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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 244 KB, 1024x819, pirate-space-ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2361530 No.2361530 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fucking sick and tired of all the antics on this pale blue dot, when will we begin to commercialize space faring vehicles so that I can leave?

>> No.2361534

Who is this "we" you speak of?

If you want something done right, do it yourself.

>> No.2361539

probably never, as there is no profitable endevor that would require space travel.

inb4 hurr durr asteroid mining bullshit.
that would NEVER be more profitable than getting minerals from the earth

>> No.2361540

You have a point, the "we" I was referring to is this species but it has proven its incompetence. I may as well do this myself.

>> No.2361541

when you are old and dying

>> No.2361543

in about the same amount of time that it will take to reach the singularity, and also peak oil, so 30-50 years, then again maybe never

>> No.2361544

>implying offshore drilling is done for profitability rather than necessity.

>> No.2361560


>>probably never, as there is no profitable endevor that would require space travel.

There rarely is. We don't need to live many of the places we do. We didn't need to leave Africa. We did because we wanted to, not because we expected to become wealthy for it.

That's how it works, in practice. We do something because we desire to, then find out it has practical benefits along the way. Like how the first home computers were expensive novelty kits for nerds.

>> No.2361565

Same thing. What is in high enough demand is profitable.

>> No.2361575
File: 187 KB, 658x428, 6a00d8341bf7f753ef00e55395f8cd8834-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure SpaceX would entertain a serous offer for one of there dragon capsules.

>> No.2361592

Stupid of you to think they would just start taking fags like you in space, when space flight further advances, In your life time at that, just because you want to get out of here. An easier method is to kill yourself.


>> No.2361597

Limited life support, I need something to last me the rest of my life. Something along the lines of complete waste recycling incorporated into food processing. Essentially a hydroponics farm in a capsule. I do realize I'll be using night soil but it's better than putting up with the the vast number of illogical religions and ideologies that plague this planet.

>> No.2361603

I don't want to die, I just don't want to put up with society any longer. And no, I'm not expecting a free ticket either.

>> No.2361606

however, moon, feasible.

>> No.2361628

Not OP here, but if there is SOMEONE that can be serious for a minute, I have a serious question. I am just coming out of high school and I too am sick of NASA and all this bullshit. What can I do to advance the struggle into space? I am good at physics and excellent at math but how can I put that to good use? I was thinking of starting a corporation, if it goes big, and I make a lot of money, I can fund space ventures? Any input?

tl;dr I'm coming out of high school. Don't wanna be stuck on Earth forever, what can I do. Assume the best of me

>> No.2361660

Interesting that you lurk 4chan all day but still go outside and experience society..

also captcha: Grazing life;

>> No.2361662

Kinda in the same boat, I joined the mars society but they are just a pile of winers with shitty ideas.

Lets form our own space organisation.

>> No.2361665

Well if society would leave me alone I wouldn't have to go outside to shut it up.

>> No.2361677

I dont think society is out to get you

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

>> No.2361690

Why so much angst?
Fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.2361699

>implying the government isn't out for my tax dollars.

>> No.2361710

Not angst, annoyance. I'm annoyed by the leftards and conservitards and all the religious bullshit rational individuals have to put up with because our species, for the most part, is retarded.

>> No.2361715

Don't worry, if I ever get that corporation started and fund space ventures, I'll build a space station only for those who aren't idiots

>> No.2361721

What contributions have you done?

Now off yourself.

>> No.2361739

no you won't.

by the time you arrange your attitude in a manner that allows you to succeed financially, you will no longer care about leaving the planet, and you really won't care about losers that still want to leave the planet.

can't have it both ways I'm afraid.

>> No.2361750

Aside from not forcing religion and ideological nonsense down people throats I'm not at liberty to say what my work is. Blame the NDA.

>> No.2361751


Good luck becoming as wealthy as an entire nation.

Also, you're a faggot.

>> No.2361760

>implying people haven't done it before and aren't doing it right now.

>> No.2361761
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I'm going to win this and use the notoriety and cash to start my business.


>> No.2361776

I guess most of this thread won't be there if you manage it.

>> No.2361784

Or he might care more considering how annoying all the business regulations have become in the West.

