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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 600x402, ultralight_trike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2368770 No.2368770 [Reply] [Original]

Science is like the head lights of the trains going in every direction. Human is evolving, he want to learn, he want to go faster, stronger, better, he want to know.

Science need people like you. People that want to discover. Thank you /sci/

>> No.2368772

I went up in one of those machines a few days ago. Fucking awesome.

Ultralight Trikes should be used for daily communtes.

>> No.2368783
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riiight....half of us don't understand the concept of turning on the blinker BEFORE you turn or begin your lane change and the other half just plain don't give a shit

...and you want to give them another dimension to move about in?
mkay then...

>> No.2368787

OP here, yea I have one. Its actually not so hard to pilot. And the cost are like having a second car. Way cheaper and safer if you compare to a Cessna for exemple.

>> No.2368794

Anotherfag here, think of it as evolution in action.
After a few years the problem corrects itself.

1. Use a hydrogen-catalyzing engine
2. Partly or wholly produce your own hydrogen.
3. ???
4. Profit!!!

>> No.2368804
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clearly you have underestimated the capacity of human stupidity and their breeding cycles.

I don't need the halfwits i commute daily with to have yet another axis of free movement.

>> No.2368811

Oh come now.
You'd only have to dodge stall-spinning and burning wreckage for maybe five or ten years.
Less if we make the engines and hydrogen-tanks finicky and needy of constant maintenance.

Then it's clear skies ahead!

>> No.2368816
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>Obviously WE'RE both mature enough to handle greater freedom, but the REST of those schmucks would just kill themselves, or worse, us.

'adult' detected. if i ever meet you in person i will rape your eye-sockets with knives.

on topic, narrow leaning roadable aircraft will be the wave of the future. straight-line transport over large distances and 50MPG or more all the time. make it powered by biodiesel and get efficient algae fuel agriculture working and we can solve the energy and carbon emissions crisis' in one shot.

except of course they never will be because of FUCKERS like >>2368783, who are 'wise' enough to know when something's too good to be true. or at least to be able to convince everyone else.

not sure if fixed wing or rotary wing would be better. a modern gyrocopter could be made to do jump takeoff and (probably, but might never be really safe enough for regular use) 'stop-n-drop' landings, and fold the rotors for storage, but fixed wings would have a far more useful flight envelope.

>> No.2368826

no...i think there has been a misunderstanding

i lump myself in the 'doesn't give a fuck' group. I am not responsible enough to have such things.

Very much like chemistry/lab equipment, nuclear devices, steam rollers, bowling pins, and guns. I would USE them. Irresponsibly and at great cost to those around me.

I simply have a deep rooted suspicion the greater portion of mankind is the same as me...
Go ahead...go for a drive or a bike ride in the street and tell me i am wrong some more.
I won't mind in the least.

it's not MY fault people are like this.

>> No.2368828

>it's not MY fault people are like this.

but, see, it is.

by considering yourself one of the unworthy, and having no problem with it, it is, directly, your fucking fault. all of my hate.

>> No.2368834
File: 245 KB, 600x426, bike..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bike in your picture.

Some retards in my city decided to give a demonstration of how fast it could go in a busy residential area and nearly killed someone.

>>the REST of those schmucks would just kill themselves, or worse, us.
Attempt at irony confirmed for truth due to even deeper irony.

>> No.2368837

>An accident happened!
>Progress requires risk?
>Not on my watch!
>No Progress, No Risk!

>> No.2368838

I accept your hate with open arms and daily dispense the same upon the masses.

You just validated why all those fancy 'regulations', 'rules', and 'pilot certifications' exist you know...

*happily munches pop-tart*

>> No.2368840

reinforced roofs

>> No.2368851

by self-selecting mediocrity you are taking part in a species-wide (actually just civilization; chinese/indians gonna rape ya) trend of selecting stasis, or even regression.

>> No.2368855
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you say that like i was unaware or didn't have that in mind as a solid goal.

>> No.2368867

well, enjoy all the tiny asian dicks

>> No.2368871
File: 15 KB, 303x475, praxis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Empire of Praxis is the place for you.
>Everything that is important is known.
And if you disagree with them, the rulers will stop you from disagreeing by any methods, from skinning you and every one of your relatives to death and wiping all knowledge of you from the archives, to AM-bombing the whole planet and letting the few survivors die of radiation.

