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2276538 No.2276538 [Reply] [Original]

ITT : Shit that annoys you in Sci-Fi

I'll start : FTL

>> No.2276545

Antropomorphic alien races

fuckin' hate them

>> No.2276562

The fact that 80% of the alien races are just humans from the future.

>> No.2276568

Stupid ideas. This I found yesterday in my boredom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift_rocket

>> No.2276567

- Boat-looking spacecraft
- Battles where the ships are meters away from each other, even in the immense immensity of space. I mean, fuck.
- Humanoid aliens
- Aliens that naturally speak english GOD DAMN
- Asteroid fields where the asteroids are meters apart (JESUS CHRIST DID YOU PEOPLE EVEN PAY ATTENTION?)
- Earth-like planets everywhere
- Space pirates (I swear the delta-V capacity...)
- Aerodynamic spacecraft, in space.
- Spacecraft that somehow, magically have the delta-V to go down to a world, go up, go to another one, cruise space FTL, etc etc. Jesus Christ. Just Jesus.
- Sci-fi set thousands of years into the future, yet even though people have FTL and have expanded through the galaxy, Mankind is still a single species, there's no transhumanism, and people look the same. As if evolution or genetic engineering had shut themselves down.

>> No.2276573

Nothing, because I understand the concept of the Fiction part in "Science Fiction"

>> No.2276577

Colonel Coffee Mug, you just said everything I wanted to say.

>> No.2276585

The fact that religions still exist.

>> No.2276586

Ever heard of suspension of disbelief? Any good sci-fi will do their best to attain that in their readers/viewers. What this thread is about is the complete horseshit that sci-fi can sometimes come up with, that which is either impossible or horrendously infeasible, like magnetic monopoles and warp drives.

>> No.2276607


I assumed.

>> No.2276620


>- Aerodynamic spacecraft, in space.

To be honest most sci-fi universes which have spacecrafts in them tend to let those crafts be able to go into atmospheres and stuff. I mean sure a purebred spacecraft wouldn't need to be aerodynamic, but it's easy to see why someone would want their space craft to be able to land and then go into space.

>> No.2276637
File: 36 KB, 458x475, Chomsky - Smirking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lazy, pedestrian prose with no artistic merit.

>> No.2276647

You're still missing the point. When you read Tolkien, you don't expect the fact that there are trolls and dragons and talking eagles to be explained do you. Just think of it as fantasy. Unless it's supposed to be hard sci-fi, then that is a different story. Anyways, if the story isn't good enough to take your mind off of the scientific inconsistencies, you should probably pick up a different book.

>> No.2276650


This. I watch scifi because I enjoy it. If it were a serious speculation at the future of mankind and they were throwing in human-looking aliens and FLT I'd have to give a shit.

I also enjoy fantasy where people shoot magic out their asses, so sue me.

>> No.2276663

>Battles where the ships are meters away from each other, even in the immense immensity of space. I mean, fuck.
>Implying the change in angle doesn't increase when objects are closer, making it harder to hit a (small) target.
>Humanoid aliens
>Implying that a series should invest all it's money in CGI, because you're to lame to use your fantasy a little bit.
>Aliens that naturally speak english
>Implying anyone wants to watch a series that always uses its first hour to solve language issues.
>Earth-like planets everywhere
Not everywhere, but often.
>Implying you know how likely earth-like planets are.
>Aerodynamic spacecraft, in space.
>Implying it can never enter an atmosphere.
>Implying an aerodynamic spacecraft will not have less problems with stuff hitting the hull at high velocity.
>Spacecraft that somehow, magically have the delta-V to go down to a world, go up, go to another one, cruise space
>Implying fusion/antimatter is magic.
>As if evolution or genetic engineering had shut themselves down.
>Implying evolution happens over a couple a hundred or thousand years.
>Implying we cannot outlaw genetic enhancing (which is actually mentioned in lots of sci-fi's).

