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File: 38 KB, 517x420, ion-engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2287846 No.2287846 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a senior undergraduate senior. I'm currently applying to grad schools (yeah, I know they are really late). I didn't take the Physics GRE Subject Test so that has narrowed my physics Phd options, but I am also applying to engineering grad schools. A friend of mine suggested looking into plasma propulsion (ion engines) because plasma research draws a lot from several fields of physics.

My question is what other fields of engineering might be ideal for physics majors? Fuck if I'm going into civil and nuclear requires an engineering undergraduate degree.

>> No.2287882
File: 496 KB, 1008x3107, intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2287947

what are you interested in? electrical and mechanical are always options.

>> No.2287978

Is that meant to be a nuke or volcanic eruption?

>> No.2288009
File: 25 KB, 200x200, kimiko12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm simply looking for fields that would give someone with a physics education a leg up. Dealing with plasmas draws on E&M, thermodynamics, and mechanics. The only application of plasmas in engineering I know of are ion engines.

If you have any suggestions for engineering fields that deal with plasma or that involve a similar amount of physics then please, help a brother out.

>> No.2288018

That's just fucking adorable.

>> No.2288020

Photonics is a specialized electrical engineering field which makes use of a lot of physics.

>> No.2288024

The comic is commenting on the drawbacks of intelligence... it's a nuke.

>> No.2288029

Propulsion, eh?
Might I recommend Glorious Aerospace Engineering?

>> No.2288037

>fields of engineering might be ideal for physics majors?

You are more the qualified to go into any field of engineer. However, all you will be doing is shit-tier work. You will do very little actual physics, and whatever physics you do will be very very elementary. Good luck.

>> No.2288051

Why sew jelly bro? Be happy with your $35k a year

>> No.2288067

>Physics-esk Engineering Fields
>not -esque

>> No.2288082

Well yeah, that is the the field that contains most ion propulsion. I'm applying to U of Washington, Seattle and Michigan U.

There aren't many departments that have such a specialty and my 3.08 GPA and near utter lack of extra curriculars and the fact that I'm applying uber late and constrained by whatever fellowships I can get means I need to send many applications. And like I said, there aren't that many universities with a focus on electric propulsion.

>> No.2288088

Feels bad man.

>> No.2288098

>I'm a senior undergraduate senior.

So does that mean you are a senior citizen? I confuse.

Why not try for a Masters instead of Phd, your gpa might be ok for some masters programs.


>> No.2288122

It was a mistype. I meant senior physics undergraduate. I control-c'd when I should have control-v'd.