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File: 39 KB, 500x359, allscams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2291816 No.2291816 [Reply] [Original]

All of these were in response to a Christmas billboard erected by an atheist organization.

" I try to love everyone but why do I hate an Athiest so much? Pray for me and pray for Huntsville. The world wants to take God out of Schools, Churches, and any public building. Yet this is considered ok? Hopefully they burn long and slow!"

"this is not even what our town needs... this sign needs to come down!"

"I don't get it! Athiest think we were pulled from a monkeys but! Did the stupid nuts ever wonder where and how monkeys got here? Oh I guess they were droped off a space ship! Hopefully this will get them the attention they are looking for and when they walk out of the meeting they can come face to face with a ton of Christians who will be praying for them! Lets hope if God comes on the 29 or 30th he gets them first!"

"I think it's terrible....I never thought Huntsville would allow that...."


"i know we have the right to free speech but this is crazy."

"I just seen the Monkey Pusher on TV and he said " let us put up 1 billboard and all HELL breaks loose" So you don't believe in God yet you use a word like Hell in your statement like it is an actual place! Now I know why they think we come from monkeys! Priceless!!!!"

"There are only TWO types of Atheist... LIVE atheist who think there is no God, and DEAD atheist who know that they were dead wrong!"

"really? HOnestly? Seriously? WOW. Cannot believe that was allowed to be put up. Just another sign of where our country is heading. Pray for our government."

"The people that "preach" tolerance are the last to be tolerant. Hipocrates. If i want to believe that when a iguana gives birth to a killer whale the sun comes up, then let me believe it! Wow."

>> No.2291829

What were you expecting, OP?

>> No.2291839
File: 35 KB, 293x345, Morgoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rage thread?

Rage thread.

>> No.2291854

>Pray for government

So much for seperation fo church and state I suppose.

Thank fuck I live in the UK, we might have religious nuts, but we're on our way to being properly secular now.

Well maybe not in glasgow, but still.

>> No.2291856

Christians have churches and signs everywhere promoting their religion. They go to door to door sometimes trying to get people to believe in their religion. They hand out fliers in public. They are all over television and the media going on about their religion.

Atheists put up one freaking billboard and its the end of the world.

Muslims want to build some mosque in NYC and its the end of the world.

Isn't christianity supposed to be about tolerance?

>> No.2291861

Yeah SUPPOSED to be.

Since when does anyone actually follow the entire bible, koran or any other book of pish, they take the parts that suit them and abandon the rest and call themselves devout.

>> No.2291863

What would ever give you that idea...

>> No.2291870

Whats this about tolerance?

>> No.2291873

Sage thread?

Sage thread.

>> No.2291877

>"i know we have the right to free speech but this is crazy."

Free speech, good until you disagree with my opinion.

It always amuses me how little people actually understand the basics of biology

>> No.2291879

why sage? Its funny how intolerant these people are.

>> No.2291883

>Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Condemnation of anyone different

>> No.2291890

>we might have religious nuts, but we're on our way to being properly secular now.

You might have some problems with that, considering your immigration issues.

>Isn't christianity supposed to be about tolerance?

If you only follow the teachings of Jesus, more or less, yes. The rest of the Bible? Not so much.

>> No.2291891

He so mad

>> No.2291894

The funniest part of the comments is the spelling,particularly of the word "atheist"

>> No.2291897

Dammit, forgot to quote >>2291856

>> No.2291901
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Oh you

>> No.2291912

"I think all the Churches should ban together and sue these Atheists for slander...they have alot of nerve calling us SCAMS....come on Churches, lets have a meeting of our own....lets discuss Legal Charges...any Attorneys out there who are christians who are willing to help?"

"If this were something against muslim or buddishm or something similiar total chaos would ensue and Washington would get involed and lawsuits would be filed. But because this is aimed at Christianity nothing will be done in the pretense its freedom of speech. What about Christians rights and if it offends them? Why is it that it only matters if you offend someone not "American"? They have a right to advertise about their meeting but they are calling all Christian churches scammers & liars. It should be taken down because it offends people just like it would have to be taken down if it offended Muslims, etc."

>> No.2291914

""TAKE IT DOWN! It is a disgrace to our city. One day there will be no atheists because they will all believe at judgement day."

"And, the misinformed of all the non-believers shall continue to speak the untruths."

"My thought it ... if those calling themselves atheists are wrong ... they have more to lose than those who believe and have put their faith in God. (French philosopher, mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal that, even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should wager as though God exists, because living life accordingly has everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Pascal's Wager)"

"Ha! Told you Logan. Hell IS the center of the Earth. Go to science class."

"You cant prove he didnt make the world... all it is are a bunch of people who had something bad done to them in life. but if you would listen not be so air headed, god has a plan in life sometimes it drags you through the rocks, but you will get back up... but instead all of turned away. Christ doesnt give you everything you have to earn and work for it. even though some things are tough, John said that faith and work are combined and that is what will get you through life. You believe and have faith , and do some physical christian actions then you will always make it through life!"

>> No.2291920
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I don't know who said this originally, but to paraphrase:

"This Jesus guy seems pretty cool. His followers, on the other hand.......yeah, I don't like them one bit."

I can say the same thing about Mohamed, too.

>> No.2291941

Secular as in no religious influence on anything that matters, what people practice is up to them in their own time.

>> No.2291942

As the token Christian on /sci/ I think this needs to be put in perspective. When you start calling somebodies religious belief a scam, that's going to upset them. When you post huge billboards that say the same thing, that is going to upset them even more. I don't know what you idiots expected. It would be like if I were to run into a gay pride parade, burning a gay pride flag, and calling everybody fags. Do you honestly expect a warm reception from that?

>praying for somebodies government
>violation of seperation of church and state

Well somebody has gone full retard.

>> No.2291964

But it is a scam... so people get mad at the truth?

>> No.2291974

Can you empirically prove that to me with hard evidence?

>> No.2291979

I would agree with this. Only one problem Christians spend all their time running around yammering on about how all the other religions are fake and yet theirs isn't.

Yes I realize not all of you are like that. But there is a an extremely large amount of you that act like this.

I could just as easily bitch about some Christian billboard going on about how Christianity is going to save my soul.

>> No.2291991

Don't have to, burden of proof and all.

I'm not the one claiming random chance as miracle brought about through fervent belief in an incorporeal existence and insisting all those who believe will have their souls, which haven't been proven exist either, will suffer in infinite and eternal anguish for the rest of time if they disagree.

So yea, scam. Just like a bunch of the as seen on tv shit.

>> No.2291992
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>"The people that "preach" tolerance are the last to be tolerant. Hipocrates. If i want to believe that when a iguana gives birth to a killer whale the sun comes up, then let me believe it! Wow."
>"The people that "preach" tolerance are the last to be tolerant. Hipocrates.
>last to be tolerant. Hipocrates.
You called?

