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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 1028x686, techno-utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2291001 No.2291001 [Reply] [Original]


Sure there are problems with many people who for various reasons can not work together. But scientists are the smart ones (ok not all but many).

Why don't all smart scientists all over the world come together, throw all their money into a big pot, use that money to buy a big island and built Utopia there?

Utopia would have the best possible education for our children (so it will be an atheist nation forever) and therefore no dumb politically or religiously motivated restrictions on research. Not before long that glorious nation will be able to space travel and built colonies on other planets and moons.


>> No.2291013
File: 18 KB, 300x250, Trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one

>> No.2291020
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You've been reading fiction?

>> No.2291023

>atheist nation
>no political or religious restrictions on research
>naturalists dominate academia irl

you're a fucking idiot, 2/10

>> No.2291024

Who's gonna be garbage collector

>> No.2291031


>> No.2291040
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I dunno, that sounds pretty nice to me. Or are you just butthurt because it would be a nation your pathetic excuse for a religion could never gain a toehold in?

>> No.2291042

This is a great idea. This hypothetical nation could colonize foreign space lands with nothing in the way but native indian circlejerks to kill off, and with all the resources build an empire that could eventually kill of religion.

>> No.2291048

>throw all their money into a big pot
Because you can't start a society with 20k and a couple scholarships

>> No.2291049

scientists have NOMONIES

>> No.2291051
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Glorious....humanity could finally be saved from its own willful ignorance.

>> No.2291053

Sorry. The idea is good, but utopias don't exist, because every human has a different idea of what "utopia" is. There is not enough resources to create personal utopias for everyone. A virtual reality utopia is still only virtual.

>> No.2291056


Unless you've got some designs you've been hiding we can use to build reliably-operating service robots, then we have no such solution and will still need people to fill those positions.

>> No.2291060

Fuck off retard

>> No.2291064

Have fun trying to run a nation with no viable basis for ethics.

>> No.2291065


We will hire foreign cleaning personal. But since they aren't alpha they have to live in huts outside the cities and can't vote.

>> No.2291070
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>implying religion is a viable base for ethics

>> No.2291076

dont be stupid, the view that atheists are immoral/amoral is ignorant.

doing good or evil, history shows us that being athiest or religious does not string the bow either way.

crimes have been commited in the name of god, crimes have been commited by people who had no god to fear.
likewise, good has been done in the name of god, and there are those who do good because for them there is no grand saviour that will, or because it is necessary.

secular humanism and the simple human conscience would be strong foundations of any morals for any society, as it always has been.

from an athiests point of view, its just that at one point in time, a person took these views of "killing is bad" and attached fictional all powerful punisher to it as a method of reinforcement.

>> No.2291085

>reliably-operating service robots
Sound like a way to rise funds for said Utopia. Give me 5 years.

But seriously, this idea is on my mind for a good year already. There will be thousands of problems, including the fact that leaving countries without scientists sound like a good way to grow us religious/nacionalist regimes with access to nukes and coordinates for an island where heathens live.

>captcha: sagred Society

>> No.2291088


As an atheist I will admit that being able to reap the social and financial benefits of amoral behavior six days of the week only to be forgiven each Sunday does sound like a rather compelling material advantage.

>> No.2291090


We only have to nuke them first.

>> No.2291091

Personally I would just create a system where the public make every decision via some online or telephone system, and the weight of each person's decision is based off of their education and how successful previous decisions they have made have been. You would need a central committee to generate decisions that need to be made and deal with decisions where there isn't time to wait for a public response.

>> No.2291099

Now don't you go starting WWIII on us. All we need is a few nukes of our own and to design and construct dozens upon dozens of anti-nuke missiles.

>> No.2291100


>> No.2291103


A utopia would need minimum authoirty. Other countries would not allow it.


>> No.2291104

There is a strong amount of underageB& in this thread.

Just saying.

>> No.2291107

>design and construct dozens upon dozens of anti-nuke missiles
see where is the problem?
Leaving whole humanity to rot mentally for the sake of getting selected few to pretty much transcend might not work the way we would like it to.

