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File: 33 KB, 593x545, awesomescii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2342580 No.2342580 [Reply] [Original]

Technocratic Republic of Sci Thread #2

Old thread is at >>2340985 with ~310 posts (Astonishing!)

>> No.2342585
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>> No.2342594
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>> No.2342598

oh wow did you just draw those borders randomly or something brah

>> No.2342606
File: 26 KB, 380x380, baby_zubrin_and_charles_pellegrino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fine, I'll stop. I was just pulling your leg :3

Plus this one is my last babyhybrid pic.

>> No.2342609

Yup, this was ages ago.
Notice there's no grey around the bottom where the inlet is?

>> No.2342623
File: 30 KB, 215x608, 1282292182246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this I don't even

>> No.2342633

someone fill me in on the deets of this plan

>> No.2342636
File: 114 KB, 990x706, a17_11365404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americas glory made you make another thread?

Oh god the eurofags tears are delicious

>> No.2342645

Check the previous thread.
Look, I generally like you and half your threads are interesting, but if you keep shitposting I'm denying you citizenship every time you apply.
Nah I'm kidding, but seriously that shit ain't cool.

>> No.2342651


consider he might not be scia

>> No.2342652

In, for the sake of science and knowledge

>> No.2342656

It's Scia, isn't it? Just filter him already. 90% of his posts are shit. I can't see him and my life is better.

>> No.2342663

Neither is insulting you country when you don't know how it works.

Also im making my own moon civilization

Pull a Texas and get admitted and the 51'st state

im just sick of people beating up on america even though they owe so much to us

We saved Europe from communism, rebuilt them with the marshal plan and then they hate

Fucking ingrates

>> No.2342677

Good point
Haha yeah, but I don't know if I can block him as I'm using Firefox v4.0 b8, so I dunno if the extension will work
>We saved Europe from communism,
You ignore this was over half a century ago.
I'm going to ignore you for now.

>> No.2342684

cut it out OP
I'm not going to go live in a goddamn remote island

>> No.2342692

Your loss.

>> No.2342696

So it was over 50 years ago so it does not matter?

What type of logic is that?

So was start of the industrial revolution and yet it still matters!

>> No.2342699

America used to be cool
Now it's become shit
If you wish to debate this create another thread and then rage by yourself. This is the last reply I am giving.

>> No.2342702

I love people taking credit for their country's success to boost their self-esteem just as I love threads about dreams not coming true. Please continue.

>> No.2342706


You do realize insulting the American gov'ment isn't the same as insulting America and it's people and cultural heritage, right? Or are you forever loyal to whatever Alzheimer-suffering puppet they elect?

>> No.2342708

>>We saved Europe from communism, rebuilt them with the marshal plan and then they hate

so what? France helped the shit out of your revolution with UK and now you hate them and suck english cock.

>> No.2342709

also im playing this on endlessyoutube by the way

>> No.2342711

Crap, you're right. I use 4chan filter, it's a Greasemonkey script, but GM isn't FF4 compatible yet :-(

Mozilla just said FF4 will be finalized in February, so things will get better soon.

>> No.2342717

> Or are you forever loyal to whatever Alzheimer-suffering puppet they elect?
Not at all

Fuck nixon

>> No.2342724


sure we do
>America used to be cool
>Now it's become shit
No I don't because you never gave an explanation or any valid reason why america sucks now

>> No.2342729

I might show up once everything is established: Abundant organic food, water, infrastructure (roads, power, etc), country-wide wireless and wired internet (should be fastest in the world, right?), hospitals, fire stations...

>> No.2342730
File: 38 KB, 1342x325, evt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is, apparently, the mass transit method of choice.

>> No.2342732

>lol 3% of the budget
>lol pacman-like 60%

>> No.2342738

Trust me, as an American, when I say that America is definitely awful and no one should come here ever. It's just... terrible, and you would HATE it here, so don't EVER, EVER come here.