>> No.2291998

Of course, if we ever do succeed in getting rid of Christianity (or at least reducing it to a shadow of its former influence), some other religion will take its place, and we'll be right back to where we started.

>> No.2292001

There is a large amount, but it is nowhere near the majority. Last I checked it was really the Evangelicals, and the Jehovahs Witnesses that are like this.

>> No.2292013


>> No.2292026

No proof of existence, is not proof of non-existence. As someone involved with science in any way shape or form, you should know this. And even then there is technically a boat load of evidence if you are willing to believe all the "possession" accounts, near death experiences, Shroud of Turin, Cloak of Juan Diego, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.2292043

what an odd idea. tolerant of what? sin? evil? false religions? pagan gods? foolishness?

exactly what do you think christianity should be "tolerant" of?

>> No.2292045

mohammad's a good guy? what's so good about a lying, murderous kiddie raper?

>> No.2292055

Any links to this facebook group?

I might want to terrorize it.

>> No.2292064


Oh god. Troll confirmed.

If not trolling, get the fuck off my /sci/.

>> No.2292069

This was normal in his day. He was good relative to the rest of his society.

>> No.2292075


>>I don't know what you idiots expected. It would be like if I were to run into a gay pride parade, burning a gay pride flag, and calling everybody fags. Do you honestly expect a warm reception from that?

But that's what Christians do.

>> No.2292076
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>if you are willing to believe all the non-repeatable, anecdotal evidence

I'm not.

>> No.2292079


Surely you're joking. Edukation is difficult, I know, but at least you could try?

>> No.2292086


>>As the token Christian on /sci/ I think this needs to be put in perspective.

I think it's already in perspective, and no, I don't think I need you to spin it for me.

The quotes speak for themselves, and there's endless more where that came from. This really is what average Christians are like.

>> No.2292100

Muhammad (PBUH) was a pretty cool guy. Eh fucked 9 year olds and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2292113

I admit I really know next to nothing about the society in which Islam was born....but I do know that after Mohammed, a man could have 4 wives at the most and before him the number of wives a man could have was only limited by his wealth. Now that sounds like a moral improvement to me.

>> No.2292124

>fucked 9 year olds
Eeeugh....alright, I can't say very many nice things about Mohamed then.

>> No.2292132


There used to be a difference between following a faith and being an idiot.

There used to be.

>> No.2292138

>Eh fucked 9 year olds and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2292154

And there used to be a difference between being an atheist, and an anti-theist

>> No.2292163

Times have changed since then.

Whatever your religion is, if you truly wish to preserve it, you must preach it.....but you must stop using those stories about the invisible wizard in the sky, or at least make it clear that they are fiction meant to be taken as metaphors. Furthermore, you must only concern yourself with the morals your religion is trying to teach. Be careful in interpretation, however. Always focus more on the 'be humble, fair, kind and tolerant' aspects of your religion as opposed to parts that might be offensive (Christianitys homophobic shtick, for example.)

>> No.2292170


>>And there used to be a difference between being an atheist, and an anti-theist

What's wrong with anti-theism? If anything, we need more of it.

>> No.2292181

are you nice to bacterial infection or do you get medicine and eradicate them?

are you nice to a cancerous tumor or do you cut it out with a knife?

do you watch quietly while people careen towards a cliff, or do you yell and wave your arms frantically trying to get them to stop?

if you're going to Hell, it won't be because i didn't care enough about you to tell you that, unless you change your ways, Hell is where you will end up, and only Jesus can save you.

>> No.2292187


>>are you nice to bacterial infection or do you get medicine and eradicate them?

Eradicate them.

>>are you nice to a cancerous tumor or do you cut it out with a knife?

Cut it out with a knife.

This is why I suggested we need an increase in antitheism here: >>2292170

Religion is the bacterial infection, and anti-theism is the immune system.

>> No.2292190
File: 68 KB, 894x700, sciencevsfaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to help
>pushes me away
And that is why one of us is going to outright destroy the other.

>> No.2292188

You've changed my life anon! PRAISE ALLAH!

>> No.2292191

pushing you towards Christ you mean; only He can save you. i can only tell you that He saved me, and millions of other wretches like me.

>> No.2292199


>>And that is why one of us is going to outright destroy the other.

While not the ideal solution, this is a valid way forward. Britain was nearly done with their secularization process when Muslim immigration set them back a hundred years. Sweden's done, but also threatened by devout immigrants.

What we really need is someplace that the best and brightest the world has to offer can research and experiment unrestrained by the religious, and in a location the religious cannot invade.

>> No.2292203


>>i can only tell you that He saved me, and millions of other wretches like me.

Then why are you still a wretch?

>> No.2292206
File: 138 KB, 431x427, 1293304427553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop it. You're not going to change my mind. I'm not going to fall for your silly little superstitions. Go convert someone else.

>> No.2292215

i'm a wretch no longer; in fact, i'm not even human. i'm something new, and on the way to something glorious.

but i was a wretch, a pitiful wretch, and though it happened thousands of years ago in our time, His death set me free. it changed me. He changed me.

and He will do the same for you, if you ask Him too.

>> No.2292220


>> No.2292221

wishing for a world free from the influence of God is asking for wickedness unimaginable.

be careful what you wish for; you will see a godless world in your lifetime, and you might live to regret it.

>> No.2292225

Well, it looks like aether has learned to post without a trip.

>> No.2292228

indeed, only He is worthy of praise :)

Jesus came before as a lamb led to the slaughter; the next time He is coming to earth it will be as king. your king, should you survive the apocalypse.

so tread lightly, my friend. tread lightly.

>> No.2292232

i'm not aether, and i have never used a trip. i am a voice crying out in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord, for He is righteous.

and He is coming back. soon.

>> No.2292234


>>i'm not even human.

On that much we agree.

>> No.2292236

not really, as you mean it in a derogatory way, and i mean it in a wonderful "new creature; behold, the old has passed away, and all things are as new" way

but thanks for playing :)

>> No.2292240

Oh yeah? When? Don't bother like all other "predictions" of Christ's return, it wont come true.

>> No.2292241

If all of those things happen to you, it was surely God who decreed that you should have it. Who are you to defy the Will of God? Keep that cancerous tumour, keep your bacterial infection, and make sure those people fall off the cliff, because it was clearly God who decided it should happen. Go and join your Maker in Heaven instead of defying his Will.

There we go, I turned your logic around with even more Christian logic, enjoy your time in Hell you faggot
(btw athiest here)

>> No.2292245

what an odd atheist, to use God's Word to damn someone to His Hell

you atheists aren't even trying anymore :(

>> No.2292246

Man, were do you guys GET acid that good?