>> No.2291113

Right, because we'd be an enlightened and just society by doing that amirite?

rather than an utopia nation...

a worldwide organisation, an idealist organisation that seeks to eventually mould the world into a utopia through action, debate, and education.

think of it, the worlds most brilliant minds backing a superior organisation with greater funding and technological capacity to guide the development of the struggling world.
taking the position of a fair and just guide that only interferes when necessary.

for example, in a war between two countries, we would offer medical aid and supplies to both sides, and safe haven to innoccents caught between the crossfire, we would also intervene before a war degenerates into massacre.
because we would realise that conflict is inevitable, and that a show of brute force would not quell violence, only suppress it for it to return with a greater fury than before.

>> No.2291118

who would actually fight to death for strangers?

>> No.2291119

No, the correct answer was

"What are mercenaries?"

>> No.2291120

>safe haven to innoccents caught between the crossfire

Taking on flotsam is incompatible with maintaining the standards of the society. Even nations with low standards to begin with are harmed whenever they do this.

>> No.2291122

its called singapore mate

>> No.2291125


I think you're forgetting about

>300k starting
>any jon I want

>> No.2291129

My version of Utopia

>> No.2291130

But you have no money.

>> No.2291131

I think we should focus more on education and science.
On the longer run, getting involved in wars in this way would be just a waste of resources. But saving western civilization from falling due to gradual failure of educational system sounds like a legit target to me.

>> No.2291132


Sounds great!

>> No.2291135

>no time to wait on a decision
>use a committee

Does not compute.

>> No.2291139

This is a similar idea to The Venus Project.


There are too many problems to list but if there was a mind(s) great enough to achieve this, and have a decent proposition for backing, then I would approve and, I hope, other would too.

>> No.2291170


Well, more like a bunch of people who hang around in shifts so if something comes up there's a few people who can spend a few minutes discussing what they think the best course of action is if there's say, a natural disaster or a foreign power attacking.

>> No.2291174
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This idea was already develop in Brave New World: the nation of A+.

But it couldn't work because smart people don't want to do the basics needs of a civilization, like cleaning, agriculture, and stuff.

Unless we have robots. I sign and will dedicate myself to membrane research on sexbots.

But then we'll have Matrix, so is it so good?

>> No.2291208
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See what you did? You made me hold shift that whole fucking time. That's right, I wasn't even using capslock. That's how puddi I am.

>> No.2291237
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>> No.2291252

Who would run the island. Scientists are generally shit-tier at political and social intelligence. Few scientists have ever been natural leaders. They are usually more loners.

>> No.2291256


>> No.2291287
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>> No.2291327

I know that's you, Inurdaes. Don't try to hide it.

>> No.2291335

Thread music: http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/descend

>> No.2291349

...yeah? How exactly do you intend on inventing an A.I. clever enough to do that?

>> No.2291357

Just plain cold logic. No need for self-awareness.

>> No.2291372

Will you also be defending the island with robotic drones and a Tesla death ray?

Teenage internet nation founding plans are all the same, I tells ya...

>> No.2291385
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Like I would want to live on secluded island with a bunch of arrogant shut-ins.

>> No.2291392

inb4 OP and his master race dies from having TB because there's nobody to wash their doorknobs.

>> No.2291398

the best scientists alive all worked in (near) isolation. Modern day scientists have to work in groups in government or research labs.

hence why shit dont get invented no mo

>> No.2291403

your dum.

>> No.2291407


u r dummer

look it ^

>> No.2291416
File: 13 KB, 469x386, 1284006008197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuh uh

>> No.2291417

ITT: A typical discussion on /sci/.

>> No.2291422


Einstein, Edison, Bohr, Mendeleev, and a bunch of others. IDK what kind of difference it makes though.

>> No.2291424

I don't see Colonel Coffee Mug discussing yiffing his future furry waifu anywhere in here...

>> No.2291450

Fuck. Not only did you say his name, you also used the beacon word. It won't be long before this thread becomes a loltranshuman bitchfest.

>> No.2291459

Yeah it's not a typical /sci/ discussion until you have that and creationism vs evolution.

>> No.2291502

He mad cuz we wouldn't let him in.

>> No.2291504

I don't think he's fucking psychic, Anon. Or shitposty enough to derail a thread like that.

...but we are.

Back on topic, would direct democracy actually work with such an enlightened populace, or would it still be a terrible idea?

