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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 96 KB, 1086x428, 1293965714027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2285456 No.2285456 [Reply] [Original]

>all races are equal, they were just oppressed, derp, its just culture, derp they just need more of your tax dollars

>> No.2285477

Not this shit again

>> No.2285478
File: 59 KB, 1197x756, euriv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2285482

and I suppose this concerns sci because?
oh that's right it doesn't.
fuck off

>> No.2285484


>> No.2285486
File: 16 KB, 350x366, hillbilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Americans

>> No.2285487

anthropology, biology, history, genetics, you name it

>> No.2285489

No, more like insecurity and trolling.
I don't give a fuck, i suppose i'll invite other scientist fellows if they give a fuck, which i think they don't.

>> No.2285495

insecurity of what? youre the one pretending everyone is equal, something impossible in science, just to make niggers feel better

>> No.2285500

for bringing it up
who cares?
go tell the nigger next door that he's biologically inferior, or the butthurt white trash.

>> No.2285505

I've seen far more of ALL races act far fucking stupider than a handful of niggers.


>> No.2285506

so anyone who brings up a topic for discussion on 4chan is insecure? umm ok, what liberal buzzwords will you use next

>> No.2285508

>derp my personal anecdotes outweigh statistics

typical atheist moron

>> No.2285510

Notice that hut is on an extreme desert. The Romans lived off of the tiber river in a land rich in resources. I'm sure I know about 100 times as much about history as you do, OP. Go educate yourself before you assume that the difference between races is that significant. Obviously there are some trends, but the difference between individuals is so much greater than between races, that it's ridiculous to judge based on race. Yes, asians have a slightly higher average iq than everyone else, and blacks are slightly lower, on average. This doesn't mean there aren't genius blacks and stupid asians.

>> No.2285511

Uhm, no, don't be stupid.
for bringing this topic up, you're in need to discuss why people different than your race has a shit condition. fucks; nobody gives one. listen to that guy, go to >>>/new/

>> No.2285513

Well there wasn't any scientific in your original post.

>> No.2285515

>implying arabs didnt have great empires in the desert
>implying there was a harsher environment than north europe or north asia, both of which had more advanced civilizations than niggers despite getting to their destination much later

DERP, even the environment argument proves you wrong lmao

>> No.2285519
File: 38 KB, 268x265, 1282321090234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't even mad at you anymore, a little birdie told me you're just incredibly dedicated. I tip my hat off to you good sir. Some fine trollin there, Lou.

>> No.2285528

Well, I know you're just a troll, but I'm going to answer this for the sake of interested lurkers, if there are any. Have you heard of the fertile crescent? It's a huge piece of fertile land off of which the sumerians and arabs successfully lived. The Arab civilization spawned off of the area between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates. The Egyptians spawned off of the Nile. For every single great civilization, you can point to a river. The Zimbabweans lived off of the Limpopo and errr...Zambezi, is it? The Aksumites, another great African civilization, also had a fair amount of rivers compared to most of Africa. Ethiopia was pretty good before it got fucked by climate change. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.2285530


You have never been in Central Africa ? They are rich in ressources, farm land, whatever,... what do they do ? Mass genocide for the lulz... fuck yeah Africa

>> No.2285532

of course its not a coincidence. its not a coincidence that almost every nigger country including african countries, haiti, etc. were thriving while europeans were managing them but as soon niggers decided they wanted to run it themselves they all collapsed to shit

oh yeah its just that white oppression and they raped the land. ooh wait but didnt you say niggers didnt have good land to begin with? jesus christ, WHICH IS IT MAN?

>> No.2285534

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.2285538

Trolling with strawmen.

>> No.2285539

he meant pre-colonization, and what you mean is post-independence. you're a fucktard

>> No.2285542

so youre saying whites were successful on land that was supposedly useless? and this proves niggers are equal how?

>> No.2285544

wait so youre saying the land went from bad, to good just in time for whites, to bad again right after whites left?

damn those niggers have the worst luck!

>> No.2285553

Yes, actually.
if you choose to listen to this, or call me some liberal hippy, then i don't fucking know what's your point at all.
whites are superior, the best living conditions yes. you have a point. WHAT DO WE CARE?