>> No.2342742

It is. Love the troll physics implication
Everything you just described will be available day one of opening

>> No.2342744

Im American and its fine here for me

>> No.2342759


>Durr I'ma Hurr

Sure, it's easy to make a country look bad when you lie out your ass.

>China is grinding up it's females into food to feed it's manwhich hungry populous!

>Russia has decided to put forward 5% of it's military budget to tank ballet!

>England has good food!

>> No.2342768

...what part of that is a lie? That's the actual budget division.

>> No.2342784

Corporate conspiracy theories?

Oh god you are a liberal retard

that explains a lot

>> No.2342786

I mean really. Is this a joke?

Or are you guys actually serious about this?

shoot yourselves if you actually are serious about this.

>> No.2342788

the mad scientist tripfags ideas blew yours out of the water Inurdaes

>> No.2342793


Prove it with math, nigger.

It's 23%. And Americas spending per capita is the same as the UK.

I'm not even american, and I can see why america shouldn't reduce military spending if the only reason to do so is to match an inferior countries spending.

>> No.2342797

What about we get our science and engineering from the private sector don't you understand?

Or are you just that ignorant?

>> No.2342800

> http://www.escapefromamerica.com/2010/06/escape-from-america-the-grim-truth/
YES, THIS, EVERYTHING IN THIS ARTICLE IS TRUE and is why no one should ever move to America ever. In fact, any of you reading this who currently live in America need to start leaving.

>> No.2342816

As an american that stuff is obvious bullshit

My life is fine and Iv'e always been able to get medical care

>> No.2342819



>> No.2342820

I mean really that thing is one giant conspiracy theory

>> No.2342825
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 1288860317028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're serious.
I would like for a underwater nation but doing it initially just is way more trouble than if we start on land.
You are not every American

>> No.2342828

Your in a third world south american country(its really second world)

also don't believe this delusional faggot

>> No.2342831

Srsly, all the scientific discoveries related to jet propulsions were made by Russians.
And guess what kind of engines to rockets use?

>> No.2342835

Come to the University of Vancouver. I'll meet you there eventually.

>> No.2342836

I have a feeling Inurdaes is a either troll or has some disorders of some sort.

You aren't starting any country on my watch.

>> No.2342837

Im a white middle class male american

the norm here

>> No.2342839

Sorry, I was looking at an old budget. Defense spending is way down. But science isn't 23%.


>> No.2342843

So your Canadian?

enjoy being my hat bitch

>> No.2342844
File: 46 KB, 341x335, 600full-aphex-twin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it, bitch

>> No.2342848

They use rockets. Not jet engines.

>> No.2342849
File: 47 KB, 604x370, 1292911873856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being my toilet

>> No.2342850


Defense is close to 23%

>> No.2342856

PROTIP: Countries are useless in the information age. Anyone who is anyone that matters either:
A) Spends time all over the world, or
B) Works for him/herself and draws income from all over the world...
or both.

>> No.2342860
File: 3 KB, 150x150, canada.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up your plans Canadians never do anything that matters

>> No.2342862

I think in said republic we should either engineer or breed our women to tailor for the different needs of men.
All women should be indoctrinated to accept men as their masters.
We should then allow for a reprogramming once a researcher has found himself a mate, if he desires so.
The girls should come in different varieties, we can breed them for good looks, and some should be bred for not reaching physical maturation.
Imagine, a world where you can come home from work at whatever hours you want, and your three wives are happy to see you.
The busty blonde one has made you dinner, and is now displaying herself to you in the sofa.
The athletic black one has cleaned the house, and prepared your specially-bred slow-mature asian wife for you to have sexual intercourse with, for the sake of relaxation. The others will join in if you wish.

>> No.2342866

And what exactly was your contribution to US's success? I think you are too young to even pay taxes.