>> No.2291567

Ah yes, the glorious republic of /sci/. Let's start a corporation and do research on nanotechnology and solar power so as to get loads of money to found an island nation dedicated to reason! That'll totally work, right guys?

>> No.2291609

This would only work with Asians, since their sociocultural values revolve around conformity (a common saying among all Asian communities: "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down"). If you plan to make it a multiracial community, it will quickly fall apart.

>> No.2291623

No, Mr. Stormfront, the real world doesn't work like that. We can have people of any race so long as they're not religious and they hold progressive humanist values.

>> No.2291733

But there will eventually be a conflict of ideologies thanks to memetic infection and mutation that will warp the ideals of society. I mean, look at how America of today is compared to America just after the establishment of the Federal Government. The values of the majority of Americans today differ vastly from the values of then.

It may not be perfect, but I think the best future society would be like the Terran Federation as portrayed in Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers (the book, not the movie as the director barely even read three pages of the book before getting "bored and depressed" as he put it).

>> No.2291744

Yes, but 1. most of the change in culture occurred from within and not from without, and 2. what does this have to do with race?

>> No.2291755

Asians are infected with the conformist meme thanks to early exposure by their parents and are therefore rendered immune to the individuality meme.

>> No.2291765

I think that's why Communism was so popular in Asia as in addition to the (largely false) promises of power to the working class, it pretty much demanded conformity.

>> No.2291817

Scientists have money? You must be thinking of engineers.

Moving to your "utopia" would mean most scientists would have to give up their previous specialization and work as janitors, nurses, engineers, etc.

>> No.2291832

They could have robots do all that. Emerging technologies are already moving in a direction that would make a robot working class possible in a few decades.

>> No.2291841

Sorry, wrong choice of words. I meant workforce, not working class.

>> No.2291849


You guys called.

>> No.2291851

Fuck, Engineers should make their own utopia. I don't want to hang around with some pseudo-intellectual biofag who spends more time debating creationists than conducting meaningful research but still considers himself a "Scientist".

>> No.2291874

My utopia is not your utopia, your utopia is not that guy's utopia.

>> No.2292027

>I don't want to hang around with some pseudo-intellectual biofag who spends more time debating creationists than conducting meaningful research but still considers himself a "Scientist".

Most of said people are 17 years old. Actual biofags are much cooler.

>> No.2292791

Bumping in a dumb thread. :trollface:

>> No.2292801
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>my face when this thread

>> No.2292838
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I'm just interested; for everyone that read Manna, was there anyone that disliked that form of a utopia?

>> No.2292840

Why an island? Anywhere that we congregate to improve society will soon be swarmed by the religious. Look at Sweden.

This city would need to be someplace difficult for the religious to reach.

>> No.2292846

Southwestern Tasmania?

>> No.2292847

Which one was that?

>> No.2292853
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>> No.2292859
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>> No.2292862


How'd you like to be under Bond Bay?

>> No.2292863
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>> No.2292868
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SMAC reference?

BTW OP, no utopia can function with only one profession in its population. You can't have a society where everyone is a 'scientist' and expect it to work out.

>> No.2292874
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, 1253230733809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we create this glorious utopia, give up our talent for war and are promptly rkv'd

tl:dr: Utopia is not desirable

>> No.2292880

I don't plan on leaving the USA, and I'm no scientist, but I've long contemplated the feasibility of Special Research Zones (SRZs) in developed countries that would operate much like the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) China operated last century. These areas would function under special rules (as much autonomy as possible), operate largely through FDI, and remain tax-exempt.

Have you guys considered something like that?

>> No.2292882
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>>Bond Bay

Where is it? Average water temp? Visibility/clarity? Local ecosystem? Access to hydrothermal vents for minerals and energy?

>> No.2292890
File: 83 KB, 470x300, 5119_city-under-sea-05_04700300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onward, /sci/borgs! To a better life beneath the sea!

>> No.2292899
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>> No.2292904

The idea of the utopia would be good, but a guy called Andrew Ryan has already tried it and the whole thing backfired.

>> No.2292907
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>> No.2292911

Fuck yeah, real life Rapture!
Randroids ruin everything. It wasn't an awful idea though.

>> No.2292914
File: 87 KB, 720x446, IMG_4470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>a guy called Andrew Ryan has already tried it and the whole thing backfired.

As I recall, that wasn't a documentary.