>> No.2285559

your post makes no sense at all and mine wasnt to suggest whites are superior, but instead to point out blacks are not equal to all other races (all of whom would have managed just fine in africa, as they did in their worse environments)

>> No.2285560

Whites had good technology to exist in harsh environments, which they were able to get from their countries' awesome economies, which were based on...resources. Also, in the more fertile areas of Africa, as I've already pointed out there were some thriving African civs. Ethiopia is probably the best example. They were the only ones who were too strong for the Europeans to overtake them. They had a great economy, and were at one time one of the four main imperial powers. There are ancient texts found by scholars from Rome and China in which the Ethiopians are talked about as if they were one of the most powerful empires at the time. Their land has degraded, and they got fucked by socialism in the '70s, and they aren't nearly as powerful as they used to be. Second, I never said two races are equal. Equality doesn't really exist outside of man-made things (weight and other properties of man-made things). I'm just saying that the difference is so small, especially considering the much huger difference between two individuals of any two races.

>> No.2285562

Those are you ancestors you prick.
And alright, yes the negroes made their worse. and colonization did fuck it up.
still who cares?

>> No.2285567

and yet ethiopians have the lowest IQs in africa. africans had way more resources than, say, north asians or north europeans who only had snow for breakfast.

>> No.2285575

also the most successful africans lived in the harshest environments. north africans for example, like the egyptians, had a great civilization while sub-saharan africans had pretty decent resources and accomplished absolutely nothing. why is this? because egyptians werent niggers.

>> No.2285576

Lol nigger's are the stupidest creatures on the earth xDDDD

>> No.2285579

india has the highest IQ and it's a shithole.
also, north europe (that had only snow to eat) didn't thrive untill the 19th centuary.

>> No.2285581

I didn't know they had photographs 2000 years ago. Also back to /new/, kiddo.

>> No.2285582
File: 15 KB, 476x485, 1272564550669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="math">{\bf Ya'll~retards~need~to~learn~to~sage~and~let~an~obvious~troll~thread~404.~This~guy}[/spoiler] atheismIsGay !Lwg.Wdk8q. <span class="math">{\bf is~the~new~aether.~He~is~lung~cancer~and~you~are~the~smoke~that~causes~it.~Stop~fucking~feeding~it.}[/spoiler]

That is all.

>> No.2285583

>highest iq

troll harder fag. also niggers have never thrived despite hundreds of billions in foreign aid.

>> No.2285584

you now realize that harsh conditions toughen you up.
also, it does depend to fertility of the land, if you were to make connections of countries that thrived and those that didn't, you'd find out that it's related to the population untill the 20th centuary or unless it was anothers countries bitch. (examples are canada and australia)

and of course, the notable exepctions of china and india, those were just overpopulated as fuck, but did manage well on their own... untill the british......

>> No.2285589

it does you fucking idiot.

>> No.2285596

How the fuck did you bold?

>> No.2285601

>and yet Ethiopians have the lowest IQs of Africans
no, no, no. The west african countries have the lowest average IQs, Senegal for example. They also happen to be the most religious places in Africa. No coincidence there, I assure you. Oh, and another important thing to consider when discussing IQ scores is that mathematics have shown to increase average IQ when introduced to a person at an early age when their brain is developing. African countries have the worst education, and the have the lowest IQs. Modern Asian culture puts very intense focus on education, especially on math, and they have the highest average IQ scores. Coincidence? I don't think so. Also, you silly as fuck. China had silk. The largest trade road in the world was based on China's silk. They got rich off of everyone in the world wanting silk. Even civilizations China didn't know about it traded with the civilizations with whom China traded just to get that precious silk. Indians had spices, that made them rich. Ivory is one of teh main reasons Ethiopia was so much richer than other African states. As to Northern Europe, I'm pretty ignorant about their history, in spite of my fascination with vikings. I know that Iceland suffered a lot from poor resources. It had several starvation epidemics, and did pretty poorly after it got isolated from Norway until the modern era brought mass media and all of that. I also know alot more about the viking era than any other era of Northern Europe, and I know they had a climatic optimum in that period during 1000-approximately 1200. The area was significantly less icy, and at this same time they had the economic powerhouse which fueled the viking invasions, the colonization of Iceland, Greenland, and North America. Now they have modern technology, which makes climate less influential.

>> No.2285602


india has a low iq and iq is a great indicator of intelligence despite what Dr Finklestein or Professor Burtha tells you

>> No.2285604


how do you boldface like that damn it
also why is /co/ like the only board [spoiler] on which any formatting works? [spoiler]

>> No.2285606

I'm writing paragraphs to him, but I don't care if he is trolling. I love talking about history and civilization, regardless of whether or not the people with whom I'm conversing are taking me seriously.

