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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2366357 No.2366357 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2366365
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If he does...

>> No.2366382

/sci/ Is good 99% of the time. There are a few religion trolls sometimes, but this board is great.

>> No.2366389

I'd say 40-60%. But sure.

>> No.2366409


just a few? LOL!

>> No.2366410 [DELETED] 

99% good? fuck you!

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.2366423

No, but seriously guys, /sci/ is better than the majority of boards on 4chan, if only because with the same proportion of trolls the average /sci/duck is significantly less retarded that the average denizen of any other board save maybe /lit/.
Which isn't so much a positive reflection on you guys as a negative reflection on everyone else.

>> No.2366434
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>Which isn't so much a positive reflection on you guys as a negative reflection on everyone else.
Feels bad being average while everyone else is an idiot.

>> No.2366435

99% good? O RLY? Fuck you. this is why we can have nice things. Nigger wut. WTF am i reading. GTFO fag, srsly

>> No.2366440


>> No.2366443
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>> No.2366448

> the average /sci/duck is significantly less retarded
> relijun threads keep maxing out
my observations do not support your hypothesis.

>> No.2366449

it's still one of the most intelligent boards.

And it's far better than it was just a few months ago. sdd

>> No.2366477


look at the first page now. The threads aren't so bad, and even in the trolling threads are better than in other boards.

And it's a pleasure when some retard from /new/ or /k/ comes over asking /sci/ to support their racist or sexist uninformed opinion and get proven wrong repeatedly.

/sci/ should be kept just for that.

>> No.2366496

The kind of people who love to talk about frontier science love to fight in general. Veracity of the claims of religionists is a fight that never ends, and indeed never can end. And as far as the religionists themselves, well, they're true believers trying to spread the Good Word, the One Truth! Therefore, religion threads are a perpetually recurring sport.

>> No.2366491

it's not a pleasure when fifty of said idiots keep asking the same questions because we keep indulging them. Entertain them once if you must, then just report them.

>> No.2366507

/sci/ could be even better if the words "God" and "Jesus" were filter to "Carl Sagan".
At least if would piss off creationist.

>> No.2366515

delete /sci/ and I'll just go back to hunting intelligent trolls on /b/.

No change really, just a faster board with more noise.

>> No.2366516

Send moot an email like I did. The legitimate science and math-related threads can go back to /g/, and all will be well.

>> No.2366518
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I support this. Going to dump my /sci/ folder to make my case.

>> No.2366523
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>> No.2366525

You actually believe there has EVER been a creationist on /sci/?

Gee, this board sure is full of intelligent scientific minded individuals like yourself.

>> No.2366530
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>> No.2366538
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>> No.2366545


>> No.2366547

/sci/ is nothing more than

All we get are
>Front page is usually completely religion
>Troll physics
>space elevator
>majors tier lists
>Carl Sagan circle jerks
>Butt mad non sciences like philosophy, psychology, and anthropology
>String theory

>> No.2366555

The only science in your list is homework...

>> No.2366554

True heroics for those of us who believe in /sci/

/sci/ has made me a better, more inspired person.
Well maybe not better.
But more inspired.

>> No.2366559
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>> No.2366563
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Usually some manner of transhumanist faggotry around too.

>> No.2366565
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>> No.2366575


How could I forget transhumanism.

It is essentially the new age furries wanting to put their brain in a robotic fox human hybrid

>> No.2366582

>He doesn't know anything about the possibilites transhumanism presents to the progress of the human race.

>> No.2366583
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>> No.2366584


You called?

Also, you promised us a brain in a jar in 10 years. Where did your transhumanism go? :(

>> No.2366603
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>> No.2366612
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>> No.2366615

Do you just mark everyone you dislike a furry? I'm pretty sure transhumanists don't have to want to fuck dogs or whatever.

>> No.2366618
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>He thinks transhumanism is anything more than permanent science fiction because he wants to live as a human fox hybrid

>> No.2366621

Brain-in-a-jar is one thing. Biological immortality is one thing.
These are different things, but still the "one thing" in the point I am making.
A genetically-engineered immortal super-furry grasping the external power-spar of an alcubierre ship, feeling the solar wind of VY Canis Majoris on her unshielded skin (because she's immortal, not just ageless) beholding the epic metropolis among the dyson swarm is another thing altogether.

>> No.2366631


No, but that is just what the majority of the transhumanism threads on /sci/ were about or eventually turned into.

On /sci/, transhumanism is essentially fur fiction

>> No.2366636
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99% good they told me.

>> No.2366638

Man. I just wanted my bitchin' gun-arm and my bevy of new senses.

>> No.2366639

Case in point

>> No.2366640
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>> No.2366646

>He doesn't know I am absolutely disgusted by furries and am simply sick of the inefficiency of organic bodies, therefore wanting to fully convert to more efficient, long-lasting hardware is simply a logical choice.

>> No.2366713
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>> No.2366837


Your point?

>> No.2366852
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Most transhumanism threads degenerate into a genetically-engineered immortal super-furry grasping the external power-spar of an alcubierre ship, feeling the solar wind of VY Canis Majoris on her unshielded skin (because she's immortal, not just ageless) beholding the epic metropolis among the dyson swarm.

I love the concept of transhumanism. I dislike being covered in nerdwank bukkake.

>> No.2366861

Also, do you people really think that transhumanism is about genetically-engineered super-furries for me?

Good lord. One has to separate the ideals from the lolololololumad? fantasies. I'm all up for transhumanism but I don't expect parahumans to be created, not in my time and probably not in anyone's time to be perfectly honest.

>> No.2366908
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>Transhumanist threads on /sci/
>the same thing

>> No.2367149
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>> No.2367406

Oh, mootykins. <3

>> No.2367439

You wouldn't be the first or the last.