>> No.2292915
File: 176 KB, 504x1305, smbc genius.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comic seems relevant, not saying that politicians are better, just saying scientists are just as imperfect as we are.

>> No.2292918

War is not desirable, yet you still insist upon it.

>> No.2292919
File: 70 KB, 905x595, Capture3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send up massive concave mirrors into GEO
>a country pisses us off, they become our ant farm w/ targeted magnifying glass system
>Average water temp?
Very clear
>Local ecosystem?
I dunno
>Access to hydrothermal vents for minerals and energy?
Not that I know of but a undersea drill could be developed for such applications.

>> No.2292930
File: 275 KB, 415x479, colonistswanted2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Fuck yeah, real life Rapture!

It's happening.


They'll sell 2 or 4 man colony modules to anyone with the money though, and at $35,000 for the base 2 man unit, this is something a well funded research group could actually do.

>> No.2292938

I never insisted upon it, just saying we cannot guarantee on any other intelligence's being benevolent. If we aren't prepared then we'll become extinct. I never said war was desirable, being to fight a war is.

>> No.2292941

The big problem to me is competition. Don't get me wrong, healthy competition is vital, but I'm talking about nationalistic competition, which will result in spying, subversion, and general disarray. I want these zones to be as autonomous as possible.

The other problem rests in the realm of conflicting interests. If you guys were in this zone, and I was a venture capitalist funding you, I'd have to think about ROI. The thing is, not all research is immediately profitable, so we would have to make it attractive for investors but not in a way that would disrupt research.

Then again, recent history has shown that some of our greatest scientific accomplishments were byproducts of directed research (usually for the military).

>> No.2292944
File: 66 KB, 705x530, underseajapanesewoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm tempted by the security of a landlocked bay, but that denies us access to the ocean and makes us easier to find.

I was thinking somewhere around New Guinea or Fiji, tucked into a large cove somewhere. Rich in precious metals and plenty of thriving reef species for food.

>> No.2292955
File: 14 KB, 432x289, seabase1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> so we would have to make it attractive for investors but not in a way that would disrupt research.

Actually a number of new undersea bases are in the works for the simple reason that the US government owns the only one (Aquarius) and very few people get to use it.

Seabase 1 will subsist on rental fees paid by marine biologists who want to use it to study the reefs.

>> No.2292965

>I'm tempted by the security of a landlocked bay, but that denies us access to the ocean and makes us easier to find.
Ocean is only a few hundred meters away, just sayin'

>> No.2292968
File: 19 KB, 432x289, seabase1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and a URL:

And promo vid:

>> No.2292970

Didn't /sci/ start a thread about this like 6 months ago? I remember some guy set up a website and everything. Of course, it never went anywhere.

>> No.2292971
File: 1.10 MB, 2700x1318, 1252969169506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you guy's i'm going to Antarctica, then I build an armada of fusion powered spaceships. I will next use the resource fo the asteroid belt to create and armada of interstellar ships, and I leave on great font's of photo-leptonic fire and I soar amongst the vaunted pillars of the heavens.

>> No.2292973


Oh, also, what OP is referring to is a technocracy


>> No.2292987
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Which will work because being genius means you are a good leader......

>> No.2292989

OP, mildly antisocial types like us rarely do well in science or much else.

Scientists I've met are almost never the reclusive angsty neckbeards that inhabit this site.

So your invitation is likely to draw only the dregs of society with an interest in science, rather than any actual scientists with achievements to their name.

I'd join you, but then I'm a ruclisive, angsty neckbearded antisocial type with very little to offer science.

>> No.2293002
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>mfw after a few generations, the society they've built returns to average once again.

Besides, Science exsists to help the masses, not exclude them.

>> No.2293004


>>Of course, it never went anywhere.

I don't think anyone here really expects it to go somewhere. I hope not anyway. I'm in it for the entertaining speculation.

>> No.2293012

According to Platon's work "Politeia" they are.
History might have shown otherwise.

>> No.2293027

>I'm talking about nationalistic competition, which will result in spying, subversion, and general disarray.
Wow. I only just realized anything close to what OP wants would be full of spies in no time. Oh well. I don't think the particulars matter. Creating a better world for all is what matters. If people understood that, they wouldn't try to monopolize science, they'd use it to bring the world together. That's obviously still far-off though.

