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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 280 KB, 1188x779, untilsomeonenotices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2340985 No.2340985 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2340994

Already ?

>> No.2341006

inb4 assraped by america
inb4 assraped by china
inb4 assraped by russia

>> No.2341009

Since we'd be taking over their territory, it would be more like inb4 assraped by Tasmania


LOL, nevermind

>> No.2341013

Lol, you guys would need safety guarantees, else no country is going to allow you guys thrive.

Industrialization is a bitch.

>> No.2341015



>> No.2341019

/sci/ would be assraped by a pack of squirrels before the land was even surveyed.

>> No.2341021

If you want to build a technocratic republic, you might want to have some money to get internet in there. And to make sure that the area isn't taken by someone.

>> No.2341023


That's why we survey it with Google Maps.

If only I knew the coordinates of where we were going to settle. Saw a picture posted with our area circled for but I didn't save it and I sure as hell can't find it on this map

>> No.2341024

Watch mosquito coast.
realize that there are small settlements like that in panama.

go go go

>> No.2341027

ITT: How to play Civilization.

>> No.2341030
File: 36 KB, 1200x900, trs flag 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341032

Is that a flag or a new toilet paper design?

>> No.2341035
File: 32 KB, 400x300, pigshead[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wouldn't end well.

>> No.2341037


Oh GOD we need someone with actual webspace and a domain for this

>> No.2341038
File: 14 KB, 184x184, 1283424018109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341042


AWESOME! We already have a volunteered insider.

We need you to scope out the southwestern coastal regions and report back to us.


>> No.2341044


was that a joke or just an incredibly fail insult?

>> No.2341047

Not as fail as that flag design.

>> No.2341050


wasn't my design, but I'd love to see you do better

>> No.2341053

And help your pity attempt at starting a republic? You wish.

>> No.2341057


Not standard flag dimensions. Doesn't stand out against background. Shouldn't have 3 shades of achromatic colors unless they're "white, gray, and black", not "gray, darker gray, and black". Cyan orbit needs to be adjusted as well.

>> No.2341062


nice deflection so you don't have to display your lack of any creative ability and just be an armchair critic...

>> No.2341067
File: 18 KB, 241x230, 1283421777763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The south west is pretty much all heritage listed forests my good man.

>> No.2341072

>>2341057 here

Working on a fixed version

>> No.2341074
File: 19 KB, 800x600, 1294562487196blackness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you guys but this is still my favorite design.

>> No.2341076


by all means, in fact I encourage anyone who has a problem with it *cough* >>2341047 *cough* to do so as well.

>> No.2341078
File: 16 KB, 283x145, Image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just find a really shallow no-man's-land part of an ocean in a tropical area and build shit on hexagon shaped concrete footings. The flag should display said logical and effective method of construcktion.

Now who's got the millions?

>> No.2341080
File: 6 KB, 251x251, picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the purpose of this society? to just...be? with no beliefs or values, what is man? not hatin or trollin just throwin in

>> No.2341081

Building a nation from scratch in the ocean would be beyond my fundraising abilities. However aggressive expansion into the Southern Ocean both above and below sea can begin once the land-based part is up and running.

>> No.2341082

http://www.marshallbrain.com/manna5.htm + for the educated to follow their dreams and projects

>> No.2341085

Man is man. Beliefs and values are just a convoluted, inefficient way to strive for the same things reason pushes us to do.

>> No.2341089
File: 15 KB, 432x360, Bad enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But who would do your shitty jobs though? The problem with society is you need the plebs to function properly. If it weren't for people like me, you wouldn't be able to do your research.

>> No.2341090
File: 3 KB, 126x112, picard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can be accomplished by secluding yourself into the confines of a sub aquatic compound or sanctuary in the middle of nowhere. seclude live and die > ? to each his own but whats next>?

>> No.2341092

ITT: Why societies fail.

>> No.2341093

Technocracy only sounds cool because of the techno part. Why don't we drop the cracy ? Aren't we intelligent and conscious enough to function on consensus ?

>> No.2341095

I think you all are missing the point of this.

If the possibility to build a nation from scratch was given to you, how would you do it?

This is what everything is about.

>> No.2341097


Not to burst anyone's bubble or anything, but creating a new state from scratch is pretty much impossible and forbidden in international law.

Nowadays, a state may form by the disintegration of a pre-existing state or by a territory's secession from its state. Both are abnormal situations in law, therefore are sought to be prevented.
This is because all the surface of the planet has been claimed by a state or was declared international territory (aquatory), leaving no "No Man's Land" (Terra Nullius), upon which a new state could be founded. And before anyone argues that his leaves other planets and the underground open, it doesn't: it has been decided that a segment of the planet extending to the core is considered the sovereign territory of the state on the surface, as well as a segment of the atmosphere extending to any height they wish below the Karman-line (accepted boundary of the atmosphere); while the 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (Outer Space Treaty) declares all of space, including the surface of celestial bodies, such as the Moon, Mars, and exoplanets to be "the common heritage of mankind", which is essentially the prohibition of any one state claiming ownership of any land.

>> No.2341099

This is a transitional society, so that is actually the goal. For a nation of well-informed critical thinking individuals fully capable of sustaining and creating a thriving nation voting on shit.
ITT: Why no argument

>> No.2341100


Disintegration usually comes to pass in violence, which I think the denizens of /sci/ would fail at in EPIC proportions, even if they weren't geographically dispersed, due to inadequate equipment and physical ability.

Secession comes to pass in peace (usually), through a referendum that is authorized by the head of state, and must pass with a significant margin if it is to be truly respected.

Even if a territory achieves statehood, there's still the problem of recognition by other states, which (according to one school of thought) grants the state its true status as an independent as sovereign entity, the ultimate affirmation of which is achieving a seat in the United Nations General Assembly.

>> No.2341104

>while the 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (Outer Space Treaty) declares all of space, including the surface of celestial bodies, such as the Moon, Mars, and exoplanets to be "the common heritage of mankind", which is essentially the prohibition of any one state claiming ownership of any land.
Check which countries have ratified the Moon Treaty. Do it.

>> No.2341105

You can't build robots, sure, have your technocracy, but apart from printers and computers your island will be pretty shit. Just sayan,


>> No.2341109
File: 139 KB, 590x450, picard111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that leaves only one frontier left to settle technofags

>> No.2341110

Voting is a mostly irrational way to decide of things. Issues should be solved by debate and experimentation.

>> No.2341113

ITT: Gunned down by Interpol.

>> No.2341115
File: 68 KB, 862x627, while nobody was paying attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We" can't, the free market will.
I agree

>> No.2341119

ITT: Australia not Austria

>> No.2341121

You forget that that's only a fictional movie, right now you're sitting in front of a computer, and the only parts of our creation that are in space are satellites and probes. Keep dreaming though, just try not to lose track of building Gods ring world.


>> No.2341127

>Not to burst anyone's bubble or anything, but creating a new state from scratch is pretty much impossible and forbidden in international law.

So what if some people would do this >>2341078 what would other nations do. Nothing. Some whiny beurocrat might say "you can't do that" but they just did.

Also not being able to claim land on other planets, bitch please.
>Everyone must obey these silly rules because the rules say so and you shall not question our judgement.

>> No.2341129

NASA has been contemplating a logical approach to getting humans to mars, once atmosphere is substantial enough to support life. maybe this land should be claimed by youz guyz but howz.z.//

>> No.2341130

Free market? You mean this won't be a socialist dunghole?

>> No.2341131


In Western Australia, some guy has his own country. It's sort of a joke, you can get money from this country, but it doesn't have good return. The Government seems to leave him alone, i'm pretty sure he doesn't even pay taxes.

>> No.2341133


That bit about no colonising other planets is worth precisely shit all. Any planets we settle on will belong to whomever can defend them.

>> No.2341134
File: 26 KB, 371x393, ee223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raising Mars' temperature by a few degrees will cause enough CO2 sublimation to raise the air pressure to about 300 millibars, and create oceans. If by some crazy circumstances I become a billionare and using space elevators or *insert cheap transport technology here* is cheap enough I would attempt to build massive geostationary mirrors with Phobos' minerals to shine extra sunlight and heat on the poles. However I do not think this will come to pass.

>> No.2341137
File: 40 KB, 473x351, picard222..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how? indeed what a spectacular debate this thread is heading

>> No.2341138
File: 81 KB, 1227x1077, missile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules are the rules, bitch

>> No.2341140

Those with the power decide what everyone else does. That's just the way it is. If you try to create your own nation within a sovereign nation's territory, that nation is going to have something to say about it. If you don't leave when asked, they'll forcibly eject you, if necessary. Some countries wouldn't ask.

>> No.2341143

>Derp derp not capitalism then its SOCIALISM durr
There will be government-built, funded and maintained services for everything imaginable but there will be the option for people to set up superior free market alternatives. Because of the nature of the system the government doesn't need to charge taxes.
Hutt River Province, est. 1980

>> No.2341144

could reverse magnetics be used as a price efficient means of transport>?

>> No.2341149

...reverse magnetics?

