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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 636x357, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2352016 No.2352016 [Reply] [Original]

new thunderf00t video:

...in case you are interested.

>> No.2352019

>>...in case you are interested.

Of course we are interested, numbnut.

>> No.2352021

not everybody will be.
but i'm glad you are. :)

>> No.2352026

Fucking splendid.
Thanks for the link, OP.

>> No.2352033

Nobody shames retards like this motherfucker. Watch the "why people laugh at creationists" series. It's brutal, you actually cringe at some spots, embarrassed for the creationists who have watched it.

>> No.2352037
File: 3 KB, 126x108, sci5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem. :)

>> No.2352060

lol, number 9 in that series:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzDYVFa1TR0

[2:00] godwins law, anyone?

>> No.2352061

I actually was a creationist before I watched his series. Yes, I felt stupid as hell, but damn did it feel good afterwards.

>> No.2352069


I imagine that must feel like you've just finished taking a monstrously huge, cleansing dump.

>> No.2352087


I wish more atheists would catch on to the fact that what makes thunderf00t effective is the fact that he doesn't resort to insults and mockery, the impact of his videos comes from the articulate, concise, well researched arguments. He crams all of the best evidence against religious claims into the shortest space possible so that it gets into their heads before they can tune it out/find reasons to close the vid. And once you've planted the seed...

>> No.2352095


Wasn't a creationist myself before I watched the why do people laugh at creationist series, but I was a theist, and he convinced me that the models of reasoning of science and religion are not compatible.

>> No.2352103

Wow, how?

>> No.2352116

How what? By the way, how's the technocracy project coming along?

>> No.2352117


What's good, bromo sapien?

>> No.2352172

I'm glad he's back to this heavily edited and produced type of videos. His interviews were painfully bad in so many ways. Some of his live videos in labs or on the road were fine, but he really shines in heavily edited, highly produced videos.

>> No.2352255

Thanks OP

>> No.2352284

How were you a creationist and what changed you?
The project will be constantly in the rough macro-scale planning stages until I have established a method of funding by 2020 and in 2022 I get interested parties from /sci/, 4chan and the scientific community alike to scout the land in southwest Tasmania and do geological surveys.

>> No.2352320


It means "what's up".

>> No.2352346

His videos are awesome, but his mumbling voice makes me nervous.

>> No.2352373

Nothing much, had an awesome dream (just posted in other thread)
My new Kindle should be coming in a few days :3c

>> No.2352376
File: 328 KB, 476x339, philhellenes_vid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to interject for a moment and recommend another of my favorite youtubers: philhellenes.
He is currently doing amazingly inspiring videos.
Check for example:

Why didn't anybody tell me?

65 million years with a creationist

Science saved my soul

This remarkable thing

In my opinion he's one of the core pro-science youtubers to watch.

>> No.2352385

this guy is awesome. ive seen some of his videos before.
thanks for posting. :D

>> No.2352393

does anyone know why donexodus2 removed his vegan videos?

>> No.2352401

wtf??? i had not noticed

>> No.2352410

this motherfucker is making me cry every single time I watch his latest videos

>> No.2352440


Agreed. Check out C0nc0rdance and Evid3nc3 too.

>> No.2352447
File: 25 KB, 630x354, blindfaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got a new video for my anti-religion folder from that video.
pic related.

>> No.2352469

already in my suscriptions ;D
I also suggest greenman3610, potholer54‬‏, Potholer54debunks, TheraminTrees, QualiaSoup

>> No.2352481

those last 2 are fucking amazing as well.

...i'll make a note of the others, and check out their channels at some point.

while we are on the subject, any other youtube channels anyone wants to recommend?

>> No.2352499

>doesn't consider how divergence of hypotheses in science leads to advancement of science
>has a restricted view of religion as those which do not converge
>doesn't understand cultural morphology

yeah, not impressed

>> No.2352513


VoodooSixxx (he also does some debunking)

>> No.2352527

most of the names on that list are boring as fuck.

>> No.2352538
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>> No.2352548
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>> No.2352560
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Well it's true. I unsubscribed from them a long time ago because their videos are boring and they don't say anything new. thunderf00t is a poet and TheAmazingAtheist is emotional. Most of the people on that list don't offer anything interesting or entertaining.

