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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2349091 No.2349091 [Reply] [Original]

Well hello there /sci/entists.

I have some questions regarding Black Holes.

1: Theories suggest that Black Holes are actualy some kind of portals leading to a White Hole that spews out the matter that the Black Hole absorbs. My Question is then:

How is that theory possible? A Black Hole is nothing more then matter ultra-compressed to such densities that gravity is greatly increased to the point even photons cannot escape. How would a portal be formed? Wouldnt you just collide with the compressed matter?

>> No.2349097

yea but theres some driving force. black holes didn't just start out with a huge, super dense nucleus, drawing in everything.

>> No.2349099
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>A Black Hole is nothing more then matter ultra-compressed

>> No.2349103

>Conspiracy theories suggest that Black Holes are actualy some kind of portals leading to a White Hole that spews out the matter that the Black Hole absorbs.


>> No.2349106
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>Theories suggest that Black Holes are actualy some kind of portals leading to a White Hole that spews out the matter that the Black Hole absorbs

Nope. You failed before you could even ask your question bro.

Want to try again?

>> No.2349116
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2: I have read in some scientific studies on Black Holes that Black Holes would eventualy vapourise away due to Quantum effects "teleporting" particles away from the Black Hole.

Wouldnt those particles end up being re-absorbed by the Black Hole due to immense gravitational forces?

3: The Universe is expanding ever faster and faster according to recent studies. Eventualy it will cause an event called the "Big Rift".

How would Black Holes fair under the Big Rift? Would they survive due to their own gravitational forces?

>> No.2349119
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>makes up theories that don't exist

>then asks questions about it

>> No.2349124
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>The Universe is expanding ever faster and faster according to recent studies. Eventualy it will cause an event called the "Big Rift".


keep goind, this is getting awesome

>> No.2349130
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>2: I have read in some scientific studies on Black Holes that Black Holes would eventualy vapourise away due to Quantum effects "teleporting" particles away from the Black Hole.

Nope. More fail kid. Pretty shitty.

>> No.2349139

oh god go on I'm practically in tears

>> No.2349142


Wow /sci/ really is shit.

>> No.2349151
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What driving force?


Yes, i am new here on /sci/ and thats why my questions.


Conspiracy theories? What?


I dont get it.

And regarding Black Holes, arent i correct that they are former massive stars collapsed into a concentrated ball of compressed matter?

>> No.2349158


There is a theory that black holes are how universes are formed, but it's not that big, and it hasn't been accepted yet

>> No.2349167


It was in a Disney movie, no seriously people thought this before Steven Hawking.

As to your question it is kind of unknowable what happens when a person approaches a black hole. Scientists make really educated guesses based on physics. Anyone worth their salt will tell you that normal physics breaks down as you approach the singularity.

In any case "black holes" were originally called "dark stars" and i prefer that name.

>> No.2349177

we're in the black hole yo! cuz like. wut u said.

can we has porn nao?

>> No.2349179


Jezus Christ people, what i said have been suggested by actual scientists and have stated those theories on shows aired by History HD.

Is this realy the best i can expect from /sci/?!


Maybe i mistyped it, it could be called the "Big Rip" too. Arent you aware of that theory!!!!????


Same goes to you too.

And if anything, please correct me in the propper way instead of mindless flaming me.

>> No.2349196
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>He actually believes this

>> No.2349207
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You are not helping...


So the immense gravitational forces actualy warp space-time so badly, conventional laws of physics or even quantum physics are different?

What happens to the matter of which the Black Hole is composed of?



wat. I dont even.

>> No.2349216


You're wasting your time; everyone in this thread has memorized like half of a wikipedia article, and now believe that they have the knowledge and wisdom to look down on people who don't spend their lives being arrogant, pretentious mouthbreathers. You see, that's just what sci is; a place for antisocial freaks to come and blow each other with their fifth rate, mediocre knowledge of science. Some of them may have gone so far as tl:dr'ring an actual science paper.

>> No.2349222

>your not helping
>suggested a hypothesis which explains what happens inside a black hole

>> No.2349231
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Instead of vaguely saying "he is actooaly beliebing dis", you could at least try to point out the thing what i am supposedly believing.

That or shut up and let people educate me in a respectfull manner.

>> No.2349244

You cannot blame them 90% of posts here are trolls, so most people assumed you were a troll as you are talking about theories that make no sense, for the reasons you have said.
Explain what you mean by the big rift.

>> No.2349248
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>He actually believes this? THIS?

>> No.2349254

It's not that physics is different near a dark star it's that things happen that we don't really understand at the moment, probably. It would help if we could observe some, but that is kind of hard to do and we really, REALLY don't want it to become easy.

>> No.2349262


He did not. He only said of that there is a theory of how Black Holes creates Universes.

No real substance of what actualy happens INSIDE the Black Hole.


If that is true what you typed, then i will promptly stop posting.