>> No.2341150

Because it's a hassle, and it's Australia. Who the hell cares what one asshole does out in the desert. There's no real point to policing it.

>> No.2341151

>There will be government-built, funded and maintained services for everything imaginable
Expects the government to be more competent than the private sector, this is how I know this system will fail.

>> No.2341156

ok put two magnets on opposing polls, they reject eachother right? would that theory propel an object in space or cause it to be stationary

>> No.2341158


Yes that's the place.


The point is, theoretically you could do it, if you wanted to.

>> No.2341163

ITT: The Zeitgeist Movement 2.0

>> No.2341165
File: 152 KB, 950x873, tasmaniaTRS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks our version of government will be anything like current versions
It will be a 99% automated system with people throughout the nation contributing to improving services and new and/or improved products. If some guy has a new design for a hydrogen-powered sports car, for instance, that would be submitted to the system if he wishes to not be bogged down by creating a company for the construction and distribution of the car, then it will be peer-checked by others in the community and the government itself for safety and standards compliance, and then a new section of a factory will be built for minimal production of said car. If demand for this car increases, as it increases the manufacturing capacity of the plant increases along with it.

>> No.2341167

The Moon Treaty has nothing to do with this. Sure, the Outer Space Treaty doesn't forbid an individual's claim. But once you found your own state, you fall under the Treaty's definition, therefore you cannot claim your own territory.

There is no more Terra Nullius on the planet. Except in one case: newly formed islands in international waters. Those belong to their respective discoverers, i.e. the first captain who sails that way. If you try to build it in coastal waters, you're still under the jurisdiction of the state whose shore you're building on. Unless you did it before these were codified, like Sealand, but nobody takes that guy seriously...

>> No.2341168
File: 56 KB, 3130x1877, sciflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>there will be the option for people to set up superior free market alternatives


By the way, new flag. What needs to be changed?

>> No.2341169
File: 15 KB, 275x300, 000000001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't believe no-one has said this yet, but....

Magnets how do they work?

>> No.2341170

Sorry, but you need to rely on immigration at first, meaning niggers muslims and respect my beliefs.

if you don't, I'm sure you'll gather at most 2000.
you need atleast 100,000 people, and even then the population growth will be too slow to achieve anything.

>> No.2341171
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1920, 2010-12-22 16.35.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to need some of these and some OPERATORS to use them.

Next, you'll need to secure lots of regular shit or get enough money to use a cargo ship to haul your mom's basement there.

Once you get some land, you'll need some contractors to build shit.

Later, you'll form a government and try to form relations to the rest of the world (rather than figure out who's going to do what) to gain international credibility.

After which, you'll all argue, kill each other, and I'll just fucking laugh when you fucks show up on the news. I'll be fucking amazed if you niggers ever decide to even look how much it costs to ship shit to a place with no docks.


>> No.2341176

You can do it as long as you're allowed to.

>> No.2341177


Inurdaes, I just read chapter 5 and it blew my dick off with amazement. I really want to read this book but I'm not keen on reading a book on my PC. Is there an e-book I can chuck on my Droid or anything do you know?


>> No.2341179

>thinks governments drastically change over time.
However, the idea does sound promising.

>> No.2341180
File: 26 KB, 461x421, a wizard has turned you into a whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That actually sounds quite solid. I await to hear the holes.

>> No.2341181
File: 45 KB, 720x720, smacksatellitesintospacev3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shut up
I also recently made an MS paint illustration of space travel using railguns and coilguns, but it was proven to be more trouble than it's worth

>> No.2341186

Better, but needs work.

>> No.2341188

Magnets: theres a positive and theres a negative. put A and B together there is an attraction, flip one side and the attraction is reversed Kinda neat to do but on that scale i have no idea

>> No.2341192

>create technorepublic
>i move in with marxist books and stuff
>create unionists.
>overthrow the government and install glorious proletariat dictatorship

>> No.2341194
File: 28 KB, 801x599, 1294919514822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is the flag the Earth orbiting the sun or a hydrogen atom?

It looks like the Earth with the background, though I'm tempted to say a hydrogen atom would be more /sci/. I mean, knowing the Earth is in orbit about the Sun is in no way the hallmark of a scientifically advanced civilization.

Also, having it a hydrogen atom means the colour scheme can be changed to something a little less laughable. Don't get me wrong, the design is nice but all that black is frankly shit

My stab at it, using the old Tasmanian flag colours (same as France, USA, UK and Australia) and the old emblem as the proton as a nod of the head to Tasmanian origins.

>> No.2341195

Glad you like it, it was the thing that inspired me to create this project in the first place. As for a e-book, I really don't know.
We will see.
That is the best fucking flag ever.
Once we go public we're asking for every educated person that has a dream or a project that they were not able to do either from slow shitty bureaucracies or budget restrictions to come to our country.

>> No.2341196
File: 140 KB, 3119x1873, sciflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I definitely agree. I have no experience in flag design so hopefully someone with design experience can take over.

Also, fixed my terrible cropping in the original

>> No.2341197
File: 19 KB, 297x369, 10000000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Ultimatetroll.png, that would be funny. Terrible, but funny

>> No.2341199

it's both an atom and a solar system

>> No.2341201


"I'll be fucking amazed if you niggers ever decide to even look how much it costs to ship shit to a place with no docks."

Tassie has like the second deepest dock in the southern hemisphere

>> No.2341203

Dear /sci/,

Thanks for taking over Tasmania and building all this cool stuff so we can have it after we wreck your shit.

Love, /k/

>> No.2341206


*meant port

>> No.2341208

"Sir, charge up the low-orbit ion cannon over /k/"

>> No.2341209



>> No.2341212
File: 190 KB, 500x331, 1291954204478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High five, /k/omrade!

>> No.2341217

atom-solar system duality

>> No.2341218

That's cute.

>> No.2341221
File: 179 KB, 800x600, 1294199509209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it symbolizes both you box of dick fuck

>> No.2341226
File: 214 KB, 1280x960, gir cupcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HAHA, that was cool.

>> No.2341229
File: 156 KB, 3119x1873, Communist_technocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2341230

heading to attack positions sir

>> No.2341233
File: 207 KB, 640x480, fuckin' saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341236
File: 43 KB, 901x517, best flag ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved flag design.

>> No.2341240

nice google images atom, faggot.

>> No.2341245

Better than a circle with a dot any day.

>> No.2341246

simple is good, if you can't draw it accurately it isn't a good flag

or hell, maybe we could just dump the whole flag thing as a statement about progress

>> No.2341247
File: 47 KB, 1082x674, youjustknowitsgonnahappen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know it's gonna happen
Similarities to atheism symbol would cause shit storm
It's hydrogen, ffs

>> No.2341252

It is the atheist symbol, the last thing we need is religion here.

>> No.2341254

I think as fitting for technocracy a commission made from art history majors should decide on the flag. They would be most qualified to make this decision so shut your pieholes science boys. You'll live with the flag that liberal arts experts choose for you.

>> No.2341259
File: 27 KB, 900x508, Communist_technocracy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341260

if artfags made it it would look like some indie rock album cover slathered in helvetica

>> No.2341264

How dare you red up my anarcho-capitalism? I was promised free markets, I knew this was going to go the way of Stalinism.

>> No.2341266


No, the last thing we need is faggots like you who would be working on pouring down the foundations of a building with us and going HAYGUISE ATHEISM>RELIGION AMIRITE.


Considering that there are none of them currently signed to work with TRS I appoint myself chairman of the Ministry of Flag Design, and decree that anyone can submit a fucking flag picture.


>> No.2341268
File: 221 KB, 800x780, CarlSaganspaceInurdaesDrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not a nation of atheists, we are a nation of scientists. This means 90% or probably more of the population will be atheist. I really, really don't want a shitstorm over this country over religion.
I lol'd
I also happen to be an artfag

>> No.2341270

And you would live with it and like it because that is what technocracy is.

>> No.2341271

Ofcourse they would. What I'm talking about is building in the international sea.

>There is no more Terra Nullius on the planet. Except in one case: newly formed islands in international waters.
Exactly. Are you saying that the island HAS to be made out of dirt and ash for you to be able to claim it as yours? Nope. Concrete and steel. I made it, I own it. I am the dictator. Everyday is titties and beer day.

>> No.2341272

hey guys, guess what?

this isn't gonna happen.

>> No.2341275

This is not an anarcho-capitalist society. Technically it doesn't even fit in the left-right spectrum anymore.

>> No.2341281
File: 8 KB, 252x236, Megalol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technically it doesn't even fit in the left-right spectrum anymore.

>> No.2341298
File: 265 KB, 340x453, 1286526550972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341304
File: 75 KB, 470x300, 5119_city-under-sea-03_04700300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>that leaves only one frontier to settle technofags

I think not.

>> No.2341306


>> No.2341308

Oh hey there M.S

>> No.2341312


Sup. Stayed up all night installing Chromium OS on a netbook only for the wifi to not fucking work. I'm trying Jolicloud next and hoping it's as good as people say it is.

>> No.2341317

Why not just slap Ubuntu's Netbook edition or Windows 7? Battery life concerns?

