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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2285847 No.2285847 [Reply] [Original]

Here is a question you.

So a light year = the distance light travels in a year.

So my question is how are we observing this light 11 million light years away now?

I'm not 11 million years old, i'm 20.

I don't believe light travels at all, i've looked at various models and worked on many but none of it works. The basics of visual perception is often overlooked. When we look at something what is actually going on? The emission theory states that the light emits (not a travelling speed) from our own eyes not from the object we look at. The intromission theory states the opposite.

The emission theory is the most common sense, so i don't believe there is any speed of light. The 'Starlight Problem' has never been a problem for me and the YEC model. The earliest Church Fathers (2nd-4th century AD) who believed in emmision theory also had no problem with starlight and a young universe.

>> No.2285852

The sun isn't the only source of light you know? Think of a cloudly day, there's light coming from somewhere.

>> No.2285850
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>> No.2285853
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>> No.2285857

bump, sup "scientists" problem answering this simple question?
How about you admit your theories are just a guess?

>> No.2285861

oh my fucking god, this troll again.

>> No.2285858

The clouds diffuse the light they don't block it out completely.

>> No.2285863
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>I'm not 11 million years old, i'm 20.
Did you count from the beginning? Perhaps someone lied.

>> No.2285868

It was sent off 11 million years before you were born troll

And it just got to you now

>> No.2285869

haha, funny haha. "I don't have an answer, I will just laugh" haha. Haha.

>> No.2285870

>I'm not 11 million years old, i'm 20.

The light is here anyways, so your eyes observe what is here now.

>the light emits (not a travelling speed) from our own eyes not from the object we look at
Go into a room. Close your eyes. Turn off the lights. Open your eyes. Are there highbeams shotting forth from your eyes? No.
>Myth busted.

>> No.2285873

If it takes 11 million years to travel to earth, how can i see it now? I'm only 20.

If it takes 11 million years to travel to earth then the viewer would need to be 11 million years old.

how can it reach me if I am only 20?

>> No.2285875

1/10. Only because someone actually responded. Now please let it die.

>> No.2285880

>The light is here anyways, so your eyes observe what is here now.
but why is the light, supposedly, here? I am 20, how did the light know were to go?
even if your guess is right, then *gasp* someone guided the light!

>> No.2285881

Babys first troll.

>> No.2285879

Yes OP, our eyes manage to emit light to stuff that's millions of years away.
Wait, what's that? they're millions of years away! how could they reach it unless.. unless............ UNLESS IT MEANS THAT YOU'RE MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD! congratulation! you win the prize

>> No.2285878

The emission theory is what the ancient greeks believed.

That light shoots out of your eyes and thats how you see.

You couldnt disprove it before, because you could say if you close your eyes its still there, but that doesnt work because how do you if your eyes are close.

But now you just set up a camera and close your eyes.
And dont tell me the Camera shoots light beams everywhere.
And if light came out of our eyes wouldnt it look like a fucking light

Why am i replyling anyway, its obviously a troll

>> No.2285886

no, it's because it is only WE that shoot light. When you go outside, you see many people and they all omit light, thus the place is shiny.
in the night, when we go to sleep, the earth goes dark. xmmmm, I can't think why!

>> No.2285887
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>> No.2285890

how did the light know were we are?
the universe is dark, the Earth is full of lighbt, obviously the light travels to us according to your theory. Why?

>> No.2285891

Imagine a room full of mirrors. Now imagine shining a laser pointer in there.
That's a very simplified explanation of what light is doing ALL THE TIME.

>> No.2285894

4/10. It's getting stronger now. Stop feeding it.

>> No.2285897

and that's the Earth, we all omit light and that's why the earth is full of it. The universe, were the light from us doesn't reach it, is dark.
logic 101?

>> No.2285896

So when everyone was awake for new year at 12 why was it dark.

>> No.2285895


Turn on a lightbulb.

Also, based on the lightbulb, your idea falls apart. When you turn it on, something doesn't shoot out between the two coils making light from your eyes bounce off of it; it emits light.

>> No.2285898

Nobody is discussing it. How did your light know where to go? it's pretty obvious that you emit it in the general directions you want. but wait. it still doesn't explain how did light made it there in 1,000,000 years.

>> No.2285902

If light came from humans why would we use lights.

>> No.2285903

light bulbs increases the power of our eyes, it doesn't need to emit anything.

>> No.2285904

Why is Jesus drowning that guy?

>> No.2285906

No, fuck you. this is the 1st entertaining troll ever. he responds!