>> No.2342868

Im training to be an aerospace engineer

I plan on joining a private space company and securing american dominance in space

>> No.2342870
File: 451 KB, 1374x756, Left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a sample of my work

>> No.2342871

Aren't you 16?

>> No.2342874

So...what's the thinking on how to acquire control and create your government? Move there and change it politically slowly over time? Seize it by force? If so, you and what actual army?

>> No.2342882


>> No.2342883

fuck off

>> No.2342887
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>thread started OK
>then derailed

>> No.2342891
File: 14 KB, 275x307, 1288069762318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will make serious comprehensive plans for a government and laws in the 2020's. In the 2030's the technologies we require should be out commercially or about to be out commercially, so we will begin the actual laying out of the city, nation etc etc. The rough outline of the plan is to move there with basic mining and smelting equipment, a power source (possibly wind turbines) and ~100 of these robot workers. Do underground mining for minerals we require and stockpile them for a year or two. Then we smelt them all and create the shit we need, a basic electrical grid, underground infrastructure, the bases for buildings. The goal is to build this in secret with most of the construction being done underground (factories will be underground to save space) and then making the last mile dash to build above-ground infrastructure. We will basically just say 'Lol we're here, you weren't using it btw so long and thanks for all the land'

That's the really rough outline of the plan.

>> No.2342892

Energy economy anonymous from before here with a solution to your patent question:

Using the Relative Value Income, inventors (and artists and musicians, etc.) would be compensated with more income when their intellectual property is used. Firms/people using it do not have to pay royalties however, its just that some of the demand for the product goes to the inventor instead of the producer, causing them to draw more income from the national pool.

The difference from today's economy is rather than the credits going directly back up to the producer and having markup to provide profit, in a sense all the profit in the economy is gathered and distributed according to who was demanded of most.

>> No.2342896
File: 12 KB, 471x413, OHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I like this.

>> No.2342897


creepy, virgin neckbeard spotted

fuckin christ some of you freak me out.


>> No.2342902

No, that is your hobby, not work. You don't train to be an engineer, you study to be an engineer. Future plans are not past contributions...so, how exactly are you NOW involved in US's superiority in space? Why are you supposed to be accounted for your country's success?

>> No.2342914

that is work for my class at NASA

try again

>> No.2342916

Better make some armaments with your pile of Erlenmeyer flasks, friend. No country on the face of the planet will tolerate your frankly quaint "lol, it's our sovereignty now" plan without trying to kill the fuck out of you.

>Wetack almost
We will almost have to attack, Captcha.

>> No.2342922

If they attempt to attack us we will launch elemental sodium at them

>> No.2342923

Women are people too

>> No.2342934

I suggest moving to Spain (I'm Spanish), to some north territory. Here, we will first create our own political party, and we'll easily achieve to rule a couple of northen council (where population is 50 or less, in some popupaltion is 1 and is incredibly funny to see partys try to convince that person).
When this is done, we will get a lot of money from government. Its easy, believe me.
After that, since Zapatero hasnt got the guts to say no to anything, we will declare independent and done.

>> No.2342941

- 2010 estimate 46,030,109[2] (27th)

Ehh, I wouldn't want to intrude

>> No.2342943
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 1294714421877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm still reading the other thread, but.

What would we do with crime? That is, how should the justice and penal system be?

>> No.2342948

I also would like other people to suggest how they would deal with crime before I voice my opinion

>> No.2342950

Unless the political climate changes quite a lot (and it might, by that time), the most I'd look forward to is forcible ejection. If the Technocratic Republic responded with hostility, it might very well end up with a small war on its hands.

Of course, there is always the Hutt River approach, which uses legal technicalities and old precedents to secure de facto sovereignty. This plan has the benefit of using the groundwork already laid by the aforementioned Principality of Hutt River, but it is not in any way a proper route to acceptance.

As I understand Inurdaes's process so far, though, the Technocratic Republic is going to force the world to recognize it by simply being better at everything.

