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2343651 No.2343651 [Reply] [Original]

If humans discover extraterrestrial life of any kind

1. does this nullify all major religions (not trolling)
2. does this strengthen the case for increasing funding for space programs

>> No.2343662

>1. does this nullify all major religions (not trolling)
If not trolling than idiot. Saging

>2. does this strengthen the case for increasing funding for space programs
Can you offer some benefits for how increasing funding will help politicians win elections? Can you convince people that the life is a possible threat? If you can't then there will be no additional funding.

>> No.2343668

1. I'm sure christians would find an excuse to continue believing, they always do
2. Yeah, well, it should and it probably will but what do I know

>> No.2343672

1. yes, but if they are intelligent and send us a copy of the bible or something, I myself would become religious.

2. undoubtedly it would and probably military funding as well because our human race are a bunch of irrational fools who would first think of how to kill them

>> No.2343689

>does this nullify all major religions
Religious answer: God could easily have created other beings to worship him, afterall he made the whole universe.
So, no this would not nullify all religions
>does this strengthen the case for increasing funding for space programs
yes, absolutely. It would rekindle people's interest in space back to the age of the moon landing. With so many people interested governments would be very much more likely to fund space missions. Also the steadily increasing availability of commercial space travel will fund civilian space programs in ways that probably can't yet be imagined.

>> No.2343694

If they have similar stories as us or have the damn same beliefs, then I'm getting on my knees and praying to the lord. If not, then it wouldn't matter as most religions would simply find a rationale to still believe in whatever. this wouldn't kill out a belief in God nor would it affirm it.

Tough. If they find us it could be faster as its obvious that we're behind. If we find them, then it will breed curiosity and thus attract more people.

>> No.2343705

The Catholic church has already stated that extraterrestrial life is part of God's plan.

Mormons (I am one) have a line in their scriptures that states "And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose". This was written in the 1830s and has been a core belief of the Mormons almost from the beginning.

So good luck trying to convince a Mormon that extraterrestrial life somehow negates their beliefs, lol.

>> No.2343712

having advanced technologies isnt the same to have and advance society, so they could be super hightech whores but still ignorant and religious.

>> No.2343776
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Let's take on step at a time.

Let's say we go to another planet, or another solar system. Is god still there? Most christians would argue yes (example because I know it well) even though all the canon is anthropocentric and geocentric. So it's written with humans as target audience, but most (saying god is omnipresent and believing in extraterrestrial intelligence) would say (or logically they should say) that christiany is universally applicable.

Aliens may not be religious or believe in god, but that's just atheism, so it doesn't really invalidate religion.

On a purely terran scale, only a paradigm shift in the biblical epic allows judeochristianity to apply to anyone but jews at all. Suppose another such paradigm shift could allow application to aliens.

Besides, aliens not knowing about god might constitute circumstancial evidence, but faith doesn't need evidence in the first place. Creationists claim to care about evidence, but only if it actually does prove their faith, so the only real application is to troll atheists (and propagate ignorance). For most christians faith alone is enough. Indeed, this is the definition of faith.

>> No.2343802

1. No. They have done polls showing a majority of people believe first contact would not make them lose faith, and that the existance of extraterrestials is not immpossible within the context of their faith. The vatican has even outright said if we met aliens its totally cool, with a jesuit scientist saying that if they had original sin and had a jesus, its fine if we worship alien jesus too.

2. You bet your ass it will

>> No.2343818

>identical beliefs appear independently accross lightyears
>their idiots

Stay classy, /sci/

>> No.2343820

>worship alien jesus

>> No.2343856

What I think is cooler is the potential for intermixing of religions between humans and aliens. Or for one race to worship the other as aliens.

inb4 Gouald

>> No.2344260

But aliens don't exist, so it's not worth worrying about.

>> No.2344310


Why are you so angry, nerd?

>> No.2344345

The funny thing about #1 is that theologians have been debating the hypothetical implications of the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the Cosmos for far longer than there has been any scientific consciousness of the possibility. Religious doctrine is usually silent on the matter unless to *explicitly affirm* that there is life elsewhere than on Earth.

>> No.2344363

>1. does this nullify all major religions (not trolling)
If this isn't trolling, I seriously don't get why people say this nonsense. If anything, it will strengthen all major religions.

If God created the entire universe, and only populated a single planet, THAT's the thing that wouldn't make sense. The more life we find, the more evidence it is of a creator who created for the purpose of life.

>> No.2344381

What? No, it's the opposite. Us being the only sapient life in the universe would be a great case for a creator, because the chance of there being no comparable life is so minuscule.

