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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2269652 No.2269652 [Reply] [Original]

God Tier: Math>Physics>Chemistry>Engineering

Shit Tier:

>> No.2269660

ass backwards in terms of paycheck

>> No.2269681
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>implying money is the ultimate ends to those means

>> No.2269694
File: 11 KB, 297x275, 1292709209052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about liberal arts?

>> No.2269696

what do mathematicians live in?
what do physicists drive to their lab?
what do chemists use to heat, stir, measure...?

the russians had to steal the atomic bomb tech because they had the physicists but not the engineers. it don't work without us.

i don't envy any of the people in your shit tier; i get to reboot my mistakes...

>> No.2269728

> stole the bomb tech
> didn't need engineers
> paradise

>> No.2269741
File: 35 KB, 576x384, mathematician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do mathematicians live in?
This gentleman spends his days trying to debunk the Riemann hypothesis, the breakthroughs he makes is directally proportional to the amount of cheap wine he consumes. This is ultimately proportional to the amount of spare change he can acquire from passers by.

God speed mr mathematician, god speed.

>> No.2269767

hey biology might pay off some day.
(saying this as a man that wants to become a biologist)
but really I love all science but biology seems the easiest.

>> No.2269781

God Tier: Biology, Chem, Phys

Autism Tier: Math and engineering

>> No.2269812

We should stop bickering amongst ourselves and worry more about the humanities attacking the sciences again.

>> No.2269817

"nooo, the humanities! theyre using music! and it's... no... justin bieber! nooooooooooooooo! mercy!"

>> No.2269823

God Tier: Whatever you enjoy.

Shit Tier: Whatever bores you.

>> No.2269828

>God Tier: Math>Physics>Chemistry>Engineering
I have a hard time believing you'll turn down living several hundred years and the capability to auto-regenerate massive injuries just because biology is so shit tier.

>> No.2269834


>Implying McCoy wasn't better than Scotty, Sulu, and Spock.

Fuck your shit nigger.