>> No.2285908

it empowers our sight.
he saves him, like how I am trying to save you.

>> No.2285909

Oh, hi OP.

>> No.2285910

Preach the word brother, you're the only one right in this modern era.

>> No.2285912

I am not a troll. When did being a true believer become "trolling"?
And I am happy to entertain you if it means you learn something.

>> No.2285915
File: 34 KB, 365x446, 1287117781382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohohoho, not a samefag, faggot.
I'm here, i'm gonna stay, me and the OP will have some serious trolling.

>> No.2285913

He's saving him by killing him? I don't understand you jesucists at all.

>> No.2285918

light doesn't "know"
it just moves.
billions of particles emitted from a lightbulb or whatever lightsource you prefer streaming into ANY direction you could possibly imagine, getting reflected by stuff, some part of it absorbed, and there's sem millions of particles that managed to get in your eye. this is what you see.

light doesn't go in your eye because it has chosen that direction, it just gets in tere because there's light everywhere.

that with the 11 million years thing:
11 million years ago, there was a star. it emitted 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000³³³³³²³²³ photons a second and blew them into any direction.
11 million years later, some of those photons made their way into your eye.
have fun trolling.

>> No.2285920

Answer this Fagooot

>> No.2285923

Not true! We are not alone friend :)
There are many brothers in faith that try to make the world understand, see

>> No.2285924

/r/ing the comic about how a scientist has to dumb things down to your common folk, because it's to hard for him, and since some things aren't possible to dumb down alot, he just says that the scientist is wrong for blaspheming.

It was a discussion about a rectangle being a circle, how it was proven a rectangle, and how the fanatic, being the dumbass he is, couldn't figure out unless they dumbed it down for him. (or square?)

>> No.2285926

he is drowning (sin) and GOD and lord JESUS saves him and puts him on the boat (salvation and paradise).
it was much brighter! Didn't you see the news? Not to mention the firecrackers that improved our sight further on.
we must also understand that only 1 time zone at a time was awake. Then they went to sleep.

>> No.2285930

So if lights such as the sun empowers us to see more you are basically saying the sun and lights make us see.


>> No.2285936

the sun is the paradise dumbass, it has billions of people's souls on them and that's why it is alight.

>> No.2285932
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>> No.2285940

Fukken saved

>> No.2285942

Wow Gee thanks man! I never knew that! You have completely changed my view point of everything!
The sun is heaven!

Then Lights must be a little bit of heaven too!

>> No.2285941
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>> No.2285944
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My OC :3c

>> No.2285945

no, the lights empower our vision.
don't confuse the two.

>> No.2285946
File: 29 KB, 310x310, Inova-Torch-Inova-T4-Torch-Flashlight-rechargeable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you got YOUR piece of heaven

>> No.2285948

>GET THE FUCK OUT also thanks for the tips on trolls

>> No.2285950

empowers out vision.
Good try troll.

>> No.2285951

all your theories are just a guess.

>> No.2285952

Wut? I'm talking about the sign

>> No.2285953

so are yours.
In reality, the only truth we can know, is the truth of God. The believers don't look aat us for our knowledge, they look at us for our faith. Knowledge should be secondary to faith.

>> No.2285954

I have no theory, you see i am ignorant, i embrace it.
gods? scientists? how about forget and live on.
I may go to hell on your perspective and look like a moron to the scientists, and i will not be saved by you. i chose this, i live with this.

>> No.2285955

bump, still didn't have a serious explanation (if there is one, which I doubt)

>> No.2285957

why do you reject Him? In the worst case senario, he doesn't exist (ps: he does exist, I have spoken to Him) and nothing happens!

>> No.2285959

That is not the worse case scenario, the worse case scenario is that he exists, and i expect something when in reality there is nothing. I live this life as if it's the only thing.
you see, i don't take any theories, just the less painful of any truth

>> No.2285960


>> No.2285961

Shoo, troll.

>> No.2285965

Hmm, I fucked up there.
what I meant was that i believe that the worse case scenario is that i believe he exists, when in reality he doesn't and i'll expect something when there's actually nothing.

>> No.2285966
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>> No.2285970
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you live the tormentus today instead of anticipating the perfect tommorow?
woah, /sci/ sure is full of stupid people.

WAKE UP! GOD, our LORD is knocking your door and giving you everything! OPEN IT! Open it and take everything! live eternally and happy!
Reject the sinful "life" you live now and join Him. He loves you. Stop rejecting Him.

