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2332546 No.2332546 [Reply] [Original]

Typical /sci/ browsers.

>> No.2332558
File: 1.45 MB, 322x214, This thread in car form.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a choice to be gay, so you have to put up with being bullied.

>> No.2332559

Massive rage at that screenshot.

On a related note, who the fuck actually has the name Skylar? Christ almighty that is homosexual.

>> No.2332561

Considering everyone's super cool internet alter ego is totally "str8" and "hardcore," you won't find much empathy here.

>> No.2332563

Ironic, isn't it?
Fucking dirty homosexuals.

>> No.2332568
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>> No.2332569

How can there be so much aspergers in one discussion?

>> No.2332573

They seem like funamentalist Christians. It's not aspergers, it's a culture.

>> No.2332574

Dammit you beat me to it.

She is a bitch.

Also if BB was set in the UK can you imagine.

>> No.2332575

ITT: people who believe facebook "screenshots" are authentic

>> No.2332582

>Conspiracy theorist

>> No.2332585
File: 225 KB, 761x864, 1293871731399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait i thought it was taboo to be against homosexuals.

Im confused, if someone said that where i live they would be beaten up.

>> No.2332593

>implying it isn't a choice and that it's genetic
Yeah and humans are genetically similar to the planet Mars.

>> No.2332595

Taboo is a strong word. In certain parts of America, being pro-gay or gay is enough to get you beat up and/or killed. In others, no one cares because they know it really isn't that big a deal.
And then you get the "it's a choice" people like the ones in OP's image and then they deserve to be beat up.

>> No.2332597
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She is pretty bad, but this one takes the award for annoying me.

>> No.2332602

Mars has nothing to do with it, we're talking about homosexuality. Prove to me that it's a choice.

>> No.2332605
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Yeah but here everyone has it.

>> No.2332608
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Wow. Here in the UK if you are even slightly anti-homosexual you just get shit stormed.

The except is when you are 10-15 in high school, thats when you can get away with bashing gays and calling your friends gay.

As soon as its past that age its the same as if you were being racist.

>> No.2332610

>they deserve to be beat up.
How is that any more acceptable than inciting violence against any other group? This is hypocritical.

>> No.2332611

Maybe not the planet Mars, but other animals, yes...

>> No.2332612
File: 1.99 MB, 196x235, 1294201892134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the problem here...

I mean, I believe in determinism, but in the category of things believed to be controlled by our psyche I would include homosexuality...

I understand there are genetic preferences involved, as with anything: Not eat poop, Avoid far drops, etc.

But people choose to eat poop and jump of buildings everyday...

So don't come to me with bullshit about how being gay is not a choice.

That said, I'll admit these people didn't go the socially acceptable route of displaying their sentiments.

>> No.2332619

Hank is best, didnt like him for the first few episodes, but it turns out he is pretty awesome.

And hes a fighter for sure.

>> No.2332620

Gay people choose to have sex with men, not women.

See easy, hurr durr.

>> No.2332629

Even if it is a choice (which I'm not saying it is), there's absolutely no rationale behind beating people up for something that has no affect on you.

If you pull the "it's destroying traditional marriage" card, I'll have to assume you're trolling, though.

>> No.2332636

It's a choice. Not to say I don't care if people are gay or not, it's their choice, whatever.

It's still a choice though.

>> No.2332640

Come on now:
Trips up even the most bigoted.

>> No.2332642

Once again I am lead to believe that Europe is better than my homeland.
There have been several teenagers bullied to the point of suicide over here recently. That's what that part of the image was about. It really is a problem. We have the glorious Westborough (sp?) Baptist Church spouting their hate propoganda and no one stopping them (until fucking Arizona of all places said they couldn't protest memorial services or whatever for shooting victims, thank the Sky Wizard) and right wing extremists filling the airwaves with their propaganda and hatred.
Give me evidence that being gay is a choice, not analogies about scat fetishes and cliff diving.

>> No.2332643

I dont see how anyone can be against homosexuals.

Personally i think its unnatural, and i dont think they should adopt children, but fuck, its their choice to have a gay relationship, its not my bussiness and they can do what they like with their sexuality.

>> No.2332646

Who the fuck cares?

Everyone has a shitty life, get over it.

>> No.2332649

Yeah, really added tension to the show sometimes.
Damn, I love that show.

Season 4 - July of this year. My body is ready.

>> No.2332650

Studies have proven that children adopted by gay couples do just as well or better than children adopted by straight couples. Why shouldn't they adopt?