>> No.2341323


too many newfags?

>> No.2341326


I have a mighty hunger for useless novelties that only a lightweight cloud OS running on a total piece of 900mhz plastic dogshit can satisfy.

>> No.2341329

Heh, alrighty

>> No.2341330

There are two things about sci i'm not proud of.
1. Transhumanist threads
2. The technocracy threads.

>> No.2341360
File: 83 KB, 268x265, 1293936989334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One is definitely going to happen within this millennia and the other is going to have my, and others full effort.

>> No.2341368

they both sound gay.
how about no?

>> No.2341376
File: 51 KB, 180x187, 1286870751475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I JUST noticed what OP wrote in the bottom-right corner
Really? I thought gay meant when you stuck your dick in another mans arse.

>> No.2341380

Yes, in that kind of gay sense.

>> No.2341382

Inurdaes I am about to lay some ideas on you and I need to know if your body is ready

>> No.2341395
File: 79 KB, 463x462, my-body-is-ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341413
File: 210 KB, 550x413, aquaculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A technocratic colony is possible only undersea.

This is because the greatest initial barrier is land cost. Twelve miles from shore, undersea land is free for the taking. But the benefits don't end there.

With the mass produced habitats on the market, you could build your technocratic state one capsule at a time, buying new ones as profits allow. The community, like several existing biodiesel farming communes ("eco-villages") would be based around shared maintinence of the money maker, in this case aquaculture.

Why aquaculture? Because it scales cheaply (what you're looking at is essentially a large mesh net) and is simple to automate. It's also potentially very profitable with a minimal outlay depending on the species you cultivate. Same goes for hydroponic crops grown on board; Such systems are a snap to automate, at which point you've essentially built a free food machine.

>> No.2341416

>generic bioshock image of suffering and economic collapse due to a top heavy society

>> No.2341417
File: 85 KB, 464x295, biorockdome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Construction sans serious labor doesn't require anything so elaborate as nanobots, as a cheaper, 'ghetto' version of nearly every speculative new tech exists for undersea colonization. In this case it's biorock accretion. Pic related. The initial capsule based colony could be expanded with much larger domes, literally grown over about two years using an electrified metal skeleton.

>> No.2341418
File: 38 KB, 399x388, technocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2341419

The problem is, not everyone is a vegetarian. and not everyone will be willing to give up meat, so we will either have to biologists find a way to mass reproduce steak within the first week, or have a system set up to go to the shore/back every week or whenever we need it.
And then defense against storms and the like.

>> No.2341420

Anonymous, a new era of struggle and opportunity awaits you. The SS /sci/ has arrived in the Tasmanian waters after a forty day voyage.
All contact with 4chan has been lost. After Captain Inurdaes' assassination by an unknown assailant,
the crew mutinied and split into factions.

In the ensuing conflict, some seized control of the ships' lifeboats. You now shape the destiny of
your /physicist/ faction, which has just made PLANETFALL!
I mean has just made it onto LAND!

>> No.2341425
File: 53 KB, 295x450, biocoil2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the technologies necessary to dwell in the sea have been refined to the point where a hobbyist can build them. Pic related, DIY biocoils for turning pee and light into oxygen. They're made from some metal rods, aquarium tubing, pumps and grow lights. The algae inside is spirulina.

>> No.2341427


>>The problem is, not everyone is a vegetarian. and not everyone will be willing to give up meat

Fish are meat, bro.

>>And then defense against storms and the like.

You only need to go about 150 feet down to escape wave effects.

>> No.2341431
File: 28 KB, 400x268, biosubinterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the technologies required to live undersea have become such affordable commodities that an average man can build his own self sufficient habitat, then undersea colonization is an idea whose time has come.

Pic related, dude built his out of a shipping container and used an exercycle to power the grow lights for his biocoil.

>> No.2341440
File: 55 KB, 640x480, imag0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key is that automated production of everything necessary to survive and expand (food, desalination of water, life support, new living space) is possible without any sort of sophisticated robotics. Mainly because you're in an environment rich in biomass and useful minerals. Those minerals can be electromagnetically manipulated to accrete into watertight domes which can then be flushed with air, connected to life support and lived within. A great deal simpler than the massive robots expected to build a post scarcity society's housing complexes.

>> No.2341442

Yes, but eating fish over and over isn't very ideal.
and systems to catch said fish, etc etc.
There needs to be huge amounts of time put into this.
This is the problem

>> No.2341450


>> No.2341454
File: 102 KB, 800x600, motoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for the production of other goods, specialized modules containing networked 3D printers and a few CNC mills, plus Motoman style assembly robots would be sufficient to automatically produce dishes, flatware, toys, tools, even additional diving helmets and simple electronics.

This casule could be fully constructed on land long before it's sealed up and sunk for mating to the rest of the colony. It would then be a matter of connecting it to the power and network to bring it online and start churning out goods.

As for where the materials would come from, luckily robots for harvesting seafloor minerals are actually much further along than most, even miles ahead of the technology necessary to automate traditional mines on land. The liquid medium actually greatly simplifies the problem, making it possible for robots to move in three dimensions while expending very little energy to do so, and to gather ore via suction, that sort of thing.

>> No.2341463


>>Yes, but eating fish over and over isn't very ideal.

There's more in the sea than fish.

>>and systems to catch said fish, etc etc.

No. See this thing in the picture? >>2341413 It's a fish *farming* enclosure. Farming being the key word. You breed 'em in there and harvest from it periodically. No catching, except for the initial starter population. Beyond that point, you stagger artificially induced mating/spawning such that the population replenishes itself between harvests. The mechanism could be as simple as a lockout that draws a small crowd of fish in by dispensing bait, then uses a suction tube to collect and deliver them to where they'll be cleaned.

>>There needs to be huge amounts of time put into this. This is the problem

It needs to be built, yes. But every portion exists as a commercial product, to be bought and literally dropped into place. It would wind up being both cheaper and less labor intensive than building a traditional city on land.

>> No.2341464

Teh FUCK, I tell no lie when I say that first picture points nearly exactly to my house. MOVE IT, it's blocking the sun!

>> No.2341476
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>more in the sea than fish

>> No.2341482


>It would wind up being both cheaper and less labor intensive than building a traditional city on land.

Nigga say wha

>implying there aren't 10x as many alternatives for modular dwellings on land than there are for underwater dwellings

>> No.2341495


>>implying there aren't 10x as many alternatives for modular dwellings on land than there are for underwater dwellings

Of course there are, but consider this: A land based traditional city, even with prefabricated modular housing, requires infrastructure. Roads, power lines, water, sewage, etc. etc. and of course you'll need public transit, gas/charging stations and so on and so forth.

With a modular undersea colony, the infrastructure is built in. Electric, water, sewage, all integrated into each module. No mass transit is needed because there's no wasted space between dwellings, shops, schools and so on. Everything is within walking distance.

An undersea colony is, by necessity, a condensed microcosm of a traditional city shrunk down to the practical limit and with all support systems directly integrated. This means less in the way of materials, no digging trenches to lay down cable or pipe, no needless urban sprawl and completely decentralized utilities.

>> No.2341504


> the infrastructure is built in. Electric, water, sewage, all integrated into each module.

that can be done more cheaper and easier on land.

>> No.2341506

As much as I enjoy your enthusiasm about an underwater colony, the cost is going to be quite expensive. Perhaps cheaper than the land costs though. But what happens if there is an emergency?
It would be disastrous is even one module's hull was penetrated, unless you have some form of automatic door sealer.

The only thing stopping me from helping you guys is that I have a life, if I was to move to a technocracy I would need to be able to earn an income. This isn't viable until you have something seriously sorted out, sorry.

>> No.2341509

So, why not just move to an American city/county with low population?

Look over maps of the Tier 2 Internet backbone and find a nice city that already exists and begin the invasion? Elect the best suited for jobs and begin the process of reformatting the government.

>> No.2341519


>>that can be done more cheaper and easier on land.

Then buy the modules and put them on land. The point being that integrated infrastructure reduces cost, labor and urban sprawl.

One of the reasons you might want to put them in the sea (other than the fact that because life support is battery/solar there's no real penalty for doing so) is biorock accretion as a means of expansion. Can't do that on land. And you cannot farm with nearly the density on land. Even the most miserably dense factory farming enclosures cannot compete for density and output with a seafloor fish farm. Mainly because the medium the fish exist in flows freely through the enclosure, carrying in oxygenated water and carrying away waste. It's more humane, more hygenic, less labor intensive by far and has a caloric output sufficient to feed an entire colony with just a few such operations.

>> No.2341524

>With a modular undersea colony, the infrastructure is built in. Electric, water, sewage, all integrated into each module.
Actually a similar system will be utilized on the land portion.
I appreciate your enthusiasm for a undersea nation but it would be incredibly hard and/or cost-prohibitive to start a nation from scratch with the level of production nearing post-scarcity I envision. However it's quite possible after the initial city on land is constructed we will mainly expand into the sea.

>> No.2341526 [DELETED] 


>>It would be disastrous is even one module's hull was penetrated, unless you have some form of automatic door sealer.