>> No.2285969

if you aren't the guy sticking to the emission theory i can tell you:
the light started travelling 11 million years ago. now it's found it's way into your eyes.
you see what was 11 million years ago.

if you want to think in the emission theory way... i guess you pretty much disproved it with your example in the OP post.

>> No.2285973

I'm sorry, but i am not living in the tormenuts. I live in peace with myself. I don't have to worry about anything. My life will come to an end, be it sooner or later than what I think, i have nothing to fear because as i believe it, there's nothing

>> No.2285977

a) Let's just say it is true. HOW did it find its way to my eyes? Did "someone" guide it?
b) Any proof? No? Guessed so.

>> No.2285984

Oh geez, OP found a way to say PROVE ME WRONG without saying PROVE ME WRONG.
well played OP. we can't prove a negative.

>> No.2285990

point me out to a negative claim.

>> No.2285996

Well, you see, just as the "GOD EXISTS, PROVE ME WRONG", we can't do it, even though dinosaurs, DNA, skeletons, atomic levels, etc.

You, we say that the light is emited by other crap and shit, however, you claim that we emit the light, and we've told you multiple times that light is emited EVERYWHERE as long as there isn't something obstructing it. you refuse that and well, that doesn't leave us with much. it's either us with our light emissions or you with our eyes emitting light

>> No.2286000

so you are saying you can't refute my point?
Good to know, didn't expect more.

>> No.2286001

the light doesn't need guide.
it is pretty much everywhere.
it travels straight in every direction, there are as i mentioned before REAAALLLY high amounts of so called "photons" emitted from that star.
the light doesn't only travel to your eyes, it also travels to the farest ends of the galaxy.
there is no reason it shouldn't hit your eyes.
so you see it.

the case that you see the galaxy with this theory is proven now.

however you have disproven the emission theory yourself as there wouldn't be any way for the light to travel there in 20 years from your eyes to that galaxy.


>> No.2286005

Well I can, as i said, how come are the things that we percieve to be a piece of heaven (courtesy from you) let off some heat? isn't that curious? light = heat? why doesn't our eyes emit heat?

Also, you aren't seeing the universe in its actual stage, you're seeing the universe as it was 11,0000 years old. if your grampa is 50 years old and you're 8, then how can you see him if he's older?
check and mate

>> No.2286010

yes, why are you full of BS?
the light isn't EVERYWHERE.
It is in a) the Earth and b) heaven
The universe is dark, there is no light there. The light travels only to the Earth even if we accept that the light travels.

also, I didn't disprove my theory. We omit the light and that's why we see things.

>> No.2286008

retarded, reported

>> No.2286012

wait hang on man, just ignore this thread, it's made out of me, the op, and maybe some retard that bites. I'm having some fun (yes, forever alone) and this is like training for dealing with trolls.

>> No.2286016
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lol, but if you emit the light, and you'r eonly 20 years old then how come do you see stuff that is around 1 billion years old, doesn't light that's travelling at the speed of light take 1 billion years old to reach things? ;p;

>> No.2286019

>you're seeing the universe as it was 11,0000 years old
prove it. Have you been there? And don't tell me it's a negative claim. You can just go there to prove me wrong.
>if your grampa is 50 years old and you're 8, then how can you see him if he's older?
because he is next to me and I see him now.
>check and mate

>> No.2286023

>this is like training for dealing with trolls.


>> No.2286024

because I am next to them and I illuminate them. I guide my visions to them.

>> No.2286026

ok, I am 2 hours here and still got 0 serious answers.
I am off and thanks for the admitions that you can't refute what I say.

god loves you.

>> No.2286027

exactly, it might not seem like it, but the objects which emit light in the universe are next to you. you might not believe me, but not everything is observable in the universe.
also: http://www.oarval.org/cosmyard.htm

>> No.2286028

wow, 2nd rule. nobody cares.
you should do as it says.

>> No.2286029

the light indeed is everywhere, it's just you don't "see" the light particles when they don't touch your receptors in your eyes.
you "see" light particles that directly hit your eyes. so you either see the sun, because light particles hit your eyes coming directly from the sun itself or you see a planet, because the light got reflected and 'saved' it's color and then hit your receptors, however the travelling takes time.

in your op post your question pretty much was "how is the stated case possible within the rules of my theory" the simple answer is: it isn't.
this can mean two things: either you don't see the galaxy which is far away or your theory is wrong.

as you have clearly stated, the galaxy is visible, which means your theory is disproven.

>> No.2286040
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>you can't refute what I say
you can't refute by reason something that was not acquired by reason in the first place, trolololo