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2359686 No.2359686 [Reply] [Original]

Ask the only black guy in any of your engineering or computer science classes anything.

>> No.2359696

are you the niggest?

>> No.2359698

how long is your penis

>> No.2359705

Why do you have such horrible posture when sitting/walking?

>> No.2359711

Don't know. Haven't measured. About average, I think?

>> No.2359715

I got to an ivy league and there are towns of minorities and women in my engineering classes =\

>> No.2359731

Asian minorites have to work just as hard as whites. In some cases the asian male is even more disadvantaged than the white male.

Blacks and hispanics on the other hand... Let's put it this way a literate hispanic woman already has Yale knocking at her door.

It's not racism if it's true.

>> No.2359750

Why is it you are intelligent when most of your race ignores its own potential due to culture?
>not implying this isn't the case with all races. I.E Rednecks.

>> No.2359765

What are you doing in my computer science class?

>> No.2359773

1. Do you feel naturally excluded in a field dominated by asians and whites?
2. Do you find that your professors/peers are patronizing towards you?
3. What tier school do you attend and in what state? (or just name the school, plz)

>> No.2359777

The UCs do not officially or legally practice affirmative action since the passing of California Proposition 209 in 1996. Can't speak for whatever ivy league you're talking about, however.

No fucking idea, but I'm guessing as a first-generation immigrant from countries which have nothing in common with black American culture may have something to do with it.

>> No.2359780

My only friend in my class is actually the black guy. He also happens to be the smartest person i've ever met.

>> No.2359817

I'm playing Mario 64 on a poorly coded emulator.

1. Growing up, most definitely. Once I got into university the playing field was a lot more level. K-12 is a complete and utter train wreck disaster and something really has to be done about the rampant bullying and racial tension. I would not raise children in the US.

2. See #1. They were in grade school, not so much in university.

3. Mid-tier, I guess. UCI.

>> No.2359823

forgot my trip!

>> No.2359836

Cool, man. Thanks for answering. I go to UCSD.

>> No.2359858

>mfw im black and not you

>> No.2361140