>> No.2332653
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As a matter of fact, homosexuality is in most cases psychological rather than genetic and is determined in very early childhood.
It's still not a choice, of course, but if you happen to be in closet right now and parents are homophobic, you can troll them by saying it's their fault.

>> No.2332655

>I'm okay their lifestyle, but I think that they are abominations and should not be allowed to start families

>> No.2332656

See >>2332640

>> No.2332658

Its a choice to act gay and a choice to act straight like i assume you do.

But yea, people cannot help their natural feeling of attraction, and if a man sees another man and gets a hard on like i would for a sexy woman then its not a choice in that respect.

But its still a choice to go and actually date and fuck men.

>> No.2332665

It's a choice to do that, but it's not a choice to be attracted to them, which is what this ultimately comes down to.
When did you choose to be straight?

>> No.2332666

Oh fucking cry me a river. Not like the rest of the world doesn't have a shitty life or a worse one.

>> No.2332667

Just seems fucked up to me. Especially if the kid was a straight male and he has two gay dads. You cringe imagining your parents fucking, now imagine its 2 men parents lol.


>> No.2332670
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I didn't say there was a rationale.

But as a person who wants to be gay you have to realize people are going to be irrational and therefore accept that to be gay you are going to be treated thusly.


give me evidence it isn't and I'll refute it. Plus, that is evidence. I agree we are born with a genetic preference for everything whether weak or strong in either direction, but as I have shown those preferences can be overcome. How is that not evidence?

>> No.2332672

Exactly, i never exactly chose to be straight, i just went along with the ol' divining rod.

>> No.2332673

Did you choose to be straight?

>> No.2332677

why do people make such a big deal about whether or not 'it's a choice'
even if it is a choice
what makes it such a bad one that harassment/beatings are necessary?

>> No.2332681

Typical /sci/ browsers would have replied with "I don't know. I think we need engineers to keep society functioning. Might as well be proud of them."

>> No.2332684

How the fuck can homosexuality be genetic.

I mean, theres kind of a big fucking loophole in that statement.

If you mean they are born gay then yes, but its not fucking genetic...

>> No.2332686

>when did you choose to be straight
When I saw gay porn as a young man and was disgusted.
And guess what? I'm bisexual now.
/b/ did it to me.

Let me put it this way. EVERYONE IS BY DEFAULT PANSEXUAL. Yep. We just decide what sexuality to act on as our sexuality awakens. We relegate sexual thoughts about the same sex to a taboo most of the time.

Certain formative events can create fetishes and preferences, including homosexuality.

Being gay is not a choice insofar as psychologically you can be influenced without your conscious knowledge, but it's certainly not genetic. (Aside from certain presence of feminine hormones which can predispose one to homosexuality- even so, not all homos are feminine, so this is not a cause of homosexuality!)

However, I can think of a certain gay thread where I said, "you know what, a hole is a hole, and I've always been an ass man. Why rule out men when their asses can be as nice to look at as women?"

And boom, I chose to be gay.

So there you have it, I can tell you when I chose to be straight and when I chose to be gay/bi.

Also: one easy logical refutation (which I don't subscribe to because of my concept of human pansexuality) is that being straight is your default setting, so anything deviating from that is a choice.

When you buy a TV, you don't choose to have it be "off", it came that way. You do choose to turn it on, though

>> No.2332688

You're assuming that straight males are all uncomfortable with homosexuals. The kid would quickly get used to having gay parents and wouldn't think anything of it after a while. In fact, he'd probably think it was the "normal" thing.
Maybe there's more than one lake around and your divining rod only found one of them.
But please answer the question, when did you choose to be straight? If homosexuality is a choice, then so is heterosexuality.

>> No.2332689
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>mfw he can't answer the question.

>> No.2332696
File: 467 KB, 625x587, Indiana Jones Going For The Treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay isn't a choice
>gays cant reproduce but help find right mates for their siblings, which in turn passes on their genes
>gays can marry, and can raise a child. child isn't raised into a certain sexuality. as long as the child has two parents and raised by loving parents, all is good.
>no real reason why gays need to come out. who cares about what gives you a boner.
>your sexuality doesn't define you

You fags will say other wise. You either know shit about biology, science or anything general.

>> No.2332698


I realized I was born with a strong preference for females, and I've always liked it that way. So yes and no. More accurately I would say I have chosen to not be gay.

>> No.2332702

Im not saying homosexuality is a choice buddy.

I just said to ACT homosexual is, as in to practise it.

I know im not gay because gay porn and mens bodies disgusts me and such. Im naturally Straight.

>> No.2332703

Citation needed.