>> No.2344430

No, that would make no sense. There's no conceivable reason for God to create trillions of worlds for no purpose. The idea that the only life was on earth only made sense with religions before we discovered that all the stars are suns, and that there were other galaxies as well.

>> No.2344445


This answers your question OP. No matter WHAT happens, religions will always claim that it's all part of God's plan.

>> No.2344462

No, it makes perfect sense. It means that we're the only thing that matters. Out of trillions and trillions of stars, only one was chosen. Either God made a whole universe just for us, or God decided the rest of the universe just wasn't worthy.

You see how easy it is to justify an opinion that isn't based on fact?

>> No.2344460

1.depends on the kind, probably not for bacterial life

>> No.2344467

1. It won't, but it will cause some people to doubt.
2. No. If we find them by discovering their radio signals, as is most likely, then it will be almost impossible to actually travel to them since they will mostly likely be hundreds of billions of light years away. If they come to us in ship, then we don't need the funding because they will share their space travel technology with us.

>> No.2344469
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>Aliens giving us a copy of the Bible

>> No.2344473
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>Implying aliens will share any advanced technology with humans

>> No.2344494

If we discovered aliens?

Well, lets just say we can safely forget about the whole history of human beings - after contact would be made the entire experience of being human changes. It would be like everything up until then is Humans Mk1, and everything after will be Humans Mk2.

Its hard to say how we as a planet would react to discovering extra terrestial life, would we stop killing each other and unite as one planet, would one country attempt to keep the aliens secret, and hope to benefit from their tech at the expense of everyone else (a favourite of most conspiracy theories). Personally i cant imagine how we would react if an alien being presented itself to us openly. Would we be scared, in awe, happy, suspicious or what?

>> No.2344501

The universe is not nearly old enough for a radio signal to have traveled hundreds of billions of light-years to us. Not to mention that a signal that traveled that distance would fade entirely into the background and not actually be receivable.

Also, fuck me, if a hypothetical alien race is capable of traveling HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF LIGHT-YEARS, we are FUCKED in terms of tech level.

>> No.2344506

>Aliens giving us a copy of the Bible
Biggest troll ever.
I will effectively worship them, 'cause that's divinity level trolling.

>> No.2344510

There's very little we can do to disprove God, because of the circular logic religiousfags use.

>> No.2344512

>after contact would be made the entire experience of being human changes.

Quite the hyperbolic statement.

>> No.2344531
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yeah I have to agree with this. That's the M.O. of religion:

take the facts and bend the bible in such a way to make it seem like it had said that all along.

So, to find out how religion will be impacted search genesis for something that sounds like or can be contorted into it seemingly saying something like God made aliens.

>> No.2344541

1. No. The Catholic church, for example has said that it is possible that there are other alien civilizations with thier own form of Jesus.

Regardless, alien life does not exclude any specific gods that I can think of.

2. Yes, but the effect can vary. If there was bactera or life of that sort, biologists (and most people, I would hope) to demand that the new form of life would be studied. Any tipe of alien life could tell us a alot.

This effect would be magnified by fining more 'advanced' forms of life.

>> No.2344553

As someone who studies theology, the thing I would be most excited about in finding an intelligent alien species would be studying THEIR theology.

>> No.2344561

How does it nullify Hinduism OP? Oh right it doesn't you're just a butthurt atheist who doesn't want to go to sunday school

>> No.2344571

>sunday school
What's that?

>> No.2344574

If humans discover extraterrestrial life of any kind

1. does this nullify all major religions (not trolling)
2. does this strengthen the case for increasing funding for space programs

1. No, i'm sure they will find another excuse around it.
2. Of Course.

>> No.2344577


school on sunday

>> No.2344586

I think it's a christian education thing where you take your kids every sunday to prepare for some ritual, don't know exactly what it is i'm not christian

>> No.2344601

1. Of course not, they'll work it into their dogma somehow.
2. Of course

>> No.2344603
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it's where christians take their children to get slowly buttraped by religion so they can troll your mind softly by making you glue macaroni in the shape of a cross, and color in jesus.

I know this because I had the misfortune of a wasted youth by the hand of ignorant parents.

>> No.2344641

Funny you should mention fallacies, since the entire premise is a red herring. The atheists in this thread are implying some sort of consequence for religion without providing any logic why the two should be connected. It's analogous to: "Your dad fucked your mom, what does this say about cosmic inflation? Yeah, you cosmic inflationists will just find another excuse around it."