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File: 114 KB, 1366x768, Bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2263494 No.2263494 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a self made millionaire anything. I am 27 and I have a degree in engineering. That is all I'm saying. My net worth is approximately 5.4m

Pic related, bank account right now, this one is for my personal use. Generally has anywhere from 20-100k in it.

>> No.2263502

saged + reported + hidden + 0/10 = 0/10

>> No.2263501

Are you living in a house, or an appartment?

>> No.2263507
File: 40 KB, 550x375, 1293099325004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy us Steam games or gtfo

>> No.2263505

Currently living in 2 bedroom 2 bathroom condo, In Toronto.

>> No.2263511

you fucking mad bro?

>> No.2263512

how do you make money? specifics pl0x

>> No.2263513

How much money do you have on you currently?

>> No.2263517

I know you might not want to go into detail but what kind of business are you? Do you employ people? I was gonna ask you if you support a progressive tax but you're from canadia and I have no idea what goes up there.

>> No.2263519

Completly agree !
Buy me a steam acount please, with cod4, orangebox, l4d2 & civ5 !

>> No.2263523

What sort of work?At a corporation? At home? Do you manage people, a business, or just crunch numbers on your own?

>> No.2263525


congrats on the munnies :]

>> No.2263535

I own 7 engineering patents in mechanical engineering(no huge inventions, but combined it pays out good). I also own a Tim Horton franchise (a coffee place in Canada), and I have stocks which earn me roughly 300k a year.
I have 240$ on me currently (wallet, I don't keep stashes in my apartment since It gets cleaned weekly.) I'd take pics if somebody wants, but 240$ isn't that much.

>> No.2263536


You can't have a "Getting There" account at Scotiabank unless you are 18 or under.


>> No.2263546

What kind of engineering?

>> No.2263550


>> No.2263561

i have the designs for an overunity device if you would like to talk OP. jackass2.0@hotmail.com

>> No.2263565

How does it feel to have to post on 4chan about your wealth in an attempt to feel less shitty about your life?

>> No.2263566

hi OP, here in the US 5.4 million in assets is well below the government cutoff for small business.

hows it feel to be small?


a slightly larger small business.

>> No.2263567

Myth busted

>> No.2263577


Move along OP, your faggotry has been identified. Off to /b/ you go.

>> No.2263582

Mighty lols were had
OP is an underaged faggot

Although, to be fair, you could've easily known the screenshot was fake from the different font used for the amount. Then again, I bank with TD, so I don't know anything about Scotiabank's site.

>> No.2263583

How do you spend your free time?

>> No.2263587
File: 67 KB, 1366x768, 2334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw, I joined scotiabank when I was 16, while I had a part time job saving up for university.

Also, pic of money

>> No.2263599

This, its possible to still have a getting there account after your 18. I still have my getting there account and I'm 23.

>> No.2263602
File: 6 KB, 210x240, mfw..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2263603


I'm looking at my account right now, and yeah his font is wrong

>> No.2263604

What is that showing OP? I am 18 and have no job and am a uni student. I live in australia and have $490 USD and $240 aus cash in my wallet atm. Showing us your little amount of money proves nothing.

>> No.2263610

>mfw you think $240 denotes millionaire status
>mfw you had to save money for university instead of setting up an RESP earlier on in life
>mfw you bank with Scotiabank

>> No.2263612

somebody asked him how much money he had in his pocket, he said he only had around 240 and posted that.

>> No.2263613
File: 67 KB, 700x460, 1293415178261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2263616

Also why was paint open prior to taking your screenshot of the account. I didn't think so much editing was needed for blurring out two tabs in your browser.

>> No.2263619

OP, if you want to redeem yourself, go to a banking machine right now and print a balance receipt. Then take a photo of it, and post it here.

>> No.2263623
File: 17 KB, 310x363, Jonah-Lomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My Face When having a Credit Card & Bank card making having over 250$ in cash on you pointless.

Give me one good reason to carry more than 250$ in cash on you at any given time other than for the sole purpose of purchasing an item that requires cash and has a value higher than 250.

>> No.2263627

Bartering with kidnappers and terrorists.
You live in Toronto, don't you? You should be used to that kind of thing.

>> No.2263642

OP, any advice on making money?
Also, now that you have a few million, why dont you retire and buy a modest house with a laboratory?
You could dedicate the rest of your life to science!!!

>> No.2263640

I opened paint, pressed the print screen on the keyboard while on my bank account management page, censored a couple things, save the image and posted it here.

Quit looking for fucking conspiracies, this is /sci/ not fucking /x/

>> No.2263650

Yes, because bartering and making deals which terrorists are the sole purpose of carrying over 250$ while in Toronto. (Please note the sarcasm.)

>> No.2263666

If you don't, you have zero credibility

>finance puns

>> No.2263670

>broken English
>no sense of humour
>actually has to point out that he is using sarcasm
immigrant? autist? immigrant autist?