>> No.2292247

Rubbish. I bet his boyfriend did it for him; he doesn't have the intelligence to backspace.

>> No.2292255

belief in God and God's will is completely different from this new idea of "determinism", which is to say, that everything that is happening was predestined or pre-ordered to happen. God's will is not like that; if it were, we would be powerless pawns caught up in a cosmic game into which we could not even ante up at the table.

no, reality is quite different; there are causes and effects, and you do reap what you sow. God's will is not always done on earth as it is in heaven, although we pray that it is.

reality is a much scarier place than i think you are imagining it to be

>> No.2292267

And much, much scarier (and much better) than you are imagining it to be, my theistic friend.

>> No.2292268

you mean like when Christ predicted he would be as Jonah, three days in the belly of the beast, and then be reborn?

or that the temple in Jerusalem would be utterly and completely destroyed in 70 AD, to where not one stone remained atop another?

or to the thief on the cross, that he should be with Christ in paradise?

all of Christ's predictions have come true; even the one about his second coming happening prior to the deaths of all of his followers. John the Revelator was taken in the spirit to witness the end of the world.

biblical prophecy is not hit-or-miss like nostrodameus; it is 100% verifiably accurate.

>> No.2292270
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>yabber, yabber, yabber
See, this is what I was talking about. No remotely intellectual person wants to hear the stories of your invisible wizard in the sky if you expect them to treat them as what actually happened. Treat them as simple stories, on the other hand, and they may listen for their own amusement. In this way, you might be able to convince them of the morals that your religion is trying to teach.

But you just can't compromise, can you?

Pic related. It's the day that atheism goes unchallenged.

>> No.2292276

nothing on earth compares to being high on God; also, as a bonus, the second time you're high on God, it feels better than the first, not worse. and it keeps getting better and better.

it's the feeling all junkies are looking for, but without God, can never find, and end up in a vicious circle of depression and death chasing the dragon.

>> No.2292278


>> No.2292283

i'm a follower of the Way, of Jesus Christ, which is far more accurate than to say that i'm a theist.

even the devil knows there is a God, and the devil trembles in fear

>> No.2292288

I've heard the argument from several Christian friends of mine that God controls one's life. If that's so, then one should not wriggle against their creator's will and instead act as puppets.

Actually, that makes it a bit paradoxical, because then you could say there is no free will but only God's will, so if you murder someone God made you do it. My, what confusing beliefs you Christians have.

>> No.2292291

that's the one i was trying to remember :)

really, with all the false prophets and antichrists, it's hard to keep track

>> No.2292294


>>biblical prophecy is not hit-or-miss like nostrodameus; it is 100% verifiably accurate.

You know why? Because the Bible was written long after the fact, by people with a vested interest in making it appear credible.

>> No.2292300

Really? Because I've never seen a single fucking shred of evidence that ANY of those things happened, or even that Jesus really even SAID that they would happen.

>> No.2292303

i would, if the bible were simply as you say, a colleciton of fairy tales meant to teach children moral tales. you can get Aesop's Fables for that.

the bible is the history of God's interraction with His chosen people, the Jews, and His inclusion of anybody who will believe in Him after the Jews rejected Him as their messiah and killed Him.

Jesus came not to make peace with the world, but He came with a sword, and cuts mother from daughter, wife from husband. He is the ultimate division: you are either for Him, or you are against Him.

if you are against Him, you can be just as moral as you want, and still be a sinful human being incapable of living with Him in heaven.

just remember, that to Him, and compared with Him, all of your personal righteousness is as filthy rags to a Holy God.

>> No.2292306

You know, I believe you, and I'm jealous.

I might be the only aggressive atheist on the planet who cries while reading Dostoevsky.

>> No.2292311
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If God is all powerful why can't he just kill the Devil or make him disappear? Then everyone could go to heaven, and God would could be all loving like everyone says he is.

>> No.2292317

you can believe that if you want to. it is a lie spawned in Hell and spread by the devil to debase the Word of God

or you can dig a little, and find that there was a 400 year gap between the old and new testaments, and that all of the prophecies about Jesus (including the prediction to the day when He would enter Jerusalem) came true.

it's all there for you, in black and white, to prove that Jesus is God.

or you can just take the devil's word for it. i mean, the devil means you no harm, right?

>> No.2292333


>>or you can dig a little, and find that there was a 400 year gap between the old and new testaments, and that all of the prophecies about Jesus (including the prediction to the day when He would enter Jerusalem) came true.

I have dug. I attended a private religious academy. Uniforms, mandatory Bible reading, that sort of thing. I probably know the Bible better than you do. It's why I'm an atheist.

If you read verses dealing with prophecy you'll find many end with the same phrase, "and all of this was done so that the prophecy could be fulfilled". What is that if not an explicit admission that they went out and DID things specifically to fulfill prophecies?

>> No.2292334

I have looked into it, unlike most christians, and I've concluded that it's shameless bullshit.

>> No.2292336

i don't know how to explain this, but the premise is faulty. God indeed will direct your steps, and light your path, if you let Him. and since He loves you, and wants the best for you, it is in your best interest to quietly listen to Him and be guided and directed in such a manner. the life you will end up with full of the Holy Spirit is better than the life of kings. it is better than the life of presidents, of rock stars, of star atheletes. living for Christ is the highest calling a servant of God can aspire to, and it is my heart's fondest wish to be met in heaven by my savior saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

>> No.2292342

I'm sure there's "proof" of concepts of Islam too, why don't you listen to those? Why do you believe your religion is the only true religion? If you're forcing us to look at your "evidence," look at other evidence yourself and be more open-minded.

>> No.2292348

how could Jesus "arrange" to be born in Betheleham?

how could Jesus "arrange" to be born of the line of David?

how could Jesus "arrange" to be born at the right year?

how could Jesus "arrange" to be born under a new star, signifying the birth of a new Jewish king?

you're looking at prophecy backwards, having made the assumption that it cannot be true.

make the opposite assumption, do your research, and then follow Jesus.

>> No.2292357
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These sort of images should be on the billboards.

>> No.2292358

Jesus made it easy. He said that He is God, and that there is no way to heaven but by Him. When you examine each religion with that litmus test, the true religion of Jesus Christ stands starkly opposed to all of the other religions of the world. All of them.

and remember, that there are many ways that seem right to a man, but they all lead in death.

>> No.2292359

>start off believing in Jesus and that the bible is infallible, then ignore all evidence to the contrary!

>> No.2292364
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>> No.2292367
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>> No.2292371
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>> No.2292374

God made Lucifer, and Lucifer was good. Lucifer was not made evil.

Lucifer turned evil by one of the worst sins possible, pride, and started a heavenly rebellion to place his throne above God's.

evil is perverted good; there was no evil created, only beings that had the capacity to act in such a way as to become evil, to sin, to die.

make no mistake; satan is not the opposite of God; satan is a damned pawn. try not to spend eternity with satan; he is a liar, and a murderer, and was since the beginning of the world.

