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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2261896 No.2261896 [Reply] [Original]

Prove or disprove god. Agnostics can discuss why it cannot be determined.

>> No.2261900

I already took a philosophy course my first year in uni. Really wouldn't like to relive that horrible experience, especially at a place like 4chan.

>> No.2261910
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frosted butts

>> No.2261915

In stadard phil courses they usually laugh at you, if you are religious. It is pretty funy, to watch the butthurt religious fags. U A religious fag?

>> No.2261922

In the real world people usually laugh at you, if you have a degree in philosophy. It is pretty funy, to watch the butthurt philfags. U A philfag?

>> No.2261925
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>> No.2261927

Nonexistance is the neutral position. If one were to introduce the concept of something that we shall call X to me but provide no evidence for its existence then I would not integrate it into my mental model of the world, I would take no action differently than if I had never heard of the concept. Similarly, if someone introduced the concept of X to me and then subsequently proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that X cannot exist, then I would also not integrate it into my mental model of the world and would take the same actions as if I had never heard of the concept in the first place.

Long story short, that which has no evidence in support of its existence is for practical purposes the same thing as that which cannot exist. Nonexistence is the neutral position on that which has no evidence supporting said existence. There is no evidence in support of the existence of God therefore for practical purposes God does not exist.

>> No.2261932
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>> No.2261936
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>> No.2261938


theres no proof that the Higgs Boson exists, but we have put aside Billions to try and find it because it is only logical that it does exist.

>> No.2261959


It's not logical that god exists
In fact, it's very illogical

>> No.2261960
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>doesn't understand physics

>very shitty troll

>> No.2261980

Theories provide indirect empirical justifications for propositions. If a theory holds true in most circumstances than that which has yet to be directly observed but is predicted by the model has at least some evidential basis.

>> No.2261985
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not me

>> No.2261989


>Its not logical to believe that there may be a force beyond our comprehension which has enormous control on events beyond our sight.

I hope you understand that "God" doesn't only have ONE meaning. It doesn't necessarily imply something that controls/watches us at all times. It may imply a consciousness capable of doing things way beyond the capabilities of human beings.

I dont believe, for instance that there is a force watching over me, but i believe that it is possible that the universe was created with a purpose, and by something which knew what it was creating.

I also believe its possible that the universe is a side effect of a much greater event which we cannot perceive.

>> No.2261995

Although the Judeo-Christian God is illogical, it's hard to make an assertion that God does not exist, yet we cannot say God does exist, and that is why I am skeptical about the existence of God.

Watch Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins. Dawkins states one cannot scientifically state that God does not exist (or something of that nature).

>> No.2261996
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i think it's time 4chons acquired an new category like /ath/ or /rel/...OOOoo : /GOD/ : SUCCESS

seriously though, 2/5 topics are about god and religion...
where the hell is math

>> No.2262002
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Well then.

>> No.2262006
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>> No.2262012
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Souldn't you be out enjoying your final days?

>> No.2262042

Not really, this is where it's at.

>> No.2262052

As long as people believe there is a God, he exists, for God is an idea that is prevalent amongst many people. Of course, it isn't physically real.

With this in mind, Unicorns, Cthulu, and Santa are real too. Anything you imagine is real, because as long as someone thinks of it, the idea is alive.

>> No.2262061

No one is debating the existence of the IDEA of God, so stop trying to sound like you have an answer to the question at hand by switching out the question.