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2355996 No.2355996 [Reply] [Original]

Ideas have consequences

>> No.2356001

posting religion threads on /sci/ have consequences

>> No.2355998

Actions are generally what draw consequences.

>> No.2356005

>implying there isn't 100x more atrocities committed for reliogious reasons.

>> No.2356013


Can atrocities be adequately quantified? How do you propose we make the comparison?

>> No.2356018

here's a motherfucking atrocity: the enslavement of billions of minds.

>> No.2356026

>implying that evolution is wrong because a crazy guy used it as an excuse

well at least Christianity never o wait

>> No.2356027


>enslavement of minds
What does this even mean?

>> No.2356030


think about it you fucking moron

Laticart nigger

>> No.2356044

It means fucking nothing.
There will be sheep that believe in God and sheep that don't believe in God. You know what the difference is?

>> No.2356046

>well if serial killers accept evolution that proves it isn't true

>> No.2356055


there is a big difference between someone who structures their life around religion and someone who lives for today, knowing there is no certain after-life

nigger callec

>> No.2356064

You can use logic to construct arguments for whatever you like, including killing people, in the same way that you can use Physics to construct machines for whatever you like, including killing people. The gaping holes in his argument are a) he's alive, so there are people to be accountable to (if he killed himself then he would be correct that there would be no punishments for him) b) the point of behaving withing acceptable ranges (the law) is so that you keep your freedom, so if you like the idea of spending your whole life locked in a cramped room then murder and rape are indeed sensible things to do c) the fact that we're nothing when we die does not mean murder is consequence free, since without being murdered a person is alive and therefore is something.
This argument is like an arsonist arguing "I've not done anything wrong by burning down your house since you don't even have one".

>> No.2356066

How many atheists do you know that truly live for today?
I know none.

>> No.2356080
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oh yes, very deep...

for a basement dweller

>> No.2356081



then what's their statement of purpose? i guarantee it's not any less worthless than one that is religious

nigger Monvess

>> No.2356083
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agreed - that is why religion should be outlawed

>> No.2356086


i fuckin meant more worthless

nigger idarchre

>> No.2356098
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Fuck your shit and stop using the technology you called satanic when it came out. Invented and discovered by the people you called heretics. Crawl up in a fucking hole defecate yourself until you've gone insane with pain blind screaming for your god. PATHETIC GOD.

>> No.2356107
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>> No.2356108

The really messed up thing about some religions is that they require belief for salvation. It's not good enough to act good. You have to assimilate with the religious Borg and actually believe the crap. And then if you are a believer, you can be forgiven for acting bad.

But (rational) people can't make themselves believe something for a reward or to avoid a punishment. They believe things because there is evidence to support belief. However, people readily change their behavior for reward/punishment.

>> No.2356117


Carl Sagan?

>> No.2356126

>hurr evolution says we all came from the slime

That's not what evolution says.

>> No.2356133

>implying there are any consequences for posting religious shit on /sci/

If someone posted CP on /sci/ it would 404 before it was deleted

>> No.2356155
File: 73 KB, 811x350, hitler_was_christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas have consequences

>> No.2356161

evil pathetic man he is

ugly as shit as well

>> No.2356167

Atheism does not have a statement of purpose, only a statement denying the existence of God. There is no central dogma that governs their lives, or any rules for them to follow in regards to their belief (disbelief?).

>> No.2356175
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Trolling has consequences

>> No.2356180

We know Hitler spoke of God to incite the Germans against the Jews, the homosexuals, and the Gypsies.

Way to play the Nazi card, you douche.

>> No.2356187
File: 58 KB, 724x525, hitler_the_perfect_christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas have consequences

>> No.2356204

But he also spoke deeply about his own Chrsitainity to friends and family. Hitler was a hardcore christian bro.

>> No.2356244

>Hitler was a hardcore christian bro.
How do you know? Did he ever speak about it with you?
Religious folk will say that Hitler was actually an atheist. I've heard atheists say that Hitler was profoundly religious. Wikipedia says that he really didn't give a shit other than the aspects of Protestantism that advanced his cause.
I don't think the merits of atheism or theism are changed by Hitler's belief in either. In fact, I think it's foolish to believe otherwise.

>> No.2356273
File: 64 KB, 785x409, serial_killers_are_christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's worng!
Jeffrey Dahmer was christian.
He was raised a Creationist.

Nearly all serial killers are very devout men who were raised by members of Pentecostal sects, fundamentalist Catholics or were 'hard-shell' Baptists and Methodists. Studies after study show serial killers are a product of this environment, not genetics.



>> No.2356479
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Actually, I just search that site for those exact words, couldn't find them. You're making shit up. Most serial killers are white (but not by much of a percentage) and most are male. Most are protestants or agnostics or atheists. The words Catholic, Pentecostal, Baptists or Methodists weren't even in that document.

>> No.2356491
File: 3 KB, 126x109, Want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and genetics CAN play a part... if they're mentally ill... seeing as a majority of mental illnesses are caused by a genetic disposition (an outside circumstance must turn the gene "on" but nonetheless, genetics IS related)!

>> No.2356505

If I had a dime for every time someone killed a hooker becuase they were a "sinner" ...

>> No.2356511

>he believes people need a god to tell them not to kill, as opposed to just not killing people on your own free will


>> No.2356513


To be enslaved, the item in question must first be free.

Are you >implying that minds are free
Are you >implying there is free will

I think you are. I'd also like to point out that you're an idiot.

>> No.2356526
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I agree. No such thing as free will. Especially if you believe in a god.

>> No.2356550

I am inclined to agree.

- There is a god: It already knows how things turn out, your choices are pointless since you are doomed/blessed from the start.
- There is no god: Entropy will devour us all. Your choices and so called "freedom" do not exist.

>> No.2356590

For every serial killer that did it because he's and athiest and he just though "fuck it, god doesn't exist so i'll do what i like" there are a hundred who did it because "god told me to".

>> No.2356604

Oh boy. Your post reeks of irony so much I can actually taste it. No, seriously, exchange subjects and you will have other modern examples of brutality.

Humanity is made of scumbags. Get used to it.