>> No.2292375
File: 1.23 MB, 243x150, halolz-dot-com-nope.avi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your litmus test, it is quite flawed.

>> No.2292377


>Jesus made it easy. He said that He is God

Well that solves it.

>> No.2292379

Actually I was referring to the fact that over the years Jesus' return and the coming apocalypse were predicted year after year and obviously neither came true. Besides if you think ALL of the Bibles predictions are 100% correct you are full retard.

>> No.2292380
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>> No.2292381

if there is a God who created the universe by speaking it into existence, and who revealed Himself to His people, who faithfully kept records of His sayings, rules, and laws, it would behoove you to pay attention to them.

not all sources are equal.

>> No.2292386

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

>> No.2292388

I don't see how that refutes my point. All it does is offer advice to me that I'm unwilling to take because I don't see the logic in it. My point was that 1. From what I hear, God "controls" the lives of others, so why do people fall into sin if it were not for God's will? and then I guess 2. If that's not so, then why is there so much dispute over God's omnipotence and his objectives?

>> No.2292389

You're beating around the bush. If God destroyed Lucifer outright, we could all go to Heaven. If God wants us to go to Heaven, why does he not destroy Lucifer?

>> No.2292392

actually, it's not. it proves islam is satanic. islam states that Jesus was just a man, a prophet, like Moses or mohammad. it also says that the angel Gabriel gave these revelations to mohammad.

but Gabriel lives in heaven with a risen Christ; Gabriel would not and could not start a religion 600 years later stating that Jesus was just a man, and not God.

no, mohammad saw an angel all right, but it was not Gabriel.

>> No.2292394
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>> No.2292395

Simple: He fucking didn't.

None of that is true. It was made up to validate earlier prophecies. The only thing that ever says any of that is THE FUCKING BIBLE.

There is no fucking proof that any prophecy has ever come true.
>the bible says it guis, it must be true!

>> No.2292396

it does. it really, really does.

>> No.2292398

Because God gave us free will and he wants us to use it.

>> No.2292402
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>> No.2292406

That is a massive "if", friend.
Fucking HUGE. Gargantuan.

You're right that not all sources are equal; and the bible is a shit source with the academic integrity of diarrhea.

>> No.2292407
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>> No.2292409
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>> No.2292416

the bible states that no man knows the day nor hour of the coming of Christ; indeed, only the season. all those in the past who have claimed to know the day or hour have obviously been speaking out of their asses.

He is coming soon, though, and quick, like the blink of an eye. When you don't expect Him. like a thief in the night.

in Jesus' calendar, though, he was walking up the hill to Golgotha just a few days ago. He's not bound to time as we are; to Him, a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day.

He is coming soon, and you, yes you, will bend your knee to Him. i would much rather you get yourself adopted into His family than be left to be destroyed in the coming apocalypse.

>> No.2292419





>> No.2292420


>>how could Jesus "arrange" to be born in Betheleham?

He wasn't. He was born in Nazareth.

>>how could Jesus "arrange" to be born of the line of David?

He wasn't, that was fabricated.

>>how could Jesus "arrange" to be born at the right year?

He wasn't, that was fabricated.

>>how could Jesus "arrange" to be born under a new star, signifying the birth of a new Jewish king?

He wasn't, that was fabricated.

>>you're looking at prophecy backwards, having made the assumption that it cannot be true.

How can that be, when I began investigating it when I was still a devout Christian?

>>make the opposite assumption, do your research, and then follow Jesus.

I have, but you won't like the conclusion it leads to.

>> No.2292421
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>> No.2292426

I don't understand why some atheist think they have to put up bill boards trying to convert people...
Christian people actually benefit the society, they are easier to control!

>> No.2292429

>believe in the bible because God says it's true
>use bible as evidence of God's existence
It's like you fucks aren't even trying.

>> No.2292430
File: 110 KB, 640x639, religion is pretty dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we don't have free will because everything we do is part of Gods plan, remember?

>> No.2292431
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>> No.2292432

that philosopher led people to an "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die". that didn't work well, not for the people, and not for the society. somehow, somewhere, he went wrong.

it's almost as if Epicurean thought didn't understand that the God Devil relationship isn't a polar opposite, it's a Master Tool relationship.

and, again, God has a place made for the devil and his followers. i pray none of you find out just how bad that place is, especially when getting out of going to Hell is as easy as asking Jesus into your heart.

>> No.2292436
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>> No.2292438

What makes you think he's coming "soon", and how soon is soon? Within your lifetime, I suppose?

>> No.2292445
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ITT: The same stupid shit we do every day.

>> No.2292446

the dispute is with God's will here on earth, not God's will in heaven. God's will in heaven is absolute.

What God has revealed of His will here on earth absolutely, positively, will happen, the way He said it will, and the time He set for it.

God's will in our lives, though, is a completely different matter. You have the choice of following Jesus or not. you have the choice of eating today or not. you have the choice of giving $10 to a beggar or not. or $20. or all your wealth.

all of your choices matter; they all have consequences; and all of your sin matters, too. by asking God to indwell you, fill you with His spirit, and walk in His light, you are fulfilling your hightest and best use. but it's your choice. God is not going to force you one way or the other.

>> No.2292449
File: 93 KB, 407x405, the game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he need to use the Devil if he is omnipotent?

>> No.2292453
File: 176 KB, 703x355, LeaveMeALONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all you creationist nutjobs, if you meet a God that is by any chance controlling my life and making it hell. Tell him to FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE!

>> No.2292455

I hate George fucking Carlin more than I could ever hate any fucking christian.

The man is an utter fucking ass. He's retarded, crude, pretentious, and totally full of shit.
Fuck him. Fuck him so fucking hard.
I don't know how anyone finds that man's shit-covered nonsense "funny".

>> No.2292458


Agreed. He's just a bitter old man. Some of his early stuff was funny, but later on, no way. Glad he's dead.

>> No.2292460
File: 143 KB, 482x348, sooverrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, us Giraffe's have more class, lets go elsewhere.

>> No.2292461

yes, i believe we are in the generation that will see all these things come to pass. Israel re-arising as a nation in 1948, and controlling Jerusalem in 1967, is unprecedented. God's clock of prophecy is based on Jerusalem; it is the only city that really matters. The temple will soon be rebuilt (side note- the minorah beaten out of solid gold is already worth over $100M). sacrifices will commence. damascus will be destroyed. there will be a peace treaty with Israel, but the author will be the antichrist, who i believe is alive today.

other than that, not a lot of things are left on the "to-do" list for Christ's return.

>> No.2292462

I smell a falacious argument over here...

>> No.2292464
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>> No.2292469

I can't believe anyone could hate that man.