>> No.2285607

refer to >>2285602

ethiopia has one of the lowest IQs in all of africa.

>baww africans dont have educumacations or cash moneys

at some point you have to stop pretending that niggers dont flourish because they lack this or that and that they are just different. you act like other civilizations started with money and education. protip: they created it

>> No.2285610

No, the mean IQ of India is in the high 80s/low 90s. Also, the west has been siphoning off their best and brightest for over a century.

>> No.2285611


it's like this on the text boards i think but you can't do it on most of the image boards. with the exception of /co/ and a couple of others in which you can [spoiler] spoiler [spoiler]

>> No.2285615

>not science

>> No.2285616

>implying high 80s is a high iq

>> No.2285622

Hey you should read Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. That combined with the 10,000 Year Explosion by I forget. Taken together, I believe they explain the large IQ differences between races, and also explain why low IQ's in certain countries can probably be remedied.
Also, epigenetics. So even if intelligence is completely genetic (it's not) that doesn't mean that environment can't have a big impact.

>> No.2285623


liberal fags dont believe genetics exist, they believe skin color, sex, height, weight, intelligence, and shoe size are all just social constructs

>> No.2285625

you realize Diamond is a jew, right?

>> No.2285626

Well, now I feel silly for just taking my IQ test source as fact, as you should too I guess. You will find many different conflicting survey, and you can never be sure which is true. The only consistent thing we have from IQ test compilations is that Asia and Northern Europe tend to be highest, and Africa tends to be lowest. And for the last time, I'm not saying races are equal, I'm just saying that it's not significant enough discriminate based on race. Maybe I'm assuming things about you that aren't true. You don't think we should take certain rights away from blacks just because of averages like this, right? You do recognize the fact that there are intelligent blacks and stupid asians, etc.? Also, I think you really need to consider the education argument and the climate/resources argument. You've just blown them off with "baww". But then again it's likely that you are trolling me.

>> No.2285630
File: 159 KB, 490x600, misc_image01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/new/ here with some A. Wyatt Mann.

>> No.2285631

I find it ironic that this "atheismisgay" person is using IQ tests to back up his claims, and is also against atheism and liberalism, when atheists and liberals haver higher average IQ scores than theists and conservatives. Oh, wait. Troll.

>> No.2285632
File: 15 KB, 476x484, 1272564550670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="math">{\bf Apparently~none~of~you~knows~how~to~read.~If~your~childish~mind~forces~you~to~feed~it,~at~least~

>> No.2285634

i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i w­ill fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

>> No.2285636
File: 145 KB, 500x376, white_image27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2285640


i'll start saging when you explain how u did the bold face

>> No.2285642

why do you people always pretend that the issue is we want to "discriminate against them"

stop with the fucking propaganda. the whole world gives them free money, jobs, education, and more that they dont deserve under the FALSE premise that they are equal. nature is a harsh bitch and reality and truth are as well. they were simply dealt unlucky genetic card, its time to let nature take its own course. its time for humans to grow up.

>> No.2285647 [DELETED] 

I can has bold?

>> No.2285646

Why waste resources making niggers marginally smarter when we could be making Asians marginally smarter and simply do away with niggers

>> No.2285648
File: 77 KB, 400x510, white_image09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2285652

<span class="math">{\bf This~is~a~test}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285650 [DELETED] 

{\bf suck~my~dick~please}

>> No.2285654 [DELETED] 

{\bf Apparently~none~of~you~knows~how~to~read.~If~your~childish~mind~forces~you~to~feed~it,~at~least~ fucking~SAGE}

>> No.2285653


how damn it!

>> No.2285655

<span class="math"> {\bf I can has bold?} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285663 [DELETED] 

[ math]{\bf just~testing }[ /math]

>> No.2285661 [DELETED] 

{\bf just~testing }

>> No.2285658

You are forgetting the [ math][ /math] tag.

>> No.2285659

So you really think that we should ostracize people who are black? If you think we should ostracize people because their intelligent is inferior, then it would be totally illogical to base it on race. My point is this: Are you willing to admit that there are smart blacks and stupid asians, or are you just a racist? Also, I'm not sure you know what propaganda is. Also, as someone who claims to be against atheism, how do you feel about the god you believe in making people who are inferior?

