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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 400x347, 6b2qftg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2267701 No.2267701 [Reply] [Original]

there are THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS of females, how can you still be a virgin?

>> No.2267707

Because your mother is a frigid cocktease

>> No.2267711
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 1287784299476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I didn't get to read BILLIONS in Sagan's voice

>> No.2267724
File: 33 KB, 396x343, carlsaganandhisbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Scientists,

My name is Carl Sagan, and I love every single one of you. All of you are complex, intelligent carbon based life forms who spend every second of their day helping humanity. You are everything good in this world. Honestly, have you ever even gotten an insult? I mean, I guess it's fun inspiring people with images of the cosmos, but you all take it to a whole new level. This is even better than Voyager taking close-up pictures of Jupiter and the Jovian satellites.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best speech. I'm pretty much stoned. I was the guy that hypothesized that Venus is actually a greenhouse hell world, and have a massive fanbase due to Cosmos. What ways do you popularize science, other than "inspiring future generations and normal folk to realize humanity's true potential"? I also held the Pioneer plaque, and have a banging co-producer (She just adored me; Shit was SO cash).
You are all wonderful people who should just go do science. Thanks for listening.

Pic related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.2267738

ooooooh shit!
Fukin' saved.

>> No.2267773

Every man doesn't have the option of having every woman. Distance, incompatibility, and undesirable traits are factors.

>> No.2267780
File: 78 KB, 400x505, 1292641033572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First that venus project bullshit, then appointing yourself judicator of an imaginary /sci/ technocracy, and now this stupid meme.

Man, you are such a faggot. And yes I mad.

>> No.2267787
File: 46 KB, 500x338, 1293306539585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh Sagan, you so polite.


> there are THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS of females, how can you still be a virgin?

>implying I'd deign to touch a filthy human female

I'm personally saving myself for creepy posthuman-level intelligences, whatever the hell they end up looking like.

>> No.2267792

>First that venus project bullshit
That was like, years ago
>then appointing yourself judicator of an imaginary /sci/ technocracy
Didn't pay attention to what I said did you
>and now this stupid meme.

Why so mad? C'mere, I'll give you a hug

>> No.2267797
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Hmm.. might you be the same person who started all of those TVP threads? If you, you have my respect.

>> No.2267800

Depends in what timeframe.

>> No.2267808
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I'm not sure exactly; but I remember your tripcode.

>> No.2267813
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Then probably.

>> No.2267815



>> No.2267817

You were peddling your half-baked "resource economy" along with your imaginary technocracy literally yesterday. Thread is right here:


>> No.2267822

A resource-based economy does not automatically mean Venus Project. You fucking derp. And the sci technocracy project has a fair few key differences to the Venus Project.

>> No.2267827

Oh really?

>The Venus Project, Inc is an organization that promotes Jacque Fresco's visions of the future with the goal to improve society by moving towards what they call resource-based economy


Don't pussy out of your own stupidity.

>> No.2267825

TVP: The Venus Project?

Also, can someone explain exactly what it is in a few words, all I see in Google is resource based economy cropping up and how the pricks with Zeitgeist think it's a hoax. Anyone?

>> No.2267826

i'm not i even have a child.....you jelly?

>> No.2267830



>> No.2267831


>> No.2267834

Do some research to what a resource-based economy actually is. Don't group every system with x economy with the main more popular one.

>> No.2267836
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>Venus Project = Resource-based economy
>Resource-based economy = Venus Project

Nice logic, BROSLICE.

>> No.2267851

I already understand what a resouce based economy is. It's techno-communism claiming money serves no purpose in evaluating the value of demonstrably scarce resources. It is entirely dependent on technology that does not exist to create a post-scarcity economy.

And what exactly is the differences between a laughable resource based economy and the Venus Project's resource based economy? The whole reason TVP is ridiculous is because it relies on such a stupid economic system.

>> No.2267860

Not exactly the short answer I was hoping for but cheers!

Made myself read it all (sort of) and seems to be some pretty interesting stuff with a half decent plan for the future.

