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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 500x454, atheistcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2362521 No.2362521 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any reasons to believe in god besides ontological, cosmological, presuppositional arguments and pascal's wager?

Hilarious troll answers accepted.

>> No.2362528

Because the bible says so!
no, seriously, no reason at all.

>> No.2362537

Nobody has any good reasons on /sci/. No one on /sci/ is actually religious, and the trolls all rely on the fact that /sci/ is easy as hell to troll and don't have to come up with any reasonable or amusing arguments to successfully troll.

>> No.2362545

Barring those? Not really. Anyone who claims otherwise is most likely distorting data and/or misinterpreting it to support their conclusion.

I have no desire to start a flame war about this, so I will also say that while I'm an atheist, I really don't give two shits if people want to believe in God. I only get pissed when they claim to have some irrefutable proof that is completely bogus or are attacking me for not sharing their completely arbitrary beliefs.

>> No.2362560


OP here. Just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing any of their arguments so I could be sure of my position.

>> No.2362562
File: 61 KB, 400x300, serious board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the concept of god is ill-defined and thinking and arguing about it isn't gonna help

>> No.2362563


You might be better served asking on a different board, then. Most of us here, as another poster said, are not religious, and are thusly poor candidates for giving good arguments for religious belief.

Still, what I said remains true to the best of my knowledge.

>> No.2362565

I personally believe in a Higher Power, Im not Religious I just consider the Universe Divine in itself.

I believe because it honestly makes me feel better, if im wrong so be it but I might as well be happy while im around and my belief doesn't effect anyone else (deep believer in personal choice and free will) no its not like im one of those asshole religious nuts who goes around forcing views on people.

>> No.2362566

>no one on /sci/ is actually religious

My "reasoning" is that the universe is beautiful, more beautiful than I or any one else could ever conceive.
Completely arbitrary decision with no empirical evidence, how 'bout that?

>> No.2362568

That's just what being a pantheist feels like.

>> No.2362571

It's only beautiful because, it's had billions of years to evolve us and it into this state.

>> No.2362579


No see I don't consider NATURE to be God I just consider Nature something Divine and worth Respecting. I mean its just as equal in God since we seek to understand its infinite mystery but in the end we are far too small and short lived to ever really understand it.

My belief is complicated really, never understood what the hell I was I just know I believe in God but I love nature and the Universe.

>> No.2362583

That's still pantheism though.....

>> No.2362584

And that is relevant how?

>> No.2362585 [DELETED] 


That's lovely and all, but both of those arguments fail to conform to the parameters OP framed in the request.

>> No.2362593

Different poster, did not realize there was a word for what I believe in.

Honestly, I think it's ridiculous to try and physically prove God in a scientific way, because to me the basic premise of God is supposed to be something we can never comprehend anyway. So it's kind of irrelevant in that respect.

But at the same time, I don't subscribe to nihilism and have to give my life some sort of purpose to continue on, so I am spiritual and like to keep a vague notion of God similar to the pantheistic view. But I'm an artist, not a scientist, so I can afford to a lot more vague and subjective, I guess...

Personally, I don't think belief in God is bad, belief in ancient religions is. I honestly think it'd be better for people who do have faith to evolve that faith into something more complex and challenging rather than "God is a big dude that will punish you".

Maybe people will actually stop arguing and just go help people instead of killing? Just a thought.

>> No.2362594
File: 65 KB, 348x332, a (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timecube, Imagination, Freedom, Life, Love, Beauty, Art, Innovation, Influence, Justice, Morality, Soul, Bravery, Belief, Hope, Honesty, Reason, Equity, Truth, Liberty, Maturity, Infatuation, Loyalty, Joy, Spirit, Reason, Meaning, Prosperity, Skill...

>> No.2362601

Not to derail or cause shitstorm, but I keep wondering about people who don't feel the need for art. Does anyone here feel art is just a pastime to them, and not something more meaningful?

>> No.2362611


Art is no more important than literature, and literature is a hell of a lot more interesting. Plus it can communicate ideas better.

>> No.2362618

Not all ideas, and certainly not human experiences. I assume by literature you mean essays, articles, what have you and not Literature the art group.

>> No.2362617


Funnily enough, I think this answers OP's question by showing that there are also teleological arguments for God.

Though generally speaking that's kind of just quibbling over what God actually is.

>> No.2362628

the universe is a computer simulation
god is a computer geek
if the computer geek doesn't have self confidence,
god doesn't believe in himself

>> No.2362632

>He needs to read more comics, because they are the best of both worlds.
>And I'm not talking weeaboo shit.

>> No.2362637

Well, art's pretty important to me. I'm a musician (actually musical ability is pretty prevalent in math- and science-minded people), and many of the friends (which I do have, btw, contrary to stereotype) I surround myself with are artists (both literary and visual). I may be an outlier, but emotion and logic hold equal prevalence to me; they're both a vital part of a higher philosophy of what makes life life.

>> No.2362649
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>> No.2362664
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>> No.2362666
File: 118 KB, 510x419, paperlook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sun shrinks 2 feet a year
>if the earth was older than 5000 years it would have burned up by now

>> No.2362670
File: 33 KB, 385x383, 102879645244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yea and many scientists are seeing how invalid and false evolution is
>Many are turning from evolution and to The LORD

>> No.2362673
File: 15 KB, 319x158, maximumtrolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the planets have layers of ice
>so the world cant be more then 5000 years old or the ice would have already melted!!!!!

>> No.2362677


Wow. That is truly, spectacularly stupid.

>> No.2362676
File: 54 KB, 400x300, 25895451364210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I've become numb to any response a christfag gives

>> No.2362682
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>> No.2362692

Tried to google for it but the forums were offline.

>> No.2362693
File: 20 KB, 276x203, 1245651921944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gets me mad every time

>> No.2362711


maybe they get raided or something

>> No.2362712

thats the most clever thing ive seen on here in a while

>> No.2362719
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>> No.2362724
File: 34 KB, 640x480, kakashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you were right

>> No.2362744
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>> No.2362795

/sci/ is really the easiest board to troll
also >implying Christianity is the only religion in the world