>being straight is your default setting, so anything deviating from that is a choice.

Having two kidnies is the default setting. I didn't choose to have three.

>> No.2332707

Assume for contradiction that homosexuality is genetic. Those with the homosexual genes would find mates of the same gender and sexual preference and instinctively not mate with those of the opposite gender. Both members would die without offspring, rendering the gene wiped out. With homosexuality unarguably noted since at least biblical times, homosexuality must not be genetic.

And don't try and say that they would hide it. Early stages of man would have no reason to hide it.

>> No.2332708

>More accurately I would say I have chosen to not be gay.

At what point did you decide to not be attracted to men?

>> No.2332709

So who's to say gays weren't born with a strong preference for members of their own sex and have always liked it that way? Sexual preference isn't always a choice, by the way. You can make yourself find something attractive; I willed myself to have a redhead fetish at one point.

>> No.2332711

Gayfag here.
You are talking bullshit sorry.
Far back as i can remember i have been attracted to guys, and i find women pretty sickening.
I had a crush on my male friend when i was 4 years old. I have always been gay and i never chose to be.


>> No.2332712

I'm not the typical browser. I think all you assholes are repressed bi-sexual fanatics just waiting to run around with hard hats and singing YMCA.

>> No.2332720


I'm one of the guys who agrees gay is a choice, but homosexuality could still come about merely by absence or a less prominent expression of the genetic code producing heterosexuality. Just saying...

>> No.2332723

Then by your own argument against the post you linked to, you admit that homosexuality isn't always (if ever) a choice.

>> No.2332726
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>> No.2332727



Another note. All you fags saying that you turned gay or bi, you probably were like that to begin with.

You cannot choose to be gay. It doesn't increases your chances of survival, reproduction chances, etc... In fact, it does the opposite.

>gays a choice

>> No.2332729

Yes dude thats a given, you dont really need to explain it, only a retard wouldnt understand how homosexuality cannot be genetic and the genes would have to be passed on which gays do not do.

>> No.2332734
File: 143 KB, 276x274, 1277363097885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you contradict yourself in the same fuckin sentence...


>> No.2332738

Yeah. I mean, it's not like cystic fibrosis is stilll around, despite 97% of sufferers being infertile, and the rest being horribly unsuited to life in the wild.

>> No.2332741

Holy shit, you're right.

>> No.2332743


>> No.2332748

What's the actual beef people have with homosexuality? What's the horrible abomination of it that would (should?) trigger violence towards the "perpetrators"?

Faggotry, as in being obnoxious and overly "IN YOUR FACE!" about the matter, I could get the irritation at, but homosexual behaviour is about as natural as any other human behaviour and has been around throughout pretty much all human history.

>> No.2332755


>> No.2332756


>> No.2332757


>With homosexuality unarguably noted since at least biblical times, homosexuality must not be genetic.

Point 1

Point 2

Fucking siblings, how do they work? You're not the only one who holds your genes. Your parents and your siblings do to.

For example, yes someone who isn't a homosexual cannot reproduce, but you help choose your siblings mates. That passes on your genes in a way.

>> No.2332758


>gayfag here

Made me lol. Thank you, faganon.

>> No.2332761
File: 12 KB, 233x232, 1292078587999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay is a choice and I'm proud to be very queer. I have the coolest life of being able to fuck twice as much as any of you guys. I fuck girls and boys, women and men. I fuck my self too. I will fuck a doll if I can as well.

How can you deny getting all the sex you ever could hope for? Bring it on bro.

>> No.2332763

That doesn't pass on your own genes.

And homosexuality has never made you incapable of having children. It just means you're not attracted to the opposite sex, not that you can't produce sperm/eggs.
>Phality panic
Captcha knows this thread.

>> No.2332767


It may be a load of tosh but if theyre talking about homosexuals then they obviously existed in that time.

>> No.2332772


Ok look, I'm the determinism guy, and I have no fucking problem with homosexuality, but for them to assert that they have no choice is erroneous. And I realize it sounds like I'm contradicting myself, so let me clarify. The category of things people believed to be controlled by the psyche, homosexuality fits in that category and to say otherwise is just 100% factually wrong.

>> No.2332774
File: 116 KB, 311x402, freddie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people focus on gay men and not bi-sexuals who are more common that could be a huge reason that we have gay people still.

Also sex calms a society down. Bonobos fuck all the time, our closest relatives, and so do we.

>> No.2332779


Your genes:

>mix of father
>mix of mother

You sisters genes

>mix of father
>mix of mother

Your brothers genes:

>mix of father
>mix of mother

>That doesn't pass on your own genes.