>> No.2263676


I'm quite that your branch manager would have explained the benefits of moving to a higher interest access account for a high volume "everyday" account.

>> No.2263677

>implying OP had any credibility with his sloppy paint edit
>implying 666 are cool trips bro

>> No.2263680

If you have chosen a career that does not pay out very well then you should being to read and learn about business & marketing. In my situation, I made quite a bit of money through my field (engineering) and I then used some of that money and put it into other areas (franchise, stock market) and so fourth. The more areas you are involved in, the more opportunities you have to make money.

I do plan on retiring soon, hopefully by the time I'm 35. I plan on selling whatever I have at that time and moving to the country, getting a decently big house, and hopefully it will have a workshop. If not, I'd probably just get one built so I can screw around with different ideas I have, but at my own pace.

>> No.2263686

I'm an engineer, not a English teacher, and although I personally feel my jokes are fantastic, I am not comedian.

>> No.2263687

5.4m CAD? That's like what, 19.95 USD?

>> No.2263697

This is also true.
I find it incredibly hard to believe your bank would keep you in their kiddie account for 11 years, which only allows 20 transactions per month and includes one of the shittiest interest rates out there.

>> No.2263694

>>OP is millionaire
>>proves it by posting a screenshot of his bank account with $47,000.


>> No.2263691

>being to read
>and so fourth
>getting a decently big
lrn2english troll

>> No.2263693

I actually chuckled at the wittiness, as well as the missing a.

>> No.2263700

OP, post a picture of your engineering degree right now.

>> No.2263702

Nah, more like 22.50.

Like I said, I'm not english teacher. Besides, the fact that its 1 in the morning and I've had a couple drinks doesn't help my spelling in the least.

>> No.2263704

How long do you work, per day?
What grades did you get in grade school?

>> No.2263706

>implying I care about interest rates in a fluxuating account.

If you go over 20 transactions a month it charges a 1.20$ service fee per additional charge. It is no interest of mine to go talk to an accountant when the account works fine as it is.

>> No.2263711

Okay, OP, this thread has gone to shit.
Nobody's going to believe you unless one of these things happens:

>> No.2263716

Right now I'm not working, last time I was working was 8 months ago for a Texas based company.

In high school I had 70's in grade 9, 80's in grade's 10&11, then I studied my ass off in grade 12 and pulled of mid 90's. Not sure what that is in gpa's but mid 90's would be like an a-a+.

>> No.2263717
File: 26 KB, 868x589, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it charges a 1.20$ service fee per additional charge
cool story bro

>> No.2263724

I am not going to leave me codo at 1:30am to find an ATM machine for the sole reason of proving I am who I say I am to a bunch of fat basement dwellers and college kids. If you don't believe me, thats fine, this thread doesn't need your input, I made this thread because I was bored, and figured I could potentially help a few people.

>> No.2263726

And yet, you have not said a single helpful thing. Odd, that.

>> No.2263728

>paint open
>obvious black out and shoop
Hey guys, I make over a million annually and am on my private yacht at the moment. Anyone care to ask me some questions so I don't cry myself to sleep tonight over the cold reality of my weeaboo life?

>> No.2263729


Then screencap the balance of your other accounts.

>> No.2263733

I'm not op, but my bank will combine service fee's for the day you did a transation. If he did 2 transactions on his card in the same day, it may have came out to 1.25$, just pointing that out.

>> No.2263736

>Using Vista

pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, you almost got me op.

>> No.2263738

I'm in no rush to upgrade to windows 7, vista works fine for what I need to use a computer for.

>> No.2263743

Can you get me a job?



>> No.2263745

huh? I'm a real millionaire, not OP, and I use vista...

I also drive a used truck and have a wardrobe that costs less than $200 altogether. My house is only worth a couple hundred thousand, about half of average in my town...

I don't have a cell phone or cable tv. I do my own laundry and sometimes even cook and go shopping.

you don't get to be a millionaire by buying expensive shit all the time.

>> No.2263746
File: 16 KB, 623x369, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys can I be in the millionaire club too

>> No.2263747

Any advice for life in general?
What do you plan on doing with your life after you retire?

Fav science?

>> No.2263748

yer in.
have you paid your annual dues?
$10,000 cash please.

>> No.2263749


talking to yourself again about the superiority of your OS? explain yourself or GTFO in crowd bitch.

>> No.2263751

Sorry, I never carry more than $250 in cash with me at any time.

>> No.2263754

and then there were two.....

>> No.2263755

You'd think you could have at least afforded to upgrade to 7.

>> No.2263756

Forget about the fucking bank...

Alright, how did you make your first million? Was it by selling patents, frugal spending and investing, by putting your nose to the grindstone and climbing the business/company ladder, or...?

>> No.2263758

I been here all along, I just don't start threads like this.

I could easily prove my claim but then I wouldn't be anon, and I expect /b/ would have a ball with my phone lines and mailing address.

