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2321124 No.2321124 [Reply] [Original]

>my face when vitamin b17 and canabis oil cures cancer but no study was ever realized to confirm this because FDA mafia dont want people curing themselves with free alternatives
>my face when cancer is the trump card in the secret government population control agenda
>my face when i had a tumor in blader and it vanished after 3 months of eating apples seeds and apricot seeds every morning, and munching some canabis leaves and seeds
>my face when i now have my own plantation of canabis in my room, and smoke for free (you can remove small samples of leaves, dry them and prepare them, the matrix plant will recover itself in few days if you water and care it well

you mad, medics/science fags? mad cuz your fake sense of enlightenment and ego dont allow you to accept something so simple and widely available to everyone is better than your methods?
<b>enjoy knowing god created the universe</b>

>> No.2321134

>cure cancer
>implying cancer can be cured
Cancer can be treated, and may disappear with plenty of treatment, but you can't take a fucking shot and make it go away.

Also, potheads are just looking for excuses to smoke weed, be lazy, and act hardcore and edgy because their mommies want them to get jobs.
Fucking worthless, ungrateful faggots.

>> No.2321140

No, just because you saw a few articles on the front page of Reddit relating a mid to weak correlative link with cannabis doesn't mean it'll CURE cancer.

>> No.2321146

>my face when cancer is the trump card in the secret government population control agenda

stop looking for arguments for being a lazy useless pothead.

>> No.2321143
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u mad? very typical of scientists when they get mad, they insult others

some studies show vitamin b17 completely destroeyd colonies of cancerous cells. i will not give source. google it. and canabis is the sacred planet. google the nutritional information in 1 ounce of canabis.

<p style="font-weight:700;">enjoy getting more mad</p>

>> No.2321150
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i cured myself. u mad? i just want other people to know. better eating apple seeds than paying for a cocktial of drugs with less than <5% successful results

>> No.2321151

>some studies show
>not study was ever realized to confirm this

Make up your fucking mind, either a study was done or it wasn't.

>> No.2321153
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>I will not give a source
This pretty much sums up all your bullshit.
Sorry, no article in a reliable medical journal, then I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.2321154
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>no argument, so lie and insult

google it, you upset?

>> No.2321160

you stated outright that no study has been done in your first post
then later you now say a study has been done that shows this
It's not me who is lying. At least one of your posts is lying.

>> No.2321162
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>insists on us googling it
>mfw my google results turned up sites dedicated to pot spewing bullshit

Also, 5/10 because you got me mad.

>> No.2321164
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>reliable medical source
keep thinking that they are not fed with monies from external interests and are pressured to admit some things and others not. no truth in there, only monies

>> No.2321170
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no study was done by the "official" medical community. it is an independent study

deal with it

>> No.2321175

Oh, and of course your pothead forums are the ACTUAL reliable source.
Go fucking die. I know you're a troll, but in all honesty, I hope that someone breaks into your house and fucking murders you. Not right off the bat, that would be no fun. First he would start by killing your pets, and beating the shit out of any of your siblings. He would damage your property and light your car on fire. He would leave messages at your place of work (if you even work you fucking stoner) saying how he's going to beat the shit out of you and kill you, and one day when you get back to your house he'll be sitting in your living room smacking the shit out of your mother's brains with a sledgehammer. Then he'll turn towards you and light you the fuck on fire.
This man will be me.

>> No.2321182
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>warning: very high levels of pain in the butt

im cured from cancer. you mad? you seem mad

>> No.2321183

Was said study published?

>> No.2321191
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>> No.2321190

No, because I don't sit on my fat ass all day and therefore never got cancer you dickwad.

>> No.2321195

No, you give me the name of the journal the study was in.

>> No.2321198

>> worldwide scientific conspiracy that all governments are in on, and all scientists are in on, with absolutely no leaks and no one knows the truth besides a ahandful of hippys

Cool story, bro.

>> No.2321199

>Google something that we don't know the name too
God damnit you just keep fucking up, don't you? I know you are a god damned troll, but just because of these statements, I'm going to make your life an even bigger living hell. Maybe I'll fucking murder your friends too, just so you are alone when you die.

>> No.2321205
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>they mad cause no more monies from chemo
in the future no more medics or FDA drugs for me. canabis+natural medicine+accunpuncture is all i need

>> No.2321209

Chemo actively costs me money. I pay taxes so other people can have it. Name of the journal or stop being such a shitty troll

>> No.2321213

i know its a troll thread, but watch "rick simpson story" on youtube, its worth the time.

>> No.2321214

>>in the future no more medics or FDA drugs for me. canabis+natural medicine+accunpuncture is all i need

ANd here we have a prime example of what i like to call 'the retard effect' - In its most basic form, the retard effect will save humanity by casuing all the retards to kill themselves off, all we need to do is not intervine in this intricate natural phenomenon, and humanity will come out stronger.

>> No.2321230
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>studies show that cancerous people that dont take chemo, radiation or surgery live longer than the ones treated with that shit
>accunpuncture is a milenar method of medicine, implying it would endure that long if it didnt have good results
>cannabis is one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals in the nature, has plenty of good protein, it is denominated the sacred plant by ancient tribes of indigenous people, and was vilified by you know who because they dont want people to have a miraculous plant at their disposal
>overall, insults with no arguments

you seem upset, why is that tho?

>> No.2321241

>>studies show that cancerous people that dont take chemo, radiation or surgery live longer than the ones treated with that shit
Which studies? Cite sources.

>> No.2321247
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google it

captcha: lazy obesity

>> No.2321255

The only source I found was cancerbreast.com. Do you have any actual scientific sources or not? If not, "studies" have not shown anything.