You know what happens when the hull is punctured? A slow trickle or water you can fix by applying some silicone sealant to the hole outside.

This is what happens in ambient pressure habitats. If you're imagining catastrophic implosion and rapid flooding, that would happen only in a 1atm colony at a much greater depth.

In the entire history of undersea living there has never been even a single incident of that type, despite what movies and videogames would lead you to believe about the safety of living undersea.

>> No.2341529


>>It would be disastrous is even one module's hull was penetrated, unless you have some form of automatic door sealer.

You know what happens when the hull is punctured? A slow trickle of water you can fix by applying some silicone sealant to the hole outside.

This is what happens in ambient pressure habitats. If you're imagining catastrophic implosion and rapid flooding, that would happen only in a 1atm colony at a much greater depth.

In the entire history of undersea living there has never been even a single incident of that type, despite what movies and videogames would lead you to believe about the safety of living undersea.

>> No.2341539

My mistake, I thought the conditions inside would match the Earth's atmospheric pressure and composition. I also thought it would be quite a way under water, closer to the surface would be safer.

>> No.2341550

Does your plan depend on eating dolphins? I'm not sure I could eat a dolphin. The jury's still out on whether they're non-human persons or animals.

>> No.2341565

Look, first off we shouldn't be disturbing untouched nature any more than we have to, humans have already done tremendous damage to the world already. Therefore any development that happens should be in land thats already been ruined by human work. This has to be done as a movement in a developed country. Sadly the US as a whole is too fucked politically to get any kind of education system off the ground, so I don't know where we'd have to start, but I have some ideas as to what we could do.

First, we need to educate people as to how the economy actually works; the conversion of energy from natural sources into industrial systems is far FAR more important to our current standard of living than human effort. People need to understand just how important energy is to all of this. We need to get a standards board together that will do dirt-to-shelf energy analysis of products and label them as such. This will require us either to get companies to opt into such labeling for the perceived 'green' connotations, and/or get the government to support such labeling as standard. Once people start seeing these labels around in their day to day lives, when they shop for goods, fill up their cars, receive services, and pay their utility bills, we will start to build up the instinctual recognition of how much energy goes into our way of life. This will also foster an understanding of just how bs most real prices are, as the disconnect between the energy expenditure and the price tag between 'luxury' and generic items is laid bare. Once this understanding exists we can finally begin prodding towards a drop of the money system, at least for domestic goods.

>> No.2341566


>>Does your plan depend on eating dolphins?

Of course not. Actually during the Navy's sealab program, dolphins performed labor for nothing more than a pat on the head and the occasional fish. They'd ferry watertight cases between the surface and the habitat after a bit of training, saving the aquanauts the need to decompress in order to fetch items from topside.

They also make very lethal guards, as was discovered in Vietnam, where they were trained to patrol tactically valuable channels. They'd head out in packs and return with the bodies of vietcong frogmen. Yes, really. The program was crushed, however, by animal rights activism despite independent investigation showing no sign the dolphins were mistreated, and concluding instead that they seemed both good at their work and content in it.

>> No.2341570

>>2341565 cont
At the same time this is happening we need to act politically to get a minimum standard income passed. Definitely leave some exceptions for it, any children past the first 2 are their parents responsibility. At first it must be low enough that people might still require a low-paying job to make ends meet unless they live incredibly frugally.

Once people understand energy and understand that it is possible to support everyone (get out of the myth that people are poor because there isn't enough to go around), we'll basically be where we want to be already.

>> No.2341573
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>They also make very lethal guards, as was discovered in Vietnam, where they were trained to patrol tactically valuable channels. They'd head out in packs and return with the bodies of vietcong frogmen.

>> No.2341585
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You should see what they can do with a robotic claw prosthetic on their nose. Pic related.

>> No.2341587

gb2North Korea, Kim Jong Il

>> No.2341590
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As distrubing as it seems dolphins are pretty much willing serfs. They're as eager for our approval as dogs and the military kept them in enclosures open to the sea, such that they could come and go as they pleased.

They're ideal partners. They work long hours with low "pay", seemingly thrilled simply to be involved in something greater than themselves, in the plans of a species they evidently admire and want to impress.

>> No.2341592

Oh that surely is one ugly flag.

>> No.2341593

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

>> No.2341598


Oh, you surely are one ugly fag

>> No.2341601
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Oh boy here we go

>> No.2341610

Who could become a member of your populace? I assume it can't be any Tom, Dick or Harry. 130 IQ minimum ?

>> No.2341613

>At the same time this is happening we need to act politically to get a minimum standard income passed.
It almost happened in the US once.

All this said, the only way I could see this happen is a political migration dominating a small community in a modern nation and essentially "hijacking" the politics. Most modern nations have enough avenues to self-regulation for any people willing to actually do the work. And with the high proposed social net I've seen mentioned thus far, I wouldn't imagine American laws would create (m)any problems. Problem with relying on corporate funding would be the obvious requirement that all intellectual property would belong to that company, instead of the creators or the people en masse.

>> No.2341624

IQ is a shit way of determining intelligence. There will be a minimum IQ score of 85, but another would probably be completing high school and at least a four year course in university and/or two years in a hard sciences or engineering course with at least Credit 2 average. But like I said, this will be finalized when we start seriously writing up the government and intricacies of the laws in the 2020's.

>> No.2341625

Obviously IQ is a silly way to go about it. But that IS a great question.

An application process? With citizenship given out in consideration of peoples' worthwhile accomplishments, skills, and/or ideas?

>> No.2341650

>With citizenship given out in consideration of peoples' worthwhile accomplishments, skills, and/or ideas?
This is a headscratcher for me. I would like for really smart people without any formal education to get citizenship but am not sure how to set it out in the immigration laws.

>> No.2341661

I think inevitably you'd have to have councils poring through submissions. That or open the pool to the public, let them sort through them all openly, and push forward the ones the populace agrees are best.

>> No.2341665

Over half of the citizens would be american

it would more of a American/European colony then anything

Theres always the moon

its best for defense no one could invade you

We join up with private space then take over once we get to the moon

>> No.2341667
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Perhaps there could be something similar to jury duty? With some energy credit compensation.

>> No.2341672

I like it!

But then, I also like the idea of leaving the pool of submissions open for casual interest as well. This way if someone is working in a field and realizes "To do this, I'd need someone who knew far more about underwater conditions then I do..." he could go through them, find someone wanting to work in the same field, and try to gain support to push their case to the front of the jury line.

>> No.2341673

Moon is a dead rock with little of interest, and by that I mean it would be a really shit place to try and build a thriving civilization from scratch.
We would worry about micrometeoroids on the moon more than bullets in Tasmanian TRS.
Also hello Scia, how've you been?

>> No.2341676
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I would like that.

>> No.2341677

So, copyright? Intellectual property? Etc?

I fear that would be the issue that turned this back into a left/right debate.

But, I'm new here. Does /sci/ have a consensus on that issue?

>> No.2341693
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Knowledge is free and should be unrestricted.
That is our position.

>> No.2341708

Awesome. Good to know.

>> No.2341711

This kind of thing should really wait until post-scarcity, when it's easy to build things without the need to call on expensive contractors

>> No.2341718

This is the kind of thing that can eradicate scarcity to begin with.

>> No.2341721
File: 249 KB, 1073x962, TechnocraticRepublicofSciscreenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um... This project will not be completed and public till the late 2030's.

>> No.2341732

Probably not

But both copyright and patents should be abolished. They're meant to monetarily reward individuals for achievements and protect them from exploitation by other groups.

But this doesn't happen and hasn't really happened since they were implemented. Mostly all they've done is protect the interests of the rich, especially in the present day.

The thing about it is that while it makes an attempt to protect an individual and allow him to capitalize on his achievement, it means that the rest of us have to sit around and wait for him to do something with it, and if he doesn't, [perhaps lazy, perhaps wishes to license idea] the legal system prevents someone else from taking the initiative. So progress for everyone gets bogged down because of this idea that a person [or corporation] thinks they own.

If there were no protection, do you think the idea would just disappear? No! All it means is that the person who came up with the idea isn't guaranteed monetary compensation. This might have a chilling effect on idea generation - but if the country has other benefits towards intellectuals, and a different reward system, [perhaps an encouraged reputation economy] then the benefits to staying with the Technocratic Republic may outweigh the costs.

Worst comes to worst, they could still patent/copyright their stuff in a country like the US and try to make their money in a much larger market.

I honestly believe that if a country that bases itself on technological progress is going to survive, than it must do everything within its power to ensure the free expression of ideas, no matter what the are.

>> No.2341738
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>> No.2341766

See, to me, this is starting to read like a consensus...

>> No.2341769
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Government and the general populace are much more intertwined in decisions than any current governments. However the end result of decisions will be decided upon by the government.

>> No.2341778

So you're a big proponent of this. What kind of advancements would YOU like to see focused on?

>> No.2341792
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Space travel, exploration, settlements, terraforming.
Genetic engineering, eliminating all diseases
Making the world a richer, smarter place in general, effectively fixing everything from widespread starvation to use of fossil fuels.
Technologies for a better post-scarcity system.
AI and neural enhancements.
This entire system is designed so that if there are a group of people that believe they have a comprehensive and relatively easy way of doing, let's say, terraforming Mars, THEY FUCKING CAN.