>> No.2293031

Problem is people are genius's in one field usually, very rarely that of being a good leader, and I doubt /sci/ has many of these.

>> No.2293037
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>Besides, Science exsists to help the masses, not exclude them.

I like your attitude.

>> No.2293093

Just remember, the Nazis honestly believed their efforts would turn the world into a Utopia. If you try to make a Utopia, it will inevitably become fascist. Though on that note, it would be well-intentioned fascism like the future society portrayed in Demolition Man where the legal policy was "everything that is not good for you is bad, hence illegal." Do you think you could live in a world where salty and fatty foods, noneducational toys, and even sex are outlawed and you get fined for the use of profanity?

>> No.2293101


>Do you think you could live in a world where salty and fatty foods, noneducational toys, and even sex are outlawed and you get fined for the use of profanity?

Britain's pretty close to that, yes?

>> No.2293103 [DELETED] 


>mfw all terrans in the future live in a trans-human communist fascist state, or a trans-human anarchy

On that note i'm ok with fascism.

>> No.2293105

Only during the days when Margaret Thatcher was still in office.

>> No.2293108
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>mfw all terrans in the future live in a trans-human communist fascist state, or a trans-human anarchy

On that note i'm ok with fascism.

inb4 haters

>> No.2293137

>If you try to make a Utopia, it will inevitably become fascist.

That's actually pretty retarded. Based on what constant universal principal? I mean, you might be right if we're using specific definition of utopia, but we're not talking about trying to do that. We're not talking about trying to create a PERFECT society here. We just want to make a better one than the one we have now. Not perfect.

>> No.2293139

Not necessarily anarchy. I believe the best future society is a Libertarian one. "Do whatever you want as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others." Basically, you can do anything you want that doesn't involve rape, murder and theft.

>> No.2293178


>>Basically, you can do anything you want that doesn't involve rape, murder and theft.

Who prevents people from raping, murdering or stealing?

>> No.2293196

That's what anarchism actually means. The whole "do whatever, rape, kill, pillage etc..." is a strawman.

>> No.2293203

We know that's the ideal, but individuals are as dickish as the state. And I never understood how they prevent another state from rising.

>> No.2293214

I actually have what might be a workable plan for how a number of /sci/borgs living close together could take a stab at building a small community on private land, with minimum material costs but with the modest implementation of relatively high technology.

This wouldn't be a fulltime thing, but a project several anons could build in their spare time. A home away from home kind of deal.

If nobody's interested I apologize for wasting words and will keep it to myself.

>> No.2293226

>underwater holiday homes

>> No.2293232

Im studying economics.

You guys need to convince people like me to finance your utopic dreams.

We decide who does what.

>> No.2293236

I am interested in hearing it, but there aren't any /sci/ducks around my area.

>> No.2293242

ever heard of what the russians did and how it worked out for them?

you know very littel about human nature if you think that this plan is in any way reasonable

>> No.2293243

Real-life Rapture?

Get on it, biofags. You know what to do. I want to be able to shoot lightning out of my hands by 2013.

>> No.2293250

>legal policy was "everything that is not good for you is bad, hence illegal."

Definitely Britain, but for the caveat
>Daily Mail readers agree with said policy and it can generate lots of money

My body is ready.jpg

>> No.2293247

Ever hear of what the Americans did and how it worked out for them?

>> No.2293257

Wait, are you talking about undersea colonization or no?

>> No.2293261
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Haha, or Chamberland is as it's his idea and business. But not what I was gonna propose.

I have a concept for a modest community built around a 5V power standard instead of 110v to simplify and reduce the cost of generating our own power. Plugs would be USB rather than standard 3 prong save for 12 volt plugs for the microwave, fridge and water heater. The homes would use essentially a car's lower power electrical system complete with batteries for storage.

The houses would be 15 foot diameter geodesic domes built from PVC piping or metal electrical conduit pipes. Geodesic domes are quick to set up and as strong as possible given the least materials used. Once secured to a foundation (cinder block platform, wood planks, waterproof tarp, then carpet/cushions) a thin plastic "skin" would be applied, with tyvek over that for insulation, then waterproof resin.

>> No.2293266


That's basically a gigantic simplification. Utopian societies are not possible. A society can only ever be so good and I'd say that, that isn't far from what we have now.