>> No.2352588

theamazingatheist is nowadays rather full of shit

>> No.2352591



The Texan Tank is the best one on that list by far. His videos are like speed learning.

>> No.2352610

ZJemptv‬‏ is the reason I can no longer honestly consider myself 100% heterosexual

inb4 Kinsey, etc

>> No.2352631


Thunderf00t used to be that. Now most of the time his videos are just of his face raging about Islam.

>> No.2352645


Just checked that channel out WTF



Bitch would accept me a friend of Facebook

>> No.2352658

... I never realized how important voice was to my attraction to someone. I mean, I know it can be, but I never noticed it. This is a stark proof.

"Hey, not ba-"
"Oh. ... OH. Yeah. No thanks."

>> No.2352657


>wouldn't accept me as a

>> No.2352680

I kinda love her :3

(yeah, I refer to him as her)

>> No.2352681

thanks very much.
i'll check those out.

>> No.2352692
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>> No.2352707


Thanks for introducing Alfred Kinsey to me, bro.

>> No.2352749

While Zinnia creeps out my genitals, Zinnia does make valid points.

>> No.2352759
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>> No.2352764

>>2352658 here
Upon viewing she seems totally awesome. I was only speaking to my personal sexual attractions. Hell, she even "looks" good, imo.

>> No.2352798

wait, it's that you do like me and call *him* "her" or...?

>> No.2352828

so... shes female, and a lesbian, rite?

>> No.2352841

Yeah, I called "ZJ" a "her." Not because of an assumed transexuality, but because ZJ seems to put forward what society would agree is a feminine appearance. I would assume it polite to go along with that.

Then again, if John Goodman seriously wore a dress and makeup all the time, I'd probably assume I should call Goodman "her" as well.

>> No.2352852

wtf, no!
That's a man!
watch the video

>> No.2352877
File: 24 KB, 445x456, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we think alike then

>> No.2352905

so.. 'he' is gay, but not transgender?

>> No.2352909


Haha I loved the fast-forward of the hair growth.

E links to Accelerating Future in eir livejournal or whatever, so e's got some points in my book. Whatever the fuck e is.

Good lord using the genderless pronouns feels so futuristic.

>> No.2352919
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>> No.2352922
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>> No.2352930

Born with a penis, and intent on keeping it. Essentially, a transvestite.

>> No.2353011
File: 9 KB, 494x495, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This remarkable thing

>> No.2353025

so his hair is real?
and he is male

>> No.2353089

you could learn some behavior from him

>> No.2353137

this one is creepy as hell

exactly what he needs to make the point, he plays with your brain
fucking brilliant

>> No.2353148


>> No.2353161

the gay boy

>> No.2353180

damn, he can really create an atmosphere... spooky vid. and its dark as fuck where i am at the moment...

>> No.2353205
File: 71 KB, 5000x4068, troll-giant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat eye
I had to try hard to keep looking

and since you are already in the right setting...

pic related

>> No.2353220
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>> No.2353227

... i thought i had watched this guys videos...all of them. and yet im pretty sure i havent seen this one.

>> No.2353238
File: 10 KB, 300x200, mrjingles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2353243

You should check out chattiestspike2, he's only got a small channel atm but his videos are pretty sweet and he's the only YouTube atheist that makes me lol audibly

>> No.2353247

you did
I speak better in pictures than words.
It is the nature of my ADHD

>> No.2353249
File: 176 KB, 540x540, Problem-God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2353252

love the music

>> No.2353250

12 year old "free thinker" detected

>> No.2353266

damn, I thought I had subscribed to him after this...


>> No.2353268


Subscribe to these, if you haven't already.

>> No.2353276
File: 10 KB, 321x348, derp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of vid made me jump, lol.

>> No.2353280
File: 14 KB, 400x363, 9638330660.539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got socks your fucking age pall.
Thinking isn't free, you have to pay
to do it.

>> No.2353285

...in no way, is that a trollface.

>> No.2353288

After that was exposed i started lolling uncontrollably, and then when i saw that video the lulz became >9000

>> No.2353290

I shat bricks with the clown steps approaching the door