>> No.2341803
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The invisible hand will provide all that stuff eventualy.

>> No.2341806
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>> No.2341812
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>> No.2341820

>Government and the general populace are much more intertwined in decisions than any current governments.

the general populace doesnt care about much of the decisions the government is making.
i dont even think the government cares if there isnt any money in it for them.

>> No.2341823

Read the thread, and sage goes in the email field

>> No.2341830
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>He thinks anarchism can exist when the rich are the rulers of the world

>> No.2341859

i followed the discussion

>> No.2341860


>> No.2341872

The government will not be interested in money in the way it currently exists. The general populace will be scientists, engineers, mathematicians and many other educated folk that actually do take a big interest in politics when it concerns them, and I expect doubly so since this government would actually fucking listen.

>> No.2341885

So, why aim so far away? Why not start political migration now? Right-leaning ideologically founded communities are already springing up.

>> No.2341890

have you obtain your degrees yet so you could take a part in the governing when the technocracy becomes the reality ?

>> No.2341898

Not yet, though I plan to in the future. But first, my masters in astrophysics and aerospace engineering.

>> No.2341906

yup if anything will happen then it will start out of what the concerned party can do something now

>> No.2341920

Because quite simply, it would be shit.
We need future technologies to enable the high standard of living which we want.

>> No.2341926

so you are in the process of obtaining those two degrees now ?

>> No.2341928

Nope, I'm trying to start up a stable method of income first. However I plan to do those two masters at the same time.

>> No.2341939

isnt bachelor already a degree ?

how do the bachelor in aerospace engineering and astrophysics have made you more fit for governing a country than a peep without a any formal higher education ?

>> No.2341941

I posit that this is indeed why it should begin now. To establish the foundation that will create the environment that will lead to such high standards.

>> No.2341947

I'm taking astrophysics and aerospace engineering because I want to learn them, not even for a job.
Extensive exploring and geological surveys will be done of the land in the 2020's. It would cost quite a bit more than I could afford or fund-raise to start up even a small colony there, and it would raise the chance of us being detected by the Tasmanian and Australian government.

>> No.2341959

I would also have assumed doing it in the US or EU. I don't get why Tasmania? Did I miss that in the thread?

>> No.2341966
File: 490 KB, 1663x922, technocraticrepublicofsciphotos3454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasmania is a temperate landmass half the size of Germany. It is generally hilly and characterized by RIDGES EVERYWHERE. The temperature, terrain, population density and relative isolation from any major interfering forces make it a prime location for settlement. The temperature ranges from -5'C in winter with snow, to about 38'C in summer. It's practically Europe with gum trees.

>> No.2341969

Not to mention that southwest Tasmania has practically no people, and the majority of Tasmania's population is concentrated in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie, and Davenport. Hobart is on the southeast Coast, and the others are all in the north.

>> No.2341971

And the current populations? Does Australia even have rules in place concerning such large scale self-rule?

>> No.2341973

Hmm. I guess I just "assumed" the take-over of an existing town would be best.

>> No.2341977


but it is not possible GIVEN THE CURRENT SITUATION as you are well aware of

>> No.2341979

>And the current populations?
I'll assume you mean the Tasmanians that will be inside the new border. They will have the option of having automatic dual citizenship, or free travel between any TRS settlement and the rest of Tasmania, or for robots to build a nearly identical (And improved) town a little way outside the borders.
>Does Australia even have rules in place concerning such large scale self-rule?
I dunno lol

captcha: askinal you

>> No.2342015

at least /a/ had a specific motel in mind to purchase when they wanted to build there own residence

>> No.2342048

I only ask because, as a US citizen, I know we do. For instance, consider Celebration, FL. Not taking it over, but I mean as a model to follow. Disney owns the city. So, in that vein, consider an open foundation to start the city, and do so.

Also good reading:

And for fun, if the US is considered, I like to think the Internet would play a large role.

With that, I think this would be valuable in considering location:

>> No.2342049

Oh god, /a/ in a motel? Jesus christ.
Anyway, if anyone has any further questions they better ask in the next ten minutes, because then I'm off.

>> No.2342061

I would rather be as far from the US as possible, due to the meddling that would occur pretty much instantly. Not to mention our more laid back drug laws would piss them off. And I'm sure there would be much more.

Thanks for the link though

>> No.2342073

All the better reason to fight against those forces by leading with example. But, to each their own.

>> No.2342087


but Celebration, FL is in the US so it falls under the same laws and Disney cant implement contradicting laws

>> No.2342089
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There is no need to fight them. By creating this system successfully nobody would even care about any other nation. We'd have all eyes pointed at us going "...Holy. Shit."

That is the goal. But it will be far harder to achieve if we have one of the most advanced militaries with one of the most propaganda machines (Fox News etc) right next to us. You make people your enemy, and then you're justified in taking shit from them.

>> No.2342095

This is probably going nowhere. It certainly went nowhere the last time it was tried on /sci/ and it certainly went nowhere the last twenty times it was tried on the internet. It's possible that you'll succeed but I find that highly unlikely. Not trolling here. These are the problems:

* No money - Internet assholes in general and 4channers in particular don't tend to be millionaires, and in order to buy any large amount of land (and especially a private island) you need to be a millionaire. Even with all of your resources pooled, you probably have about $20k between you at an optimistic estimate.
* No motivation - If an island were founded that was filled with 4channers and 4channers only, would you be willing to move to it? Would you be willing to abandon your job, your education, your friends, for it? Hell, would you even be willing to give what money you have to the project? Probably not.
* No agreement - For one thing, people live in different places. You're going to have Australians wanting it in Australia, Englishmen wanting it in the UK, Canadians wanting it in Canada, Americans wanting it in Canada... For another thing, you'll have some people demanding social democracy while some others will demand libertarianism. This further demotivates people from donating dosh.
* No brains - It won't be long at all until the suggestions of invading a country with /k/, building a robot army, using a space elevator as our main source of income, triggering the singularity, and/or existing to provide child prostitution start to crop up. I wish you luck with trying to sort through them.

Hell, I wish you luck in general. It'd be great if this actually worked, but I find it very very improbable.

>> No.2342100


There is absolutely nothing to gain by fighting them on their own territory, where they would have no problem arresting us for not paying property tax. Also, we run the risk of activist organizations who have MUCH more support, (evangelist groups), going absolutely apeshit when they find out what we're doing.

>> No.2342111


i like the idea tho

>> No.2342133


When are you going to be back on? I have a plan to raise the necessary funds.

>> No.2342141

>* No money
I have several plans to raise the 15 million or so I require over the next 20 years.
>* No motivation
It was inspired by the story Manna and by /sci/. This does not mean that 4channers only will move to it. It is for educated folk. If those people happen to also browse /sci/ then come along. As for people not wanting to abandon their jobs in the planning stages and so long, yes, many will be put off by that. However, not all.
>* No agreement
I don't mean this to sound like I am a dictatorish prick, but I came up with the idea and people interested in similar systems to mine may help us build it up. When it's up there will be discrepancies in different districts with different laws. As for the location, the majority seem to like southwest Tasmania. Unless a more perfect landmass presents itself, looks like TRS will be founded in Tasmania.
>* No brains
We will not be an aggressor nation. The primary form of 'old system' income will most likely be the rent-a-factory system, where companies from other countries pay us very little money and ship the resources we need to build whatever they require us to build with our automated factories with the spare electricity from the grid. I do hope a space elevator will become viable by then, though, and the singularity is pork.

>> No.2342144


is legal use of heavy drugs and sexual relationships with children worth the effort of making your own independent country ?


>> No.2342146

I'm just getting off when this thread maxes or there is a 10 minute lull in questioning and discussion. Shoot.

>> No.2342150

The reach of propaganda and the American military have nothing to do with their borders. I was suggesting America mainly because they have infrastructure built in to support community self-rule.

For instance, you don't have to buy private land to take over a town. You only have to vote your people into office. The "Free State Project" is a Libertarian attempt to overtake New Hampshire. They've moved 881 people to the state so far, gotten interesting from 10k, and have done the math that says they only need 20k politically motivated people to sway elections.


I'm sure other system are in effect in other nations, I just don't know about them. And it seems no one else does either. Hence my regretful doubts this will go anyway.

>> No.2342158

Cannabis, LSD-25, MDMA, pscilocybin (shrooms) and Salvia will be legal and sold as Class 1 restricted substances, along with alcohol and tobacco. heavier drugs will be decriminalized with the possibility of taking 'safe' doses at drug clinics. We will see how this plays out. As for age of consent, it is 16, with 16 year olds able to have sexual relations with people two years their senior and one year younger. Just to stop any bullshit pedo cases where there is a 15 y/o and a 16 y/o being tried.

>> No.2342166

Sea > Tasmania.
Deal with it.

>> No.2342168

Hello Mad Scientist

>> No.2342169

Dude, you are just deciding by yourself such debatable things...
This 2+ 1- rule for example is totally based on you own disgust.
I in no way support this movement.