>> No.2293290

Can 12V even boil water?

>> No.2293297
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They put together all the smart kids from around the country, they all grew up together, and they were even succesful in building the hydrogen bomb faster then the americans.
But the whole thing was very disfunctional, and those people had around 20% suicide rate later.
Draw you own conclusions

>> No.2293304
File: 73 KB, 318x484, domehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shelters take less than an hour to assemble, are extremely strong and offer the sort of aesthetic /sci/ would appreciate. I feel they're appropriate as the structure was originally discovered by R. Buckminster Fuller.

Power could be generated from solar panel systems that cost between $100 and $300 depending on capacity: http://www.amazon.com/TOP-45-Watt-Solar-Charging-Kit/dp/B002KJ3SPS/ref=sr_1_12?s=automotive&ie=U

Cooking could be accomplished via the 400 watt "WaveBox" portable microwave:

A cheap wind turbine could be built using a scrapped automotive alternator and an inverter, plus some salvaged lead acid batteries (which can be restored via a very affordable desulfation process)

...And so on. By scaling everything down including power costs you can have all the luxuries you're used to in a different form factor. Perhaps you'll have a net top instead of a PC, a picoprojector casting a screen on the inside of your dome instead of a monitor, that sort of thing.

>> No.2293307

Africans thought the same way and so they never developed science or technology. If you don't strive for the "impossible" you might as well be a nignog.

/not racist

>> No.2293308

>Perhaps you'll have a net top instead of a PC

But how will I play Crysis?

>> No.2293313
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>>Can 12V even boil water?

No, but it can gradually charge a battery bank that can then boil water. The idea is to design your *requirements* around the most affordable technology.

Domes of this type can also be used as greenhouses in which to garden, and anyone into hydroponics knows you can make a decent modular setup using the same PVC piping you made the dome from.

>> No.2293314

I was thinking -- Geodesic domes (Buckyball-shaped, truncated icosahedrons, etc etc.), but underwater.

Shitty idea or good idea? I think the spherical shape is the best for keeping heat, if I recall correctly, but I wonder if being underwater would affect much.

Also, stress: Would a buckyball survive the pressure, or what's a better shape?

>> No.2293319


What the fuck I just asked [something related to] that.

>> No.2293325

I'm pretty sure a geodesic dome is the theoretically strongest shape. So surely such domes underwater would be ideal?

Sounds okay. I'm not sure how efficient hydroponic farming is though, all told.

>> No.2293329
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>Perhaps you'll have a net top instead of a PC


>> No.2293337
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Instead of microwaves, I suggest getting a bunch of these and harnessing solar power to cook. 1 of these should be able cook any dish, also heat water. You would have to stop them from ripping though somehow (probably easy to do).

They are space blankets btw, any true /k/ommando knows there worth.

>> No.2293338
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Transportation would take the form of electric recumbent bicycles, with a clear plastic canopy like this (for protection from rain/wind) and storage baskets in back.


They would charge easily from a fairly modest array and cover the meager distances between dwellings without range becoming an issue. They can be built for less than $500 each and are legal to drive anywhere bicycles go.

>> No.2293340

This sort of thing is exactly why /sci/ needs a chatroom. Or maybe a Steam group.

What do you say, IRC or Steam? Takin' votes right now, brah.

>> No.2293348

On an electrical generation bike.

You'll get into wonderful shape.

>> No.2293349
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>>I'm pretty sure a geodesic dome is the theoretically strongest shape. So surely such domes underwater would be ideal?

Actually no, because geodesic domes are made from lots of separate pieces and as such have leakage issues.

Monolithic concrete domes work fine underwater, though. There;s a guy named Shaun Waterford looking to break the aquanaut record for number of days spent undersea in a concrete dome habitat of his own design. Pic related.

>> No.2293355

>Can 12V even boil water?

Haha what. How about you learn how electricity works before you start designing your own power grid. Hint: There are better reasons why 12vdc is stupid as shit to run a house off of. And yes 12v can boil water. Hell, I've seen 2 volts melt steel.

>> No.2293361

IRC. because this community would use linux and we mightt as well get off ti a good start.

>> No.2293363


>> No.2293365

So notwithstanding the construction issues, the geometry of a dome itself does make it the strongest?