>> No.2292473

>Implying that every other generation before us hasn't felt the exact same for whatever reasons.

>> No.2292474

you don't have free will because you have been enslaved by satan's world, by your hungers, by your addictions, by your thoughts and acts. you have been deceived by the great deceiver, and only the light of Jesus Christ can banish that darkness.

so no, you do not have free will. you are a slave.

strive to be a servant.

>> No.2292477

And you are a slave to the word of god. You do what he says. Your point is not only invalid, its completely retarded...

>> No.2292478

because God does not sin

i would not want to live in a universe where God could sin, because then He could lie, and then we would all be lost forever

it really is a scary universe. wake the fuck up. a few thousand dead birds and fish don't add up to anything next to the oncoming apocalypse.

>> No.2292481

You're such a crybaby. So what if there is Sin in this world. Of course god could have made different kind of world. He chose to make this kind. Who are you to tell him what to do, his dad?

>> No.2292482

i strive to be a slave to the Word, only a servant, and a child of God, prevents me from doing so.

i have been set free, and those whom Christ has set free are free indeed.

in fact, God doesn't even REMEMBER all of the crimes i committed against Him, and for which He forgave me. they're GONE.


>> No.2292485

Then go kill yourself already. You live in a universe by chance. Nobody will care about your loss in a 100 years, and I'm pretty sure it wont take even a week.

>> No.2292486

back the fuck up
if God is all-loving, omnipotent, flawless, and purely benevolent, why does Satan exist?
I'm sure a devotee of God could explain this, surely.

>> No.2292487
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Who wants to be a slave or a servant? To be a free man is always best!

>> No.2292488

You misunderstand. We do have free will and god has a plan but not everything we do it part of Gods plan.

>> No.2292489

Jesus was born in Betheleham, and moved to Egypt to flee Herod's persecution, and lived in Nazareth as a kid. "What good can come from Nazareth?" is kind of tongue in cheek, but truly, Christ was born in Betheleham, as Joseph had to report to his hometown for tax purposes.

>> No.2292492

God's plan leaves a lot of the details to you. God may save your neighbor and you, or just your neighbor, or just you, but his plan was that none should perish. if you perish, it is because you chose to perish, not because that was in God's plan for you to perish.

>> No.2292494

The only thing I know about him is his book "brain droppings", and, well, the title is well chosen.

I've never seen a more repulsive collection of hateful bullshit pretending to be "smart" and "satire".

Just now I googled him and watched his video "The Seven Words", and it's just childish nonsense. Just a dipshit getting giggles out of saying naughty words.

>> No.2292497

aye, that's another way that seems right to a man, but it leads to death. you are, in a sense, free to choose your eternal destination, but if you chose not Christ, regardless of what you do choose, well, there's only two places to spend eternity, and Christ will not be in Hell.

>> No.2292502

a hundred years from now, a thousand years from now, a million years from now, a billion years from now, for all eternity, i will be rejoicing with my savior in heaven

where will you be?

>> No.2292503

I bet you are a leftard. You sound like a leftard.

>> No.2292509

Really now? Because I've seen Christian write off folks murdering their loved ones in a back alley as 'part of gods plan'.

>> No.2292512

A hundred years from now? Christianity will be dieing. A thousand years from now? Another religion will have totally replaced Christianity. A million years from now? Bah I'd be surprised if people are still around.

>> No.2292516

Fergot Billion, everyones definitely gone. And eternity is pointless...

>> No.2292518

Nobody said he was smart, geeze. He just was funny.

>> No.2292519
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>implying I'm not going to die anyways regardless of what I do
Pic related

>> No.2292520

satan exists, as do all the angels, to glorify God, and to do so continually.

satan, being the most beautiful, and probably the highest ranking, angel, decided that he would place his throne above the most High's throne, and be worshipped as the most High is worshipped. in a nutshell, satan wanted to usurp God and be God.

his rebellion didn't last long, and he and a third of the heavenly hosts, whose sins, by the way, will never be forgiven, were cast to the earth. satan now spends his time roaming the earth like a hungry lion, seeking to devour those who are lost.

satan's rebellion, however, will not go unpunished.

nor will anyone of yours; you rebel against Jesus, you end up with the father of lies as your father, and Hell as your home.

it's so easy to go to heaven; there's no reason anyone, especially anyone with internet access ffs, should be lost.

>> No.2292524

You know, we're going to die no matter what we do. Old age does that.

>> No.2292525

I'm not.
In fact, the only reason I read the book was because someone gave it to me knowing that I usually like that sort of humor.
But this is just bitter, juvenile shit.
Here, I just flipped to a random page, and here's what was on it:

>A puppet with a hard-on
>The Latin word for douche bad
>Someone defecating in church
>A serial killer with a light-up bow tie

Seriously? What the fuck is funny about this? These aren't clever or insightful observations, they aren't scathing critics of societal mores... It's just stupid vulgarity.
It's the sort of shit you'd expect from third-graders. Autistic third-graders with meth-addicted parents.

>> No.2292527

not all of us will die; some will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye, and be caught up to heaven

so no, not all of us will die.

in fact, i can think of three men that never died; Enoch, Moses and Elijah

look for Moses and Elijah to come back soon, too. then they'll die and be resurrected, just like Christ.

>> No.2292529

Proof please?

>> No.2292532

Stupid RANDOM vulgarity.

I bet /b/ loves him.

>> No.2292534
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>so no, not all of us will die.

>> No.2292535

search your heart, Luke. you know this to be true

>> No.2292536

I love how there's still no proof in this thread.

You can talk all you want, but as long as it's just your word we aren't going to believe a damn thing.

>> No.2292539

I think you just mad. So he wrote a bad book, whatever.

>> No.2292540
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Why would god put all of his focus on such an insignificant anomaly?

>> No.2292541

truly i say to you, not all of us shall sleep, but all of us will be transformed

aren't you kind of tired of being an ordinary human, fearing death?

>> No.2292549

Maybe not anomaly; but still pretty damn insignificant.
>Unrelated to the point at hand, but I think we have the *potential* to become significant

>> No.2292550

and if the proof comes to you too late, and you die unrepentant? what good will that proof be to you?

no, it is better to believe now, no matter how weakly, than to have solid proof after you die, and an eternity to regret your error.

if Jesus raising from the dead on the third day isn't proof to you that He is God, there may be no hope for you, and that kind of makes me sad

>> No.2292552
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>> No.2292556

God made aliens too. Plenty of aliens.

>> No.2292558


>> No.2292560


>> No.2292561

Says nothing in the Bible about creating aliens. Just people.

>> No.2292562

Right now? Death is actually quite a good motivator for me. Would you ever get shit done if you had an eternity to do it?

Near the end though, I might start looking for a way to cheat death.

