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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2281179 No.2281179 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid things you, or others, believe.

>Science is bad because it's always changing

>> No.2281191

OP is straight

>> No.2281195

The usual shit like we use 10% of our brains, or the Earth has seasons due to how close it is to the sun.

>> No.2281202

Why does the Earth have seasons?

Not even trolling.

>> No.2281204

>Water is completely clear and not naturally blue at all
>Bees shouldn't be able to fly

>> No.2281210

Magnets do work

>> No.2281214


Earth is tilted.

>> No.2281215

We only use 10% of our brains
We only use 10% of our brains at any given moment
Science can never be right
Science can never be wrong
Ethics are unimportant is science
Correct Moral conduct can be determined by science

>> No.2281217

Basically anyone who acts as though science as a whole has some sort of agenda.

There's no doubt that people certainly do bend the truths to support their beliefs while trying to pass it off as science, but it pains me when people take the stance that that in itself is enough to dismiss the entire concept instead of saying "Well I can't trust that source, but science in itself is still a great thing!"

>> No.2281225

>Ethics are unimportant is science

From a point of complete definition, ethics are unimportant to science.

It's the social application of science where ethics need to be considered and it's there that they can be said to be important, but to say that ethics are important to the science in itself is just idiotic.

>> No.2281232

I meant to say the notion that scientists need not concern them selves with ethics is stupid. Would you agree if I put it this way?

>> No.2281234

all mathematicians know pi to 100+ digits

all algorithms have linear time and space complexity(they wont say that but they believe it)

there is no gravity on moon, apparently

>> No.2281348

-the geocentric life model
-edgy new revisions saying nobody from the outside comes to Earth
-"it's right because the politicians' school system said it"

Probably more but that's mostly what makes me lose faith in people

>> No.2281444

>science can never be wrong
Any error in knowledge obtained through the scientific method can be attributed to flawed information or a flawed method, barring a statistical "miracle" where an acceptably large sample size yields extremely disproportional results. The scientific method itself cannot lead you astray.

>> No.2281505

>There are <span class="math">chemicals[/spoiler] in the food/water/drugs etc
>Anthrocentric life model
>Climate change is a hoax
>Any accounts of how xy methods by yx guru cured something that hundreds of labs around the world are still struggling to unravel.

Probably more if I think about it more in deptht.

>> No.2281568

Studying CS at university. Here are some choice quotes from friends/family/art students:

>can you fix my computer?
>have you ever written a virus?
>how do I hack my friend's account?
>so, you want to make video games?
>aren't all of your jobs moving to India?
>you know computers are just a fad, right?

>> No.2281581

one day i'm going to get laid.

>> No.2281620

That a degree in Liberal Arts is worth anything.

>> No.2281622

Yes, it can. There are certain situations in which ascertaining certain information is impossible. Conciser the following lecture:

He gives an example, but I can't remember when exactly. You might want to watch it all though, because it's a good lecture.

>> No.2281624

>all algorithms have linear time and space complexity(they wont say that but they believe it)

>> No.2281632

I have no interest in CS at all, and even I found that painfull to read

>> No.2281661

>you know computers are just a fad, right?

I lol'd irl

>> No.2281682

That is a good lecture, watched it awhile ago. Definitely worth the watch.

>> No.2281720

...except that's a perfectly good reason for people on /sci/ to dismiss religion... fucking hypocrites

>> No.2281745

>We only use 10% of our brains at any given moment

But we do. We only use a couple of sections of the brain at any given point, unless you're having a seizure.

>> No.2281748

>We only use 10% of our brains at any given moment
well, on average isn't this true? active processes are shifted around, it's meant as a safeguard so the brain doesn't eat up too many calories doing shit it doesn't need to do. or overheat.
>Ethics are unimportant is science
just like eugenics, right?

>> No.2281749


>>unless you're having a seizure.

well, if using the brain completely is equal to having a seizure, then it's a good thing humanity only uses a tiny portion of it's brain, don't you think?

>> No.2281753

It's not a good reason. Science dismisses religion because it's based on faith, which is anathema to everything science stands for.

>> No.2281754

>Religion is good

I'm not even kidding.

>> No.2281765

It is. Our brain would overheat if we used 100% for any meaningful period of time.

>> No.2281769

But the Mythbusters proved otherwise. They said it to be about 30%.

>> No.2281772

The mythbusters are bullshit scientists.

>> No.2281783

> conspiracy theories
> alternative medicine
> paranormal bullshit
> "How can we give billions of $ to NASA while there are people dying from hunger in the world ?"