>> No.2349275

Also its not that the physical laws break, its that in order for them to work in a conventional way they would have to break other laws. For example the law that states that two particles cannot occupy the same space breaks as they would have to be travelling above the speed of light in order to not be.

>> No.2349298


Allright. Thanks for actualy taking this thread serious.

The Big Rift/Big Rip:

Since the Big Bang, the Universe is expanding and only very recent, observation technology allowed us to monitor and calculate the rate of expansion of the Universe. Those calculations shows us that the Universe is expanding faster and faster.

A possible culprit is Dark Energy or Dark Matter. (Not to be confused with Black Holes/Dark Stars)

Eventualy the expansion will go so fast, it will eventualy exceed the speed of light and after that, it would start to rip even atoms apart.

Thats the Big Rip in short.


It is just a lack of information and understanding so we cannot infact awnser some of the questions i asked? Allright. Thanks.


Go and troll other people.

>> No.2349295

It's just a troll, ignore it.

Slight addendum to this post: We think that we understand physics pretty well in general but there are large gaps which prevent a full understanding of the laws governing the universe. I could list some off, but i would only be giving the vaguest of generalities as i barely understand some of the basics of quantum physics. Suffice to say scientists can guess at what goes on at the singularity but they don't have a complete working knowledge.

>> No.2349312


It's pretty clear that he's talking about hawking radiation in this instance, even if his description of it is vague.

>> No.2349314
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This pretty much leaves some of my questions open and can only be awnsered when technology and understanding gets better. You guys rock!

>> No.2349333

this is either A+ level trolling of an F- level science student in 9th grade

>> No.2349336

Seriously, people? OP seems to know more about black holes than most of you.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerr_metric#Kerr_black_holes_as_wormholes
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawking_radiation
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_rip

>> No.2349337
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So thats how it is called. Good, good.

>> No.2349350

>Eventualy the expansion will go so fast, it will eventualy exceed the speed of light and after that, it would start to rip even atoms apart.
Actually according to some theories and observations this happened just after the big bang. That is to say that space expanded faster than the speed of light.

More likely the universe will reach a point of entropy where everything is at a temperature approaching absolute zero. According to some models even dark stars and neutron stars will fizzle away until there is no energy at all just matter, energy's slow cousin.

>> No.2349357

Entertaining, is it not?

>> No.2349364
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No sir, i am not trolling. And no, i am not a science student either.


I would be suprised realy if that is true. This is /sci/ afterall.

>> No.2349391

You kinda failed actually, look up Hawking radiation

>> No.2349396
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Hmmmm. Then the Big Rip should've happend before is my opinion if the Universe expanded faster then the speed of light after the Big Bang due to maintaining that rate of expansion.

How weird. First the expansion goes beyond the speed of light, slows down and then speeds up again.

>> No.2349417

It is no less frustrating when you have a "dr." at the front of your name, i am sure.

>> No.2349418
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Anyways, i am going to continue to finish the photo postings of Glorious Buran. (Shame the Buran fell to the wayside due to Soviet Unions collapse.)

>> No.2349436
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I am suprised to read that. Do you actualy think that i have the title of Dr infront of my name?

Thank you for that compliment sir.

>> No.2349449

Anyway, to try to answer some of the questions:

1. A wormhole is apparently formed in the theoretical Kerr black hole, but that doesn't mean it will happen in a realistic black hole. And one of the things the theoretical black hole metrics neglect, oddly enough, is the fact that black holes are formed by actual matter. I don't know much about the Kerr metric off hand, but I can tell you that the theoretical Schwarzschild metric starts out not from infalling matter but from a white hole that reverses direction. It also contains a portal to another universe, but not one that can be crossed in time. Again, I don't know much about he Kerr case off hand, but in the Schwarzschild case, only the calculations on the outside of the black hole can be taken seriously. The rest are very screwed up from ignoring the nature of the matter that formed the black hole.

2. If the particles are outside the event horizon and going fast enough, they will escape the black hole.

3. I don't know, but I can try to see if I can find something about it. By the way, the Big Rip is only one possible future for the cosmos.

>> No.2349450
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With this final picture, i declare being done on this thread unless people want me to dump another set of pictures of other space vehicle/sattelite related pictures.

>> No.2349458

not exactly my implication but you can keep the compliment. In any case that title just requires a lot of work, passion and patience. If you find your calling i hope you get the chance to excel to that degree with it.

>> No.2349463

These people say the Big Rip wins:

>> No.2349465


Finaly, long awaited questions have finaly been awnsered!!

>2. If the particles are outside the event horizon and going fast enough, they will escape the black hole.

Why didnt i thought of that! I am feeling a bit ashamed now.

You sir, are a god among men.

>> No.2349481
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>Actual scientist
Oh man I feel bad for you, even more so that you're tripfagging.

>> No.2349492


Nice try.


Well, i know a doctor degree is hard work to earn that title so thats why i was suprised to read that.

>> No.2349697
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<-- OP

You are so easily led /sci/