I personally don't care if anyone believes me, it simply doesn't matter.

>> No.2263760

Do something you love to do, not something that you hate but pays well.

I plan on doing a bit of traveling, and still working at my own pace in a personal workshop.

I find physics really interesting, I was actually contemplating the idea of going back to school and getting a degree in physics.

>> No.2263768

He sucked 1 million cocks at a dollar a pop

>> No.2263770


bumping for this, while poor-anons calculate their responses

>> No.2263772

A couple months after graduating, I got hired for a private company in western virginia. The contract that I had with them stated that I would have total ownership over any inventions I created, (meaning I would get all the profits for the patent, and the company wouldn't get a profit from it.)and after working there for a couple of years I took an extended leave, and eventually just quit, which is where I am now.

>> No.2263776


Why the fuck would a company give you an agreement like that, and where can I find them?

Man, Canadian business is weird...

>> No.2263779

Like I said,it wasn't corporate, and only had around 100 people actually working so the owners were very lenient.

>> No.2263790

This sure is science related.

>> No.2263791

hey OP, what do you think of the common misconception that you need to invent something new to become a millionaire when in fact 99.9% of self-made millionaires make their money by owning boring old businesses rather than inventing new things?

also do you consider it odd that you yourself are part of that EXTREMELY SMALL percentage of the population that just happened to get rich inventing things, when so many non-millionaires believe that that is actually how one gets rich?

>> No.2263793


Uh-huh. So this private company, how did you find them? Or, did they find you? What sector are they in? I still find it hard to comprehend that they would have you develop processes and not want the rights to them. Were you good friends with the owners?

>> No.2263798

I cant believe so called scientists believe this crap. You worked for company, so they paid you a wage/salary to develop patents they weren't even going to own.

So what your saying is they paid you money to do nothing.

If your story is true, which it is not give patent numbers or descripition and we can google them

>> No.2263808

yeah, this is sounding pretty busted

>> No.2263813

I don't understand how it works, they just pay me royaltees for the patents every month.

>> No.2263815

Really, you could have a patent for something that is a small improvement on anything. Companies have colossal amounts of money, and they are willing to dish it out at anything that is more effective, for the same or less money than the alternative. I think that when someone thinks of inventing, they think of inventing something completely new, when in fact 99% of inventions are just small improvements on major inventions.

I think that the reason there aren't more inventors is because there is a misconception that in todays day and age you'd have to build a time machine to get rich off an invention, when you really don't have to.

>> No.2263819

It's not quite as stupid as it sounds. I (not OP or anyone else in this thread) work for a company that is getting R&D for a project paid for by a customer company that's not going to have any sort of exclusive rights to it.

That's right, they're paying for all the development with the full knowledge we're going to sell to their competitors when we're done. I guess since they get to dictate the requirements, it might integrate into their systems better, but yeah...

>> No.2263822


>I don't understand how it works

myth busted


try a little harder next time, Anon

>> No.2263829
File: 54 KB, 510x383, 93480200493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is amazing sir. Now all we need are your bank account details, and sort code so we can verify you have the monies.

>> No.2263834

This is not me by the way

The company I worked for built more mechanical devices, which we engineers made. As an example, say I made a small improvement on something, and implemented it into the design for say, an engine, then the company buying the engine design would be allowed to use my improvement only in the engine design. If they wanted to use my patent(improvement) in something else they would have to give me royalties. I hope that is easy enough to explain, it is a very complicated thing to explain fully, but hopefully you can get the jist of it and understand what I'm talking about.

>> No.2263841

generally if I want to find someone who isn't a millionaire and never will be I just look for people that believe that inventing things or playing the lottery will make them rich.

congratulations OP, you are not a millionaire.

>> No.2263836
File: 287 KB, 800x600, TROLLS-TROLLS-EVERYWHERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

86 posts and 8 image replies omitted

>> No.2263847

Inventing things will make you a millionaire, you may not have 100 million dollars, but it definitely is not hard to be a millionaire. That being said, I'm not driving Ferrari's and flying g6's constantly, I can simply live comfortably.

>> No.2263854


It's hilarious that americans still use that joke, despite the fact that we've been flirting with pairity for almost a year.

>herp derp, your dolllar is worthless
>herpaderpaderpadidoooo so is ours, AND IT'S OUR FAULT TOO BHAHAHAHAHA

Seriously though, that may have been pretty humorous before the crash, but now our monopoly money stands toe to toe with the greenback; making you look like a fuckin' retard.

>> No.2263855

inventing things makes you rich at about the same rate that playing the lottery does.

it isn't a good strategy, it's a bit like deciding to be an NFL athlete. You almost certainly don't have the talent, and if you do, you probably aren't here. Not impossible, just so extremely unlikely that you may be dismissed without consideration.

however it is true that most non-millionaires think that inventing things is a common way to make money...