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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2326863 No.2326863 [Reply] [Original]

So, /sci/, what's your IQ?

Pic related

Last paragraph:
>obtained a total standard score of 148, which is above the 99th percentile, more than 3 standard deviations above the mean, and solidly within the far superior range for a child of his age.

Suck it, fags.

>> No.2326871

And you're on 4chan.

Great going there, retard.

>> No.2326876

Nobody cares, Haan.

>> No.2326882

delicious butthurt

>> No.2326916

What, is /sci/ scared because for the first time someone offered results from a REAL IQ test?

>> No.2326919
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>> No.2326921

no, we're not replying because you're trolling.
see this post:

>> No.2326927

Umm, good for you?
That shit is pretty fucking ancient though. Maybe come back with some more recent results. Like, ones from after you learned how to wipe your ass properly.
Also, I would have framed that shit. Why'd you let it get all ratty?

>> No.2326933

Yes, we're proud of you Anon.
How about you retake the test since it's been about 12 years.
I'm sure the actual knowledge you had about 12 years ago isn't the same. Meaning you could do better/worse.

>> No.2326935

I can't math though.

>> No.2326937
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Oh, such a humble genius.

>> No.2326940

What the fuck OP are you a fucking superhuman?
"Department of Defense" "Psychological Evaluation"
Holy shit OP was created in a fucking DOD lab and bred to have superior intellect.

>> No.2326941

After all these threads about IQ tests you'd think that people on this board would understand the concept of IQ by now.

>> No.2326944

For what it's worth, I scored in the 95 percentile on the ASVAB, which automatically qualified me to be a nuclear technician if I wanted to.

>> No.2326946

poor attempt to force me to samefag. I am now tripfagging.

>> No.2326947
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>he left his namefag on.

>> No.2326952

It looks like you fucking sleep with that paper and cuddle with it. You need to reflect upon the implications of your behaviors. You are traveling down an ugly road. 170 IQ here btw.

>> No.2326955

So which one of you did it?


>> No.2326953

>also, despite being really smart for a 9 year old, doesn't know how to delete posts.

>> No.2326951

Haha yeah I was just trolling, I have no idea what that test was about rly XD

>> No.2326949

>actually samefagged, but now pretends that he didn't to save his face

>> No.2326959

You did it.
captcha "says Hawled" proves it

>> No.2326960

'Twas not I, good sir, thought I will definitively use this troll methodology in the future.

>> No.2326961

I started tripfagging 10 minutes ago. Get with it.

Nah. My mom was going through old shit and just pulled it out and called me over. And I thought "oh /sci/ would love this."

>> No.2326964

I smuggle cocks inside my anus.

>> No.2326967

So anyway, ask a super genius who was "created in a fucking DOD lab and bred to have superior intellect" anything.

>> No.2326969

>I started tripfagging 10 minutes ago
>I am now tripfagging.
I may not have been in the 99th percentile, but I damn sure knew how to count when I was 9.

>> No.2326970


This is me, /sci/, ffs

>> No.2326974

This man is an imposter.
This is the real me: ask a genius anything.

>> No.2326975

Why don't you take the adult test?
There isn't just one IQ test for every single person. There are different tests and different tests produce different results. Why not take it again, now that you've graduated high school?

>> No.2326976


>This whole thread is one giant samefag

>> No.2326980

Nobody's believing it any more.
You can troll OP without pretending to be him.

>> No.2326987

I can respect that.
What are you majoring in?

>> No.2326982

What purpose would it serve? I'd rather have my accomplishments speak for me than a piece of paper. But for the purpose of trolling /sci/, this one does well.

>> No.2326990

I'm going to use a trip now, too, just to make sure...

>> No.2326991

Physics, I have one more semester left. Then hopefully I'll find work, or I'll end up going back to school for a masters.

>> No.2326993

Probably most or at least 1/3 of /sci/ has an IQ over 148. If you want to feel special with only a 148, I would suggest /new/ or /b/.

>> No.2326995
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>mfw it only talks about verbal cognition.

Enjoy studying literature and making no contributions to society.

>> No.2326998

>majoring in physics
I probably could have guessed that, huh?
Any idea where you're going to work, or are you playing it by ear?
What non-research jobs are there for physicists?

>> No.2326999

>I'd rather have my accomplishments speak for me than a piece of paper.
And yet you tape to your wall the results of a test you took when you were 9. Pretty pathetic.

>> No.2327001


What you talking about?
You cannot comprehend or whatever it's called XDDD MY SKILLS ARE BEYOND RECOGNITION! XDDDDD

>> No.2327009

There isn't much hope in the way of research, other than menial jobs or internships, but the nuclear industry is supposedly hiring, and they like physics majors, although in truth they'll take any science major.