>> No.2342177

Time-Space Bubble > Mars > Asteroid Belt > Venus > Moon > Lagrange Point > Earth Orbit > Atmosphere > Tasmania > Ocean > Underground > Current location

>> No.2342189

You think atmospheric living would be more interesting than underwater? Point of contention, sir!

(But bonus points for including Lagrangian points!)

>> No.2342192
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Cool story bro, I mentioned this in previous TRS threads and most loved it. Some wanted even more lax laws on heavier drugs.
<3 Mars

>> No.2342198

Yes. But that's because I was just playing Ace Combat and I like giant airborne aircraft carriers.

>> No.2342200

>implying I'm mad scientist

>> No.2342203


Ok. Capitalist/Financial guy here. Not to question your plans or be a dick, but I would need to seriously look at how you plan at obtaining 15m over the next 20 years. Because the common wisdom in the industry would say that you need to either invent something or start a business to obtain that kind of money in that amount of time.

You probably already knew this, but I still feel the point needs to be stated.

So you need to have a product. It doesn't need to be a "product" in the physical sense but whether you're selling a service or selling an idea, the product needs to be marketable. And it's tough to market anything "science" related when it's not a physical product that people can use.

The basic idea I have is based around the following: The economy may be lulling but advertising is through the roof right now, since businesses NEED to advertise in these times. And they're looking for new platforms to reach out to people. We'd need a network of systems in place to take advantage of this, and I'm working on a few right now.

I'm at the point now where my rent is paid via passive income entirely. And I want to help you out as well. You work on your plan for capital and I've got a plan as well. We can form a non-binding contract to collaborate and pool our resources at the end, if you're interested. I'll ask for your assistance along the way probably tonight, (it's 9:30am where I am), once I get everything set up.

>> No.2342208


and again they must follow the same rules as the rest of the US

>> No.2342217

I think an existing colony with even a mediocre track record of innovation could make money taking contracts from private interests in helping with any number of projects/products.

Of course, I'm talking an existing organization. I, too, would love to hear initial investment ideas.

>> No.2342219

I know I know, I'm just dicking around cuz' every thread ever with him is about the sea.
Cool beans.

>> No.2342238


>pool our resources

this wont end well

>> No.2342241
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Oh stfu the man is trying to help.

>> No.2342245

Yes, because marijuana definitely never came close to being decriminalized last year in California.

The US federal law allows a wide berth of interpretation, really. Mostly it's up for interpretation by the administration in command, until states decide to take it to court. And even then, it's easily lobbied for by congressional delegates from the state that's being "hijacked."

It's kinda the point, really, of the US. Flexability. We sway back and forth between top-down and bottom-up, as both have positives and negatives, as the grass always looks greener.

>> No.2342303


Haha, I guess I deserve that. I have no intention of letting Inurdaes touch anything I raise, nor would I expect anything different of him to me, until it gets pooled into the initial budget for TRS.

And yes, that's exactly the point. TRS needs to have some kind on presence somewhere that isn't 4chan. Even a website that only gets updated once a quarter is enough for initial investors but they don't like going in alone.

One of the best ways is to start a business yourself and pledge the business as a partner to TRS. Most investors like to see big, strong networks these days, with each node fully self-sustainable.

So we would need to make a few nodes of independently run organizations that would add validity to the TRS project. Hell, a fucking blog with Adsense can work if you've got the time, which I sure as hell do since working is almost a non-issue now for me. I've known some people who were making upwards of $800 a day from Adsense alone off of their damned blogs. Not that I'm bitter or anything. You have a few people running those, each generating a couple dozen thousand a year, and you've got an impressive network.

In a case like that, all I would need from you would probably be assistance in the advertising of it. Other stuff I might need a bit more collaboration, if I ever decided to branch into something more... scientific. But I also would try to make sure I don't infringe upon your time at all, considering I know exactly how important time is as an asset.

>> No.2342326

Also a suggestion for transportation. For long distance travel we should use ETT(evacuated tube transport). Much faster and more efficient than plane travel.

>> No.2342329

>watchmen on screen 1
>/sci/ on screen 2
>manhattan comes on
>scroll to this
>shit a small south american countyu

>> No.2342336

>Haha, I guess I deserve that. I have no intention of letting Inurdaes touch anything I raise, nor would I expect anything different of him to me, until it gets pooled into the initial budget for TRS.
Sounds good
And yes, that's exactly the point. TRS needs to have some kind on presence somewhere that isn't 4chan. Even a website that only gets updated once a quarter is enough for initial investors but they don't like going in alone.
>One of the best ways is to start a business yourself and pledge the business as a partner to TRS. Most investors like to see big, strong networks these days, with each node fully self-sustainable.
I will dwell on this thought.
>I've known some people who were making upwards of $800 a day from Adsense alone off of their damned blogs
Jesus fuck
>You have a few people running those, each generating a couple dozen thousand a year, and you've got an impressive network.
I will definitely be thinking about this

>> No.2342348

But first you have to build the tubes. Tubes, tubes everywhere.

>> No.2342351
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>For long distance travel we should use ETT(evacuated tube transport).
YES. OH GOD YES. That was the original plan anyway.
The OP of the flag thread yesterday (I think yesterday) created his own design on flag and a bit on into the thread someone suggested taking the Manhattan hydrogen symbol and putting it on a flag.

>> No.2342354
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>> No.2342360

>travelling by LHC
My body is ready.

>> No.2342365


Dreams are not promises
- painted on the wall by some dead person in Sandman.

>> No.2342369

Above-ground or underground? Or both?

>> No.2342379

All saging does is not bump the thread, not knock it down.
Long distance will be largely underground I would assume. For travels around the city above-ground clear evacuated tubes will be used, for extra awesome.

>> No.2342381

Your contribution has been noted.

>> No.2342383

>mfw futurama
>mfw I have no face

>> No.2342390

Not any of the flag designers, but I think it's a good idea. Not only does it stand for physics and chemistry, but it implies movement and consistency, while it refers to our primal building blocks, which, when applied to a nation, means the people and their ideas should always be kept in mind.
Also the black/white can be symbol for objectivity while the gray stands for neutrality. The lines stand for a linear view of time, where we look back and build upon our past, but also look further into the future, with the current day science in the centre.

>> No.2342391


Underground would probably less of an eyesore and leave more room for above ground development. Maybe a new form of subway sytem. If there were ever any terror attacks underground, it would probably do less damage than an above ground system.

>> No.2342393
File: 72 KB, 734x404, glorious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw each TRS thread with Inurdaes in it has at least 250 posts

>> No.2342394

>All saging does is not bump the thread, not knock it down.

Brilliant mind.

>> No.2342398

The difference is individual people would not be sucked through the tubes but maglev train carts.

>> No.2342403

Aww.. Futurama-way is much more awesome.

>> No.2342405

I would rather public transit be elevated platforms on tracks. They could tilt to offset the speed'sgravitational effects, meaning at high enough sperds you'd have people standing on horizontal platforms zipping around the city.

>> No.2342408

I love you.

Dreams are not pointless.

I honestly think if this ever got anywhere beyond utter preliminary, I'd leap at the opportunity. Probably the story of many people here.

>> No.2342410

One anon stated that the flag must evoke emotions. Like a truly awesome flag and we must not settle for second-best. I agree fully with him.
To be honest when I originally started talking about this project I did not expect this much interest. This is amazing.

>> No.2342412

>Dreams are not pointless.

No, but this thread is.

>> No.2342416

It's also very unsafe and horrifying if you get stuck or stop moving.

>> No.2342417

Getting so many posts on /sci/ is impressive on its' own.

>> No.2342418

There are a shit load of resources on the moon

and Tasmania is taken by Australia its not possible for us to take it

the moon is the only option

also iv'e been doing great

>> No.2342420

If you can design a system that actually works, we may actually widely implement this. Also remember the first episode? Fry didn't know how to brake at the end and slammed out into a brick wall. I really don't want this happening.
This sounds promising.

>> No.2342421

Then why are you here, encouraging replies to it? If you don't like it, hide it and find something else to do.

>> No.2342427

Although you guys still seem touchy about the religion thing, I still think organized religion should be somewhat laughed upon in the society. When it becomes taken seriously is when it starts to corode our government, education, and moral values. Science and objectivity should always be held in the highest regard. Perhaps a "science" religion for the laymen could be implemented where it is based on metaphysical existentialism, or something that guides people down a path of Universalism and humanitarianism without inducing closed mindness to ideals. The science "religion" could also be based on change with values that are always susceptible to change when new ideas are discovered in science. Essentially it would be real science, but with a slight emphasis on the what if or righteous path of living while maintaining a form of malleability

>> No.2342428

Fans, huge fans. (not fanboys, etc., but the fans which propel air)

>> No.2342429
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Water ice is incredibly sparse, there's no atmosphere or protection from micrometeoroids and solar storms pose a very serious risk.
As for Australia owning it, pic related

>> No.2342433

The government will have a secular humanism stance.
I mean FULLY design it.