12,000 years of stasis and no progress whatsoever bitches!!!

>> No.2368874

...sounds fine to me.

Quit rocking the boat and maybe you get to live your full life span, huh?

wow...scary concept that.

>> No.2368917

>Quit rocking the boat and maybe you get to live your full life span, huh?
No, actually.
Any one from the ruling elite can kill you where you stand if they feel like it.
They don't even need to fill any paperwork afterwards.

Even if you're of the elite, a higher class elite can still do you in.

And even if you belong to the Convocation, the ruling body of the elite, you can still be ordered to suicide, or be killed for treason, or because they feel like it, by the Shaa, the alien masters of the empire.

>> No.2368928

We should all be using foldable velocars with electric assist and a network of high and low speed railroads. Traffic would be reduced so far I could never see us needing wider roads, noise pollution would be a non-issue, and we'd all be safer and healthier.

In b4 fat American complains they can't fit in a velocar.

>> No.2368947


I've had the same thought, except the velocars would make use of an optional overhead rail network to travel long distances. Each vehicle, essentially a reverse-trike recumbent with a 1kw motor and modest lithium battery, would be equipped with an overhead latching arm. One would drive up a ramp and wait for the arm to couple to the rail, then be whisked towards an adjacent town while the rail recharges the trike's battery.

>> No.2368951

fuck no, centralization is not the way to go. if anything we should all be growing our own biofuels.

>> No.2368957

I agree.

This is a fine solution to all those door to door religious thumpers.

>> No.2368965
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why that's SO much different than the life i currently lead.
very insightful indeed.

>> No.2368987

let's bring this thread back to proper /sci/ territory;

fixed or rotary wings?

pro: much more useful flight envelope
con: how to store during road use?

pro: can be folded, possibility for VTOL, autoparachute effect in unpowered.
con: actually somewhat useless and much less efficient, compared to fixed wings

>> No.2368988

I was thinking of not having to build much new infrastructure, before we even build more rail lines I'd think we could use the highways for express buses running distances of 20 miles. Even with a frequent run time we'd still use far less gas than at present. I'd also convert a majority of intersections to roundabouts because starting and stopping sucks for human power.

We could also stop the dickwaving heavy vehicles, with nearly no chance of crashing things should basically be built like airplanes, a lightweight frame and some skin. A bus should weigh as much as a car does now, just a frame for the engine (which can be smaller) and a plastic shell with a couple rollbars so it doesn't collapse.

>> No.2368993
File: 1.41 MB, 1544x3704, rest in peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those with courage will achieve the unachievable.

>> No.2368996

I believe I clearly stated, "maybe".

Did you miss that?

I never even read that book and i already have the basic idea. Torture, genocide, and varied forms of violence on epic scales for disturbing the 'status quo'. Assuming mass media coverage of the very same so the population gets the point. Assuming a low % of the population has all the 'wealth' and punishes any other 'caste' for even looking at it. Assuming the 'upper crust' also suppresses technologies that the 'unenlightened' thinks they need.
This will be a story of how a stable society spanning several thousand years crumbles away because of human greed and the need to 'decide one's own fate'.
No need to wow me with the niggling details.

I approve of this superior way of governing since it quite clearly outshines our own pathetic attempts of sovereignty.

>> No.2369000

this is the best thing. i am pinching my dick shut to keep from pissing myself. holy fuck.

>> No.2369001

How the fuck did someone manage that?

>> No.2369002

that doesn't make any sense.

are you implying a winged aircraft can not have retractable or folding wings for storage?

>> No.2369005

Yes, lets spread ourselves further out so we take up more land and require more effort to go anywhere.


>> No.2369008


pure win

>> No.2369011

Can we make this a never forget thread now?

>> No.2369009

not very well, no.

>> No.2369018

go join >>2368783 in >>2368871
arguing for centralization is the same damn thing

>> No.2369030
File: 68 KB, 800x533, sfgnfgmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineers have the lateral to design as they wish...have you never seen a Grumman F6F Hellcat for heaven's sake?

