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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2331454 No.2331454 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw UPS driver out earns doctors


>> No.2331525

Sort of want. That'd be a pretty laid back job.

>> No.2331530

I dunno man, it takes a lot of effort to beat up parcels over 6 hours a day.

>> No.2331539
File: 39 KB, 723x489, stay classy space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerospace Engineering
>Second highest payed job
>Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department, says Wherner Von Braun.

>> No.2331541


There's no way it's $60k starting to be UPS driver. Maybe someone's whose been at it for a while, and is a career driver, but this skews the data.

>> No.2331543

I decided to go to university for aerospace engineering before I even has an inkling that it pays incredibly well.

>> No.2331551


>> No.2331559
File: 7 KB, 201x251, 1266976092931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck yeah Aerospace bros.

Now I just have to get the fuck out of this country and somehow get accepted in an American uni lololololol.

>> No.2331568
File: 41 KB, 386x387, 1258617937291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not touching America with a ten foot pole. Off to Canada I go. Vancouver here I come.
What country are you from anyway? Ausfag here.

>> No.2331582

Yah I tried to explain this in a thread the other day.

If you really want to know what people make talk to a tax accountant. They tend to know what everyone is making and don't mind telling you the truth about it. Doctors carry a lot of debt, most lawyers make about 75K, not much more than union factory workers, they just work less and have better hours. Then there's the taxes, once you hit the 50% tax bracket you don't take home shit.
When you combine that with the stress levels, driving a deliver truck, banging the odd horny housewife and "lost items" the only thing that sucks is the fucking uniform.

>> No.2331583


But America has SpaceX and NASA and all the cool corporations that actually do shit. Canada just... Put an arm in space for the whole world to build a space station around it. And they have been meaning to send a heliogyro to Mars for like two decades, lol u mad?

I'm from [CENSORED] as I always say, and goddamn we know you're Australian, I even told you about the Australian Mars Mission.

>> No.2331604

America won't do much in terms of space exploration. I'm not going to uni for astrophysics and aerospace engineering for a job, just to learn.
>I'm from [CENSORED] as I always say

>> No.2331619


fuckin Australia is Mars dude. it's the same shit without the snakes and spiders and shit. it stands to reason if life did evolve on Mars it would be like kangaroos and koalas and shit.I wouldn't be surprised if a dingo ate that rover that went missing.

>> No.2331626
File: 38 KB, 100x100, 1457485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time ago I (correctly) guessed that Inurdaes might be an aussie. He has confirmed that now.

But you, CCM, you elude me. You're here always. You're messing up my tracking. I can't use day/night patterns to approximate your location.

I'm not stalking you guys, but once you spend long enough time somewhere, you'll start to notice the post timing patterns.

I hope I didn't freak you out. It's good to be anon. :-)

>> No.2331638

It really is a thankless job, but that works out for the medical profession. Only the most dedicated embark upon that lifestyle.

>> No.2331636

I just recorded your ip and post and sent it to the police of the U.S, Canada, and everywhere in Europe.

>> No.2331641

Come at me, mate.

Space Australia!

>> No.2331643
File: 168 KB, 1149x2014, HowIDrinkMyWater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have suspicions he is South African.

>> No.2331650
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1293912937518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You dun goof'd.

>> No.2331664

But seriously, what nationality are you?

>> No.2331684

ITT: no discussion about the topic

>> No.2331686

It's a living.

>> No.2331687
File: 9 KB, 353x416, 1293044120579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I will tell
>implying I'm not a paranoid fuck due to my mother being another paranoid fuck
>implying I don't have mommy issues

>> No.2331693

Okay coloniall cofe GAYmug

>> No.2331695

I incredibly doubt that even 4chan can glean your dox from a simple country.

>> No.2331712

Oh... fuck...

It's impossible. I think I know where and who he is, but my mind is refusing to accept it. It's just not possible. All the signs... they point towards... oh goddamn! No. It can't be. No no no. The mere thought is so fucked-up that I can't accept it. Oh god. I can't unthink it. The connection is so strong.

>> No.2331714


>> No.2331735

People shouldn't be doctors unless they're not in it for the pay. Pay is irrelevant if you care about people. Cliché I know, but true.

>> No.2331750

OK. The initial shock is over, so I'm trying to think objectively here. This is /sci/, ie. the smart board, I need to avoid jumping into unsubstantiated conclusions. I need to think this thru. The theory is just too insane. There is an alternative theory too, or maybe it's a third, I'm not sure.