>> No.2293368


>>How about you learn how electricity works before you start designing your own power grid.

I'm not. Each dome would produce its own power.

>>And yes 12v can boil water

Oh good, problem solved. Provided we can find a cheap source for car batteries, anyway. My idea was to buy them from scrap yards and then desulfate them.

>> No.2293371


Yes. And cheapest to build, as it uses on average half the materials to build the same enclosed volume.

>> No.2293376

I'm cool with all this but
>dependence on old car batteries

We want to throw away the chains of past, maaang.

>> No.2293379

IRC, more universal. Anyone on any OS can install IRC. I think there are even some *BSD people on here, they most certainly won't be able to get steam running well.

>> No.2293384

Which is offset by the curved interior of the dome.

>> No.2293385

I thought there already was a /sci/ IRC channel.

>> No.2293389


>>We want to throw away the chains of past, maaang.

Don't turn your nose up at lead acid. It's a cheap, proven method of power storage. You can get dead batteries essentially for free, take them to a shop that will open them up and desulfate the lead plates and have good as new batteries for perhaps 10-20 bucks each.

So long as you can generate your own power and store it for later use, you have no need of the grid.

>> No.2293392

So... is this basically going to be a commune designed to be as efficient as possible when it comes to resources, whilst still providing people with a high quality of life?

>> No.2293401

You can also store energy in flywheels.

>> No.2293403

>high quality of life

I guess that depends on how you define quality of life. We'll be living like gypos, but with technology.

>> No.2293405

They're there, they're cheap, and often they'd go to waste otherwise. We;ll use what we can.

>> No.2293406

>Implying I have a frictionless flywheel inside a vacuum chamber

>> No.2293408


>> No.2293411

...But that's nothing like what the OP was talking about.

>> No.2293412

Yeah some people define "quality of life" as "amount of money spent", which is rather silly, I think. I'd define it as "amount of fun you can have and amount of unpleasantness you don't have to go through."

>> No.2293414
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>>So... is this basically going to be a commune designed to be as efficient as possible when it comes to resources, whilst still providing people with a high quality of life?

Yes. By selectively using affordable, scaled down versions of existing appliances, including the vehicles. Bike paths instead of roads, a 25mph speed limit, solar and wind power generation (possibly a water wheel?) and batteries for storage. Because the low power equivalents of our existing appliances would be so much less demanding, meeting their needs using these affordable methods becomes possible.

>> No.2293417

>the low power equivalents of our existing appliances would be so much less demanding

Do these appliances really exist, and if they do why are they not more widespread anyway?

>> No.2293425

Everybody get on irc.undernet.org?

>> No.2293427
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This is what a very low effort one looks like:

>> No.2293429

they make them for the RV market, so they cost more, wear out faster, and are less efficient for their volume.

>> No.2293430

they cost more up front

>> No.2293432
File: 122 KB, 600x800, snowdome2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they can look like with a few days added labor:

>> No.2293440


>> No.2293446


I will make one when this server stops being a faggot and lets me connect.

>> No.2293447

I'd love to make that my life goal.

But I'd have to become a person of influence and wealth, which pretty much means I'd have to be the head of a successful scientific company. The cost of building a city on an artifical island would go up in the billions... I would need a lot of backing funders. And then there are problems with the law, as artificial islands are prohibited to construct.

Anybody got any ideas?

>> No.2293453

Why not irc.esper.n et if the other one is being a pain in the dick?

>> No.2293456

<On bikes
<need speed limit


also retarded laws = retarded society.

>> No.2293458


Because undernet has all the cool kids in it :)

And it has #bookz access.

>> No.2293462

What about reproduction. I mean, women can't be scientists so where does that put us?

>> No.2293467

>wear out faster
Morrigan disapproves.

>> No.2293478

For bike paths, would we actually use concrete or just compacted sand or something? Also, building PRT systems would be a fun project for any engineers involved.

>> No.2293481
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This is now a serious thread. Go back to a religion thread.

>> No.2293489
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>>also retarded laws = retarded society.

I agree, but please, hear me out.

The main factor that makes electric vehicles costly is battery mass. You build a lighter vehicle that doesn't go as fast, you need less battery for the same range. Back in 1914 electric cars went 25mph and were made mainly from wood and leather, consequently they could go 100 miles on a primitive lead acid battery pack much smaller than the lithium packs used to propel modern EVs 100 miles at top speeds of 90mph.