>> No.2292564


love of His creation; love of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob

God is love; it is that love that decided to die on a cross to save His creation, rather than to scrub the entire thing and start over.

God has that much love for one person, for me, for you, that in order to save me, or you, He would do it all over again.

the universe is a cold hard place, agreed. but in Jesus, you have all the light, and the warmth, and the love you need forever.

>> No.2292569

you should work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, just as everyone else has to.

but look carefully at all those other religions--what are they actually promising you? what are they actually offering?

>> No.2292571

But the Book of Mormon, on the other hand...

>> No.2292573
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>> No.2292577

But... Why would he invest the time to create something so very insignificant? If there was a creator and he loved us so why would he not make us more important?

>> No.2292582

The exact same thing you moron...

>> No.2292584

God is an alien; He is a spirit being of vast power and wisdom and knowledge. He created angels, also spirit beings, also aliens, who can interract in our universe but live outside of it.

and yet God, the alien, took human form, to save us from our own rebellion, our own sin. what love! what sacrifice! what undying commitment!

>> No.2292586
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The exact same thing you're offering us with a different color of paint.

>> No.2292588

Often the EXACT. SAME. THINGS as christianity. Most religions are fundamentally indistinguishable. They all tell me that if I follow their arbitrary rules and believe in their god, I'll go to paradise; but otherwise, I'll suffer for eternity.

That aside; assume I believe in Jesus and decide that I should do what he says a follow His Church; nevermind that he tells me to do contradictory things.

>> No.2292594
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>> No.2292595

not at all. Hindus believe in some sort of purification process through multiple lives; buddhists apparently believe in a "nothing" state of nirvana; muslims are not promised heaven for anything other than being weighed in the balance or dying in a holy war. shinto you go live with your ancestors; satan worshippers i imagine want to be with satan, and so forth.

Jesus promised his followers mansions built by Him in a new heaven built by Him with a new earth built by Him, forever.

so no, not the same. not at all.

>> No.2292597

Russell's Teapot.

checkmate christians
Athiests: 1
Christians: 0

>> No.2292600

Godamn, You are one IGNORANT mutherfucker.

>> No.2292603

Alright, you just lost all credibility. You obviously haven't put much effort into studying religion.

>> No.2292604

now those people believe in some really far out stuff; becoming your own eco sphere, three different levels of heaven, saving people who already died, a whole bunch of strange things.

there's a reason mormons aren't considered real christians

>> No.2292614
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What part of 'with a different color paint' did you not understand?

>> No.2292617

I just know it. God created a layer of aether in another dimension. Higher life forms with developed brains can reach this layer and gain self awareness and free will.

There is yet higher level of aether. When you reach enlightenment and are able to connect there you will be revealed bits of truth. Maybe you will reach this level some day and get the proof for yourself.

>> No.2292618

except for studying it at the university level, and all my life in the Word of God, you mean?

did deep into those other religions. you'll find they are as i say they are; false. the koran had to be changed ffs to keep up with the times, as has the book of mormon. and the catholic church spews out new traditions every decade as well.

you think nirvana is a place? or a state of mind? it's not. it's nothing. it doesn't exist.

you think reincarnation isn't an attempt to become minor gods, and then major gods, through trial and error? it isn't. it's a lie too.

all these lies, taught by all these angels, yet with one common thread; all of them deny that Jesus is God.

Only Jesus is God; therefore, all of these other religions are false.

>> No.2292623

look a little closer at them; have a little discernment.

all religions are different, and they all promise different things.

all of them.

>> No.2292624

Jesus is a lie from Satan to fool Jews out of sticking to the Old Testament. Boom

>> No.2292625

Oh man, that "three different levels of heaven" shit used to trip me out so bad.
Did you know that they think women can't get into the best level unless they're married to a good mormon man?

And until a very recently, official church doctrine said that brown people couldn't get in at all.

>> No.2292628
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I read "Facebook" and instinctively knew this would be a trash thread. Hello, and goodbye.

>> No.2292636

There are hundreds of different varieties of "Christianity".

>> No.2292637
File: 45 KB, 600x447, giving a fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that Christianity is any less bullshit than its counterparts
>implying it all doesn't boil down to 'do this stuff, and you'll have a great afterlife but if you don't ETERNAL SUFFERING'

>> No.2292643


After reading a few comments i think i understand what the billboard is about.

OP, why the fuck did you call this a "Christmas billboard". It has nothing to do with Christmas, threw me off for like 5 minutes.

>> No.2292648

your question is flawed.

you should be asking, which God is correct, and the answer would be Jesus. read His word and find out about Him.

belonging to a church is a necessary part of growing in your faith; selecting a church is an exercise in your judgment; but believing that Jesus is God, that He was raised from the dead, and asking Him for forgiveness for your sins, is your privilege. Exercise your privilege while you still can.

today is the day of salvation

>> No.2292656

Ah, fuck, I haven't even shaved...

>> No.2292660

i'd be interested to know which religions you think mirror christianity, because the major ones certainly do not.

it's not like there's one church that believes Jesus is God, and one that believes that Jezus is God, and one that believes that Jesuz is God.

there's worlds of difference. what other religion states that God became man and died to redeem His creation? what other religion provides a sure hope of salvation?

none. just Jesus

>> No.2292681

Except for the fact that they all promise that you will enter some sort of "heaven" if you follow them or some sort of "hell" if you don't. If you honestly deny that then you are either blind, dumb, or just a troll. I hope for your sake you're a troll.

>> No.2292686
File: 231 KB, 800x533, this me not giving a fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stories are all just minor details. The reward of a good afterlife and the punishment of a bad one being used to control the behavior of the followers is pretty consistent in all these religions.

You're doing a pretty good job of dancing around the argument while not confronting it directly.

>> No.2292689


today, for we are not promised tomorrow. better to come to the wedding in a clean robe unshaven than to be cast weeping and wailing into outer darkness, where the worm dieth not, and there is gnashing of teeth.

>> No.2292712

This from the guy who said that "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" was a bad philosophy.

>> No.2292722

how's this for direct?

there's the church that Jesus started. it's called the Church. it meets in several different places on every continent and goes by many flavors, but all believe in salvation through faith by the grace of Christ.

then you have all of satan's churches. guess what? satan is smarter than we are, and has set out a smorgasboard of false religions. all of them have one thing in common; all of them deny the divinity of Christ.

hell, there's even some "christian" churches that deny the divinity of Christ. guess what? they're part of satan's church too.

Islam has one way to paradise, with the virgins, etc.; martyr in a holy war. otherwise, your life is weighed in the balance, and maybe you go in and maybe you don't.

hindus are trying to climb an imaginary ladder of higher consciousness so that they don't come back as a cockroach. that really confuses you with christianity?

satan worshippers at least worship satan outright, and not by his many guises. i suppose there's some merit in that, but knowing that satan is a snake, and a liar, and already defeated, i don't see much point in getting stuff in the here and now but living with satan forever in Hell. bad cost benefit analysis.

if you're confused between methodists and lutherans, i get it; if you think all the major religions of the world are the same, you're just plain dumb.