Explains why the haters are busy doing what they do best over in >>2264657

>> No.2267865
File: 149 KB, 267x272, 1292693011137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's techno-communism claiming money serves no purpose in evaluating the value of demonstrably scarce resources.
Many resources are deliberately scarce because of the nature of supply and demand.
>It is entirely dependent on technology that does not exist to create a post-scarcity economy.
If you were paying attention to the TRS threads this project will not be undertaken until the specific technologies required for it to succeed come on the market.
>And what exactly is the differences between a laughable resource based economy and the Venus Project's resource based economy? The whole reason TVP is ridiculous is because it relies on such a stupid economic system.
I'm just seeing ad hominems and no structured argument.

>> No.2267916


Don't bother arguing TVP with /sci/. I've tried and failed multiple times to hold an intelligent argument here. Do you belong to a chapter?

>> No.2267923
File: 152 KB, 950x873, tasmaniaTRS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I've made plans to start my own type of project. However nothing major will start being done until I attain a way of amassing the funds. So think ~2020.

>> No.2267925
File: 6 KB, 252x260, 1281209713109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many resources are deliberately scarce because of the nature of supply and demand.

The laws of supply and demand simply determine price for given quantity supplied/demanded. Resources are not infinite and the labor to supply them is not infinite. Therefore they must be valued in useful terms like money.

>If you were paying attention to the TRS threads this project will not be undertaken until the specific technologies required for it to succeed come on the market.

The result of these technologies would be the same in a capitalist economy as well as a resource based economy. Goods would become vastly abundant and their costs would be negligible. A resource based economy accomplishes nothing a capitalism couldn't. In fact, it would probably slow down the rate of innovation since there would be little motivational factor for tedious development, logistical and research issues.

>I'm just seeing ad hominems and no structured argument.

I'm not calling you stupid or laughable. I'm calling the Venus Project and resourced based economies stupid and laughable.

Wanna hug?

>> No.2267935
File: 101 KB, 500x500, stare cat cotton candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and when half the country was starving during the great depression, and agricultural corporations were throwing away metric tons worth of corn and other edibles instead of feeding them to the poor as it would "decrease demand" you don't see a problem with that?

When thousands of tons worth of non-recyclable waste from electronics, cars, etc pile up each year due to planned obsolescence and irresponsible corporations, you don't see a problem with that?

Your second point is flat out wrong.

You probably won't get your hug until you learn to stop embracing capitalism.

>> No.2267944
File: 29 KB, 539x496, saganmars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The laws of supply and demand simply determine price for given quantity supplied/demanded.
If you produce 'too much' of something, the price of it goes down. If you do not have demand to fit your production, you start losing money.
>Resources are not infinite
No but there are enough for a resource-based post-scarcity economy. Not only on Earth, but in space as well.
>and the labor to supply them is not infinite.
Not yet.
>Therefore they must be valued in useful terms like money.
And I completely agree, UNTIL the technology required is invented to do otherwise. Aka, robots.

>> No.2267973
File: 30 KB, 265x265, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The result of these technologies would be the same in a capitalist economy as well as a resource based economy. Goods would become vastly abundant and their costs would be negligible.
That would be nice, wouldn't it? A similar thing was described with the advent of computers in workplaces. More likely what would happen is large droves of people would become unemployed with little money and either leech off welfare or be homeless. The consumer part of capitalism would start slowing down. When an employer has the option between a human worker with health benefits, overtime and a 9 to 5 workday compared to a $9,000 bot that can work 24/7 and requires minimal maintenance and no pay, more often than not they will pick the bot.
>A resource based economy accomplishes nothing a capitalism couldn't. In fact, it would probably slow down the rate of innovation since there would be little motivational factor for tedious development, logistical and research issues.
Money is not the only motivator/incentive. You'll also find that as practically unlimited free time is given that people are far more open to the possibility of doing a little bit of tedious work. There are only so many days you can go out and drink yourself stupid with friends before that gets boring. With the added benefits of increased resources to use and create with I reckon most technological progress will speed up as bureaucracy and funding bullshit becomes a thing of the past.

>> No.2267982
File: 114 KB, 600x485, alcoholic_by_artaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are only so many days you can go out and drink yourself stupid with friends before that gets boring.
Dead wrong.

>> No.2267985

365 days in a year. I've seen it happen many times.
Some people will be party goers their whole life, but most aren't.

>> No.2267986

Hey Dad, there you are!, how've you been?