>> No.2361787

You got that right. No fat lazy 40y/o's sitting on their computer all day. You gotta be able to contribute some knowledge/specialty

>> No.2361792

Unless you're a billionaire or an astronaut, you'll never see space.
My suggestion: Acid, the next best thing!

>> No.2361802

business regulations aren't annoying to the rich.

we charge you for the time it takes us to comply with those regulations, and all the red tape keeps you from competing with us.

it's the regulations that keep poor people down. what a poor person sees as an obstacle, a rich person will see as a privacy fence.

>> No.2361812

What's probably the best field to get into in science if I plan on starting a corporation based around it? Chemistry, Bio-chem? Those two seems the most obvious. If anyone has anything else, please suggest it. We might be stuck on this planet a lot longer if you don't

>> No.2361814

Yes but you see how this annoying for those that want to become rich and have a legitimate concept for an enterprise. Also certain regulations are annoying to the rich as well, don't kid yourself. The fact that the rich have to pay a higher percentage for taxes to bring up the worthless is vexing.

>> No.2361826

we don't pay higher taxes in reality.

we charge more than is necessary to pay for the higher taxes we have to pay, effectively passing on the increased taxes to the consumer.

we also pay accountants and lawyers to fight our tax liability, not because we disagree with the taxes, but because it makes fiscal sense to do so.

also we write off almost every cent we spend as a business expense, so we're not taxed for the first couple hundred thousand we make.

don't assume that taxes irritate the rich just because some politician says so. Taxes irritate the upper middle-class who hope to be rich but never will because the system is weighted against them.

>> No.2361833

I'd say take any science + economics, great combo for entrepreneurial types.

>> No.2361847

>it's the regulations that keep lazy people down.

>> No.2361849

Libertarian hipsters like u make me sick. Go back to /new/.

>> No.2361856

Pick one. Hipsters are liberals, there's a difference.

>> No.2361857

libertarian hipsters like me make millions.

I hate /new/.

>> No.2361861
File: 84 KB, 456x530, lol (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying welfare doesn't support the lazies.

>> No.2361871

Hipsters are people who stick specifically to anything that's non-mainstream. Liberalism is mainstream, libertarianism isn't, therefore the latter is hipsters by logic.

>> No.2361878

>implying the kids who call themselves indie aren't also mainstream
Hipsters are those latte holding, indie trash listening, marx reading faggots.

>> No.2361880

Those are mainstream, therefore not hipster. Real hipsters don't describe them as "hipster."

>> No.2361882

that's simple trendfaggotry, not hipster in any sense

>> No.2361885
File: 168 KB, 500x500, hipster_scarf_melange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I plug the word hipster into google images this is what I mostly get.

>> No.2361889

That's because you're getting the common misconceptions behind it. Hipsterfaggotry has been around since the late 1940s, and it's always young adults who are into non-mainstream or alternative cultures, which isn't liberalism or conservatism.

>> No.2361890

Oh btw increasing the price of a product tends to decrease its demand therefore decreasing your sells and profits. So passing the cost of taxes to consumers by increasing the price of your product is unprofitable.

>> No.2361894

Oh I get it now, they hijacked the original term recently to mean those trendfaggots that worship starbucks but hate globalized business at the same time.

>> No.2361895

only in a fair, unregulated market.

If I can get regulations that prevent competition, I can charge whatever I wish.

which I can, and do.

>> No.2361900

>claim to be non-mainstream
>everyone dresses the same

>> No.2361901

wrong, they're just going off of the recent indie culture that was associated to hipsterism until it caught onto the mainstsream. now real hipsters moved on another non-mainstream trends, like deleting a Facebook or social networking profile, or going with a Linux instead of a Mac or PC.

>> No.2361903

>>everyone dresses the same
They're not hipsters then, just trendfags.

>> No.2361909

It doesn't matter. He was calling me a hipster, and I'm 39 years old and buy my clothes at walmart. Hardly a hipster, though I do tend to be a left-leaning libertarian.

>> No.2361915

OK, this was a tad confusing at first because of the Latte Holders Association of America insist on being labeled hipsters.