>> No.2285662

how do bold you fucks

>> No.2285665

<span class="math"> {\bf I~can~has~bold?} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285667

fucking bold how does it work

>> No.2285668

Without the spaces inside the tags

>> No.2285669

how the fuck is the alternative to giving tons of free shit they didnt earn "ostracizing?"

is it because you admit that without all the free shit we give them they will drift into oblivion? and yet you try to pretend this isnt the case in your previous posts? let nature take its course, its that fucking simple. we are all part of nature.

>> No.2285670

<span class="math">{\bf just~testing }[/spoiler]

>> No.2285671
File: 138 KB, 403x499, white_image01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

{\bf Be bold white man!}

>> No.2285672


[s] i fucking hate you [s]

>> No.2285676

<span class="math"> fucking shit [/spoiler]

>> No.2285677 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">{\bf thread~hijack~successful}<span class="math">

>if you want {\bf to~bold}~or~italic you must use the [ math] and [ /math] tags (remove the spaces) and put your code in between. {\bf text~goes~here}, this goes between the tags and you're set.

Now please sage.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2285678


[science] i can't believe this works [/science]

>> No.2285679

<span class="math">Hello World[/spoiler]

>> No.2285682

<span class="math">{\bf thread~hijack~successful}[/spoiler]
>if you want <span class="math">{\bf to~bold}~or~italic[/spoiler] you must use the [ math] and [ /math] tags (remove the spaces) and put your code in between. {\bf text~goes~here}, this goes between the tags and you're set. Now please sage.

>> No.2285683

{\bf zomg~i~can~bold}

>> No.2285684


<span class="math">okay[/spoiler]

>> No.2285686

<span class="math"> {\bf testing} <span class="math">[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2285688


nice job asshole

>> No.2285689

<span class="math"> {\texttt look~guyz~im~hacking?} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285691

<span class="math">{\bf zomg~you~cant}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285694

<span class="math"> \texttt{look~guyz~im~hacking} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285697

Where the fuck did you get the \texttt thing from? It's \bf to make bold text.

>> No.2285698

Ohhh. You mean stuff like Affirmative action? Oh, I'm 100% against all of that. Any government benefit for blacks over anyone else is totally retarded. I thought you were saying we should take away such rights as voting or something.

>> No.2285703

<span class="math"> {\tt~it's~a~latex~control~sequence~for~teletype,~dumbass} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285704

i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

>> No.2285707

<span class="math">{\bf you're hopeless.}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285709

>look guys i'm hacking

>> No.2285711

<span class="math"> {\sc Test} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285712

<span class="math"> \textbf{Test} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285714

are you all dyslexic or what?

>> No.2285715

what are the tags for the other boards?

>> No.2285719

There aren't any. /sci/ has LaTeX support for the use of formulas.

>> No.2285720

<span class="math">{\bf feels bad man that I can't bold}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285721

<span class="math"> {/bf okay} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285727

<span class="math"> rainbows.typeset .scale {
font-size: 120%;
} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285730

whos dislexci what now? changing the order of the brace treats it like a text modifier instead of a command

>> No.2285731

<span class="math"> .typeset .scale {
font-size: 120%; rainbow
} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285735

.typeset .scale {
font-size: 120%; lololol}

>> No.2285737

<span class="math">{\bf First test, will mostly likely fail.}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285738
File: 11 KB, 441x408, 1268423483597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2285739

Today is: <span class="math">\today[/spoiler]

>> No.2285740

<span class="math">{\bf Better} {\bf than} {\bf expected,} {\bf let's} {\bf try} {\bf this.}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285742


<span class="math"> {/bf You're a nigger.} [/spoiler]

captcha: fuserg resigned

>> No.2285744

use ~ for spaces

>> No.2285745

<span class="math">\underline{Test}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285746

<span class="math"> {\bf what~the~hell} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285747

Hmm... <span class="math">{\bf A~B~C}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285748

<span class="math">\underline{\bf NIGGERS}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285751

<span class="math">\underline{Underline}~\bf{bold}~italic[/spoiler]

>> No.2285752

<span class="math">\begin{center} Test \end{center}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285750 [DELETED] 


<span class="math"> {/s let's~try~this!} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285753

<span class="math">{\if Iitalic?}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285755

<span class="math">\underline{Underline}~{\bf bold}~italic[/spoiler]

>> No.2285756 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> {/u fuck~this} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285759

<span class="math"> {\rm Test } [/spoiler]

>> No.2285757 [DELETED] 


<span class="math"> {/un underline} <span class="math">[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2285761

This syntax is problematic.

