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File: 80 KB, 488x640, neumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2336311 No.2336311 [Reply] [Original]

Von Neumann's speed of learning new ideas and of solving problems stood out early. At 6, he could divide two 8-digit numbers in his head; by 8 he had mastered calculus; by 12 he was at the graduate level in mathematics. He could memorize pages on sight. Recognized as a mathematical prodigy, at the age of 15 he began to study under Gábor Szegő. On their first meeting, Szegő was so impressed with the boy's mathematical talent that he was brought to tears.

Perelman? LOL
hawking? LOL
Feynman? rofl

Everyone is an ant compared to him.

>> No.2336318

Nikola Tesla here.

go run off little man

>> No.2336324

But can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

>> No.2336329




>> No.2336330

No. He was craaaaaaazy for cocoa puffs.

>> No.2336331


He was quite normal.


>> No.2336328


>> No.2336337



>> No.2336341


He finished a Chem Engineering degree while he did his Math Phd. He never used his Chem degree


>> No.2336349

His driving (in)ability is a part of this legend. He reported one accident this way: "I was proceeding down the road. The trees on the right were passing me in orderly fashion at 60 miles per hour. Suddenly one of them stepped in my path."

>> No.2336364






>> No.2336422
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How come his achievements are shit-teir compared to Feyman's, Hawking's or Pearlman's then?

It sounds like Von Neumann wasted his fucking potential. He could have done so much more. He also spead himself way too thin.

>> No.2336471


>shit tier achievements



>> No.2336481

Did he have kids?

>> No.2336487


von Neumann Equation
Abelian von Neumann algebra
Game theory
von Neumann algebra
von Neumann architecture
Von Neumann bicommutant theorem
Von Neumann cellular automaton
Von Neumann universal constructor
Von Neumann entropy
Von Neumann regular ring
Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory
Von Neumann universe
Von Neumann conjecture
Von Neumann's inequality
Stone–von Neumann theorem
Von Neumann stability analysis
Minimax theorem
Von Neumann extractor
Von Neumann ergodic theorem
Direct integral
Ultrastrong topology

without him we wouldn't have computers for a long time, and we wouldn't understand astrophysics and we wouldn't have the atomic bomb

>> No.2336501

His achievement are still shit Teir In comparison to those others though. Do you realize how many people are exactly like him, and made a bunch of notable contributions to shit? It is awesome, but still not even on the level of someone like feynman though.

He spread himself too thin. If he just focused himself one subject, he could have been better then Einstein.

>> No.2336508

>don't mind me, i'm just another know-nothing sophomore physics major with a boner for the science channel

>> No.2336512

eh..overall, its likely that his achievments are above all of them.

But they are not ants compared to neumann..of course..
I believe OP was just expressing his shock.

and hawkings is famous because of hype.he made important things, but there are other physicists who made far more important contribuitions and are completely unknown.The same way carl sagan was famous because he was a science popularizer(but unlike hawkings, he made no technical contribuition to science)

>> No.2336543
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Very smart people usually come up with a fuckton of shit. However, the value of a scientist is usually measured by quality not quantity. Usually their most influential/profound works.

Von Neuman's most influential/profound works are shit compared to the most influential/profound works of Feynman, Hawking, and Pearlman.

>> No.2336551

> he thinks he's fit to judge that.


>> No.2336564

Hawking is famous for his work on Quantum Gravity/Blackholes.

>> No.2336573

he is trolling, actually.(but his insistence on hawkings shows that there is more than just trolling ¬¬)

>> No.2336601
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>implying i'm not fit to judge?

>> No.2336614

>he made important things, but there are other physicists who made far more important contribuitions and are completely unknown

>> No.2336622
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>> No.2336627


I disagree with that immensely. Upper level physics is for the most part intellectual masturbation. Quantum mechanics, string theory and all that garbage still hasn't had a true impact on our lives. Pretty much everything can be done in the framework of Maxwell's equations and Newtons laws.

But people like Neumann, Telsa, Turing, have applied science directly towards areas that improve human lifes. Von neumann in this case did both. He made contributions toward technology and science.

>> No.2336634

>Quantum mechanics, string theory and all that garbage still hasn't had a true impact on our lives.
where did you get your troll license? never forget rule #1: don't go full retard.

>> No.2336661
File: 31 KB, 446x370, 1274656238594aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy on a computer calls Quantum Mech.....garbage
>Guy on a computer

LMAO. I don't think you know what Quantum Mech is. Actually it has made a great fuckin impact on your life, you are just too ignortant to know it.

Much if not all of modern technology operates at a scale where quantum effects are significant. Examples include the laser, the transistor (and thus the microchip), the electron microscope, and magnetic resonance imaging.

