that way either...

>> No.2370720


give me your tard test link then

>> No.2370752

IQ means exactly dick and squat in the real world. Some of the most intelligent people I've ever met are under-educated losers that simply don't, can't, or won't apply their ability. Having a high IQ does little or nothing to motivate someone to reach for their potential and actually apply it.

Some of the most brilliant minds of out time will waste away in factories and dead-end jobs.

>> No.2370763

does anyone els here think that IQ tests are extremely suspect and dont mean shit? (especially after childhood)

>> No.2370780


Well consistent results with multiple tests lends them some credibility.

Seems like most of the detractors are of the "durr, potential != success" variety.

No one ever said being 6'8" guarantees fame and glory in the NBA.

>> No.2370789

I have a friend who is 6'7" and never even so much as tried out for a basketball team in school. Shame really.

>> No.2370841

Why is there so much acrimony towards IQ tests? Methinks there's an inferiority complex showing.

>> No.2370874

You asked for it buddy.


>> No.2371443
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>> No.2371458


with very little studying on math, got a 19.9/20 in national exams. (being in maths university since then)
I can tell how smart a person is just by looking at his eyes (assuming he isn't acting stupid or something)
i've never met anyone smarter than me ( i don't say this as a super egoistic bastard, it just never happened). every smart person i meet will fail in certain matters i don't. (usually politics)
e.g. people who are better at math than me tend to not be left winged/anarchists (Im an anarchist since 16)

Im an atheist and i see people believing around me.(thats okay we are at the 2% anyway)
none understands string theory-quantum mechanics etc, while i've taken extreme interest on those matters since i was a kid, still wondering why ppl fail around me.
i'm better at video games than everyone i know based on the time it takes me to learn and the skill level i can reach. for example i've played dota for many years and watching the worlds top players play in tournaments i've always felt 'so what i could do this shit too'

i have never met a person who can apply logic and deduction more than me on any matter given.

>> No.2371462


I've arrived in all my political,social, non-religius beliefs with minimap studying on them, and i never agreed completely with anyone, i just took which axioms i thought were the most importand to explain the universe and went on to deduce everything i need, from politics to the meaning of life(there isn't one).

I seem to be the only person i know in real life who thinks singularity is the most important moment in human history, since it is easy to deduce that after that moment humanity will never be the same.

Although im good looking, i never had a girlfriend since im really bad at social skills, because i never took interest in developing them at all. (foreveralone.jpg)
i think im never gonna get a girlfriend anyway.

online failure tests rated me from 130-160 but iq rly doesnt matter imo,(atleast today) since it doesn't check your total knowledge about the world, your ability to deduct in matters that require different pattern recognition than that used in common math and language tests. in other words, todays tests cant rly test how smart you are, i mean, even hitler might have scored over 140..

ive met stupid anarchists, they were woried about the well being of the world more than the smartfags i meet on university... they most suck.

thats pretty much all of it

>> No.2371483

Posting because although my psycho-educational testing says i'm in the top 2%, I am dumb as shit, emotionally unstable, depressed, and going no where in life.
Feels bad man. Intelligence isn't everything.

>> No.2371513

IQ tests, acceptance into every single honors/advanced/gifted class I've ever applied to, all my teachers and peers being dumbfounded by anything i write..

Then again, I could just be above average in a sea of idiots. I am far from reaching my full potential. If I am as gifted as they say, I sure as hell am not using it.

>> No.2371553

If you were so clever you could have wrote that without coming across as a faggot.

>> No.2371575

yes i could. this tells nothing xD
maybe i wanted to appear as one, maybe i dont care, maybe i just wanted to say what i see around me everyday.

>> No.2371576

Oh wow...I hate you and your kind so very much. Please don't reproduce.

>> No.2371577

and it could of been shorter, shit. You should only require one post to convince us.

The guy who discovered DNA, he used ONE PAGE.

>> No.2371578

i'm retarded. just wanted to post itt because i'm impulsive :3

>> No.2371580

I don't have to "prove" anything to you or any other of the faggots on /sci/ and if you don't like it you can suck my cock. Faggot.

>> No.2371587

only top 10
killing myself now

>> No.2371589

and why is that? if i may know, ah and btw i havent gone to university since ive passed my exams, thats 2 years now, also i will never reproduce as i said, i spend my time listening to post metal and playing wow-lol etc... talk about a person to hate

>> No.2371615

For what?
Being smarter or admitting to being smarter?

