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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 465x454, atom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2340667 No.2340667 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/ help me out cause I'm confused. We all agree the we, everything is made up of atoms, right? And atoms are like 90% empty space isn't everything 90% ish nothing????!!!!?!?!?!

>> No.2340673

now go away

>> No.2340679

it's more like 99.9999999999999%.

Also when you touch something you don't actually touch atom-to-atom, you just feel the electromagnetic repulsion from the atoms. So right now you're not sitting on your chair you are levitating on it.

>> No.2340680

But that makes no sense D:

>> No.2340687

Universe is not obligated to follow rules which are easy for humans to understand intuitively.

>> No.2340688


>> No.2340693

What is the nothingness between particles? Is it mathematical nothing, or is there actually something there occupying that space?

>> No.2340702

it's a mathematical nothing, but because of quantum mechanics you will never observe the nothing you will always see a particle appearing (because by the act of seeing you are forced to observe that particle). (it's the universe trolling you)

>> No.2340703
File: 24 KB, 502x391, 1270664214909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But that makes no sense D:

You have a few shitty experiences with the universe, they are all the pretty much the same. And then you assume that the rest of the univsere will obey the very limited shit you observed? WHY?

You are like an old guy who used PC for years, but then LINUX blows your fucking mind! LINIUX doesn't make anysense to you. Does it mean that LINIUX doesnt exist? No! It means you need to stop making shitty assumptions, with limited info.

>> No.2340721

That's a bit of bullshit. Maybe it's safer to say that there are particles everywhere in between and there is no "nothing"? I mean how can you say with certainty that in the space you haven't tried to observe there is no particle. That's like saying there's a purple elephant behind your head but it disappears everytime you try to look back. So maybe there are particles, but they are in a state that doesn't allow them to form stable matter?

>> No.2340731

there are people that care about you, stop hurting yourself

>> No.2340733

The empty space is like any other empty space, it is a vaccuum

>> No.2340742

Well actually you could say that every particle takes up the whole universe because their force gets really small but never goes to 0.

>> No.2340747

quantum foams

>> No.2340763
File: 31 KB, 500x322, 1276038315756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a problem understanding the burden of proof

Our solar system has one sun, this is known fact. We have tons of data from all sorts of experimentaion confirming this shit. However, we have not actually physically "looked" (optically) at every region in our solar system.

According to you shitty logic, I should then leave open the possibility that we have another sun?


>> No.2340822

Quantum weirdness. Ain't it a bitch?

>> No.2340912

>>2340679 is right, the force created by the electromagnetism of the matter is what youre sitting on.

Although I'm sad to say I learned this from a Kaku documentary...


>> No.2340916

All the space is filled with fields. And actually the particles are fields.

>> No.2342152

wait...what? explain the 'you never touch anything' thing.

>> No.2342181

No two things with mass ever come into contact. (Except maybe within elementary particles and black holes, but who the fuck knows right now.)

>> No.2342220

<We all agree the we, everything is made up of atoms, right?


>> No.2342332


please go on.

>> No.2342350

Particles are mostly empty space (and by mostly i mean something like 99.99999999% nothing). Atoms generate magnetic fields, which repel one another. When you push your hands together the actual atoms and particles in your hands are not in contact. Without the repulsion from magnetism odds are your hands would go through each other.

>> No.2342401

so it's the electrons on the surface of our skin that prevent our hands going through shit due to electrons on said shit repelling the electrons on our hands?

>> No.2342782

> isn't everything 90% ish nothing????!!!!?!?!?!
Regardless to everything you dipshits say, our universe is made up of atoms. These atoms are made up of quarks. These quarks are possibly (it's technically a theory) made up of small strings and membranes, the strings vibrating at different speeds and can be open and closed, and the membranes being infinitely thin and stretching anywhere from the size of a string, to the size of our universe. The "nothingness" throughout a majority of our universe is composed of these strings and quarks. So there aren't any atoms, just the components of them.

>> No.2342841


>Our solar system has one sun, this is known fact. We have tons of data from all sorts of experimentaion confirming this shit. However, we have not actually physically "looked" (optically) at every region in our solar system.

Well this is super retarded.

The definition of solar system precludes any other stars from being considered.

Then name of the star you call the sub is Sol. The Solar System is the shit spinning around that.

"Our Solar System" implies there are other stars named Sol and shit around it that we have indentified.

Since there is only one star we call Sol, there is 1 Solar System, this one.

Which brings you back to the definition of what the Solar System is.

You are not wrong in saying there are no other stars in the Solar System, your reasoning behind your conclusion is.

>> No.2342846


you fucked him up man

>> No.2342852

spoiler: the space between the atom is the atom

>> No.2342901

So I will never know what an atom feels like, or do the magnetic fields reflect that?

>> No.2342951

The Universe could be summarized as a functionnal of an infinite number of functions, and every functions has an inifinite number of variables (that's called the Hilbert space). So all in all matter is nothing more than something within an infinite space : x / infinite quantity = 0