>> No.2276686
File: 435 KB, 503x750, 0f56128ec35b77d40c665d306f61e07f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Implying the change in angle doesn't increase when objects are closer, making it harder to hit a (small) target.

If they have spaceflight, I assume they have a decent way of hitting shit.

>>Implying that a series should invest all it's money in CGI, because you're to lame to use your fantasy a little bit.


>>Implying anyone wants to watch a series that always uses its first hour to solve language issues.

They could at least say "So two months passed and the exploration team taught them english, back to the story".

>>Not everywhere, but often.
>>Implying you know how likely earth-like planets are.

Earth-like planets may or may not be likely, but we're talking about planet with Earth temperatures, blue skies and Earth trees. It's just silly.

>>Implying it can never enter an atmosphere.

So a non-aerodynamic spacecraft will enter the atmosphere? Why, of course let's just get our Iridium-reinforced diamondoid hull.

>>Implying an aerodynamic spacecraft will not have less problems with stuff hitting the hull at high velocity.

lol, get out. There's no difference between a streamlined or gritty hull when a projectile hits you in space, even if it's moving at only a few kilometers per second, which is barely moving at all.

>>Implying fusion/antimatter is magic.

>implying infinite delta-V

>>Implying evolution happens over a couple a hundred or thousand years.

When the environment changes as fast as humans force it to, adaptation occurs faster.

>>Implying we cannot outlaw genetic enhancing (which is actually mentioned in lots of sci-fi's).

LOL! Outlawing genetic engineering or nanotech will just cause somebody else to start researching it and get the benefits.

Pro tip: Even if Republicans win and all the luddites ban research, other countries will continue developing shit.

>> No.2276699

>mfw when perverse furry shit

>> No.2276705
File: 56 KB, 420x348, sci-trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What happens? Ran out of arguments? Cat got your tongue?

Or SHOULD I SAY... Clouded leopard got your tongue?

>> No.2276707

I can't pay attention to what you write because of furfaggotry. Yiff in hell.

>> No.2276711
File: 31 KB, 251x278, sci-trolling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I take it I have won this one.

My day status:
[_] Not made
[_] Made

>> No.2276712

Nothing I've seen in this thread qualifies as "science fiction", it's all "science fantasy", and you really should stop bitching about it and just lower your expectations, or stop watching it completely. It's entertainment, if it doesn't appeal to a large enough fraction of the general population then it doesn't stay around very long or it never gets produced in the first place. You want real science fiction? Then read more books, you're rarely going to get what you want from television or movies.

>> No.2276719

I didn't miss the point, and I especially did not like reading tolkien. I kinda liked the movies since they were easy to follow and see, but they were just straight up fantasy stories. Same thing goes for harry potter in my opinion. But when talking about sci-fi, I want it to be consistent with what's known and what could possibly be done (the story itself should always be the primary focus of course) so that once I'm done reading, I can think "Hey, this whole story could possible unfold in real life!". I probably come off as boring and unimaginative, but I enjoy books that get their theme across or convey an exciting plot well without having to go into fantasy; any person can make something bizarre and awesome happen in their own impossible daydreams, and I just think it's poor writing.

>> No.2276733
File: 98 KB, 706x561, Sloped_Armour_Diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no difference between a streamlined or gritty hull when a projectile hits you in space

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.2276734
File: 47 KB, 521x640, yiff_in_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2276759
File: 1.99 MB, 218x165, Killed_with_fire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2276853
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>He thinks the shape of the hull and not the density is what it's important when a ship moves at four hundred kilometers per second!

>> No.2276930


Sorry, I can't watch/read about a supposedly "scientific" concept that can be disproven with high-school physics.

also reactionless drives

>> No.2276992

>- Boat-looking spacecraft
>- Battles where the ships are meters away from each other, even in the immense immensity of space. I mean, fuck.
>- Aerodynamic spacecraft, in space.
Agreed, these show a lack of imagination. I have no problem with aerodynamic shapes, as they may need to enter an atmosphere, but aerodynamic flight in space, beginning with Star Wars, with banking turns and shit, pisses me off. Everyone wants to make their space battles look like WW2 footage.