>> No.2371633

Humility. It's extremely important. You might be academically performant, that does not make you smart. You like to brag about everything you're good at but I'm sure you don't bring up often the things you suck at. Music ? Drawing ? Physical fitness ?

You bring down EVERYONE around you with extreme generalization without even knowing them.

You value knowledge over wisdom. Guess what ? Knowing a lot of things doesn't make you smarter than other people. It only means you spent more time learning that stuff while they did something else.

Also, one more thing. Charisma and social competence is an important part of a person's intelligence.

You've never met anyone smarter than you ? Never met anyone who could beat you in video games ? Everyone you know is dumb as shit ? Well, guess what ? You don't know a lot people, son. Get over yourself.

>> No.2371639

I've gotten a multitude of answers on various tests, both online and in person. I tend to score lower on the online ones for some reason (Everyone I know does too).

Going by them all, I have an IQ between 77 and 120. So I think my IQ is either around 100 or slightly lower, though all my friends and family tell me how smart I am all the time. Though that may be because I'm lazy, depressed, and unmotivated and they're trying to help me or something.

>> No.2371656

Superior intelligence here. IQ of 134.

>> No.2371662

I'm not sure
I've worried about it because of constant ego elevation from my teachers over the years because I think they're full of bullshit
I have no way of accurately testing it now anyways, I'm tired as fuck and depressed so it doesn't matter what score I get so long as I'm not running at optimum capacity.

>> No.2371669

as i said, every person i've met, so yes i haven't met enough people to meet some1 smarter than me,
also it is true that none can beat me in video games had we have the same time of practice on them.
im not academicely performant, I HAVENT PASSED A ANYTHING SINCE I WENT. maybe u misunderstood what i said about university. i didn't even attend after the 2nd week because i hated it. i like math, i hate university. as simple as that. also i never said that im smarter than everyone or something, when did i try to humiliate you?

>> No.2371699

I suggest all the smart/lazy people in here read this, it's how I turned out and I think this article gives some insight as to why.

>> No.2371726
File: 101 KB, 600x566, - MEDITATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am a genius.

Because the norm is hideous and boring.

Because I know.

Because I have been tested.

Fuck all of you.

>> No.2371742

Iq of 50
3 standard deviations away from the norm

>> No.2371788

If you mean something else you should probably say something else. Faggot and the concept of a male homosexual are inextricably linked at this point.

>> No.2371818

Some online test that looked somewhat legit said I have an IQ of 146. I always thought I was smarter than everyone in my classes, but hid it because people said I was weird when I acted smart. Now I realize me trying to be funny to everyone else and fit in was like an average person in a special ed class, trying to understand what's so funny about flinging boogers.

>> No.2371868

Don't even know mine.
IQ tests weren't taken at any of the schools I've attended. I'd imagine maybe 120/130. Oxbridge possible represent.

>> No.2371882

I haven't been formally tested, but a free online test yielded an IQ of 165.

>> No.2371890

The intelligent don't stroke their egos with a bunch of numbers.

Also, why do people actually apply for Mensa? What's the purpose?

>> No.2371907

>Why do people apply for Mensa?
>actual intelligent people stroking their egos with a bunch of numbers

>> No.2371910


Some people think it might look good on a resume, or some other kind of application, some might think they're just going to find people with similar interests. I've even read about a guy that wanted to join because most people assumed he was a moron because he was extremely tall.

>> No.2371972
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>me perfect, you slime

Btw, you mean a mathematical singularity, astronomical singularity or a technological singularity like Vernor Vinge?

lrn2humility&bespecific moron

>> No.2371993

Tested annually for the purpose of a national IQ study.

Though IQ isn't necessarily something to go flaunting. It simply gives a quantification to your ability to identify patterns and use logic.

If you're lazy, and don't educate yourself, IQ means little to nothing.

>> No.2371994

I'd definitely do it for interests. Too many people I know are obsessed with jersey shore

>> No.2372024

above 160 took tests
when i was in the 5th grade i went to stanford for a class on inductive and deductive reasoning and i blew all the cocky faggots there out of the water. feels good man but i dont try very hard so i fail at a lot

>> No.2372049

technological, actually i meant the moment when we will surpass by far the calculation speed we are capable of now, so we will be able to solve all (or most) of our problems. However, up to this day we don't really know if we will ever be able to live forever (not necesarily based in dna), since we don't know yet if we will be able to reach stage 3-4 as a civilization ( we haven't completed-proven our theory of everything yet(or anything) ), and since A.I. ( or even an evolved form of human ) will be much more capable as scientists, we will know soon after singularity comes if we are gonna travel universes or just wait till the andromeda galaxy falls upon us(if we discover we will never be able to even move from our solar system).

