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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2266311 No.2266311 [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing /sci/? Tell me about your life, problems, achievements, or anything else you haven't been able to tell anyone else lately.

I'm trying to start a new series of threads designed to reach out to strangers and make everyone feel connected.

>> No.2266314

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.2266328
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oh wow OP, you much have JUST finished watching deathnote, googled a latin word, and kept a tripcode to give you meaning and virtual life on the internet because of your lonely status in real life.

As pathetic as you are, your still on the wrong site. "anonymous" is what the sites about. Not taking credit for petty help-outs

tl;dr: gtfo tripfag

>> No.2266334


>> No.2266343
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I watched Death Note a year ago, I speak some Latin and I'm not looking for attention. I only use tripcodes in these threads, since people open up more easily to a single identity that they can have a conversation with.

I'm sorry you have such low expectations for people. Not that you're wrong to do so, but isolating yourself from others in such a way is a pity.

Anyways, how was your day anon? I'm still interested.

Now why would I go saying such awful things in one of my own threads? Silly troll is silly.

>> No.2266352
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Doing just fine, nothing that I haven't been able to tell anyone else.


Having a hard to installing Hackintosh on one of my labtops, suxs

How are you doing?

>> No.2266354
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>> No.2266355
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Glad to hear you're fairing well anon. As for me, I'm in a good mood today but as it's past 4 AM where I live and I haven't truly slept for the past 32 hours I'm sad to say that I'm officially an insomniac.

>> No.2266358
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Also, pic related. It's what I swore I just saw out the corner of my eye.

>> No.2266359
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Was deathnote good?

>> No.2266360
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Well apart from it being one of the few anime series I've ever seen, I thought it was amazing. At the very least, suspenseful and entertaining.

>> No.2266418
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Why am I still awake :( Anyways, bumping

>> No.2266426

Doing okay. Still waiting for an organic chemistry grade, so I'm a bit on edge about that. Contending with hypochondriasis plus some issues re: bitches and hos, but otherwise okay.

>> No.2266437
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Cause you have insomnia

What do you do all day?

>> No.2266450
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Good to hear anon. Don't worry about your grade; in the long run it won't affect your life, so don't let it affect your happiness in the short term. BTW how did you like the class? I think I have to take it next-next semester as a prerequisite for this other class I want.

> hypochondriasis

oh shit..wtf am i reading. had to google that one. What disease do you think you have?

And females have proved quite a nuisance to me recently as well. I think it's important to develop emotional discipline. Don't allow yourself to get attached to females, but remain outgoing at the same time. Easier said than done, I know..but if you don't develop discipline in this area you'll find yourself falling for every semi-attractive female who throws you a smile. Just remember that there are billions of women out there, and the one you're currently after is far from your best match.

>> No.2266455
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Well I'm a college student, but I've been home for the past week on holiday. Basically, being off a set schedule has fucked my sleeping habits and I've just been reading random physics/philosophy books, hanging out with my best friend who's also home from college, and browsing the chans. Oh, and I played Heavy rain and watched the panty and stocking series. In other words I've been doing whatever I want, but I miss uni like a bitch.

>> No.2266458
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>panty and stocking series???

>> No.2266464
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Oh tell me about it. I don't know why I watched it. I was browsing /b/ and every thread was PSG this and PSG that. In short, I don't know what I'm doing. I need to go back to uni. I watched all 13 episodes when I was high, so I had a good lolwut experience. Oh well.

>> No.2266468

The class was interesting, but the professor wasn't great. He was in and out of the hospital and it was his last semester, so I don't think his heart was in it. The tests weren't terrible, but I slacked a bit and didn't do as well as I'd like to. Probably looking at a B or B+ in the class, which is not terrible since I did well in my other classes.

The hypochondriasis just kind of comes on intermittently, especially during the winter for some reason. Currently checking every few minutes for epididymitis or testicular torsion because I've had a minor pain for a few days down there. Sounds insane, I know, but what can you do?

And bitches be tricky, that much is true.

>> No.2266475
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Oh your grade is fine; don't even worry about it. Geez and I'm pretty sure you'd know if you had testicular torsion. From what I've heard shit is painful. My friend's friend had it and he threw up from the pain.

Your condition sounds like a case of OCD, in my opinion. I was borderline OCD throughout some of my tween years; shit was annoying. I think you need to discipline yourself whenever you get paranoid thoughts about illnesses. Set up website blocks for webmd and the like on your modem. I finally grew out of OCD after a couple years of having to bounce this rubber ball 1000 times a day and then 100 times before every time i left the house from school. Finally went outside one day and threw that mother fucker as hard as I could.

Fucking bitches. This society of ours has turned us all into sex depraved loons. Feelsbadman

>> No.2266480

I actually just finished a study on hypochondriasis for an experimental psych class. It's highly comorbid with OCD, and a lot of the symptoms are similar. I had pneumonia a few years ago and it spooked me a bit, I think.

Interestingly, the particular female in question is mad as a hatter, so I don't feel to bad.

>> No.2266481
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And with that, I bid you good night /sci/

hope you anons sleep better tonight than I will right now. peace to all