>- Humanoid aliens
Well, according to the people who claim to have access to the information, there are 57 known species of aliens IRL, (the greys, for example) and for unknown reasons they are all indeed humanoid.

>- Aliens that naturally speak english GOD DAMN
You'd rather read subtitles? Did you complain that everyone in Schindler's List spoke English?

>- Asteroid fields where the asteroids are meters apart (JESUS CHRIST DID YOU PEOPLE EVEN PAY ATTENTION?)
Why would this be impossible?

>- Spacecraft that somehow, magically have the delta-V to go down to a world, go up, go to another one, cruise space FTL, etc etc. Jesus Christ. Just Jesus.
Don't they have antimatter reactors and shit?

>- Sci-fi set thousands of years into the future, yet even though people have FTL and have expanded through the galaxy, Mankind is still a single species, there's no transhumanism, and people look the same.
If there's transportation between populations, they aren't independent populations and wouldn't evolve separately. A few thousand years doesn't make big morphological changes in species. Transhumanism is fantasy.

>> No.2277001

>A few thousand years doesn't make big morphological changes in species
>implying we simply wait for evolution to change us
Screw that. Once we decode the genes, we will change ourselves IN ANY WAY WE WANT! AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!

>> No.2277010

ITT: People that don't understand the term 'science FICTION'

>> No.2277012

You, faggot, are jelly and your shit's all retarded

>> No.2277680

You don't understand the term SCIENCE fiction. Scvience fiction originally had to be about scientific accuracy. That is what sepereated it from regular fiction. If you throw out the science, it's regular fiction. As someone said "just think of it as fantasy". yeah,exactly, that is the problem. They label is science fiction when it is not.

Aslo, to the dude that said
>When you read Tolkien, you don't expect the fact that there are trolls and dragons and talking eagles to be explained do you. Just think of it as fantasy

Tolkien DOES explain those things. Explainations is not what we are asking for. In most cases the explainations just further highlight the bullshit and make it worse. We are asking for two things.
One) Accuracy. Not that damn hard. High school level physics, college level, whatever. The internet and the public library are freely available and it's not like it'll even impact your daily schedule to do a little bit of research and realize shit like space not being cold. For fucks sake the projectrho website is light reading, and it never goes beyond high school level facts.

Put the science back in science fiction, or just stop calling it science fiction.

>> No.2277684


Two) Stop using the cliches! Yes, Star wars was a cool movie, and Star Trek was a cool show. STOP COPYING THEM AND DO SOMETHING ORIGINAL!

>> No.2277755

to be honest, the only things that really drive me nuts in sci fi are when there is a huge variety of sentient life, as if its just something extremely common.

I also hate the "rubber foreheads" of aliens in star trek. its like the least imaginative way to portray alien life.

>> No.2277757

>Boat-looking spacecraft
I believe such a sort of "boaty" design would be better suited for space given that sloped armour is relevant/effective/necessary. But rather than a space Titanic, it would like a space piece of shit: a triangular prism joined to one or two tetrahedra or a triangular bypyramid.

>> No.2277801

whats so bad about boat-looking spacecraft? they look cool, and ignoring issues of gravity, theres little scientifically invalid about them.

>> No.2277809

ITT: Fags think space is a vacuum

>> No.2277813


>> No.2277823

>ignoring issues of gravity, there is little scientifically invalid about them.

Wow, what a way to think of that? When you ignore what is scientifically invalid, there is nothing scientifically invalid!

>> No.2277850

well true, but beyond that, whats the big deal? or is that really the only scientific issue?

>> No.2277858

> high-school physics
> disproven with

srsly, I lol'd. high-school physics is what is known as 'lies told to children'. ideally you'd want something *better* than mere high-school physics. Newton is a hack when it comes to the big league interstellar and subatomic stuff.