>> No.2292727

Surely you don't expect logical consistency from a christfag?

>> No.2292728

ITP: generalizations and gross simplifications

>> No.2292729

Can we have our killing of all religious and agnostics and superstitious by rampaging robots noooooow?

>> No.2292737

You're retarded.
No shit, "Christians believe in christ and this distinguishes them from all other religions."
But "Buddhists believe in buddha and this distinguishes them from all other religions" is JUST AS FUCKING TRUE.
Same shit, different asshole.

To claim that there's some fundamental distinction on those grounds is the most narrow-minded, ridiculous thing I've heard all day.

>> No.2292739

ITT: Christfag trying to convince atheists that he is right by simply saying that he is right, and atheists using logic against him.

>> No.2292742

You know less than nothing about Islamic faith.

>> No.2292743

buddha never was, never claimed to be, and is not, God

Jesus is, was, and always will be God

you can't tell their claims apart? really?

>> No.2292744
File: 103 KB, 640x337, whathasreligiondone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But at a basic level, it's all the same. Each religion simply disagrees on what is good, what is bad, and what the exact consequence of either is. We're not comparing oranges and apples. We're comparing Red Delicious to Granny Smith.

And the stupidest part is that you religious folk will fight each other to the death and murder innocents just because you don't all believe the same thing. Pic related.

>> No.2292746
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It's kinda entertaining, isn't it?

>> No.2292747

Atheists use logic!
The attack has no affect!

>> No.2292751
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The robots are not yet complete. Be patient.

>> No.2292759

actually, no, it's not. at the basic level, the Church started by Christ is the Church started by Christ, and all other churches started by all other people are different.

what do they teach kids in school these days?

>> No.2292760
File: 23 KB, 360x359, 1289690803520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda giving me a headache but for some reason I can't tear away... Its like a train wreck that you can't help but watch...

>> No.2292761

"Buddha didn't claim the exact same specific thing as Jesus, so they aren't similiar."
Buddha never said "I am God", but neither did fucking jesus.
Regardless, both made a claim to divine nature and both presented themselves as sole guides a long a path that led to paradise.

>> No.2292764
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>> No.2292766

i know more about that godless, moon god, goat god, satanic religion than i ever wanted to.

Allah is not God. Allah is satan. Islam is much easier to comprehend once you take out its core nature. And yes, the five pillars are nice and all, and i'm sure having some sharia law helps keep the womenfolk in place, but really, what do i misunderstand?

>> No.2292769

And so fucking what?
God, I can't even argue with you.
Seriously, like Nag said, "Apples to Apples", and you're pointing out that YOUR apple has a different shaped stem.

>> No.2292771
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Allah has no more reason to be Satan than Jesus does.

>> No.2292772

Jesus said He was God quite definitively. He was killed for saying it. He said it on trial for his life, being accused of saying that He was God.

stop believing the lies, and start believing the truth. when Jesus said He is the Great I Am, and that one who has seen Him has seen the Father, He said He was God. Is God. Will be God.

>> No.2292773

Everything. It's not your fault, I wouldn't expect a Christian to be able to even COMPREHEND the idea of religious tolerance.

>> No.2292775
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Should I commence dump?

>> No.2292780

I am god. You cannot deny this because it has been spoken!

>> No.2292781

Jesus came to earth, fulfilled all of the prophecies about his birth, life, death, and resurrection, and sits at the right hand of God.

i'm sorry you think these facts are up for debate. they are not.

we are not comparing apples to apples; we are comparing life to death. Jesus put good and life before you, and there is also evil and death.

it's your choice. i'd urge you to choose life.

>> No.2292782

Fuck yeah, I love these.

>> No.2292784

Go right ahead.

>> No.2292786
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>> No.2292788

>Islam has one way to paradise, with the virgins, etc.; martyr in a holy war
This is such a ridiculous mis-statement of muslim belief that you MUST be trolling.

It's like claiming that christians think that protesting homosexuality will cause God to send anthropomorphic birds down to take them to heaven.
Just plain ridiculous.

>> No.2292789

true. religious tolerance is not a christian ideal. loving God and loving our neighbors is, though, which is why i come here and post the truth.

i pray that some of you will be saved. it's really that simple.

>> No.2292790
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>> No.2292792
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>> No.2292793

So if somebody says something it becomes instantly true?
Mohammed said that an angel came to him in a dark and damp cave but that doesn't mean it's true or that it makes any sense.

>> No.2292794

You must be reading a different bible than me.

>> No.2292796

it's the only surefire way to Allah's paradise, and it shows you how satanic the religion is.

God sent His son to earth to die for our sins

Allah wants you to send your son to die for his glory

i'd call that a pretty big fucking difference

>> No.2292802

it makes sense to me that an angel started Islam

i just think it was Lucifer, and not Gabriel, as i cannot imagine Gabriel, living with a risen Jesus Christ in heaven, would start a religion teaching that Jesus wasn't God

the two religions are simply incompatible

>> No.2292806
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>> No.2292810
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Hey, pal, I got your 'truth' right here:

>> No.2292811

i'd suggest you get a real bible then

look at what Jesus told the woman at the well in Samaria, then look at what Jesus told the court at his trial. look at what Jesus told Pilate. Look at what Jesus told his apostles.

this is not a minor point. Jesus was killed by religious people for saying that He was God. for you to now come and say that Jesus never claimed to be God is antithetical to the bible

>> No.2292813
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>> No.2292814

Show me where the fuck in the Koran it says that.

You're spouting blatant lies (that you might actually believe, which terrifies me) about another religion just to gain support for yours.

>> No.2292816

<div class="math">\def \jknlgfdgghf {\jknlgfdgghf \jknlgfdgghf}</div>

>> No.2292823

u mad, bro?

>> No.2292824
File: 14 KB, 288x288, goeringwithout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is fascism.

>> No.2292826

oh ok so while Mohammed was chillin' in some cave because it was rock-bursting 60° out in the sun, Lucifer came to him and told him to start a religion, that doesn't involve hedonism and slavery but is actually like a fucking copy of Christianity, fucking brilliant.
Now everything makes sense.

>> No.2292829
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>> No.2292830

Let me amend:
You must be reading a different bible than me, AND THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE.

Show me one verse, specifically, where jesus claims to be God.
In fact, he VERY pointedly stressed that he was just the SON of God, there to lead people along the path that would take them to his father, GOD.


"Father, why hast thou forsaken me?" would be a bit of an insane question if he thought HE was god, don't you think?