>> No.2342436

Depends, I'd be tempted to stick some ferrous compounds down my pants and brave the vacuum if it meant Futurama.

Shit, ultrafast transport to mainland Australia and Melbourne. All kinds of new opportunities that would lead to. Especially as the journey would take less than 15 mins.

>> No.2342439

Meh, I'm unimaginably lazy. Maybe later.

>> No.2342452

Futurama tube transport is a very unsettling thought to me. I think people would feel much safer in a tram or vessel of some kind and may actually have better chances of survival if an accident occured rather than people being instantly turned to mush if there is nothing softening the impact.

>> No.2342455

the funny thing about this whole thread is that if you look at the grand scheme of human history, we're at a point now with the greatest tool in human history (golbal 'man made' interconnection) aka internet, and we're on the greatest website for information and raw human data in the history of it. plus /sci/ is the smartest board on 4chan

then you can go into things like it being an American website and Americans being known for not their brain power but ideas and whala it dons on you that you might be a part of history here. oOOooOO ssppOoOooookkyy

>> No.2342456
File: 74 KB, 260x735, technocraticrepublicofsciwiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit, ultrafast transport to mainland Australia and Melbourne. All kinds of new opportunities that would lead to. Especially as the journey would take less than 15 mins.
Ultra-fast transport to all capitals. Let the Traveller Act be written.

>> No.2342460

...and then you remember that /sci/ is for trolls, 4chan is stupid, and none of these plans are in the least realistic. Such cases.

>> No.2342462
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Because observing irrational human behaviour is fun.

>> No.2342466

Someones been reading Asimov?

>> No.2342464

Lava tubes motherfucker

>> No.2342465

Get into the god damn forum and discuss it there.


>> No.2342467

>Dictator: Architect Inurdaes

Hahaha what the fuck, no.

Dictatorships always ruin shit for obvious reasons (asshole gets into power).

>> No.2342473

You can observe without posting. In fact, many people do this. It's called lurking.

>> No.2342474

I would prefer not to be, to be honest. My greatest fear is that TRS would turn into modern-day America. And I know I'm not an asshole.

>> No.2342475


ok so this is possible if we can get a sufficient support from people.
politically what we want from the government is the freedom to efficiently carry out our businesses.

>the less the government has the rulling on how we manage our businesses the better.

>patents and other intellectual property protection measures abolished

what else ?

>> No.2342478

Also there is a lot more water then you think

>> No.2342483
File: 54 KB, 267x297, america-fuck-yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a problem with america?

>> No.2342484

The government is there to provide services and products people have 'donated' to the government-manufacturing facilities.

>> No.2342487


>And I know I'm not an asshole.

Why do I feel oddly comforted by this?

>> No.2342489
File: 78 KB, 500x463, 1276429401648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I do. I'm disappointed.

>> No.2342498

I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, sorry
Moon cities will come, but not the first city.

>> No.2342503
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>not ruled by a benevolent AI

>> No.2342504

I'm sorry, man, but somebody has to pay for those 28 aircraft carriers. What have you done for us lately? HDTV?


>> No.2342505


/sci/ is a tool as in 4chan. it's just how you use it

Captcha: fcriptural zvents (i swear to god lol)

>> No.2342509

I do have issues with the ideas behind patent laws. Would the state simply not recognise patent offices? What if royalties are a source of income to individuals, inventors and such, that would be drawn to TRS. Intellectual know-how can be just as much a trade-able product as anything tangible.

This double standard I keep seeing really does worry me.

>> No.2342510

AI will be extensively used, but a human touch will be needed. I doubt truly human-like AI will be available till the later part of this century.
You make me angry.

Anyone want to make a second thread?

>> No.2342512
File: 52 KB, 700x457, 1294021550823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand america do you?

Our science is done mostly by the private sector not the public sector.

We still make the majority of discoveries and win the most science nobles

We have the best science and engineering schools in the world.

We also invented the transistor and the the internet.

So suck my red white and blue dick

>> No.2342514

Not a practical tool for this sort of thing, which would require hundreds of millions of dollars in the first place.

>> No.2342515
File: 140 KB, 760x581, 2007-10-01-IntroCh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer interfering with behaviour. It makes things more interesting.

>> No.2342519


>We also invented the transistor and the the internet.
You best be trollin'

>> No.2342521

Yes. More threads. More discussion. More tubes.

>> No.2342522


doesn't need to be a practical tool though is the thing. all you need is a catalyst, a spark, something to kick it all off. just sayin'

if a water or land idea ever kicked off the ground it would catch footing here first is the point i'm making

>> No.2342524

>Our science is done mostly by the private sector not the public sector.
Theoretical research.
>We still make the majority of discoveries and win the most science nobles
You also didn't have two world wars ravage your countries and got a massive exodus of European scientists escaping persecution even as recently at the 1980's
>We have the best science and engineering schools in the world.
The above applies similarly
>We also invented the transistor and the the internet.
Good for you. We're grateful. This does not automatically make the rest of your country awesome.

>> No.2342526

So you are a student of Troll Science. Carry on.

>> No.2342534

Finally ;)

>> No.2342539


>> No.2342545

>insulting america on an american website using american technology.

>> No.2342562
File: 29 KB, 337x192, youjuustgotraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger what

>> No.2342565

Moot is american and the site is hosted in america

>> No.2342567

We also invented
1.Swim fins
3.Franklin stove
4.Mail order
5.Lightning rod
6.Flexible urethral catheter
8.Swivel chair
11.Artificial diffraction grating
12.Automatic flour mill
14.Cotton gin
15.Wheel cypher
16.Rumford fireplace
17.Suspension bridge
18.Fire hydrant
19.Burr Truss
20.Amphibious vehicle (self-propelled)
21.Vapor-compression refrigeration
22.Coffee percolator
23.Lobster trap
24.Circular saw
25.Dental floss
26.Milling machine
27.Profile lathe
28.Detachable collar
29.Platform scale
30.Doorbell (electric)
31.Reaper (mechanical)
32.Morse code
33.Sewing machine (lock-stitch)
34.Threshing machine
35.Combine harvester
36.Steam shovel
38.Solar compass
40.Circuit breaker
41.Self-polishing cast steel plow
42.Corn sheller
43.Sleeping car
44.Vulcanized rubber
45.Howe truss
46.Anesthesia (ether)
47.Grain elevator
48.Ice cream maker (hand-cranked)
49.Multiple-effect evaporator
50.Rotary printing press
51.Pratt truss
52.Maynard tape primer
54.Printing telegraph
55.Doughnut (ring-shaped)
56.Safety pin
57.Gas mask
58.Inverted microscope
59.Fire alarm box
60.Elevator brake

>> No.2342569

America is worth all the criticism it gets, everything is worth all the criticism it gets. Your small mindedness astounds me.

>> No.2342570

61.Potato chips
63.Breast pump
64.Condensed milk
65.Equatorial sextant
66.Toilet paper (mass-produced and rolled)
67.Brown Truss
68.Pepper shaker
69.Monkey wrench
70.Mason jar
91.Barbed wire
92.Ticker tape
93.Water-tube boiler
94.Refrigerator car
95.Paper bag
96.Tape measure
98.American football
99.Pipe wrench
100.Clothes hanger
101.Can opener (rotary)
103.Mixer (hand-cranked)
105.Railway air brake
107.Knuckle coupler
109.Fire sprinkler (closed-head)
110.Ice cream soda
111.Quadruplex telegraph
112.Forstner bit
114.Dental drill (electric)
118.Tattoo machine
120.District heating (modern)

>> No.2342574

121.Carbon microphone
122.Free jet water turbine
124.Cash register
125.Oil burner
126.Candlepin bowling
127.Electric chair
128.Metal detector
129.Iron (electric)
130.Christmas lights
131.Fan (electric)
132.Solar cell
135.Machine gun
136.Dissolvable pill
137.Lap steel guitar
138.Popcorn machine
139.Photographic film
141.Fuel dispenser
143.Filing cabinet (horizontal)
144.Telephone directory
145.Slot machine
147.Gramophone record
149.AC motor
151.Trolley pole
152.Drinking straw
153.Stepping switch
154.Revolving door
157.Stop sign
158.Tabulating machine
159.Babcock test
160.Smoke detector
162.Ferris wheel
163.Dow process
164.Tesla coil
166.Schrader valve
167.Bottle cap
170.Silicon carbide
176.Comic strip
177.Cotton candy
179.Charcoal briquette
180.Remote control

>> No.2342579

America didnt invent those, people did ._.