So as with every other aspect of the community, if we design vehicles around more modest figures, the cost stays down and we can produce all of our own power for them.

>> No.2293500

Hahaha this thread is fucking gold. Nerds talking about isolating themselves on an island to do science, failing to realize that all of the technology they rely upon depends on an immense network of interconnected economies to function. You can't make the tech you plan on using, and you have no useful exports with which to make money. How did you even think this could work at all?

>> No.2293504


>> No.2293521
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>>Also, building PRT systems would be a fun project for any engineers involved.

I thought of that. But why not combine PRT with personal vehicles? Here's the concept:

The electric covered recumbents I mentioned earlier would have an overhead "arm" for attaching to a rail system like the one pictured but without the pod dealies.

The idea is, when you need to travel long distances and your battery range won't cut it, you drive up a ramp and attach to the rail. It takes you to the next community over, while also charging your batteries so you have plenty of juice for getting around when you arrive.

>> No.2293529

Nothing's going to happen, but it's fun.

>> No.2293552

easy by the law of patents and proprietary technology models

>> No.2293557


>>How did you even think this could work at all?

We don't. It's just fun to think about.

Although up until the whole PRT portion, the modest geodesic dome community is something anyone could do provided access to land, some PVC, lumber, etc. and a few weekends.

It wouldn't be anyone's permanent address but it might make for an interesting place to try out hypothetical economic/political systems, switching to a new one every few months, stuff like that.

>> No.2293561
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>They don't realize that this is essentially the same plan as drop city, which failed.

>> No.2293570

Drop City? Please elaborate.

>> No.2293577
File: 55 KB, 576x190, DropCity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not really intended to "succeed". The aim is not to sustain it by living and working there. It'd be a side project shared by a number of anons sustained by their day job and kept going as a sort of collaboratively designed retreat.

Btw, Drop City looks rad as fuck.

>> No.2293586


I really wouldn't call that failure, Anon. Sounds like they succeeded beautifully until they decided to get their drama on.

>> No.2293618
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....And in fact, if you wanted to combine the two ideas, there's a very cheap method for making small but livable underwater areas.


You need transparent sheet plastic, some nylon netting, and an octagon made from welded steel beams. Know someone who welds? Have them knock out some octagonal frames and you could set up a little village of lakebottom domes by the end of the month. :3c

They're nothing you could live in, just little pockets of air refreshed by surface compressors that you could hang out in for a while, maybe space them out so you could swim from one to the next taking breaths and not having to surface.

>> No.2293619

yo madsci: i iz mechanicalfaganeer. we r shüd talk? are you aware of the open source ecology folks?

>> No.2293636

Where are we building this again? I'm not reading the whole bloody thread to find out, and I don't know regexes so I can't do a decent search.

>> No.2293637

Whether or not he is, I am.

'sup mecheng brah?

>> No.2293646

Underwater somewhere
On that island off Australia whose name I forgot
In your garden

>> No.2293655

Or we're going to build Drop City 2.0 somewhere in Oregon.

>> No.2293712
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lol whut

>> No.2293724

You WOULD have that as a background, wouldn't you?

>> No.2293729


It just happened to be the current one, it switches every four hundred seconds or so.

I am proud to admit that none of my wallpapers include leopard_girl.jpg, one step closer to full recovery.

>> No.2293731
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Everybody get the fuck in here.

>> No.2293743

Why eu? What's wrong with the us one?

>> No.2293745


This is the one I actually managed to connect to >;3~~

irc. and us. just went dead and timeouted.

>> No.2293752

eu timed out for me, that's all. Molluscum here.

>> No.2293766


Good lord what the fuck is wrong with their servers? Considering they are one of the biggest IRC networks they might as well squeeze some moneys here and there and get a better server.

Replace the sponge bob ASCII with a Coca-cola ASCII.

>> No.2293820

go efnet
go #atheism
go #math
go #physics
go #chemistry
go #philosophy
go #bible

>> No.2293854

You're a huge faggot, do you know that?

Not for telling people to go to EFnet, but to go to #atheism and #bible

If you want to encourage /sci/'s trolling faggotry, fuck you, sir.