>> No.2342955

Dont worry, we're all lazyfags and wont do anything. I'm not suggesting invading us. This is a non-violent way, but it will take a couple of years.

>> No.2342959

What if we used Spain as a location for an outpost of sorts, instead of the primary base? We could reap the benefits of the connection without actually trying to build a nation there.

>> No.2342962

>As I understand Inurdaes's process so far, though, the Technocratic Republic is going to force the world to recognize it by simply being better at everything.


I would prefer we first settle in Tasmania and then offer other countries a system very similar to ours. I expect a shitload to accept it.

>> No.2342966

Why bother, we are reshaping the society as we see fit. People are only people if you tell them that they are. Raise them from childhood to believe that they are slaves to others, and they will carry that with them their entire lives.

>> No.2342969

Perhaps the ultimate penalty should be deportation.

>> No.2342973

I sort of like this, but who will accept them?

>> No.2342975

It'd be nice if less martial plans would work, but I'd really recommend science-ing up some excellent guns in the event that it doesn't.

>> No.2342985
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Railguns that shoot elemental sodium

>> No.2342986

>who would take 'em?
Any country too weak to stop us simply leaving our undesirables there?
>not Cordera
But not Cordera, thanks for the heads up, Captcha.

>> No.2342989

Energy Economy Anon here:

This is going to sound controversial, but I believe in openly accessible public surveillance. Like, all public areas should be monitored by camera, but anyone can access them. In my mind if an area is public it is no different from standing there and witnessing a crime, so there should not be any privacy complaints. Once you have all public areas monitored it becomes virtually impossible for a criminal to escape a crime, because people will be able to simply watch everywhere they go.

As for punishment, it depends on the crime. Theft, which should be unusual because there won't be appreciable poverty nor exchangeable currency to fence goods with, would require them to return the property, take a dock to their Relative Value Income, and be freely listed under their publicly viewable records. We might also continue monitoring them through the public surveillance system. More serious crimes and multiple offenses would be punished by exile to their home country along with a detailed record of their trial. If no country is willing to accept them and the crime is serious enough we could conceivably execute them or offer them a lifetime of labor without parole.

>> No.2342991

Depends on who you can make a deal with. Exile on a small island (perhaps an artificial one?) is also a possibility. The way I see it, the ultimate sanction would be ejection from the Republic, since there would be no better place to be.

>> No.2342994

For male violent crime i suggest castration or some sort of hormonal therapy to stop the production of testosterone.
>Captcha: respect drushes

>> No.2343000

I don't want to openly be aggressive to other countries. The extent of us pissing them off would be to declare THIS LAND IS OURS YOU WEREN'T USING IT, which I do think we'll be able to get away with.

>> No.2343001

Exactly, it's throwing the garbage to the neighbor.

>> No.2343002

How about microwave projectors and sound guns?

>> No.2343015

drop dead Inurdaes. You are just as bad as trolls.

>> No.2343021

I myself like your surveillance plan, but there should also be a logging system which records every person in the last week that has accessed what camera and at what time. To stop any kind of blackmail.
Wasn't this suggested in that ancient bro tawil project on /v/?
We will see.

>> No.2343026

Love you too

>> No.2343029

Energy Economy Anon here:

Once again I'd like to reiterate my plea that we don't disturb untouched nature with further meddling. If we could gradually buy up all the property within a developed area that has fallen on hard times we could control who can move in; if we create our own unofficial government that controls the actual government of the area it doesn't matter where we put this so long as we pay national taxes.

I'm out for a while...

>> No.2343036

Hopefully Zeehan will become an impoverished shithole

>> No.2343037

This is glorious, and im not even joking/trolling.

I would be so up for this,

>> No.2343048
File: 52 KB, 575x599, 575px-Lake_hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should build our economy on selling houses to eachother. We can then throw the money at our wealthies citizens while fighting a brushfire war or two. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.2343051
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>> No.2343054

>If we could gradually buy up all the property within a developed area that has fallen on hard times

What? Like Detroit?