>> No.2342581

181.Semi-automatic shot gun
182.Hairbrush (synthetic bristled)
183.Filing cabinet (vertical)
184.Installer bit
186.Wing warping
188.Duckpin bowling
189.Merrill-Crowe process
190.Carbide lamp
192.Key punch
193.Mercury-vapor lamp
194.Assembly line
195.Safety razor (disposable)
196.Hearing aid
197.Postage meter
198.Teddy bear
199.Periscope (collapsible)
200.Mercury arc valve
201.Air conditioning
202.Tea bag
203.Offset printing press
205.Windshield wipers
206.Wood's glass
207.Wood's lamp
208.Baler (round)
209.Automatic transmission
210.AC power plugs and sockets
211.Dragline excavator
212.Architectural acoustics
213.Fly swatter
214.Ice pop
215.Audion tube
216.Electrostatic precipitator
217.Paper towel
218.Washing machine (electric)
219.Mixer (electric)
220.Skee ball
221.Paper shredder
223.Gin rummy
225.Binder clip
226.Automobile self starter
227.Road surface marking
229.Fast food restaurant
230.Electric blanket
231.Traffic light (electric)
232.Regenerative circuit
233.Traffic cone
234.Fortune cookie
235.Skeet shooting
236.Single-sideband modulation
238.Cloverleaf interchange
239.Tow truck
240.Light switch (toggle)

>> No.2342582


>What if royalties are a source of income to individuals, inventors and such, that would be drawn to TRS.

what do you mean ? also what royalties

>> No.2342586

241.Stream cipher
242.Superheterodyne receiver
243.Hydraulic brake
246.Silica gel
247.Toaster (pop-up)
248.Jungle gym
250.Crystal oscillator
253.Adhesive bandage
254.Water skiing
255.Radial arm saw
259.Masking tape
260.Cotton swab
261.Gas chamber execution
263.Radio altimeter
264.Langmuir probe
265.Power steering
266.Drive through
267.Liquid-fuel rocket in 1926
268.Bread slicer
270.Garbage disposal
280.Negative feedback amplifier
282.Ice cube tray
283.Bubble gum
284.Electric razor
285.Iron lung
286.Air traffic control
288.Tampon (applicator)
289.Flight simulator
291.Frozen food
292.Particle accelerator
293.Car audio
294.Pressure sensitive tape
295. Runway lighting
297.Chocolate chip cookie
299.Electric guitar
300.Strobe light

>> No.2342590

302.Staple remover
302.Peristaltic pump
303.Radio telescope
304.Tape dispenser
305.Drive-in theatre
306.Landing Vehicle Tracked
307.Multiplane camera
308.Frequency modulation
309.Impact sprinkler
310.Trampoline (modern)
311.Richter magnitude scale
313.Black light
314.Parking meter
315.Surfboard fin
316.pH meter
317.Gomco clamp
318.Phillips-head screw
319.EEG brain topography
320.Stock car racing
321.Programming languages
322.Chair lift
323.Photosensitive glass
324.Digital computer
325.Shopping cart
326.Sunglasses (polarized)
328.Blood bank
330.Beach ball
335.Soft serve ice cream
336.Yield sign
337.VU meter
339.Fluxgate magnetometer
341.Acrylic fiber
342.Acrylic fiber
343.Ames process
345.Microwave oven
246.Cruise control
348.Cancer chemotherapy
350.Diaper (waterproof)
351.Proton therapy
252.Cloud seeding
355.Acrylic paint
356.Magnetic particle clutch
357.Instant camera
358.Supersonic aircraft
359.Hair spray

also im listening to this throughout this whole thread

>> No.2342595

STFU thats pathetic tier trolling

>> No.2342596
File: 204 KB, 825x974, 1294886971002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Scia hijacks and shitposts at full force in an otherwise interesting thread

>> No.2342600

361.Cat litter
362.Video game
363.Cable television
364.Flying disc
365.Radiocarbon dating
366.Airsickness bag
367.Ice resurfacer
369.Holter monitor
370.Atomic clock
371.Crash test dummy
373.Centrifugal clutch
374.Artificial snowmaking
375.Credit card
276.Leaf blower
277.Hamming code
278.Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
382.Correction fluid
383.Golf cart
385.Polio vaccine
387.Artificial heart
388.Heart-lung machine
389.Marker pen
390.Apgar scale
391.Wheel clamp
392.Wiffle ball
394.Carbonless copy paper
395.Crossed-field amplifier
396.Zipper storage bag
397.TV dinner
398.Acoustic suspension loudspeaker
399.Door (automatic sliding)
400.Mogen clamp

>> No.2342602

Yawn, most of stuff is invented by many people at the same time and you are being quite silly copying some list from whereever.

>> No.2342605

401.Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
402.Synthetic diamond
403.Radar gun
404.Crosby-Kugler capsule
405.Nuclear submarine
406.Hard disk drive
407.Kart racing
408.Bone marrow transplantation
409.Industrial robot
410.Operating system (batch processing)
413.Particle storage ring
414.Skid-steer loader
415.Wireless microphone
417.Confocal microscopy
418.Air-bubble packing
420.Gamma camera
422.Lisp programming language
423.Carbon fiber
424.Integrated circuit
426.Weather satellite
428.Artificial turf
429.Magnetic stripe card
430.Global navigation satellite system
431.Combined oral contraceptive pill
432.Obsidian hydration dating
433.Gas laser
434.Spreadsheet (electronic)
435.Wearable computer
436.Frozen carbonated beverage
438.Communications satellite
439.Chimney starter
440.Light-emitting diode
441.Electret microphone
442.Jet injector
443.Laser diode
444.Glucose meter
445.Computer mouse
446.Lung transplantation
448.Balloon catheter
449.Geosynchronous satellite
450.Neutron bomb
451.Plasma display
452.Moog synthesizer
453.8-track cartridge
454.Permanent press
455.Heart transplantation
446.Carbon dioxide laser
457.Liquid crystal display (dynamic scattering mode)
459.Argon laser
460.Adaptive equalizer (automatic)

>> No.2342608

464.Cordless telephone
465.Space pen
466.Compact disc
467.Chemical laser
468.Dynamic random access memory
469.Food bank
470.Calculator (hand-held)
472.Virtual reality
473.Bone marrow transplantation (non-cancer patient)
474.Lunar Module
475.Laser printer
476.Bioactive glass
477.Wide-body aircraft
479.Charge coupled device
481.Chapman Stick
482.Markup language
483.Wireless local area network
484.Personal computer
485.Liquid crystal display (TN field effect)
487.Floppy disk
488.Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
489.Fuzzball router
490.String trimmer
492.C programming language
493.Video game console
494.PET scanner
495.Personal watercraft
497.Recombinant DNA
498.Catalytic converter (three-way)
499.Mobile phone

>> No.2342610

Fortunately, it is also in autosage.

>> No.2342612

Scia's here? Why aren't you filtering him already?

>> No.2342613

Thread is officially shit now
thanks fags. fuckthisimouttahere.jpg


>> No.2342615

501.Heimlich maneuver
502.Post-it note
503.Scanning acoustic microscope
504.Quantum well laser
505.Universal Product Code
506.Digital camera
508.Compact fluorescent lamp
509.Hepatitis B virus vaccine
510.Gore Tex
511.Human-powered aircraft
512.Magnetic resonance imaging
513.Chemical oxygen iodine laser
514.Bulletin board system
516.Polar fleece
518.Fetal surgery
519.Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope
520.Space shuttle
522.Graphic User Interface
523.Internet! Internet! Internet! Internet! Internet! Internet! Internet!
524.Blind signature
525.Laser turntable
526.Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
527.Polymerase chain reaction
529.Digital Micromirror Device
531.Luggage (tilt-and-roll)
532.Fused deposition modeling
533.Tool Command Language
534.Ballistic electron emission microscopy
535.Electron beam ion trap
536.Nicotine patch
538.Resin identification code
539.ZIP file format
540.Selective laser sintering
541.Magnetic lock
542.Optical space telescope
543.Sulfur lamp
545.Global Positioning System
546.DNA computing
547.Bose–Einstein condensate
548.Screenless hammer mill
550.Nanoimprint lithography
551.Scroll wheel
553.Flash programming
554.Low plasticity burnishing
555.Bait car
556.Mars rover
567.Digital video recorder
569.Virtual globe
570.Torino scale

>> No.2342617

571.Phase-change incubator
572.Microwave Anisotropy Probe
573.Self-balancing personal transporter
574.Artificial liver
576.Fermionic condensate
577.HPV vaccine
578.Three-dimensional model rendering
579.Shingles vaccine
581.Nanowire battery
582.Bionic contact lens
583.Composite aircraft

>> No.2342625
File: 142 KB, 720x480, 1286043603918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god the europoor tears

they are delicious!

>> No.2342627
File: 18 KB, 416x359, 1293955946491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 583?
How shit.

>> No.2342630

You wasted more time on trolling then the people did getting trolled, I think you trolled yourself

>> No.2342631

those are only the important ones

>> No.2342634


scia just got buttowned

>> No.2342637

That's what small dicked faggots say, "it doesn't matter how big it is only how you use it"


>> No.2342642

important ones my ass

>> No.2342673

got it from here

there the notable ones only

>> No.2342674

I'm >>2342596 and I'm an American, you're just shitposting.

>> No.2342721

So...what's the thinking on how to acquire control and create your government? Move there and change it politically slowly over time? Seize it by force? If so, you and what actual army?

>> No.2342734

I mean really. Is this a joke?

Or are you guys actually serious about this?

shoot yourselves if you actually are serious about this.

>> No.2343203
File: 78 KB, 613x451, segway-anti-terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the most advanced fighting force on earth the /sci/ squad