So I assume you have knowledge in genetics and evolution? A 11th grader could prove you wrong ffs...

>> No.2332782

>The category of things people believed to be controlled by the psyche, homosexuality fits in that category and to say otherwise is just 100% factually wrong.

Citation needed.

No seriously, your argument is "I think they decide it."

>> No.2332786
File: 10 KB, 259x211, Blue Strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay isn't a choice

I have a gay Cousin who hates himself for it. He spent thousands of dollars on therapy trying to "cure" himself but he finally gave up on the idea two years ago.

You don't spend that much time trying to make yourself "Normal" and call it a choice. Its Genetic or a mental trait but either way its not something a person has control over.

Its like asking a straight person to CHOOSE to be sexually attracted to their same sex...its not possible.

>> No.2332787


>> No.2332788

Fuckin this.

>> No.2332794

both you and other people spent a good deal of time trying to make you as normal as possible

>> No.2332795
File: 178 KB, 540x1867, 1294195735031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


then obviously you haven't read all my post. Please go back and do so. When you are finished feel free to ask me any additional questions.

If you are unable to tell due to my anonymity I will gladly list them here:

>> No.2332798

I see what you're saying, but there is a significant difference between being physically unfit for survival and desiring something that makes your genes continuing impossible.

Wait a minute- we're scientists! What the hell are we doing arguing something so completely black and white? I think anyone would agree that, modernly, there are some people who fake being gay for attention, but why aren't we just researching this!? Finding the facts is the only way to start ending these arguments, so I vote that everyone everywhere drops it until we have something new to being to the table! This is like arguing global warming; it's not helping a thing!
See xkcd .com /164/ without spaces.

>> No.2332801

>I believe in determinism
Citation needed for determinism's validity.

>> No.2332806
File: 149 KB, 274x231, Johnny Test Alternate Universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Faggatory is faggatory, true that. Homosexuality as being 'natural'? From an evolution standpoint, no. In our society, as in 'two people loving eachother', yes.

>hurr durr gay is a choice

I wish you people would leave this board and actually take a biology class... ffs, this is a 'science' board, not an 'angsty theology, atheist, religion, whatever' board.

>> No.2332808


probably shortly after middle school

>> No.2332815

Sorry, but as far back as you can remember isn't good enough, there could have been a number of factors that you cannot remember that could have influenced you to dislike women. The being attracted to your friend part is normal- lots of boys experiment with other boys- and this is part of normal sexuality. Most of them bow down to societal pressure and become straight when they sexually mature.
>Citation Needed
>source: My life and brain
No seriously, if you consider homosexuality in animals, there's a few possibilities:
1. They're genetically disposed to be gay.
2. They're confused
3. They're just looking for a release

Now, sexual drives have their evolutionary lineage in reproduction, but as sapient beings we're left with only the urge to stick our dick in things/stick things inside ourselves. Left to their devices, most animals will stick their dick in anything that looks accessible enough when they get the inclination. See: Monkey raping frog. (Happens all the time apparently)
However, culture and society influences what we decide to fuck.
I agree, do an extent, I argue you all start pansexual and it is filtered out over time.

>> No.2332817

>some people...fake being gay for attention

yeah, fake a lifestyle that automatically makes them more likely to commit suicide and be socially ostracized...

if there are people that "fake" being gay, there may be like 3 in the whole world.

>> No.2332821


not really relevant to the argument, but the short version goes like this:

We are organisms made out of organs > tissue > cell > atoms

atoms abide by physical law that happens predicatably without fail, therefore I feel justified in saying that humans and everything in the universe operates predictably without fail.

>> No.2332822

>From an evolution standpoint, no.

Yet there's a veritable assload of different animal species that commit homosexual acts on a regular basis, including our closest simian relatives...

>> No.2332829

over the past few weeks I've seen anti-climate change threads, that asshole "atheismisgay" trolling everyone, and now this "being gay is a choice" bullshit. this board is dead to me

>> No.2332833

i don't see why even if homosexuality was a choice it would make a difference it still is their choice to make and you hardly have any right to criticize let alone threaten them with violence for it.

>> No.2332838


What I meant is there is no advantage of homosexuality for survival, reproduction, passing on generations, etc.

You're saying monkeys have homosexuality tendencies all the time. So?...

What's your point hair picker?

>> No.2332847

I'm saying that despite linear views of evolution, homosexual behaviourism's quite simply isn't that outright harmful as to require it to be "evolved out" of the various animals who display this behaviour.