..and you want to zip around the skies...

>> No.2369049

that costs like a bajillion dollars and has no concern for, well, anything. they can pour an infinite amount of money into keeping it operational and feeding it fuel. the wings are vestigial little things for guidance, it's a rocket.

military doesn't make anything useful to anyone but the military. i've never seen a TRANSPORT aircraft with folding wings, i should have said.

>> No.2369065

oh no you don't.
You just looked at the picture and didn't bother researching the mentioned vehicle.

Wiggle all you like, but I'm certain you were talking about LSA aircraft anyhow.

Those also just so happen to have wings that pull off for storage in most cases don't they?

nah...you're right...no way it could just fold AND be perfectly safe to fly.
Engineers wouldn't be able to do it with modern materials.

>> No.2369075


>> No.2369089

the old F-104 fighter jet was pretty much a rocket, I'll give you that.

Current military high performance aircraft do NOT have to generate lift through the use of airfoils you say?

Could you kindly point me to them then?
I tend to lurk in history and miss out on all the new stuff.

>> No.2369115

if anyone is telling you you have to wear pants on your own property, they are doing you a disservice. that IS tyranny.

i admit i don;t really know shit about military aircraft, but don't believe i'm that far off in proclaiming them generally useless as personal transport vehicles?

the problem with fixed-wing roadable aircraft is more what to do with the wings when on the ground, where to store them. i know full well it's possible to do all sorts of crazy shit with wings, even to have inflatable wings (which might actually be something to consider itself for a roadable).

>> No.2369119

What does /sci/ think of linguistics?

>> No.2369121

We think it is a very important topic, deserving of its own thread.

>> No.2369127

Awesome. Last time I tried to start a thread all I got was ">implying linguistics is science"
I'll try again another day then!

>> No.2369129

Except we are discovering means to achieve immortality right the fuck now.

>> No.2369134

I for one DGAF, shit'd be cool to fly.

That is all.

>> No.2369140

honestly i was being intentionally flippant, and perhaps a little bit rude, for which i apologize. linguistics is truly an essential topic, a very big part of what makes us human. but it's kind of a boring thing to discuss. there really isn't much about it TO discuss. i think that's why linguistics threads on /sci/ fail. i think i've actually tried starting one myself way back when.

>> No.2369214
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and i'm pretty sure your letting your personal view of the military cloud your judgment.

Saying stuff like, "doesn't make anything useful to anyone but the military." while forgetting they made the RADAR and GPS you will need to navigate your personal flying car just spoils the mood for an otherwise topic of merit.
It makes it difficult to take you seriously.

Robert Kahn is rolling in his grave as i type outraged you don't even realize that the very internet we are enjoying this discussion on was researched and created by the military.

You sit smug and attempt to deny the benefits of Digital Photography, Jet Engines, Nuclear Technology, Submarines, Microwave ovens, Space Exploration, Communication/Weather Satellites, Motorcycles, Margarine, Trench Coats, Infrared Remotes, The Postal Service AND HELICOPTERS?
(yes, all military in origin, go look)

...while asking opinions if fixed or rotary wings is better?

you sir, sicken me.

>> No.2369249
File: 72 KB, 562x546, gvcxr6fv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit man.
The military needs more money!

>> No.2369255

fine, the military doesn't do anything, ANY MORE. for like, fifty years.

go hunt more snipe, faggot.

>> No.2369260
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Also a fine military tradition.

I believe I shall.
Thank you for your blessings.

>> No.2369266
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>> No.2369292

this post is the ultimate U MAD. right down to pic. get over it, you wasted your life as a wannabe feudal knight, who never even got to rightly own his own sword or armor.

YOU didn't invent in of this shit, no matter how hard you wish you had.

lets get back to the issue at hand instead of stroking your ego; believe it or not, that is not something all us poor civvies are obligated to do.

rotary or fixed wing? if it wasn't clear I am leaning strongly to rotary, a gyrocopter i think would be a good start. just because of the potential for some form of VTOL, which could make all the difference in adoption.

>> No.2369348

Right then...I promise to keep it brief.

