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2329600 No.2329600 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question. Back a few years in high school, my physics teacher said that for circular dynamics, the momentum was opposite the centripetal acceleration, and that's why water doesn't fall out of a bucket when you swing it over your head. Maybe he didn't actually say it, and I just misunderstood him. Anyways, I was under that impression in highschool.

But if momentum is m*v, and v is tangential to the acceleration, momentum should be tangential to the acceleration as well, right?

Can you help clarify? Thanks

>> No.2329632
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>momentum is m*v

Just cause you learn a simple defintion of linear mometum for very simple systems, doesn't mean it applies to all physics dumbass.

Angular momentum has a differnt formula.

>> No.2329708

No, centripetal force is not opposite to momentum, but tangent, like you said.

>> No.2329719

haha alright. I brought my high school understanding up the other day as an explanation in circular dynamics, and someone said I was wrong and brought up the m*v argument. Gracias senor amable

>> No.2329724

>implying momentum alone doesn't refer to linear momentum
>implying angular momentum is parallel to to centripetal acceleration

It's back to grade school for you, retard.

>> No.2329732

However, the important thing is is that the centripetal force points in the opposite direction to the bottom of the pale. Also, ignore >>2329632 troll

>> No.2329751 [DELETED] 


Don't be an ass, especially when the difference between angular momentum and linear momentum is just that you use angular velocity and moment of inertia instead of mass and linear velocity. OP was just asking a question.

>> No.2329746
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>thinks "momentum" implies "linear momentum"

>Never took hamiltonian dynamics

Read a book bro

>> No.2329758
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How is >>2329632
a troll? He answers the question, and provides source? WTF?

>> No.2329784

>implying I don't know hamiltonian dynamics
>implying it has anything to do with such a simple problem
>implying you aren't disregarding the fact that you are still dead wrong on angular momentum

>> No.2329794
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Read up buddy

>> No.2329797
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>> No.2329800

Look, you fucking retard, angular momentum is NOT parallel or opposite to centripetal acceleration. It's perpendicular to it.

Fuck, 10/10. You are so fucking rearded just the fact you live and breathe is pissing me off.

>> No.2329840
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>Implying I ever said angular momentum is parallel or opposite to centripetal acceleration

ReRead the posts faggot. I never said that shit. All I did was correct OP on his defintion of angular momentum.


>> No.2329877

Then your fucking post has nothing to do with the matter at hand. You are even more fucking retarded than I tought you were, and that's saying something. You just wanted to show of your knowledge, or actually lack thereof, to feel good about yourself.

People like you make me sick, I really hope you die a fucking painful death after your entire family has been butchered right in front of you.

>> No.2329887
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Looks like someone has his panties in a bunch.
You should take a nap little guy.

>> No.2329896
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Having a bad day huh?
Trouble at home?

>> No.2329934

Obvious troll is obvious. He wasn't talking about angular momentum. He was talking about linear momentum.