>> No.2281792

No, religion is not based on faith. Faith is merely one part of religion, as it is one part of every human life. You dismiss the realm of religion based upon the loudest, most annoying retard representatives of a degenerate lifestyle people try to justify by claiming "God" said it was okay.

>> No.2281818

Stop telling me what I do. I dismiss religion because it is all based on belief in the supernatural. There is no evidence for the supernatural. Therefore, believing in it requires faith. That is why I dismiss religion.

>> No.2281832

Faith = believing something is true without evidence. When you have evidence for your religion, then you can say you're not basing it on faith.

>> No.2281862


>>No, religion is not based on faith.

Then present your evidence. If your answer is any variation of "I don't need evidence because", then yes, your religion is based on faith.

>> No.2281882


You always need ethics, at least for the application of science and specific experimental procedures. There is no ethics in the progress of expanding knowledge, however.

>> No.2281924

What does the term "supernatural" mean to you?

>> No.2281973

>All doctors are good doctors
Yeeeah, I know a bunch of medicine students. (They're hot though) ;)

>Graduating in anything makes you an expert
Nope, it makes you a graduate

>People who study "hard stuff like math/physics/chemistry/..." must be smart
I know quite a few people I consider stupid, despite their degree.

Oh, and happy new year, sci. (haaaaaaaaaaaangover)

>> No.2281988

>Yeeeah, I know a bunch of medicine students.

>> No.2282015

>>2281988 Sarcasm?
Thanks captain obvious.

>> No.2282030

I don't unrdestnad sarcasm very well. Now shut up.

>> No.2282043

here's my most hated list...raeg every time i hear one of these:
> marine geology = marine biology (somehow)
i work on ROCKS people....not goddamn dolphins
> climate change isn't real
> local weather = global climate
> having a phd makes you an expert in everything that's EVER been studied in ANY field
> grad school is hard
are you motivated? can you think creatively/constructively? then you'd do okay. are you lazy? you'll do poorly.
> the mantle is molten/liquid rock
jesus fuck, no...it's solid rock that flows only over long periods of time.
> we know everything about the Earth
fuck no. we know more about the surface of Mars than the ocean for chrissakes.

>> No.2282062

Artificial chemicals are always bad

Natural and synthetic chemicals aren't the same even though they have the same structure. (For example, if we produced insulin from precursors somehow, it's magically inferior to natural insulin.)

Quantum mysticism, and New Agers in general who make up science to support their beliefs.

Fluoride in water conspiracy theorists

>> No.2282072

that says more about you than other people

>> No.2282093

I believe I am constantly being bombarded by gravitons from across the universe.

>> No.2282337


>> No.2282402

Yes, I would agree in that case.

>> No.2282439

>Natural and synthetic chemicals aren't the same even though they have the same structure.
I rage at this pretty hard.


>> No.2282452

I still believe I'll be able to fly and shoot fireballs one day. I might be super intelligent but I'll never stop believing that

>> No.2282472

This. I know a girl that will not either use anything artificial, or at least says so. For some reason it's OK to wear man made clothing, use computers and cars, etc., but man made medicine is suddenly inferior to some herbs that haven't been processed to perform any specific task, but instead just plucked straight frrom a bush, crushed and crammed in a capsule.

>Evolution: One day a monkey gave birth to a human.

>> No.2282484

I am afraid to go outside during a thunderstorm, because I believe that lightning is out to get me.

>> No.2282496
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>Evolution: One day a monkey gave birth to a human.

>> No.2282515

>I might be super intelligent
or you might just be a pretentious faggot.

>> No.2282535

it comes with the intelligence

>> No.2282548

No, it doesn't.

>> No.2282568

>the Egyptians couldn't have built the pyramids


>> No.2282569

>earth is too big for humans to affect it's climate

My father actually believes that.

>> No.2282578

now you're just mad

>> No.2282582

>economics isn't a real science
>you can't change the world
>weed kills your brain cells

>> No.2282596


>>economics isn't a real science

but it isn't though

>> No.2282605

>Evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics


>> No.2282614


Why? Just because it tries to understand a very complex system?

>> No.2282624

What? Explain, who believes this and why?

>> No.2282626

true, economics is abstract, and the rules keep changing, so science can hardly be applied to it

>> No.2282628


>> No.2282648


I guess that's a fine argument at first glance.

But how exactly do the rules change? Sure, new tools are developed in the free market all the time but that's no different from the study of biological evolution.

But I'm open to anything. I certainly might be wrong.

