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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2273408 No.2273408 [Reply] [Original]

Extragenetic learning systems are significantly more important than your genetics due to the speed at which they can change or adapt to an environment that changes much faster than we do genetically.

Race, the concept of race, or even vast genetic differences among peoples means nothing.

Being black or white does not mean the invention of the telephone.

Understanding, coping with and creating extasomatic knowledge is significantly more important for the survival of a group of people.

:. Genetic differentiation is inconsequential among human beings.

mad stormfags?

>> No.2273412

I think you mean "epigenetic". And no, not mad, just amused.

>> No.2273417
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>> No.2273421


No, extragenetic knowledge - writing. A term coined by Sagan in the Dragons of Eden.

>> No.2273518

Yes. Now let's take a looke at culture...


Stormfags are still pretty dang close to correct.

>> No.2273539


Culture != race.

>> No.2273547

No shit niggertits.

That's why Africans and African Americans are such different animals.

>> No.2273551

Samefag here, just wanted to add that both are still criminal nasties.

>> No.2273560



Circular much?

>> No.2273567


>> No.2273571
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cybernetic augmentation has the potential to remove many genetic and congenital handicaps.

>> No.2273587


OP, why the fuck are you even posting this.

stormfags are just the white versions of afrocentrists.

I can at least KIND of understand why afrocentrists exist, but I have no idea why a bunch of white people feel the need to take credit for every non white invention on earth.

mind you, if you look at nordicism, you'll see something that's possibly worse than afrocentrism.

arguing with stormfags = arguing with 5 year olds. You can't win, because they don't know they've lost.

>> No.2273600


I know, I just wanted to post a picture of Morgan and talk about Sagan.

>> No.2273598

mods? We have rednecks

>> No.2273602


One stormfag taking the bait made it worth it though.

>> No.2273651


OP what do you think about abbos

I don't really think anything much of most human races, but abbos are something different. Their skulls literally resemble homo erectus ones

>> No.2273658


They can think, reason and read. It doesn't matter how their skull is shaped.

How are your toes shaped?

>> No.2273679

Hey...Hey Guys...Guys...

No matter who you are or what you do.


It won't matter anymore.

Cool, right?

>> No.2273693
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>> No.2273703



"I plan to live forever, of course, but barring that I'd settle for a couple thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice."

>> No.2273725
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At the end of time, a moment will come when just one man remains. Then the moment will pass. Man will be gone. There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... but stardust.

>> No.2273735

Living forever is a fallacy, as it requires there to be such a thing as "forever".

Eventually, through boredom, random chance, or the inexorable march forward you will cease to exist. And then everything you did will eventually cease to exist, and everything you interacted with will cease to exist. And every single knock on effect of everything you have ever done will cease to exist. And it will be as if you never were.

No matter who you are, or what you've done. Eventually, It won't matter anymore.

>> No.2273742

That's so awesome that maked me cry.

>> No.2273747


Has no one here played Alpha Centauri?

>> No.2273758

Yeah, but I hate Morgan almost as much as I hate Miriam. Fucking Miriam getting in the way of my Science.

>> No.2273763
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No but I wanna.

>> No.2273769
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>In the case of the Denisova sequence, the greatest similarities are with living people in Melanesia – in this paper, represented by genome samples from Papua New Guinea and Bougainville. The similarities are consistent with approximately 4% contribution of a Denisova-like population to the ancestry of these living Melanesians.
>The paper estimates that together, the Denisova and Neanderthal-derived genes account for 8% of the ancestry of these living people.

>The phylogenetic relationship of these Aboriginal Australians to a range of other global populations demonstrates a deep common origin with Papuan New Guineans and Melanesians, with little evidence of substantial later migration until the very recent arrival of European colonists.

How come people with Denisova ancestry were only found in people from a place that is tucked away and isolted from many other people like Papua New Guinea and not in a place that's near many other people like Iraq?

>> No.2273771

It's freely available in /rs/.

Go download it.

>> No.2273776

I'm using an Optus wireless broadband modem (one of those shitty 3G sticks) with a very limited amount of quota. When I get real net I will, however.

>> No.2273794

It's not even half a gigabyte. How limited is your quota?

>> No.2273807

Less than half a gigabyte.

>> No.2273814


I spent my morning playing as the Prokhor, Believers to the north of me, Hive to the South.

Believers conquered the Spartans, we're almost twice my size.

HUGE WAR ENSUED. Thousands of units wiped out.

First time I've ever beaten the Believers in a slugfest.

Airpower will save you as the University.

But after much crippling warfare, my battle hardened veterans couldn't swing south fast enough to face the hive. I lost most of my researching universities and the Morganites took the tech advantage away from me.


>> No.2273816

Dear god. It's like I've gone back in time to the early 2000s.

>> No.2273822
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I know.

>> No.2273837


You mean when vidjo games were good and the economy didn't have you wanting to cut your own dick off?

Apha Centauri Manual: 246 pages.

Civ 5 Manual: 6 pages.

>> No.2273871

Alpha Centauri recommended reading:

Alpha Centauri, The Nearest Star: Issac Asimov
-Published in 1976, this book is a bit dated but still contains a solid explanation of how we determined Alpha Centauri is the nearest star, plus additional details on the nature and structure of this trinary star system. You'll have a hard time finding it in a bookstore, you might have better luck with the juvenile section of your nearest library.

>> No.2273906

Or... you know... you could just go to /lit/ and ask them where all of their online ebook collections are located.

Trust me... some of them are over 10k in size and counting.

>> No.2273962


I know, I was just posting an example of the recommending reading on Alpha Centauri, which was listed in the back of the manual in 1998. It's one of about 30 books that are recommended, with short descriptions as to why they're important.

It shows you the degradation of intelligence in gaming.

Not that we need any more proof than /v/.

>> No.2273998
File: 71 KB, 466x639, orginal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You failed pretty hard OP as your whole post was based on a number of faulty premises.

I think it's called a strawman, but it even falls short of being a strawman as you don't bother attempting to misrepresent our position, you simply assume it to be understood then begin your psudointellectual bullshit.

>> No.2274026


The picture trolled me more than the comment, still 6/10.

What a shame I'll never, ever put my penis next to such otherwise beautiful wommenz.

>> No.2274037


Though upon second inspection, ugly, makeup induced women are ugly.

>> No.2274206

"I would go so far as to say that Superconducting Fiber alone makes our present economy possible."
- CEO Nwabudike Morgan

>> No.2274283

Culture is based on demographics not race, anyone who has ever watched PBS knows that. The OP has a great point in a philosophical sense but philphags don't belong here.

In terms of hard and soft sciences there are no differences between races.

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