>> No.2321271
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just one of many:


Mylotarg Killed More Patients Than No Treatment at All

Unfortunately, in the case of Mylotarg to treat leukemia the drug was not only ineffective, but those taking the drug were more likely to die within the first couple months of treatment compared to those who didn’t take the drug.

>> No.2321272

Congratulations, you now realized how fucked up the world is.

There's a cure to cancer and many other diseases/disorders. But why cure and make less money when you can treat and make tons more?

We're doomed as a species. Face it.

BTW, fellow medicinal grower here, 2 weeks before harvest I recommend you dilute 1 table spoon of molasses per quart of water and give them a good watering with that. The sugar really makes the flowers swell up in the last week or so.

>> No.2321287

This post is a a perfect example of this thread. Oh damn.

>> No.2321289
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>Dr. Hardin Jones published these statistics in his article tin
Transactions, New York Academy of Science, series 2, v. 18, n.3,

>" My studies have proved conclusively that cancer patients who refuse
chemotherapy and radiation actually live up to FOUR TIMES LONGER

>> No.2321296
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this is only one, there is more studies. they dont get much attention, you know

>> No.2321303

Thanks for the spam site, pal.

>> No.2321307

>My studies have proved conclusively
That doesn't send up any red flags at all! Seems legit, guys!

>> No.2321311
File: 13 KB, 300x289, 1284751405471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has no argument to defend his statements that op is wrong and cancer isnt curable
>decide to classify the site "spam"

>> No.2321325

>mfw people respond to a troll thread
>1/10 thats all I can give ya

>> No.2321328
File: 7 KB, 311x200, 1250382180583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know how statistics and experimental results conclusions works
keep thinking that every conclusion science makes is based on 100% coverage and not just small samples

captcha: tears cancer

>> No.2321329

Not even the same guy, but what do you call this? I can't even read the article with the thing in the way and there's no option to close it. How about some primary, peer reviewed studies?

>> No.2321337
File: 432 KB, 1244x630, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic
Right, because one scientist's studies CONCLUSIVELY DISPROVE entire bodies of study that came before them and are occurring concurrently. That's exactly how statistics work.

>> No.2321349
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>entire bodies of study
>implying those bodies of study would be funded to prove the inneficiency of a treatment that generates billions

they are paid to show cases where chemo or radiation have positive results. did you know an australian scientists showed an impressive amount of data indicating that chemo has actually 2-3% positive results?

>> No.2321355

If that's the attitude you have, no statistics are trustworthy because they're all funded by someone.

>> No.2321369

i know but i would rather potheads suffer because i hate them. they are the only people who make me vote against something out of spite. HURRRRR I AM SO HIGH, IT IS SO FUNNY THAT IM ACTING LIKE A COMPLETE RETARD.LETS MAKE A WHOLE FAGGY SUBCULTURE TO SHOW HOW COOL WE ARE.

>> No.2321378
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sorry but you cant trust funded studies, unless the overall independent studies are corroborating it

in the case of cancer, some independent studies differ from funded ones.

>> No.2321379


Nice trolling, but in all seriousness and to challenge this argument...

What about you faggots from 4chan with your gay fucking memes that most normal people have no idea exist and showing up en masse wearing stupid fucking Guy Fawkes masks.

Just as gay and annoying as the stoner subculture. Faggot.

Smoke weed erryday, just don't become a fucking hipster.

>> No.2321384

What studies aren't funded? Where does the money for them come from? Do you know anything about research at all?

>> No.2321391
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>mfw you all have no idea what you are talking about, especially in terms of research

>> No.2321394

And you're saying the bulk of these studies show that radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery do more harm than good?

>> No.2321399
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you are uneducated and ignorant. in the case of funded research, they are funded to achieve some objective. in the case of independent studies, the money income is indirect, meaning it comes from sources that arent aware of the study. an example would be an university group of scientists whose money for research is the money they receive every year to administrate all their activities and department

>> No.2321400

Enlighten us, then

>> No.2321407
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>> No.2321412


>> No.2321417

Cancer doesn't need to be cured when it can be prevented. Itt is wholly a modern phenomenon, caused most likely by the three main factors of excess radiation, chemical load, and bad diet; and bad diet is the primary cause. See Stanislaw Tanchou's 1843 study and the resulting data and the recent study of Egyptian Mummies with their 0% cancer rte.

>> No.2321428

>implying i'm one of those faggots. someone's butt is hurt. i'm one here because i'm bored.

>> No.2321430

...I think you're misremembering the study.
The rates were lower, but whether that's due to environment or shorter lifespan or something else isn't clear.

>> No.2321438

Studies show that OP is a retard.

google it.

>> No.2321448

I did and they do.

>> No.2321458
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>my face when im still cured from cancer

>> No.2321481

>Scientists found no signs of cancer in their extensive study of mummies apart from one isolated case

>Dismissing the argument that the ancient Egyptians didn't live long enough to develop cancer, the researchers pointed out that other age-related disease such as hardening of the arteries and brittle bones did occur.

>> No.2321593


They did'nt dismiss anything.

What you're dismissing now (or don't even know) is that those statistics which show the average life expectancy of people in different parts of the world, and in different times, also include infants who die before their 1st birthday and children who die before the age of 10. In early 20th century and before that, the numbers of those were HIGH.

In reality, those children who survived past the age of ten could well expect to live up to a 60 years old, or more, if factors such as death by war/violence or wild animals were outruled. In case of more advanced civilizations such as ancient egypt at their heigth of it's power and rome, the risk of death by homicide/wild animal attack with middle class of the city would've been low, and many of those people certainly reached an age, when could've developed cancer.