Also, i don't understand why u hate me for my post, op said, you must post in this thread and tell us how do you know it. so thats why i know im so smart, from what my environment tells me, and thats what it has been telling me those years.
On a sidenote, i think i am smart because i've spend my kindergarten playing with lego. not sure though

>> No.2372082

I never took an actual IQ test. I did take one on the Internet and it gave me around 110-120. I know one thing about the IQ tests; according to articles I read in the past 5 or so years, it is "a primitive way to measure intelligence." It's a flawed system. So, let's say I apparently have the IQ of 90. I feel pretty bad for myself. Being musically gifted means nothing. Doing State Orchestra contests means nothing. Ranking up high means nothing. My talent meant nothing. My artistic talents mean nothing either. My ability to input many patterns into my drawings enough to make a person think when they see me my art means nothing. I do art when I am bored and there is nothing left for me to do. Does that imply I am a philistine for not using my talents to gain fast cash? I guess so. My parents tell me it's money down the drain. Like I give a shit about something that is so truly insignificant like money. I am an Atheist woman, I'm 18, and I'm married and pregnant. I graduated high school almost with honors (I didn't apply in time for the honors thing; but I was way over my credits, so technically, I did graduate with honors). I was accepted into Baylor University for Music and Pre-Med, but I didn't go. I scored 1586 on my SAT (I beat myself up over it too much). I didn't take an ACT. I took the Spanish SAT and I got an almost perfect score, same with the US History.

>> No.2372133


Don't feel smart, though.

>> No.2372135
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lol /sci/ believes in IQ testing.

>> No.2372161

> I scored 1586 on my SAT
Too bad SAT scores are always a multiple of ten. Good try though.

>> No.2372171 [DELETED] 

can't be all that clever if you feel like bragging to /b/

>> No.2372190

IQ 145; I know because it was part of a day-long $1500 neurological evaluation I went through after I suffered an extended period of depression and dropped out of college.

>> No.2372199

I hope your insurance didn't cover that.

>> No.2372211

138. My life sucks because of that.

>> No.2372223

It did but only technically. I'm on a high-deductible plan, ie the "I won't need to declare bankruptcy if I go through surgery" plan. I managed to cap it out that year but I sure didn't get out more than I paid in.

>> No.2372976


got tested by a child psychologist when I was 6 (they were looking for ADD, didn't find any).

I get straight As and 2400 but that's due to studying, not pure intelligence

>> No.2374613

You fuck.

>> No.2374628

IQ=/= success, happiness, or willpower
(im not bein a whinny retarded faggot, i'm rated like 135~140)

>> No.2374651



Spent 4 years in the army folding tents, counting ammo, pretending to fight a war that will never happen. Wanted to earn a qualification, so I attended university and spent 4 years doing papers eventually getting a BSc in Ecology. Had an average of B-, by spending a majority of my time playing games and smashing off/ failing relationship with lesbian Asian bitch.

Still bored as shit. Now dating an ex model, who has two kids, and looking for a job with $120 to my name .

When I am stressed I play Maple Story and eat roast beef rolls with honey mustard.

>> No.2374661

i scored 138 at the age of ten when i was being tested by a psychologist.

>> No.2374666

smart enough to know that the people who made the IQ tests are idiots

>> No.2374667

>roast beef rolls with honey mustard.
Sounds terrific

>> No.2374670

For a board that supposedly is smart, you guys sure need a lot of homework help LOL

>> No.2374671

I remember, way back in the day, people on this board almost universally agreed that IQ was pointless mental masturbation.

What was universally agreed was that practicing mathematics and pursuing science was what made one intelligent, not some number on how well they can solve some brain teasers and puzzles.

However, it may be that a mathematical mind would pick up on patterns easier than others. Still, what makes one intelligent isn't a number their genetics bestowed upon them, it's their ability to pursue science and do mathematics.

>> No.2374680


I still agree with this viewpoint. IQ measures a woefully small portion of the brain's power, and supposes that, for some reason, intellectual quickness is necessarily a pure reflection of the ability to think. I know of many minds that are not very nimble, but can go deeper and more thoroughly into material than many minds can.

>> No.2374697

>myface when this thread makes me want to give up on humanity even more

It will be a long long time before we see a true genius in this world.

