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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 1024x580, aether (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2335679 No.2335679 [Reply] [Original]

Modern science is pathetic, filled with heresy adults who want to parent our children, and poison them with their crude, infectious and dead-end philosophy and ideologies; driving humanity to extinction, with false promises of great innovation that are technically impossible to achieve. Fuck science, it's time for revolution, our life-force is more valuable than gold or energy, and our children deserve a better future.

>> No.2335724
File: 55 KB, 1024x576, aether (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand up for yourself humanity, what good is your life if it is not lived free? Free peoples gave us life, free peoples gave us light, free peoples produced our food. You're never free, why don't you care?

>> No.2335740 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 600x800, FOW FUCKING FASCINATING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2335737

You seem to be confusing science (a method with no human moral reasons) with liberal politicians and corrupt graduates that just live for money.

>> No.2335742

But I like maths...

>> No.2335750
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, aether (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lives are ruled by little cowardly men and women in white coats, teachers who attempt to force a closed one-lane observance that fully supports nothing but their pay-check -- and evil politicians who lie to you daily, injecting venom into your children and yourselves through propaganda. These people are the enemy, and always will be.

>> No.2335758

science =/= politics.
you're on the wrong board.

>> No.2335760
File: 40 KB, 1024x580, aether (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THEY refer to us individually, by the word YOU, when it should be the opposite way around -- WE, should refer to THEM as YOU or... CUNTS.

>> No.2335763
File: 5 KB, 125x98, 1281830411742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor aether impression bro

>> No.2335765

THEY are GOD, not US -- it should be the opposite way around. Who supports US in the modern era? The ones you call TERRORISTS.

>> No.2335778

If you're having pronoun troubles, I feel bad for you son.
I got 99 problems but my grammar aint one.

>> No.2335785

You are educated evil,
and might have to kill
the evil ONE teaching
educators before you
can learn that 4 corner
days actually exist -but
all Cube Truth denied.
Dumb ass educators fear
me and hide from debate.
They are paid to teach a propaganda book - not
Cube Truth - for which
they would be fired. Evil
teachers betray students,
as ONE is a Death Value.
Cube 4x4 voids 1 & God.

>> No.2335787

This is aether, a cocksucking troll and/or schizophrenic.


>> No.2335788


>> No.2335792
File: 36 KB, 1024x576, aether (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have two choices:
1. Continue under their control and drive yourselves into extinction. Making you: THEM
2. Revolt and repent against their system, bringing humanity back into the real world. Making you: US.

>> No.2335797

Who's the character in OP's pics, by the way?

I agree, BTW.

>> No.2335802
File: 20 KB, 600x338, aether (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have POWER

They have JUSTICE

>> No.2335803

This is just too childish.

I'm feeling secondary shame here, damn.

>> No.2335821

academic taught singularity
constitute great evils in the
Cubic World of Opposites -
Opposites hemispheres and
Opposite sexes of humanity.
The Universe is composed
of Opposites - existing only
as Opposites - with a zero
value existence - cancelling
to nothing as a singularity.

I think Cubic, therefore I
rise above the singularity
mentality human and the
false gods they worship -
discovering a Universe of
Opposites their education
will never allow them to
know. Evil of believing
is not measuring and the
result of not measuring -
is never knowing Truth,
ineffable by man or god.

>> No.2335822

Fight the man, yeah!
It's like I'm really IN a mental institution!

>> No.2335855
File: 25 KB, 271x320, 1253172039039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question aether: How many real scientists have you actually met in real life? 1? 2? Maybe you've seen some popular ones on TV? There are a whole lot more good scientists than you make things out to be. Also, its more than just us or them, A lot of good scientists are forced into a position to keep quiet about corruption for fear of defamation or a loss of grant money. If you are against the corrupt assholes, then good for you, just try to make it clearer. Better yet, familiarize yourself with the current system, learn of the people in it: the good and the bad. If you can come up with an effective way to combat corruption, I would be all ears. Simply revolting would just bring everything to a crashing halt.

>> No.2335881

God ----> LORD GOD
Gods ----> LORD GODS

Child ----> Adult
Children ----> Adults

>> No.2335892

We live in a LORD God, the UNIVERSE, and ADULT UNIVERSE that was once GOD, CHILD; AS GOD(S) Children, who become LORD GOD(S), Adults.

I have the science spirit.

>> No.2335894

I hate* the science spirit.
an* Adult UNIVERSE.

>> No.2335895

Creation occurs via opposites.
Singularity is the death math
of religious/academic Godism.
Earth Opposites should split
apart - and cascade molten
lava upon God Worshippers,
for they are the evil on Earth.
If god is your father, your mother is a whore.
Opposite Creation vs evil god entity.
He who speaks, preaches, teaches, condones
or practices SINGULARITY - an evil that
equates DEATH by cancellation of universal
OPPOSITES - hemispheres, sexes, seasons,
races, temperatures, marriages and divided
cell (the human Cubic who rotates a 4 corner
stage family rotating metamorphic lifetime) -
should have their evil lying tongue cut out.
Educators are lying bastards.

>> No.2335898

Aether should be the poster boy for Meth: Not even once.

>> No.2335903

Are you saying that the universe had no beginning?

>> No.2335923

Your 1Day God Makes You Evil.
4 Corner Days Are Absolute, but
ignored by stupid/evil educators.
Until cornered, word is fictitious.
God is product of fictitious word.
4Day Cube Disproves 1Day God
All creation within the universe is composed of
opposite hemispheres and opposite sexes - with
opposite races, opposite seasons, opposite luck,
opposite directions and opposite perspectives -
equating a harmonic rotating zero value existence.
"To know all, is to know nothing".
You must attack the word bastards who preach
and teach evil godism and racism singularity lies,
for any singularity brotherhood is mental slavery
that desecrates family, village and tribal opposites.
Americans are dumbass, educated stupid and evil
singularity fools. I will wager $10,000.00 that
within the Cubic embodiment of Nature, there are
4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of Earth. Acknowledge the math below or go to hell.
4 Day Cube disproves 1 Day God.