<span class="math">Italic~ie.~normal[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\underline{Underlined}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">{\bf And~bold}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285764

<span class="math"> {\bf I \heartsuit you guyz! } [/spoiler]

>> No.2285762 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> {/sub come} <span class="math">on damn it[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2285767

Jesus christ what a bunch of fail. Double click someone else's text to view the code...

>> No.2285766 [DELETED] 


<span class="math"> {/underline underlined} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285768

<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> {\bf \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit \heartsuit } [/spoiler]

>> No.2285769


<span class="math"> courier [/spoiler] let's do this

>> No.2285771

<span class="math">\underline{\bf Ignore~this~lame~attempt}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285774


thanks faggot

<span class="math"> /underline{Underlined} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285775 [DELETED] 

{\bf We~\heartsuit~you~to! }

>> No.2285777

\underline{\bf 123}

>> No.2285778

<span class="math">{\bf We~\heartsuit~you~to! }[/spoiler]

>> No.2285779

<span class="math"> {\slanted LOLslant } [/spoiler]

>> No.2285781

<span class="math"> {\sl LOLslant } [/spoiler]

>> No.2285782

<div class="math">\newcommand{\a}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \choose #1}} \newcommand{\b}[2]{#1{#1{#2}}} \b{\b{\a}}{\b{\b{\b{\a}}}{\bf oh~god~how~did~this~get~here~i~am~not~good~with~computer}}</div>

>> No.2285783

you still fail faggot. Protip: use \ instead of /

>> No.2285784

<span class="math"> /underline{why~isn't~it~working} [/spoiler]

>> No.2285785

\underline{\bf Does~it~work?}

>> No.2285786

<span class="math"> {\rm How~do~these~ differ? } [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> How~do~these~differ? [/spoiler]

>> No.2285787

There really should be a preview functionality...

>> No.2285788

<span class="math"> \underline{How~to~get~rid~of~italics~though?} <span class="math">[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2285789

[ math]\underline{\bf I~came}[ /math]

>> No.2285790

<span class="math">\underline{\rm double~click~the~text~to~view~the~code}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285792

<span class="math">\underline{\bf Now~perhaps?}[/spoiler]

>> No.2285793

<span class="math">{\rm regular}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">{\bf bold}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">italic[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\underline{\rm underlined}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\underline{underlined~and~italic}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\underline{\bf underlined~and~bold}[/spoiler]
now how to italic and bold?

>> No.2285794

<span class="math">{\rm Test} [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> Test [/spoiler]

>> No.2285801

Quick! Divert chromefags from /g/ to this thread!

>> No.2285922

<div class="math">
\newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}}

>> No.2286706

///////////////////////OLD NEWS////////////////////////////////////////////////
Complete Neanderthal Genome Sequenced: DNA Signatures Found in Present-Day Europeans and Asians, but Not in Africans
/////////they ARE different///////////////////////////////////////////////////

and wtf is sage?

>> No.2286730

inb4 library of alexendria

50% of africans not black

race dont mean shit

yada yada

>> No.2286759

<span class="math"> \newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}}
\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\triangle}}}}}}} [/spoiler]

>> No.2286767

\newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}}

>> No.2286772

\newcommand{\a}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \choose #1}} \newcommand{\b}[2]{#1{#1{#2}}} \b{\b{\a}}{\b{\b{\b{\a}}}{\bf sure~is~butthurt~niggers~in~here}}

>> No.2286789

Disease. Disease in children has been shown to lower IQ, and even if it didn't, people can't work when they're ill.

Africa is full of disease.

>> No.2286795
File: 38 KB, 510x369, rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking niggers abusing jsmath.

>> No.2286810

<span class="math">{\bf NIGGERS~nIgGeRs~nigger}[/spoiler]

>> No.2286817

\newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}} \t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\triangle}}}}}}}

>> No.2286822

<span class="math">\newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}} \t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\triangle}}}}}}}[/spoiler]

>> No.2286837

///////////////////////OLD NEWS////////////////////////////////////////////////
Complete Neanderthal Genome Sequenced: DNA Signatures Found in Present-Day Europeans and Asians, but Not in Africans
/////////they ARE different///////////////////////////////////////////////////

>> No.2286875

>mfw one person bolding to get this thread kills actually proliferates the thread by making all of the wonderful /sci/entists in this thread give in to their childish instincts and begin to [bold][underline]and triforce[/underline][/math]

I probably fucked that up

>> No.2287471

itt butthurt atheist liberals cant stand the truth that all men are not equal because it ruins their chance for a communist utopia