>> No.2374700

stupid but postin

>> No.2374704

>have IQ of 170
>myface when im 24 and don't even know division

>> No.2374777

1600 SAT (back in the day), 35 ACT (i know exactly which question i got wrong). national merit bullshit, 5s on all my APs (i forget how many) except spanish because i loathe spanish, got a 4. getting my second ivy league engineering degree in the spring (masters).

i'm still dumb as shiiiiiit.

>> No.2374780
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>> No.2374787


also, i think i'm terrible at math, everyone else disagrees, but they just believe what they want. i couldn't do an inverse laplace to save my freakin life.

>> No.2374789


most importantly, i think there's a tradeoff. i'm a sponge for science- i remember everything anyone has ever told me about orbital energies of the metallurgy of zirconium or DNA polymerase, but i forget almost every single conversation and experience i've had with humans in what seems like a MUCH shorter time scale than most people. seriously i forget about whole multi-year relationships until someone reminds me, and then it all comes back quick.

sooo, i like me. but its kind of a handicap, not being able to remember important conversations with my best friends/significant others even a month or two in the past

>> No.2374828


what was the question that you got wrong?

also, nice trips

>> No.2374835

same. i dont remember shit about people and relationships.

but numbers i remember til i die

>> No.2374838

got 1390 on my sat
is that good enough?

>> No.2374849
File: 187 KB, 1440x900, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey sci I'm a genius LOL!!! I just did this accurate test!

>> No.2374857

lamp he? on ubuntu karmic
good 4 u

>> No.2374876

142 here. I did the WAIS and RPM a few years ago, a fellow student took it as a practice run before taking it from strangers (assignment for psych).

Sure IQ measurements aren't perfect, but some here are idiots for ignoring the obvious face validity and relevant correlations these tools have. Or would you deny it is a good predictor of academic achievement, mathematical proficiency, cognitive speed,...?

>> No.2374880

Online tests say I'm around 136, which I guess is pretty sweet, but I don't take it seriously.

I mean I'm a 2nd Year Physicist, but I'm failing miserably since I never do any work, and I'm past the point of coasting successfully.

>> No.2374891

Depends which test you ask, but i'm anywhere from 130 to 145... feels good man.

Underachiever though. Fuuuuuck morning lectures

>> No.2374898

IQ tests are stupid. All they do is tell one how smart they might be, not how smart they are.

Motivation is everything

>> No.2374906

On the first test in my life I scored 180. That's when I was eight.
In my fifteens it was like 130 and now it's 161.
I failed two classes, partially out of not learning and autistic arguements with teachers. Art major now, pretty good grades.

IQ tests don't matter for shit. If you are smart, only people about whom people can tell they are smart, those can tell.

>> No.2374915

Character > IQ

>> No.2374921
File: 55 KB, 469x428, 1266227713235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2374923


>> No.2374930
File: 82 KB, 653x587, graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Self confirmation bias
>Pretentious Faggots
>Miss use of statistics (your actual score could be +/- # - usually 15)
>Belief that a score when you were in grade school holds true today

>> No.2374934


Got screwed out a of nobel prize

>> No.2374951


>> No.2374965

no, most probably you're just dumb

>> No.2374971
File: 3 KB, 103x120, 129156354498324..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing IQ is masturbation

>> No.2374977


end of story

>> No.2374982


IQ of 134. That's not much to shout about.

You're smart enough for the American IQ society (so is my goldfish) but let's see you get into Mensa with that failure of a score. If you're lucky they may let you mop their floor.

>> No.2375308

160 here.
IQ tests have little or no grounding in the truth, all they're doing is measuring your spatial awareness and some basic logic.

>> No.2375320

Mensa is nothing but a group of poorly organised, arrogant fools who place their trust in a system which is nothing less than fraudulent (and indeed see themselves as an entirely separate 'caste' because of it).

>> No.2375328

mine is ab out 80 I think, I'm as dumb as they come. Rubbish at maths and didn't bother with my education (bad childhood) I just have to stick with working in ms donalds (srs)

>> No.2375332

2.7 standard deviations above mean here

capacity means fuckall when you sit around posting on 4chan all day

>> No.2375359
File: 244 KB, 397x402, cat_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm only in the high intelligence 13.6%.


Posting here anyways! lolololololol!

>> No.2375458

Quite funny, that no one's IQ of the bord is at the other side of the median. Everybody seems to be at the higher half.