>> No.2292835

Yes, I'm afraid this ignorance and bigotry has somewhat rustled my jimmies.

>> No.2292841



>> No.2292848
File: 59 KB, 475x328, FHoD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2292852

Damn, I wish. Coconuts sounds great right now.

>> No.2292856

and actually used a lot of the scriptures, especially Proverbs, to do so.

brilliant deception, and has led billions to their deaths.

>> No.2292857

<div class="math">\jknlgfdgghf</div>

>> No.2292865
File: 169 KB, 400x400, you so mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, religiousfag,

I'm about to fap, which is a sin as told by Bible. I'm specifically about to fap to some lesbian porn. Homosexuality is also a sin as told by the Bible, so I figure this is some sort of double sin.

You mad?

>> No.2292871

I kind of like Proverbs. It and Ecclesiastes aren't bad reading at all.

>> No.2292878

Jesus fuck. I'm the first replier to this, and thought this thread would die out in a few minutes.

I thought /sci/ was smarter than this.

>> No.2292888

John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.”

you, a mere man, claim to be God” (John 10:33).

John 8:58 “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was born, I am!”

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus), so that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

why am i doing your sunday school homework?

>> No.2292896

This is oh-so-terribly not science or mathematics, but if there are still any "devout Christians" in this thread, let me ask you one question: why do you hold the Christian faith in specific?

>> No.2292897


Masturbation isn't a sin.

Neither is the observation of homosexuality.

Now if you PAID for the porn, you'd be promoting a sinful act, which in turn would be sin.

Otherwise you're doing no wrong.

>> No.2292905

No, comitting 2 sins at the same time which cancels them out. That's why Catholic priests can molest young boys.

>> No.2292906

no, it was the moment of purest suffering, where a triune entity turned its collective back on one of its members, in order that you should have the chance to go to heaven.

if you have seen me, you have seen the father, for the father is in me, and I am in Him.

i'm sorry you don't understand the trinity, but that's really all it is; an incomplete grasp of the triune nature of God; God the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Three in one.

>> No.2292908
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I'm reporting this thread for BPorn. At least you could post some CP, but this is some sick shit.

>> No.2292910

you are doing the same wrong as the actors, don't kid yourself. if you view them for pleasure, and they are doing it for pleasure and money, you will be judged the same as them.

>> No.2292924

because of the power of it; the promise of it; and the beauty of it. because of the revealed mystery of it; the knowledge gleaned from it; the way to live given by it. because of the price paid for my salvation. because of the love the God of the universe had for me, that, while i was yet a sinner, He died for me. no greater love has anyone than this, that he should lay down his life for his brother.


>> No.2292925

The weighing of the heart, bro.
If you don't care about wasting the seed of life then your heart isn't pure, Ammit awaits those and does not forget.

>> No.2292928

Yes indeed price. Yahweh LOVES money.

>> No.2292935

mad that you would sin? it's really none of my business.

mad if i get to heaven and you're not there? ya. that would make me mad. you should be there, but satan has his clutches on you, and you might not see the light. so yeah, i'm mad, but not at you.

>> No.2292940
File: 9 KB, 372x332, 1290297297016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, I'm not paying for it, but the advertisements and high definition users on the site are. Still, my viewing of pornography is encouraging its production.

I'm promoting 'sin' in this world. And there's nothing you can do about it.

U mad?

>> No.2292945

this price had to be paid in blood, and not normal human blood, but sinless blood. no original sin, no committed sin, no omitted sin, if there is such a thing; pure sinless blood provided on the cross on calvary, and dripping across Jerusalem.

>> No.2292966

You enjoy talking out of your ass don't you?

>> No.2292977

>wasting the seed
Dude, my testicles produce somewhere around 85 million sperm everyday....EACH. That's a over quadrillion in my lifetime. And everytime I jack off, I only loose 200-600 million. Furthermore, I can't even put them to good use in my current situation. Trust me, I'm wasting NOTHING.

>> No.2292980

Let me guess, you were indoctrinated from an early age, no?

So you believe for the sake of "the afterlife?" The slim hope that some personal deity would look down upon you in favor based on how you behaved? A deity who does not listen to your prayers, or cares not of your concerns? And of those who would not buy into your faith like you have, they will burn forever in utter damnation? Can you honestly say that you are "okay" with this?

>> No.2292991

Even aside from what sperm is lost through ejaculation, "the seed" does not last forever. On the contrary, many of "the seed" that die off -while still in your body- are recycled for their protein. The fact that people still think that their god cares about them wanking it is absurd.

>> No.2292996

kind of, i guess. without the shedding of blood, there is no remission for sin. in order to take the sin of the entire world, past present and future, that blood had to come from God. so God became man, so that He could lay down His life for us. by his sacrifice are we saved; by his stripes are we healed.

this is all very real, and all coming to a head very soon. things will change very quickly. there will also be a delusion to come over men, so strong that the world will put its faith and power into one man.

the bloodshed in this century will make the last century look like a car accident.

>> No.2293032

i was saved at an early age, and taught the things of God at an early age. calling it indoctination is meant to be derogative, so i reject your characterization of it.

I have no slim hope. I have the Word of God, the promise of Jesus. there is no more sure thing in the universe then the hope found in Jesus.

i have power in Jesus. His Spirit fills me with love, peace, patience, kindness, long-suffering, joy, and other wonderful things. knowledge that you wouldn't understand in your current captive state.

and power? by faith, the power is immense. the power comes from the same source that spoke the universe into existence. when that power answers your prayer, you don't wonder about it, you praise God for it.

God loves me because I am full of His Spirit; he does not love me because I behave. He chastens me when I do wrong like any father; He gives gifts, wonderful gifts, like any father, but His love for me existed before I was born.

My heart breaks that more people are going to Hell than are going to heaven. I'm not okay with that. I'm here, trying to tell you that Jesus loves you, and wants you to go to heaven, and all you have to do is ask Him and repent of your sins. Choose to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, and believe that Jesus is alive.

i hope that answers your question for i must go now. know that i suffer for posting the truth in this place, and know that i will continue to do so as long as i can. people like you hated Jesus when He was here, so i expect people like you to hate me, and i, like you, want to be loved and not hated.

>> No.2293095

Afraid to confront the truth, are we?

>> No.2293180

Something wrong, religiousfag?

No more comebacks? No more Bible thumping?

Have you decided to leave because you were getting nowhere with us? Or has your faith been shattered like glassware beneath the treads of a bulldozer, and you're too busy wondering how you never saw it before all these years to type a response?

Not that it really matters, it's just that the latter would bring me much pleasure.

sage in a dead thread

>> No.2293223

Damn I hope that the christfag posting in here is fucking trolling cause if he is dead serious bout all the bullshit and contradictions he's spouting, then humanity is lost.