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2284670 No.2284670 [Reply] [Original]

I used to live moment to moment, never had any long term goals. Now I have some specific intellectual long term goals, but I fear the possibility of dying before I achieve anything

lol...im so dumb sometimes

I used to be all zen and went with the flow, now I get a headache and am like "oh shit it better not be a tumor, I got work that needs to be done"

>> No.2284684

on the bright side, nothing you do is going to matter when you're dead even if it makes people immortal or creates free energy

humans are jaded like that

on the brighter side, you will never actually die

this is actually bad news since life is like a shitty movie without a trailer that you're dissuaded from walking out on (suicide)

>> No.2284693


>you will never actually die


>> No.2284718

becouse your a part of everything when you decompose your just geting spread around

>> No.2284725


that's like saying the clothes i wear will persist...it has no bearing on my conscious existence

>> No.2284762

I'd like to tell that despite OP's woman not being exactly in shape or pretty I got horny..somehow I feel that she is closer to my reality than those perfect chicks from /s/..like, if she was here now I could just make her laugh a little and I could do her..I'll make a thread about this later

>> No.2284797

ya i'd love to fuck her while she was in her prime 18-19 years old she looks mid 20's in the pic

>> No.2284816

but thats what makes her easy.My point is that she is human...I mean, you can tell but the pic her ass stinks..woman from /s/ you could swear her anus smell like roses

>> No.2284828

You need to learn to live in the moment and acheive things as you go. For example if your goal is to get a BA degree then take it class by class; semester by semester.

Don't worry if next semester you won't get your classes blah blah blah. Just take things as they come. Doesn't mean goals are not important but you need to focus on the steps--each one--and forget about what it's going to be like when you are at the top floor; you'll get there soon enough.

>> No.2284832

op, im going to tell you ancient Indian wisdom that made me feel better about death.

"One who is born must die, and one who dies must be reborn. Do not mourn the inevitable."

>> No.2284878


I like the indian wisdom that basically says there is nothing there to be born, or to die, or be reborn, just a dynamic system that undergoes continuous change

but even the change is illusory, so is the notion that it is static

in the end it neither exists nor does not exist

>> No.2284883


I would definitely do disgusting things to girl in OP's pic

>> No.2284982


not the original guy, but my philosophy about death is that when I die, my final moments will be extended out to last forever as my consciousness ceases to exist. humans cannot perceive time after their death, therefore we live forever.

>> No.2285080

I would let her shit on my cock.

>> No.2285088


my theory is that the time between death and our next conscious moment will be instantaneous

i think the universe will eventually creating the right conditions for your particular consciousness to function again

given enough time, big bangs, recycles, i think it's possible for the universe to create you--it did it at least once before, for some reason

>> No.2285089


i would kiss her on the mouth, hard.

>> No.2285097

This thread is sad as fuck

>> No.2285099
File: 26 KB, 295x445, rogood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you sad?

>> No.2285101

Now tell me my future using tarot cards faggot

>> No.2285105


you jelly that my theory makes sense?

>> No.2285106


>> No.2285112


the only theme seems to be that those guys find the girl attractive

are you saying this is sad?

>> No.2285114

Once you are gone you are gone. Believing anything else is fairly asenine. Although, you are free to clench onto what ever makes you feel better about dying.

You are about as important as the matter you are made of.

>> No.2285122


nothing is truly gone gone,

not sure why you would clench to such an extreme view that has never been supported by our experience

all our common experience and scientific experience suggests that nature transforms, and never destroys completely

im just saying it is possible, since it happened once, the universe could simply do it again, and there are theories that the universe goes through expansions and contractions, big bang cycles

perhaps our reality is repeated indefinitely and we all live the same life over and over and over forever...

>> No.2285123

Sick fucks. The girl is 3dpd.

>> No.2285146

Why is it that i find a thread with porn in the OP pic every time i go to /sci/?

>> No.2285151


girls in bikini = porn?

you some sort of muslim or something?

>> No.2285150



>> No.2285154

You have been watching too much futurama.

Anything is possible and your entire point is meaningless. Sure some of you will transfer into other organisms when you die. Your consiousness will not, and your consiousness is all you have. Even if the universe cycles like you said, you would not be able to experience conciousness more than once.

You are going to die and when you die that is it.

>> No.2285155

Because it's your alterego that's posting her.

3D Pig Disgusting. Animutants only fap to drawings.

>> No.2285161

Same here. OP's made me want to fap to 3D for the first time in months.

>> No.2285162

You mean that piece of cloth on her ass?

Anyone have more of her by the way?

>> No.2285170


well consciousness is the product of specific neural conditions

all you have to do is create those conditions

the universe did it at least once. whats the big deal?

even if it requires every atom to be in a certain configuration, eventually, given enough time, the universe can recreate the initial conditions

>> No.2285173


you aren't some special magical unique snowflake, the universe can do whatever the fuck it wants, metaphorically speaking

if it makes the right conditions for you to become conscious in some form or another, then that is your fate, deal with it bro

>> No.2285185
File: 31 KB, 434x393, melolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


grrr a scientifically plausible case for rebirth

no sir, i don't like it!

