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File: 143 KB, 634x678, newsub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2269535 No.2269535 [Reply] [Original]

Twelve men have walked on the Moon. But there's been only one visit to the Challenger Deep. Soon, we'll go back. A next generation 'Deep Flight' submersible will take filmmaker James Cameron *seven miles* underwater into a pit of prehistoric ooze, made up of the decomposed remains of every sea creature ever to drift into the trench and perish.

On the first historic trip aboard the bathyscape trieste, one of the portholes cracked. It was so powerful that it sent loud reverberations through the spherical hull when it happened. Imagine the tension, not knowing whether the secondary layer of ultra-hard transparent sapphire would also crack, leading to catastrophic implosion. But it held, and the men returned alive.

Cameron's cutting edge sub will have...get this....a transparent cockpit made of ultra dense resin (see pic). That little porthole that nearly gave way on the Trieste? A few inches across. Advances in material tech since then make this possible, if not advisable.

>> No.2269548
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>On the first historic trip aboard the bathyscape trieste, one of the portholes cracked. It was so powerful that it sent loud reverberations through the spherical hull when it happened.

I prefer worrying about 0 to 1 atmospheric pressures. Still, I am interested in more deep sea exploration. I just seriously won't be going there unless I have some amazing transhuman body that can withstand those pressures.

>> No.2269557
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The new sub will look something like this. Thought not made by the same firm, Cameron is a friend of the founder and has taken his design inspiration from this line of futuristic minisubs.

It uses thrusters and 'wings' to generate the force for descent or ascent rather than ballast tanks. If traditional subs handle a bit like hot air balloons, these would be analogous to airplanes.

>> No.2269565
File: 232 KB, 600x434, nereus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're not kidding. At that depth the result of porthole failure would've been instantaneous liquefaction. I doubt you'd have time to feel it.

It's why since then we've only sent robots. Like this one, the Nereus, which returned our first samples of the thick ooze at the bottom of the trench.

Here's a video it took at the bottom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EMyymnC93E

>> No.2269578

>mfw finally the world will be rid of James Cameron
Why can't Michael Bay go with him?

>> No.2269585

>At that depth the result of porthole failure would've been instantaneous liquefaction.


>> No.2269593

Part of me is really, really hoping the sub implodes just so he won't be able to make any more movies.

>> No.2269597
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Hahaha, heyyy, hate on him because of Avatar if you like but he has a history of fantastic documentaries under his belt including my favorite, Aliens of the Deep.

He's doing his best to fill the gap left when Jacque Cousteau died and while he may not have the same poetic flair he's doing at least as much to advance sub-oceanic science.

>> No.2269598

I actually want to see Avatar 2. Didn't like the story but dat 3D.

>> No.2269605

I loved Avatar, best version of Dune evar.

>> No.2269611
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Well Avatar 2 takes place in Pandora's ocean. Undersea colonies, fighter subs, the whole shebang. You better believe my body is ready.

His intent would seem to be reigniting popular interest in deep sea exploration by way of a popular sci fi film. I can't object to that.

>> No.2269633
File: 373 KB, 640x480, 1288863095980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well Avatar 2 takes place in Pandora's ocean. Undersea colonies, fighter subs, the whole shebang.
You're fucking kidding me.

>> No.2269642

He's kidding you. Cameron has never said that Avatar 2 takes place in the ocean, just that there will be some ocean/underwater scenes.

>> No.2269643
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Nope, it's for real:


>> No.2269648
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>Cameron explains, “We created a broad canvas for the environment of film. That’s not just on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system. And we expand out across that system and incorporate more into the story – not necessarily in the second film, but more toward a third film.”
The astronomer in me is having a colossal orgasm.

>> No.2269657
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It seems we've interpreted this statement differently;

“Part of my focus in the second film is in creating a different environment – a different setting within Pandora. And I’m going to be focusing on the ocean on Pandora, which will be equally rich and diverse and crazy and imaginative, but it just won’t be a rain forest. I’m not saying we won’t see what we’ve already seen; we’ll see more of that as well.”

>> No.2269666

there had better be some actual scientific research going on in that sub, not just cameron making some money off of this

>> No.2269682
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Yeah, the primary purpose is scientific. Cameron's just going along to get some footage he can use in the film.

You don't commission a minisub this expensive and then use it only once. I expect he's planning to do a documentary after Avatar 2. One that showcases a much longer exploration of the Challenger Deep, with species never before seen by human eyes.

>> No.2269698

>species never before seen by human eyes
More Eldritch abominations for my nightmares. Yikes!

>> No.2269709
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Some of them are very beautiful, though. Pic related, not a shop, lives about 3,000 feet down.

>> No.2269736
File: 299 KB, 797x446, aotd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of that creature. No idea what they'll find in the Challenger Deep. The original two man crew reported a very pale species of fish that had eyes for some reason, despite living in total darkness. That would seem to imply the existence of bioluminescent predators...?

>> No.2269744


Fine, if that's all Cameron puts in Avatar 2, then maybe I'll be able to watch it. Anything other and I'm going to scream and run out of the theater.

>> No.2270546
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 12km_deep_vents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the heads up .. here's a lecture on TED.com about deep ocean exploration


>> No.2270553
File: 20 KB, 600x400, deep-flight-falcon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a lecture by Graham Hawkes, inventor of the Deep Flight Falcons


>> No.2270555

but that's incredibly horrifying

>> No.2270572
File: 157 KB, 540x359, siphonophore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

siphonophores! cool!

<< here's a whole colony of them writhing together

>> No.2270600

Avatar would have been better if the humans won like they should have.