>> No.2282668


Economics isn't even properly defined. Economic models don't work across nations, let alone cultures. It can only be studied purely in a certain defined cultural context. and example is how China's economics don't follow western models and pisses off American economists. An economist is more of a historian than a scientist. But I'm probably wrong too.

>> No.2282673
File: 38 KB, 800x535, putin_says_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No, religion is not based on faith.

Who are you lying to? Us or yourself?

>> No.2282681


>Creationism alert!

>> No.2282688


Fair enough.

But just because it can be so different doesn't mean that there can't be an underlying mechanism that works for all examples. Just saying that it's too complicated and too changing and stating that it cannot be understood seems a little defeatist to me.

Though I can see how it could be not categorized as a science.

>> No.2282698

Yeah, crazy shit.

>> No.2282709


Yeah I'm not claiming it can't be studied or it's too chaotic, I just mean that if something too complicated that might have an underlying mechanism is scientific then it probably opens a logical pathway that could group studying absolutely anything as a science.

But I'm speculating, really.

>> No.2282730

>science and religion are non-overlapping magisteria

Science and God maybe, but science can be applied to miracles and cultural psychology.

>> No.2282759

This article is based on an incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the words "order" and "disorder" with regard to entropy.

>> No.2282786
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>> No.2282789

>non-religious ideologies require faith
>science has an agenda
>there's such thing as free will

>> No.2282794


>cultural psychiatry


>> No.2282884

This thread defines rage.

>> No.2282891
File: 39 KB, 246x239, dumbledore is displeased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Campbell Reece has an entire chapter dedicated to explaining how it doesn't. Goddamn that one always ruins my day

>> No.2283157

My sisters boyfriend. He is a vegan, hippie, who thinks PETAs madness is justified because "The animals, they're cute" and loathes every single chemical that is manmade while extensively buying green stuff. Also, he's a creationist.

I was forced to visit him, because my sister want me to help plan their wedding. Never have I contained so much rage, ever.

Listen to this: (And I quote)

>Artificial chemicals are bad for you, even if it's the same chemical.
>The process of making them infuses them with poisonous materials.

>I don't believe in global warming, I mean the last few years have had the coldest winters in a long time.

>You study physics? That's cool, I think that quantum mechanics are awesome, I saw this movie online about it.
>It could do all kinds of weird things I think it was called Down the Rabbithole, or something.

>Evolution is stupid.
"Every animal was created at once, then some of them died off"
>Is more logical than
>"It all started with one animal, and then it suddenly changed into another, and another." That's just stupid

>Ghosts could happen y'know.
>You heard about that guy who did that study about how much souls weigh?



The worst part is that my sister has fallen completely in love with him.
I'll probably be spending a lot of time with him.

Atleast I can try to make him less stupid

>> No.2283165


>> No.2283180

I would slowly poison him over the years

>> No.2283191
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With synthetic chemicals.

>> No.2283200
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>dumbledore is displeased.jpg
I love these totally mislabeled image names

>> No.2283203

>Science is an evil underground cult that secretly murders individuals who can give theorems which can disprove the already strong scientific theorems .

>> No.2283234
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>> No.2283238
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How can this man exist,, with so many bullshit opinions occupying the same spatio-temporal co-ordinates? I think this must be the the most uneducated person I've ever heard of.

>> No.2283248
File: 191 KB, 351x351, A Picture Of Elaine Benes From Seinfeld Smoking A Cigar (Held Between Her Teeth) and grinning&#44; with her right hand visible and the left one out of frame..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I was guying to be all like "naw nigga, you lying foo'", then I remembered some of the idiots I've met in my time.

>> No.2283265
File: 34 KB, 350x350, serious man sucking a hand grenade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these mislabeled filename threads

>> No.2283272

100% of men have attraciton for girls from 14-18 years

>> No.2283279

Men and women are completely different beings.

>> No.2283280

not from, OF.girls of age 14-18

and they dont say that for fear of retaliation

>> No.2283282
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>> No.2283288
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>Ass pounding a consenting child is wrong

>> No.2283291

How about:
>Power bands
>Chiropractors as doctors

>> No.2283342
File: 62 KB, 720x540, chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw u mad because my power balance bracelet gives me paranormal powers

>> No.2283350
File: 22 KB, 367x296, 0121050420121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if a child is too young to understand then they can't possibly say no, amirite?

>> No.2284422
File: 19 KB, 300x240, Faaake - Vreenak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I Google 'power bands'

>> No.2284667

>Moral conduct

>> No.2285160

>evolution always leads to superior and better creatures
>technological development is a continuum of evolution
>humankind is the final destination of evolution
>you can take guiding principles from natural selection