>if we create our own unofficial government that controls the actual government of the area it doesn't matter where we put this so long as we pay national taxes.

You know, this is a bit similar to what OCP did in Robocop.

>> No.2343064

First thing that went through my mind was also Detroit

>> No.2343078

I'm pretty sure that's some manner of war crime, ammunition designed to burn. Israel got into trouble not long ago for using white phosphorus ammo on unarmed civilians and puppies and flowers, which I assume they had to do on account of their general evilness.

Sound gun's just silly, but directed energy weapons can work. I understand that DARPA rigged up a microwave emitter atop a Humvee for the purpose of crowd control, and it'll make an area uncomfortably hot pretty quickly. Eats up energy somethin' fierce though.

I like this state idea. I'm offering challenges because I'd like to see you succeed. Do you seriously intend to go ahead with it?

>> No.2343081
File: 37 KB, 270x303, poevernesm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will the technocracy get its required capital? Infrastructure, automated robotics, factories, buildings, will be insanely expensive.

What will it prioritize in terms of economic growth? A post-scarcity economy is not yet possible so the TRS will need to resemble a contemporary economic system.

How will the TRS become better at everything than everyone by starting on a shithole island with little infrastructure and shitty weather? Few talented people will choose to move there.

Will the TRS tax at a lower rate than developed nations? How will it stay financially solvent?

>> No.2343086
File: 41 KB, 386x387, 1258617937291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you seriously intend to go ahead with it?


>> No.2343088

Please read the previous thread
>Will the TRS tax at a lower rate than developed nations?
There are no taxes.

>> No.2343097

>Sound gun's just silly


>> No.2343102

So is this just for the sake of fun discussion or is someone actually pooling money into this?

>> No.2343105

You should make a wiki or FAQ for this shit. I don't have time to read 300+ posts of irrelevant rambling over what this fictional country's flag should look like.

>There are no taxes.

And you expect to fund the construction of a society from scratch that beats everyone else.


>> No.2343114

You could go the other direction, 100% taxation and all social services provided. There'd be a significant draw for a lot of people - many of them intelligentsia - and it'd fund a lot of science.

>> No.2343123
File: 9 KB, 443x383, 1284327088625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, a technocracy thread!

Seen one of these a few days ago.

Do we still intend to collect donations for trial citizenship, buy a desert and turn it into something inhabitable?

>> No.2343128

Someone made a wikispaces I think. I would appreciate if someone from here copypasted the shit from the previous thread into it.
>And you expect to fund the construction of a society from scratch that beats everyone else.
Like I said, you'll have to read the previous thread cuz I ain't typing it out for the umpteenth time
This is seriously happening. I have several methods of obtaining the millions we require over the next ~20 years. Some financefag said if this actually turns into a full-blown project that he'll pool his money with mine. I don't know if he will stay true to his word however.

>> No.2343131

>Do we still intend to collect donations for trial citizenship, buy a desert and turn it into something inhabitable?
What is this I don't even

>> No.2343150

What, where do you live, Colonel?

>> No.2343151


Thats just asking for a nigger infestation. It would have to be moderated to shit and back to prevent drain from tax evaders.

There would have to be citizenship cards to allow access to all services. That seems orwellian.

>> No.2343156

>Do we still intend to collect donations for trial citizenship, buy a desert and turn it into something inhabitable?

someone quickly register a project on Kickstarter.com, others look for deserts to buy

how much do we want people to donate for trial citizenship?

>> No.2343164
File: 43 KB, 460x500, this thread aagainrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2343167

This is one of the most ignorant and foolish pipedreams I've encountered.

>> No.2343177
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>> No.2343182
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>held failan

>> No.2343187
File: 23 KB, 450x338, 600107-oh_you_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look you cannot articulate a response.

And you think I hate you or this idea. Which is untrue. I just think it is foolish and lacks any grounding in reality.