In fact, in the case of our close animal relatives, the raw social benefits of the entire pack being able to express physical intimacy seems to outweigh the whole "If no exemptions are made, no babies will be born"-bit.

Seconding this. What's the deal?

>> No.2332853

I don't mind gays, but I don't see why they're so eager to get to have gay marriage rights. Marriage is, conservativebashers gonna bash, a sacred institution that's meant to be between a man and a woman so that they might have kids and be raise a family. Sorry, but I see no reason why gays should be entitled to marriage.

>> No.2332860

Gotta second this, if in regards to church marriages and whatnot.

Seriously, the various abrahamic religions are rather explicitly gaybashing, so why the fuck the desire to go through their special little rituals?

>> No.2332870


Betafag detected.

All marriage is for today is for financial reasons.

Chances are you'll get into a shitty marriage, divorce and have to pay your bitch of a wife all you make.

After that, tell me it's a 'sacred institution'.

>> No.2332878


Marriage is a legal thing. It's not sacred.

>> No.2332879

gays have been proven to be mentally ill, physically diseased, highly suicidal, neurologically abnormal, and the list goes on.

people dont need to adjust civilization just to make a few deviants feel better. this is like what we do for niggers: derppp tax the shit out of everyone because jamal is retarded under the premise that everyone is equal

>> No.2332883

bah , all you faggots are talking shit , i just dont give a damn fuck about what gives you a boner , as long as you dont fucking interrupt my studies then im fine

>> No.2332886

>survival, reproduction, passing on generations

tell me more about 2011 sexuality

>> No.2332890

I agree to an extent. I don't think they should be getting any additional benefits, however we should at least support them until they are at least treated for what they are - guys who like to slam other guys holes, and not a threatening army of super villains trying to destroy our youth. I fail to see how beatings and what not should come into this.

>> No.2332893 [DELETED] 


All of those things are caused by the excluding them from society.

3/10, I responded

>> No.2332897

Remember that episode of South Park where they suggested allowing them to get married, but calling it something else?

Why don't they just do that? I mean, technically it isn't marriage so God (lol) wouldn't be pissed so the Christfags will shut up, but the gays get the exact thing they wanted albeit it under a different name.

>> No.2332906

assault is already against the law, you dont need special benefits for fags.

>> No.2332914


We want to marry with the name marriage as a symbolic thing.

>> No.2332930

So the desire for some flimsy imagery and symbology is what hinders some gays from actually being joined as a couple through the likes of civil unions and whatnot?

Lame. Also, see>>2332860

>> No.2332943

Well that's gay. That's now what marriage means. Marriage specifically refers to a relationship between a husband and wife. If one of you wants to get a sex change, go for it.

>> No.2332945


>Implying no homosexual, throughout the ENTIRE course of human history, has ever tried hiding it by marrying a straight man/woman and having children with them.

>> No.2332962

Is it not a choice to be gay?

Because otherwise it would be a disease.

>> No.2332963

>we want to co-opt language and symbolism used as the norm so that we can be part of the norm. we dont actually want equality, we want to force people to like us

fix'd your statement for you so that people unfamiliar with propaganda can understand it

>> No.2332970
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>Don't need special benefits.
>The same rights as anyone else are considered special benefits.

Nigga you just went full retard.

>> No.2332972


Civil unions would be nice, but as long as they have a different name they will be treated as a lesser type of marriage by the homophobic and other lesser intelligences.

And marriage is not a religious ceremony. It is a legal contract of sorts that grants certain rights to the married. The ceremony itself can be carried out in any manner, religious or non-religious or not at all.

>> No.2332988

Not to mention that even in the case of early civilizations who didn't lift their brow at homosexual acts, nothing says the family or the leader of the community wouldn't have the gay individual in question impregnate a woman for the season.

And I doubt there's someone so gay (not to mention selfish) that he couldn't "sacrifice" himself for the good of others by fathering a child.

>> No.2333003


Civil unions would grant us equal rights. Civil unions with the name marriage would help get rid of the social stigma associated with gays. Bigots are a very simple people. As long as something is different they will hate it.

>> No.2333030

>Taboo is a strong word. In certain parts of America, being pro-gay or gay is enough to get you beat up and/or killed. In others, no one cares because they know it really isn't that big a deal.
Hear about those apollo missions? they're going to try and land on the fucking moon!

>> No.2333037
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>"sacrifice" himself for the good of others by fathering a child.

"Men are for loving. Women are for childbearing."

>> No.2333103
File: 124 KB, 402x313, 1283474709658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for homo justice

>> No.2333174