Plus I have an NRC scholarship which was given under the condition that I would work for 6 months in the nuclear industry upon graduation, so I'll probably have to do that eventually anyway.

>> No.2327011

That's ridiculous.
I imagine /sci/ and quite a few other parts of 4chan would be well above average, but anywhere near the 99th percentile (on a real IQ test, not a kid's one) would be ridiculous. Especially considering IQ does a poor job of measuring some things.

>> No.2327013
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>> No.2327022

pretty sure that's his keyboard in the background.

If you go into the military for the nuclear field you actually have a good change of being my commanding officer, considering they offered me a job as a technician, and it looks like my best bet for a future.

>> No.2327023
File: 106 KB, 489x400, 1293495531215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid was smart in '99.....LMAO. That was 12 years ago! What has he done since then?

Me thinks you are a faggot who used to be smart as a kid, and thought he was hot shit, but did nothing with his life. Now you boast about how smart you used to be, to make yourself feel better. You probably wasted all your fucking potential and never even went to college. LMAO

>> No.2327025

Just for being on the internet the mean is probably around 110 or 115. The average IQ of college students is 120. The average IQ of college students with majors in the pure sciences is probably already close to 140, and that's what most of /sci/ is.

>> No.2327029

Actually, that's a good point, provided you can cite a source for that.

>> No.2327031

There's a piece of tape on the corner. The little faggot tapes this thing on his wall!

>> No.2327041

I strongly considered being a NAVY nuke for a while, but a lot of people said it was shitty work for shitty pay and not worth it. Sure I can see the advantages of coming out of it after 4 years, and I love military life, but the whole cramped submarine thing and the complaints that the whole system is poorly organized scared me off.

Nah. As I mentioned earlier, I have one more semester of college before I graduate with a BS in physics.

Also, those people who claim to be smart but don't apply themselves never had any potential. A smart person doesn't let his skills go to waste and then regret it later.

>> No.2327044

I fucking framed my orange belt certification. And that's basically just showing I was able to keep my pants on in class so I could kick, punch, and grab a guy.

I probably would have framed my ASVAB score if I HAD EVER GOTTEN THE FREAKING PAPER.

Nothing wrong with being proud of accomplishments.
Though using them to troll /sci/ is a BIT juvenile.

>> No.2327057
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>> No.2327059

>shitty work for shitty pay
Recruiter quoted me a $105,000 re-enlist bonus after I completed 4 years of training and 2 years of service after.
And that's in addition to the paid training + room and board + Paid College afterwords (which is why I am going)

>> No.2327064

>Though using them to troll /sci/ is a BIT juvenile.
You're only as old as you feel!

>> No.2327079

For NAVY nuke?

>> No.2327109

>>recruiter quoted
Not to say it won't be a good re-sign, but don't believe recruiters.

>> No.2327114

Yep, navy. I don't think any other branch has it.

>but don't believe recruiters.
Yeah, I know. I'm going to confirm everything with a third party before signing anything.

>> No.2327119

Yeah, somewhere in all of the fancy presentations and sweet talk I missed a 100k re-enlist bonus. However I don't know if that would have changed much for me. I got the impression that many people doing it were extremely frustrated.

I also considered for some time teaching at power school.

>> No.2327123


Woopty fucking doo. Because I'm anonymous, I have an IQ of 300.

>> No.2327131
File: 31 KB, 500x322, 1276038315756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going into the military? WTF? Are you fuckin retarded? Retake the test, I bet you do much fuckin worse.

Wise up dude!

>> No.2327134

The almostphysicist clones shall blot out the sun!

>> No.2327141

When I was in third grade I tested for the gifted crap and scored perfect on their tests (it wasn't specifically an IQ test, almost like child SAT). I'm sure that puts me easily in top 1% but who gives a flying fuck?

Present day working on PhD, that means more than if I had a piece of paper based on an hour long test saying I'm better than everyone.

>> No.2327148

Are there any accurate online IQ tests out there that I can take for free?

>> No.2327161

I got a 181 on an online test once.
I wouldn't trust them

>> No.2327169

Nah its not cannon fodder. I would be running the nuclear reactor on a submarine as an officer, and more than anything I was going to do it for job security. In the event that I couldn't get hired out of school, the navy would always take me, and after 4 years of hands on experience I'd have a near sure shot of work at a civilian plant or something similar. But things have been looking up since then (landed an internship, have some experience now) so I expect I'll hopefully be able to find work.