>> No.2343200

Hey Inurdaes why you dont just make a blog or something with the main highlights?

>> No.2343201

A) Fuck your racism.
B) Oh, yeah, lots of brown people in Soviet Russia.
C) Every modern country on the face of the planet requires identification for the most important ability in the entire game, driving. Requiring ID to drive is the same thing as requiring it for food, water, clothing, shelter, and so on; you'll fail to thrive without driving, probably die ultimately, and you'll die without a food card or whatever you're envisioning.

I see no problem with just giving food to anyone who asks for it, if we watch the people effectively enough to be relatively sure that most of the people in the country are citizens. Worst case scenario, we blow some money on non-citizens, oh noes.

>> No.2343212

Agreed, these thread are kinda hard to follo,

>> No.2343221
File: 86 KB, 429x410, 1292685819513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some other time guys, I JUST found out I've got my proper internet back. FOUR MONTHS OF A SHITTY 3G STICK THAT BARELY GETS UP TO DIAL-UP SPEED


>> No.2343230

found this:


(it's from a technocracy thread on 01/09/11)

>> No.2343234

Do you people actually think this is going to happen?

>> No.2343235

anything wrong with doing this in Antarctica besides being cold?

>> No.2343239

didnt knew you were poor as fuck.. why not stealing your internet from a high school or college?

>> No.2343240

Only idiots.

>> No.2343243

anything wrong with doing this in a desert besides being hot?

>> No.2343249

Creating a permanent settlement there would be even harder than anywhere else. International agreements and shit.

>> No.2343252

i guess a better idea would be to move to a small 3rd world country that is capable of providing basic security for the project to develop

>> No.2343256


It's easier to live on the Moon than to live on Antartica.

>> No.2343259
File: 11 KB, 864x576, Technocratic-Republic-of-Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if anyone here would actually do it

>> No.2343264


I prefer the desert

>> No.2343271
File: 143 KB, 544x400, WTFAMIREADING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's easier to live on the Moon than to live on Antarctica.

Are....are you serious?

Why is it harder to live in Antarctica then it is on another planet with no air?

>> No.2343281



>> No.2343285

dont forget
no electromagnetic field
no atmosphere
supplies have to be produced there or brought from earth.

>> No.2343286

I'm not 'poor as fuck' just a series of unfortunate events resulting from me living in a poor-coverage area

>> No.2343294

Serious question. I don't understand how claims of land work, so...

Say we got together; how would we acquire the land, in this case Tasmania? If by money, wouldn't that be goddamn expensive even if everyone on /sci/ used all their income for this?

I'm sorry if this was asked and answered already; I haven't check up these things in a while.

>> No.2343301

OR, just found the top libertarian countries in the world and move there.

I head that sub-saharan africa is pretty sweet, life is cheap theres enough security, and if you earn a decent living no one would bother you.

btw im talking about the coast not the fucking dessert

>> No.2343305


Isn't there a deeper question?

If the Australian government insisted that we could not have the land then I ask: by what arrangement did Australia acquire that land? Surely they did nothing other than march in and say "we own this"?

>> No.2343314

Argentina thought they'd march in on the Falklands. Cue massive shitstorm.

>> No.2343331

No nation will ever sell sovereignty. The way you get land is by taking it, or seceding with it. Ask China.

>> No.2343332


We'll make our own island.

We'll make it out of the plastic trash island forming in the ocean currently.

>> No.2343341
File: 7 KB, 275x183, border patrol robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The TRS will need energy and water independence at a minimum, especially if you're going to use Australian land. You need ways of not being held hostage by another nation in order to guarantee survival. You've got a couple of options, most of which involve either renewable energy (western Tasmania is quite windy) or nuclear power. Fusion is ideal, Fission is fine if you can get uranium or preferably Thorium. God tier is pulling a North Korea to sort out your independence issue once and for all.