Combat Application Tourniquets, Dual Band Antennas, IED Land Mine Detectors, Clotting Factor rFVIIa, Robotics, Advanced Prosthetic Limbs, FLIR, Virtual Training Scenarios, Fuel Cells, Tinned Food, MEDEVAC, Intraocular Lenses, and the CryoSpray Ablation System...




>> No.2369358

YES! for the love of God, yes.
The world needs more people flying around with the equivalent of an upside down lawn mower on their head.

I was promised this shit when i was little.
I demand justice.

>> No.2369365

>I was promised this shit when i was little.
Yeah, I've got some bad general news for you.

>> No.2369400

>IED Land Mine Detectors, FLIR, Virtual Training Scenarios
useless. not even for the military.

>Dual Band Antennas, Clotting Factor rFVIIa,
granted, but aren't dual-band radios older than 50 years? honestly not sure.

>Fuel Cells, Robotics, Advanced Prosthetic Limbs, Intraocular Lenses
just a WEE BIT general, there. and not invented by the military

>Tinned Food
what the fuck? seriously? how about peanut butter or the cotton gin?

> and the CryoSpray Ablation System, MEDEVAC
not invented by the military. MEDEVAC, ok, fine, like 70 years ago the first transport of a patient may have been by the military. weak.

the military is welfare

>> No.2369420



I'm a consumer, not an inventor.
Where did you get the curious notion i was otherwise?

you made a farce of an otherwise interesting topic with your ignorance.
I am simply calling you out on it is all.

it's just a simulated virtual exercise for the real world really...we all anon here.
No need to get your panties in a twist over it.

This only serves to helps others caught in similar circumstances how best to state their case in future debate and maybe by some small miracle wedge out an annoying show tune and replace it with some random trivial facts.

>> No.2369434

>you made a farce of an otherwise interesting topic with your ignorance.
i stated that fighter jets were not something to be looking at for inspiration into personal aircraft.

military faggot (you): DUUR MY JET IS THE BEST JET U DUNT KNOW

>> No.2369473

> Landmine detectors useless to civilians
> Virtual Training Scenarios are not used to teach surgery, emergency-response personnel, law enforcement, aircraft pilots, and taxi drivers. Useless to civilians.
> MEDEVAC isn't used on a daily basis by civilians
> Civilians do not like canned food...stupid military.

oooo....you're losing whatever supporters you have left bucko


>> No.2369489
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You're just continuing to prove you can't follow basic dialogues.

>> No.2369492
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Sorry, I'm a civilian and have very rudimentary knowledge of the military in general.
I don't even like the military very much.

But the military doesn't produce ANYTHING of value except to the military?

Utter horseshit.
Pull your head out of your ass my friend.
Even I am starting to blush out of embarrassment on your behalf.

>> No.2369512
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Doesn't really matter.

It's pretty obvious to everyone else that I am arguing with an idiot.

My dialogs only mean something to YOU at this point. The rest are laughing their ass off.

>> No.2369544

you're overestimating the number of people following the thread.

and once again, a PERFECT 'u mad' post.

you fail, get over it. military faggots getting defensive are the ones who made a mockery of the topic. i keep trying to turn it back on topic and you keep turning it back to focus on you.


lets discuss personal aircraft

fixed or rotary wing?

>> No.2369563

you might be doing the same, because that wasn't me yo.

>> No.2369582

Yes. Let's.

Rotory aircraft like the ones invented by the military?


>> No.2369655
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I also vote for rotary.

A fine and proud design.

>> No.2369928

The discovery of intraocular lenses came as a result of World War II pilots, and the injuries sustained when bullets would strike the plastic canopy of their aircraft, causing small shards of plastic to go into their eye.
In the late fourties, Howard Ridley was an RAF ophthalmologist looking after these unfortunate pilots, and he realized that the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) acrylic of the canopies, was made of an inert material that was compatible with eye tissue.

In 1949 he replaced a cataractous natural lens with an artificial plastic lens, and he was viewed with suspicion and derision by other ophthalmologists for doing this unheard of thing. It took the rest of ophthalmology 30 years to figure out how to do the same thing.

I don't know...sounds military in origin to me