>> No.2285194

What if humans gain a superpower depending on what they did with their life when they turn 50 and that knowledge has never been leaked to >50 year olds so that they wouldnt attempt to gain the power to destroy the universe and jail is there to direct you from your path of villainy

>> No.2285228


>> No.2285233

But.. they arent.

>> No.2285251


it's materialistic, it's rational

only problem is there is no empirical support, it is a plausible hypothesis

>> No.2285285
File: 27 KB, 493x387, 1287403875366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Manhattan Beach project wasnt mentioned anywhere

>> No.2285328


i think that poster's reluctance is derived from a general animosity towards the reverence of consciousness after "death", which is ironic considering s/he is now also revering "knowledge" about "death".

>> No.2285335

Inurdaes is asleep, it seems.

>> No.2285353
File: 61 KB, 456x430, liveto300s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sm'one call my name?


>> No.2285364

Ugh I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing that it does not matter because your same conciousness will be unaware of your previous conciousness. Thus once you die you are dead, even if it is in a continuous loop.

You are not immortal and you will not live again. Even if you come back again and again in a different form, you, the person reading this will be gone.

>> No.2285395


that doesn't matter, the point is you will experience the world, you will build new memories and a new identity

every memory and thought is already transient and fading away

a person who suffers from amnesia is still the same consciousness continuing through time, he just can't remember all the details...

>> No.2285398

I'm ok with this.

>> No.2285400


ya memory isn't a big deal, all your memories from 10seconds ago could be false memories, constructed by your subconscious, or some unknown phenomena

what matters is that you are here in the moment, the past is immaterial to consciousness

>> No.2285404

Inurdaes, you are ridiculously optimistic about everything, aren't you? That is just the kind of personality you get when you smoke pot all the time.

>> No.2285503

Your memory is a big deal, it defines who you are and what you are able to do and understand. Without it was like you never existed, you only exist in theory. Which is pretty hollow.

By your definition people don't have freewill, as you are saying that everything is preordained and that we will be extactly the same in the next "cycle". The state and composition of your mind largely defines your conciouness.

Secondly, some people may generate false memories or may lose there memories but underlining memories of their life still exists. Without these memories you would be something different then what you once were.

When you die you die. Sorry but it just seems naive to buy into the concept that the universe works in a predictable way like clock work.

Again, once you die you die. You will not exist in the same form again and even if you exist in a similar or different form your previous form will not matter or even be aware of your future form. Thus what you believe is frivilous.

>> No.2285529


A. I don't need to recall all my past-memories, I can simply realize this theory of mine, and then my point of view shifts and suddenly everything has a new meaning and identity is much more fluid

B. Universe might be deterministic, it might not be. Im saying that consciousness is not some unique magical property, it is just like any other phenomena, in the sense that it is conditional and functional, when the right conditions are in place, it begins to functions.

I'm aware of the possibility of previous and future forms.

>some people may generate false memories or may lose there memories but underlining memories of their life still exists.

Consciousness is aware of memories, just like it is aware of objects and thoughts. They can influence identity, but identity is a complex construct. I'm talking about continuity of consciousness not continuity of some fabricated identity...identities are very transient even in this life.

>> No.2285548


People can lose their identities completely in this life, yet there is still a continuity of consciousness, which is something meaningful and valuable. It allows you to continue living and create a new identity with new experiences.

The fact that death destroys identity is irrelevant. A blow to the head can do that, and so can a mental disorder.

Continuity of consciousness without memory of past lives is still significant, and quite valuable...it is like inheriting a fortune from a relative you never knew you had.

You say there is no difference between being reborn with no memories, and simply dying forever. I disagree. There is a qualitative difference between getting amnesia and identity loss and dying.

That is why I'm sure 99% of the people who faced either death or amnesia would choose amnesia...They can make new memories.

>> No.2285599

>Im saying that consciousness is not some unique magical property

Look I get what you are saying, but when you die you die.

What does believing in the theory accomplish, nothing.

You are free to look at conciousness as a generic property. It really isn't, the human conciousness is immensly complex and identity is not fabricated it is inherited and changed by external forces.

Once the life is over and the brain is dead the conciousness is over and will never be experienced again. Conciousness is just a vehical used by our body to ensure our survival. Once our body ceases to exist the vehical is no longer needed thus dies as well.

Just because some of my carbon is part of another organism does not mean that I personally will have any effect on that organisms life.

By your definition memory is not important but for your concept to have any meaning you will have to remember the theory. Therefore you stating memory is worthless is somewhat hypacritical.

Your theory is the same as me stating I have a giant T-Rex that no one but I can see. You can't disprove it.

>> No.2285612
File: 4 KB, 180x149, 1289030387707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inurdaes, you are ridiculously optimistic about everything, aren't you?
Not in the slightest. I really don't want to sound like a dicksnozzle but I have read so much on so many different topics and kept up to date with history and the news that I generally have a fairly good guess at what's gonna happen in the future. In some things I'm an optimist. In others I'm a big pessimist.