>> No.2361916

>buy my clothes at walmart. Hardly a hipster
Most people these days prefer to get their clothing elsewhere, so yes it's still hipsterism.

>> No.2361919


thanks! I'll notify my wife that I'm now hip. That should surprise her a bit.

>> No.2361921

Because that's when the term was being reintroduced (for the fourth time), so the indie culture is being associated with "hipsterism" without people actually researching the word. It's a misconception, again.

>> No.2361924

What if you're right leaning libertarian who follows certain trends, like upgrading to a fuel efficient motor, but not all?

>> No.2361927

By reducing competition you reduce wages but you also reduce the number of potential customers. Also your customers are more poor since they earn less, forcing you to sell your product for less. In the long run a regulated economy hurts the capitalist more then anybody else.

>> No.2361934

I think I would have noticed if I was veering to the right.

I am staunchly liberal on social issues, and near the center on fiscal ones. I love capitalism but know quite well that it exploits the stupid and lazy. I also believe in noblesse oblige, that is that capitalism must be tempered with some socialism. Too much of one or the other won't work, but both are needed to keep things growing and keep people vested in the system.

>> No.2361941

we capitalists aren't in it for the long run.

make money, exchange for commodities, withdraw from the system, let others clean up the mess. We are essentially parasites, though we also drive growth without that really being our goal.

>> No.2361944

I didn't want to call you right leaning, I was referring to myself. I just wanted to know if I'd be considered a hipster by the 1940's definition of the term.

>> No.2361949

Oh, I wouldn't know a hipster if I hit one with my Hummer.

>> No.2361956 [DELETED] 

All the most successful capitalist economies are regulated. Anti trust laws are a good thing. Also protective triad policies are also quite binefical to a nations wealth.

If we subsidies world grain to the point that africa can never afford to grow there own they will never become independent and we will be able to build mines on there land and steal there natural resources and they will be happy for the employment so they can buy grain from us. Its brilliant.

>> No.2361957

If capitalist aren't in it for the long run then what's going to check the abuses of an unregulated economy?

>> No.2361962
File: 1.17 MB, 768x522, 1294638418372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the most successful capitalist economies are regulated. Anti trust laws are a good thing. Also protective triad policies are also quite binefical to a nations wealth.

If we subsidies world grain to the point that africa can never afford to grow there own they will never become independent and we will be able to build mines on there land and steal there natural resources and they will be happy for the employment so they can buy grain from us. Its brilliant.

>> No.2361969

long after you finish puberty and HTFU.
Ugh, i hate teenagers.

>> No.2361980

the next generation of capitalists will get rich cleaning up after the abuses of the previous ones.

I make my money cleaning up mine sites from the 1800's-present. Some of those mines were owned by my grandparents. They made millions digging gold and silver, I make millions burying the lead, cadmium and arsenic they left. My kids will find some way to clean up after me...

>> No.2362001


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ur ancestors and ur posterity

captcha: Queter people

>> No.2362008
File: 28 KB, 450x298, Thread-Offtopic-Derailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually forgot what this thread was orginally about it seriously how did we go from space exploration to hipsters?

>> No.2362015

It's all a game, which 98% of people will never understand, and never win.

don't worry, we'll hire you and keep you in the manner you're accustomed to.

>> No.2362049

By your logic breaking a window is good because it will employ a window maker. What an idiot.

>> No.2362059

I'm a wealthy idiot though.

how is your logic working out for you?

>> No.2362061
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fith element was the shits right
zorg is like my hero and shit

>> No.2362073

No, you dolt, you completely failed to grasp his logic. His point was that whether or not people are causing problems now, it will ultimately be profitable in the future to deal with the problems we cause now, much like it is now profitable to fix the problems of the past.

His logic is faulty because his main point is "free market will fix it" and his example of capitalists making money fixing old problems is only due to government regulations making it profitable to do so.

>> No.2362077

First you say anticapitalism benefits you
Then you say you're a libertarian. So which one is it?

>> No.2362086

Nah, I'm the one arguing for regulation. I think someone thought I was arguing otherwise, and I responded to that anon and made it look like I was for free markets.

I make my living off regulation, and it incidentally eliminates most potential competition. I love regulation, like most successful businessmen I suppose.