>> No.2336669


Also, soon there may be quantum cryptography. Still in the works though.

>> No.2336694
File: 31 KB, 640x427, lasers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Quantum mechanics,

>that garbage still hasn't had a true impact on our lives.

>everything can be done in the framework of Maxwell's equations and Newtons laws.

See picture.

>string theory

Uncompleted hypothesis is still uncompleted.

>> No.2336711

Von neuman, was the smartest man to ever live

>> No.2336745
File: 8 KB, 211x193, waitaminute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People expressing their man-crushes.

I usually talk about what intelligent people have discovered in the past, but I don´t talk about the people themselves.

Its like you people have no respect for yourselves, obsessing over other people. You are the people who would pay to get someones autograph......

Also, why do you always dismiss the fact that without the creative geniuses of the past, some other creative geniuses would´ve made the same discoveries.

People tend to forget how much science has moved forward since the early 20th century. The polymaths of the past would nowadays have to spend all their time studying just to stay updated in all of their respective fields.

>> No.2336809


>Von neuman, was the smartest man to ever live

if he only dabbled in biology a bit, he could've cured cancer and lived much longer

>> No.2336825


normal people can't achieve what neumann did, he was an expert in too many fields, most people barely become an expert in 1.

it's impossible, unless you have an Alpha-Genius-tier brain.

plus Neumann train from child. Most of us are already behind.

>> No.2336975



>> No.2337005

I don't consider Neumann human. His intelligence is like at 6-sigma above the average

>> No.2337007



>> No.2337858

bump asdf

>> No.2337891

its funny how ppl like vos savant and chris langan are suposed to be smarter than him

>> No.2337957
File: 296 KB, 900x900, 1294371393394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been interested in the possible (at least loose) connection between the brain structure abnormalities found within autistic savants and seeing if they compare with the probably abnormal brain structure of those with prodigious cognitive function.

Also, OP may be exaggerating or flat out lying about Neumann being able to memorize "pages on sight" and divide "8 digit numbers in his head".

Besides, personal accounts (especially when they must draw upon very distant memories) are almost never accurate.

Even the most profound geniuses (one in millions) don't have supposed cognitive capacities to memorize hundreds of variables with such pace...and if they do, they're simple savants.

OP is a fag.

>> No.2337977

lots of the smartest people do display autistic traits, but I just watched a video of Von Neumann and he doesn't seem to have an autistic traits.


>> No.2337988

why the fuck is that nigger behind him holding up his finger?

even back then the jews had already taken control of the media and were trying to push their multicultural bullshit, you know that black kid probably couln't read.

>> No.2337990


What do you mean by "autistic traits"?

I hope you're delineating introversion and
meek/subtle stature and personality from autism?

You must face the fact that intellectuals don't act like niggers.

>> No.2338020

the fact that he has no autistic facial traits, and most importantly, he is an extremely proficient verbal communicator.

most of the geniuses with ASD that i have seen will have a very long pause before answering a question, and will be incapable of filling in the blanks in the persons question and will instead take the question literally.

also, he appears quite socially aware, glancing around the room at the people and smiling nervously at a lame joke. this is the opposite of someone with ASD.

>> No.2338036


But you seemed to be implying that there was a highly disproportionate prevalence of aspergers within the ranges of higher general cognitive function.

>> No.2338040


Perhaps "autistic spectrum disorder" is a more proper term. Sorry for the crudeness.

>> No.2338088

I was. This is well known.

think about it:
terrance tao - brother was/is autistic, and autism is highly heritable
Evan O'Dorney - spelling bee champ, clearly has ASD in video, also got 2nd place in the International Math Olympiad which is hardcore shit.
Bill Gates- has autistic facial traits, and used to display autstic-type poor communication during speeches and interviews.

also check out this kid, he was like the youngest ever to get into IIT, and is clearly has ASD (autism spectrum disorders)

also, one of the major theories for what causes autism is called the "intense world theory" which postulates that autism is a result of the brain being hyper-plastic, meaning it will change very quickly in response to stimulation, cortical circuts will be rewired very quickly.

This makes sense since average autistic people report that environments which lots of stimulation are like extreme stimulation overload, where every sound seems magnified because the brain is hyper-plastic.

>> No.2338116
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1294816663534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget Ted Bundy.

>> No.2338142

my bad. jeffrey dahmer.

>> No.2338243

... nothing seems wrong with that child in the video.

>> No.2338507

ok what is going on here?

who's this numan guy anyway, never heard of him

>> No.2338699

he invented the computer you stupid fuck, and he was a math genius (also invented game theory)