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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2317372 No.2317372 [Reply] [Original]

Dead animals. Everywhere. Explain this shit /sci/

>> No.2317379

IRL trailer for 2012.

>> No.2317386

Well, the world is huge. Really huge. A few mass die-offs, no matter how newsworthy, is more likely to be a statistical blip than "Dead animals. Everywhere."

>> No.2317391

Been happening for ages and ages, this is documented, you only heard about it just now because the media is paying attention.

Don't start with the magnetic field flipover pseudoscience myths -- The magnetosphere has been within acceptable bounds.

>> No.2317409

It's obviously paranormal, though the pseudo-/sci/entists of this board will never admit to anything that conflicts with their rigid, dogmatic world view.

>> No.2317415
File: 2.42 MB, 300x300, geamagnetic shift.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont take mt word for it but in my opinion it has something to do with the magnetic poles

>> No.2317416

It's a sign of God's anger with all you sinners.

>> No.2317421

>magnetic poles
>dead animals

>> No.2317425

We've been trying to teach you faggots about natural culling for decades and it's not until something inaccurate and barely related gets shit out of the media that you even ask?

Fuck you.

>> No.2317427

This is in the New York times now. They wouldn't report it if it was normal.


>> No.2317435

>Implying birds and fish don't use magnetic lines to (n)avigate

>> No.2317438

Earthquakes are normal but they sure like to report those

>> No.2317442

>This is in the New York times now. They wouldn't report it if it was normal.
hahaha oh wait... you're serious?

>> No.2317440

my theory is that these animals are smelling the collective farts of humanity that have been stored in pockets of air in various locations

>> No.2317444


So...swamp gas?

>> No.2317447

Right. You keep believing that. They're desperate for readership, just like everyone else.

You know what guys? Two things: birds and fish die in groups all the time. Really, look up mortality statistics. Pretty much every government has a group that keeps an eye on the local fish and birds.

And, even IF this is statistically significant, I'm not worried. The sky isn't falling, you impressionable little kids.

>> No.2317452

We were expecting massive loss of marine life following the BP oil spill from both initial toxicity & deoxygenation caused by bacterial action.

Then millions of fish die on schedule and the public goes "Oh lawd what happen" because they have the collective memory retention of a goldfish.

>> No.2317473

Yes, earthquakes are normal because they currently have an explanation. Those animal deaths currently can't be explained, therefore they aren't normal. Generally, things which can't be explained are also very rare, so the animal death mystery gets so much attention due to the fact that it's very rare and doesn't have an explanation (paranormal).

>> No.2317484

Bullshit. Normal is based on statistical occurrence, not whether we can explain it. And "normal" is enough to assure us that this is just business as usual, even if we don't understand it.

The recent issue of colony collapse disorder in honeybees is another matter.

>> No.2317486

You know what else was in reasonable bounds? The mass spectrometer, and we all know that led to a resonance cascade...

-Dr. G. Freeman

>> No.2317491

Why? it's not like birds have tiny compass in their heads

>> No.2317514

Actually, there's reason to believe they do.

>> No.2317532

>Then millions of fish die on schedule on the opposite side of the world then pseudo-sceptics ignore the evidence


>> No.2317538

Well, they do, actually.

>> No.2317547


We've already tested their reaction to changing magnetic fields. They become confused, but it doesn't kill them and they are able to cope.

>> No.2317554

>same region
>opposite side of the world


>> No.2317563



>> No.2317567

The bird thing seems clear enough. They're startled awake by fireworks (it was January fucking first) and aren't nocturnal animals so their nightvision is shit. A bunch in the flock bash one another to death, which would be consistent with all the scratches (caused by beaks/nails) on their bodies.

>> No.2317568
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1278938569002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oil spill in gulf of mexico
>Dead fish in new zealand
>Same region

>> No.2317579


>> No.2317589


Just stop, you aren't fooling anyone are are a horrible person for what you are trying to do.

The two million dead fish actually cited in these reports died in Chesapeake bay, north along the coast from the spill. They were juvenile spot fish from the gulf area and would have been forced northward at a bad time of year because of the gulf conditions. It is much too cold up there in late December for them to survive.

There was an even larger mass culling nearly forty years ago in which over ten million died by moving to the bay during unfavorable winter conditions.


That's not paranormal at all. Most birds can't see in the dark and will collide with things if startled into a panicked flight in pitch blackness.

>> No.2317590

than how do you explain the ones in sweden?http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40921795/ns/us_news-environment/ in sweden?

>> No.2317594


>> No.2317596

>Denying fish died in new zealand
Conspiracy theories belong on /x/

>> No.2317598


Some dozens of dead birds on a cold winter night isn't even unusual in Sweden. Like at all.

>> No.2317602

>Started to build evidence that the recent birds dying is to do with the polar shift towards Russia.
The birds mysteriously had blue beaks, you will begin to understand that is because birds also use their beaks for navigation. Here is a very good good article on it.

They have a magnetic mineral called magnetite that is in their beaks which they use for navigation.
Another excellent article published by MIT which shows that as a magnetic field gets stronger magnetite goes towards the blue spectrum, seeing that the north magnetic pole came further south than usual, it could have made the beak turn blue. Haven't got a good pictures of the blue beaks, but if the stain stems from the ethmoid region of the beak that could be further evidence as that is where the magnetite originates. Been getting quite annoyed at all the poor scientific explanations speculated given the printing speed of the press such.
Critics and help welcome.

copy pasted from another thread, seriously guys it's the magnetic poles going apeshit

>> No.2317604

I read somewhere that the honeybees were killed by pesticides.

>> No.2317611

That happens here every year.

>> No.2317612


It's been known for some time that the north pole is accelerating towards Russia.

So the effects should continue if that is the cause. Hopefully it is a fluctuation and not a reversal.

>> No.2317614

I also heard virus and mites. But I haven't paid attention in a while - just that it was figured out and not the end of all bees.

>> No.2317618


If powerful artificial magentic fields didn't do anything, the Earth's certainly wouldn't. Earth's field is large but very weak. It is less than 0.6 gauss at its strongest.

>> No.2317619

All of the above, that's why the effects have been so dramatic

>> No.2317621

In soviet russia, compasses point the north-pole towards you!

>> No.2317627


>> No.2317628

They're calling it Colony Collapse Disorder, IIRC.

>> No.2317630

Go back to /x/