Also, use robots (see pic) for border defence. Can't let any inbred tassie scum from crossing the border illegally.

>> No.2343377

>No brains -... building a robot army.
>from the forum.

This is exactly why this project is doomed.

>> No.2343378

About how we can get the land from tasmania: Just looking some maps and it seems that the setlements would be primarily in the municipalities of Huon valley and West coast. These two areas have total population of about 20k so one possible way to advance would be to mass imigrate there(start from the West coast pop 5k) and just vote there to transform the local community. Around 5k of people should be able to hijack West coast local goverment and when more people arrive just spread to Huon valley and do the same thing there. Does anyone know anything in the law of Tasmania/Australia that would prevent this?

>> No.2343379

Wind, solar roads and geothermal
As for water there is a nearby river to the site of the capital city. Beautiful gorge there too. Water recycling would be used extensively, and as the population grows desalinization plants will be constructed.
Illegal immigration would only happen because we would look so much better than them. To stop this we will offer the Tasmanians a very similar system to ours.

>> No.2343410

From as far as I know; why Tasmania?
There are also other viable options out there; such as Northern Canada/Greenland islands.

What makes Tasmania the current viewing choice?

>> No.2343420
File: 475 KB, 1655x914, technocraticrepublicofsciphotos2noob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is Europe w/ gum trees

>> No.2343426


>> No.2343431

I've been derped.

>> No.2343432

Think of the tourism dollars we could bring in!

>> No.2343446
File: 22 KB, 494x150, albert-einstein-mechanics-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to resave them because I've posted the others already

>> No.2343453
File: 974 KB, 864x576, Technocratic-Republic-of-Science2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone shoop a proud animal into it like the american eagle. We need to show dominance towards other nations, they need to know we won't take shit. I suggest a flamingo. Such a strong and straight animal.

>> No.2343461

I don't approve of this design.
What do the colours, shapes and structure refer to?

>> No.2343493
File: 2 KB, 196x118, 1294921312314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this one

>> No.2343528


>> No.2343535


We already rip enough stuff off alan moore.

Were not going to base our flag off his shit.

>> No.2343536
File: 35 KB, 864x576, technofa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to create a bordered redesign. Ignore the colours. They only serve as a placeholder, and I'm colour blind so I don't know if I made the circles blue or grey.

Anyways, I like your preferred design. It could be simpler, but deciding on a flag will be the last thing we really need.

>> No.2343542

Hydrogen symbol is not only from Manhattan

>> No.2343584
File: 15 KB, 864x576, tech212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's two more. derp.

>> No.2343586
File: 28 KB, 864x576, tech312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.

>> No.2343596

this one is nice
but do we really need a flag before we actually even have this project started?

>> No.2343645
File: 17 KB, 568x533, 1293009930180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing thread back on topic, I'd like to address anon's concern about crime and punishment.

It has been clearly denoted in the continued trends of research across the board, that abhorrent behavior is by and large a result of environmental factors such as social inequality, financial inequality, poor education, and the idealization of violence in entertainment.

I move that in a societal system which is NOT founded at it's core on cross-spectrum inequalities, nearly all of the socially destructive behavior we see today would cease to exist, almost immediately. See Epigenics research for further study. Also-

Ultimately, it is the framework of a society that determines the behavior of a society.

>> No.2343653

Some needs are emotional and so, fundamentally irrational.

I.E. Rape.

>> No.2343953


>> No.2344569

so what form of government will this be?

>> No.2344639


'sup Inurdaes. I heard you liked my flag.

I think there's a few other ways we could raise a lot more capital and gain some public support, but it entirely depends on how public you're willing to take this project as opposed to doing it all secretly

>> No.2346323

The fuck is this doing on page 12? BUMP.

>> No.2346375

what will it be named?
"Technocratic Republic of 'Sci' "
would be funneh and stuff but having a country named after a 4chan board would be... strange? awesome i guess but i dunno