>> No.2362099

>All the most successful capitalist economies are regulated.
Some were not regulated which got them to the point of economic success. Now they're just banking off the past. Also this is an oversimplification because there are a lot more important factors that contributes to a nation's success than social policy. And by regulating economies you ship over your manufacturing industries to other countries. Thus you get a trade deficit. As seen with Western world and China. What kind of asshat knowing that there is land and labor elsewhere in the world would not realize that businesses will go where they aren't sodomized night and day by a political opposition enforcing homoerotic legislation?

Why don't people get this?

>> No.2362106

what I desire and what I live with are two different things.

It doesn't matter, we can change laws all we want, the same people will get rich either way. All men aren't equal, and handicapping the excellent won't change that fact.

>> No.2362112

Reverse psychology isn't going to work faggot. We gonna continue to regulate u faggots no matter what
Deal wit it.

>> No.2362117

carry on.
I win either way.

>> No.2362133
File: 31 KB, 397x574, 1285396980648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a wealthy businessman with the capacity for fund space exploration why would you not focus your resources on generating furry lollies instead?

>> No.2362136

Randroid dectected
U can go back to /new/ now.

>> No.2362141

Rich bastards like me just get the real thing.

>> No.2362149

Because generating furry loli porn has been done many times before.

>> No.2362155

but furries are better

>> No.2362167 [DELETED] 

I make millions. both of the projects you propose require billions.

I'm currently helping fund some research aimed at curing Friedreich's Ataxia, and sometimes contribute to study of general neuropathology such as MS.

I also have my pet projects that I personally do. I don't have near enough to do what you propose though. Few individuals do.

>> No.2362162

I make millions.

both of the projects you propose require billions.

I'm currently helping fund some research aimed at curing Friedreich's Ataxia, and sometimes contribute to study of general neuropathology such as MS.

I also have my pet projects that I personally do. I don't have near enough to do what you propose though. Few individuals do.

>> No.2362183

Rand was almost as retarded as /new/.

However the opposite extreme, that all people are equally capable in any given arena or should be, is equally retarded.

>> No.2362191
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>> No.2362196

>you will never explore the galaxy

well fuck, I still have arts and drugs.

>> No.2362198
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I want to try and build a ramjet that uses decomposed hydrazine as a fuel that hopefully will be hot enough to hypergolically combust in air. Such lines of research could lead to air breathing first stage rockets allowing for much more payload to be delivers to orbit as most of the mass on a rocket is oxidizer that is burned whale in the atmosphere.

>> No.2362200
File: 119 KB, 700x650, 1289369150725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want real ones I can pick up at a pet store and take home.

>> No.2362214

I expect the US military or one of its contractors would love to hire you for exactly that if your idea has merit.

they won't use your discoveries for space exploration mostly, but perhaps it'll advance space tech in time.

>> No.2362221
File: 83 KB, 833x574, antimatterproduction4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have considered funding the development of orbital anitmatter capture(pic related) or diamonoid mechanosynthesis feasibility studies?

>> No.2362236

Your best bet to get away from society is probably to end society.
Your chances are still slim to none.

>> No.2362240

Lol you're retarded.

>> No.2362241

No, I mostly fund my trips to Hawaii, The Bahamas and Europe.

sometimes I fund a vacation property or a car or a boat for my own use.

mostly I fund my own business ventures, money isn't going to make itself you know. A few million dollars isn't that much. I've lost millions in a single day before, and I'll probably do it again. I don't go around funding new technology by myself. I can't afford to.

>> No.2362311

Well for the modest price of ~$17 million you could buy yourself your own orbital tether! Tired of expensive rocket launches? Space elevators too impractical for you?

Well let me tell you about the wonderful new technology of orbital transfer tethers! Orbital transfer tethers make transfer from a suborbital trajectory to orbit E-Z! The tether's rotary action accelerates a suborbital projectile to orbital speed! Plus, orbital transfer tethers can be made with currently available materials for about the cost of a celebrity divorce!

That's right for the cost of one celebrity divorce you could buy yourself a system capable of bootstrapping earth's space faring capability

>> No.2362326

sounds perfect, give me your email. We'll put it on my action items list and prioritize it as deliverable. My people will call your people.